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Vampira Heart

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Everything posted by Vampira Heart

  1. Bleh I deleted it sorry for making anyone uncomfortable it wasn’t meant to be dirty or gross it was just supposed to be a cute drawing idk
  2. Hello everyone sorry I keep disappearing I’ve had a lot of terrible things happen to me recently and I’ve been preoccupied 

    1. Totally Nyx

      Totally Nyx

      Hiya Vampira! Don't worry about being away, real life should always come first. I hope things start going better for you soon though. :kindness:

    2. Vampira Heart

      Vampira Heart

      @Totally Nyx thank you I hope so too :3

    3. EpicEnergy


      I hope things get better for you! :kindness:

  3. Sorry I popped in suddenly with my crap, how is everyone ❤️

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. EpicEnergy


      I'm doing great today, I hope you are as well! :fluttershy:

    3. Vampira Heart

      Vampira Heart

      Hello my friends I’m glad I was missed ❤️

    4. Vampira Heart

      Vampira Heart

      I missed all of you 

  4. Hey everyone I know this is just desperate but I’m just trying so hard not to do something bad and everyone is alsleep so I have no where to turn 


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Snow


      Oh dear... Not really much I can suggest than just staying out of the road, if violence is a factor I strongly advice you notify the police. 

    3. Vampira Heart

      Vampira Heart

      He just screams at people but he won’t physically hurt anyone, I’m just sick of this 

    4. Vampira Heart

      Vampira Heart

      I’m Better now I’m going to see someone to help tomorrow and I went to talk with my mom 

  5. If you want to keep in better touch with me add me on my discord 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Meson Bolt

      Meson Bolt

      I'll keep in touch. So much that you'll want a restraining order. :P

    3. SolarFlare13


      Oooh :O you have a discord? :catface:

      Also, do you have a copy of your profile pic? I lost it when my ol' laptop broke :derp:

    4. Vampira Heart

      Vampira Heart

      I don’t I lost it too 

  6. Art in progress vampy274CB9DB-2088-41F6-9656-4FA912198178.thumb.jpeg.28272146d42f9a0a3dfabf8164c69b66.jpeg

    1. Kronos the Revenant

      Kronos the Revenant

      Hey, old friend. Long time no see

    2. Vampira Heart
    3. SolarFlare13


      yaay!!! :laugh: cuddly pink bat pone has returned :catface:

  7. *stretches wings and climbs out of bed* 

    awww what a glorious night ~w~ 

    *yawns and flies out of cave*

    hello my friends I have returned from my sleep 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Widdershins


      You are a hoard of bats all huddled in a convincing pony costume?! A collective bat-mind?!

      ...bats are those mouse things, right?

    3. Catpone Cerberus

      Catpone Cerberus

      Hello (\ =^._.^= ∫

    4. Vampira Heart

      Vampira Heart

      *flies away sneakily* hehe >w>

  8. -walks out of darkness breathing heavily- 

    -falls to knees dropping my sword at my side while I let my head hang-  

    finally my battle has finished but it is not long before another begins so here I am for a short while before I have to leave again <3


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Widdershins



       I don't know how that has anything to do with anything, but I'm taking full credit for this.

    3. Catpone Cerberus

      Catpone Cerberus

      :mlp_yay: Welcome back, I hope you enjoy the short while you have :)

    4. Vampira Heart
  9. BACK! Just got off work :) 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Widdershins


      Oh? You gotta job now too? Was starting to think that the job market was pretty bare these days. Like, everywhere!

    3. CheeryFox



    4. SolarFlare13


      Speaking of jobs, my parents are forcing me to go and get one :dry: ...but then again, I could really use the money. I spent A TON of it on diecasts :derp:

  10. Doesn’t anyone wanna PM :

    1. Catpone Cerberus

      Catpone Cerberus

      I'm always open for new RPs, I just don't have any new ideas :twi:

    2. Vampira Heart

      Vampira Heart

      Yeeeeess PM me and we shall discuss O3O

    3. SolarFlare13


      I DO!!! OWO I've just been busy helping my dad :( 

  11. Here’s a picture of me rn lol sorry if I look dumb
  12. I was just looking back to my old old art and I liked how the further I scrolled the worst and worst they got cause I progressed so much :) 

    heres a timeline from oldest to newestB6CF8BE4-424A-47B4-85E4-1CBB2D6EE0EF.thumb.jpeg.a3705b1bda96a7154f0139e12ccd1e06.jpeg87A70A40-EBB3-4FCC-9243-6940D6827525.thumb.jpeg.6073458d5be264cfd8143748ea09446e.jpeg91BC8AE7-437A-4B0E-A8AB-5AD2647DBD17.thumb.png.8053d4223b92705aad2ff3e63ef16357.png713EFB40-7F65-474E-90E8-FA8421D72F64.thumb.jpeg.806a13e4799f3810e92c2a1380957911.jpegBB654540-7217-4F17-AA49-1E2A141D1E03.thumb.png.d05bb7a53c8b231d047c4d7f998a4267.png

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Widdershins


      And I wish I was half again as capable as thou, Dearest Solly! What with the digital arts or whatever you kids is using these days!

       Actually, between the two of you, what do you art with? All  I got is pencils & notebook paper.

    3. Vampira Heart

      Vampira Heart

      3 years later I’m seeing these I was using Adobe art on my phone :3 

    4. Widdershins


      That can be on the phone?!!!

       I’ve missed ya Heartie!

  13. I really want to RP so if anyone wants to RP and has ideas for an RP we can start PM me! 030

  14. *opens door to my profile and looks around*

    *cough cough* oh kinda dusty in here! 

