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Status Replies posted by -Octavia-

  1. beep

    1. -Octavia-


      Sounds like your built-in ISTP bullshit detector kicking in. I love the thing, personally. Allows me to take a flimsy argument and tear it to shreds.


      Any thought on what you want to do that isn't related to counseling people?

    2. (See 40 other replies to this status update)

  2. beep

    1. -Octavia-


      Good god...you deserve all of the Internet for that last sentence.


      And true, the tests depend a lot on mood. Usually I only score two things: INTP if I'm depressed, ISTP for everything else.

    2. (See 40 other replies to this status update)

  3. beep

    1. -Octavia-


      Then allow me to welcome you to the world of badasses, as we are so endearingly known among the other types.


      You should tell life to solve its own problems.

    2. (See 40 other replies to this status update)

  4. beep

    1. -Octavia-


      'Tis fine, 'tis fine. Over the years I've just come to use the old standbys "I'm fine" or "Tired". Like the article suggests, I really don't know how to word my current state.


      What about you? Having fun in the game of life?

    2. (See 40 other replies to this status update)

  5. *pokes with a big claw*

  6. *pokes with a big claw*

  7. Hi there Wubtavia! Nice to meet you

  8. Hi there Wubtavia! Nice to meet you

  9. Welcome to the forums! :DD

  10. I just took NyQuil...in the middle of the day. This can't end badly at all XD

  11. I just took NyQuil...in the middle of the day. This can't end badly at all XD

  12. Oh, hey, you're that one guy from Battlelog, years ago

  13. Oh, hey, you're that one guy from Battlelog, years ago

    1. -Octavia-


      Where even is it? I swear I must be blind....

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  14. Oh, hey, you're that one guy from Battlelog, years ago

    1. -Octavia-


      Kek, save your apologies; I have no interest in religion in any form. I myself tolerate the beliefs of others as long as they are not attempting to shove it down people's throats. Live and let live.


      I should prolly wander over to the debate forum, though.

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  15. Oh, hey, you're that one guy from Battlelog, years ago

    1. -Octavia-


      Ye, I got that vibe as well. Lots of free brohooves though. Usually I try avoiding the welcoming section on any forum, preferring instead to just jump into the action. Dunno why I felt the need to change that. Meh. Where do you usually frequent?

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

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