    *sets suit case down*

    hello everyone sorry I was gone for months I needed a long break to deal with some personal stuff! i missed you all!!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Vampira Heart

      Vampira Heart

      I’ve been good, yes yes >w> how’s my little mischief bun??? 030

    3. Widdershins


      WellGood enough! Only one-twelfth rabbit, but that is a significant one-twelfth!

       (Can't tell if I like the new Shocked reaction more then Sweetie Belle!)

    4. Vampira Heart

      Vampira Heart


      heehee O3O well what ever part rabbit you are I love it 

  15. Hey everybody I’m back for a bit :) how are you doing? 030


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Kronos the Revenant

      Kronos the Revenant

      Vampy, long time no see. How have you been?

    3. Vampira Heart

      Vampira Heart


      good to see you too!

      @Pvt. Cerberus

      Im good too :) 


      yes you can there’s an edit sign in the bottom right corner ;) 

      @Meson Bolt

      Hey! Yeah it’s been a while :P 

      @kronos the revenant 

      Hey! :)  ive been alright! 

    4. SolarFlare13


      I'm doing good ^^ how are you? O3O :catface:

  16. IMG_5997.thumb.PNG.eb9870bc460004394d72ef96446e090e.PNGMy hamster peed on me and now I'm mad at him. We were sitting in my rocking chair and watching a movie while he slept on my lap and I pet his back but then he got up and took a big piss all over my warmest sweater!! Now I'm cold... >_> 


    1. The Mint Pone

      The Mint Pone

      Ah i love hamsters! I had the honor of babysitting my brothers hamster a while a go and that thing did its business everywhere :eww:

    2. SolarFlare13


      Aww :kindness: so CUTE!!! :catface:

  17. Hey. How is everyone?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Vampira Heart

      Vampira Heart

      Sounds like a fun evening, I hope your day is swell : ) 

      im glad your doing fine, I'm ok. : )

    3. Johnny1226


      I'm doing good thanks 

    4. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Thank you Vampira. I just had the pizza and it was really good. ^-^ Might spend the rest of the day chillaxing. 

  18. So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodnight!! 

    Good bye and goodnight to you all

    1. Totally Nyx

      Totally Nyx

      Goodnight Vampira! Take care. :)

    2. Johnny1226


      Good night vampira 

  19. Hello

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Vampira Heart
    3. Widdershins



       You said hello, I said goodbye. I don't know why I said goodbye when you said hello.

         Hello, Hello? I don't know why you said hello when I said goodbye!

    4. Catpone Cerberus
  20. I feel so alone...nobody cares about me anymore. I'm a living ghost in this world and no one even would give me the time of day to make my day just alittle happier...I went to a dance last night, I felt dead like a ghost, no one stopped for me or even noticed me, they'd shove me aside and push me over to get to where they want and when I asked to dance they'd laugh at me and say no like if I were ugly and useless to them, so I went home my heart crushed and my soul vanishing before me...I don't know what to do anymore..I'm just sad and depressed and I can't take it anymore, I'm so sick of being alone in this world! No one is there for me! No one has ever been there for me it's  been just me and my self, I have no one real, no one to touch or give me a hug or anything....I'm alone...and I don't know what to do anymore.....I'm sorry, I won't do anything I'm just upset and I need to hang out here for a little while so I don't feel so alone....

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Widdershins


      ...Uhm... I've said alot of things.    ...

       I still remember that little vampire duck comic strip you sketched out. That was pretty amazing, inspiring and fun!

      ...Wasn't it to you? 

       Others may help to what extents they can, but it's up to you to allow yourself to see. Make your own paths. I've certainly been there. Asking questions have kind of always helped me. That's how worry starts, you know? But I think we sometimes get lost and start asking the wrong questions or forget to look for answers. 

       Think I've said that before. That sometimes it's been my indecision, the very thing that kind of got me there, that's also pulled me away from... doing anything drastic. Causing yourself more pain would hardly stop the pain, right...?

       ...you, uh, alright?

    3. That Guy with the CMB

      That Guy with the CMB

      So glad you're better. :D

      I'm also here for you. ouo'

    4. Vampira Heart

      Vampira Heart


      thank you duckie I definitely will! OwO


      yeah it was me :) thank you so much, your words have always helped me out in a way, you have lots of good things to say to me, words you’ve said help me think better so thank you, I missed you a ton

      yeah..I’m alright i think, for now at least 

      @That Guy with the Fries

      Thank you >u<

  21. Hello! How Is everyone's? 

    I thought I'd stop in to see how your all doing! :D 

    1. Johnny1226


      I'm doing good thanks vampira 

    2. Vampira Heart
    3. Totally Nyx

      Totally Nyx

      Heya! :D How's the non-forum life treating you?

  22. Back from work! ^w^

    Had lots of fun!! I also had work yesterday but I was too tired to message or update anything ~w~

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Vampira Heart

      Vampira Heart

      I did some funny mistakes XD

      i blew up a milkshake, made a giant mountain of icecream on a float, and made a cone look like the leaning tower of Pisa 


      It took me a few tries to get the ice cream machine right O3O

    3. Widdershins


      You're working at an ice cream shop? Kinda reminds me of my day at the candy shop!

    4. Vampira Heart

      Vampira Heart

      Kinda, I work at a restaurant called A&W, I also make other things like burgers and chili dogs but I worked a lot with Icecream today and it didn't go well at first  XD

      What did you have to do at a candy shop? OwO

      *steals lollipop* @w@

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