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About Lucario14

  • Birthday June 14

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  1. DJ-Pon 3 is best background pony Lol emoticons become question marks. Hmm
  2. True. Twilight's ability to reach out to characters goes under the radar. She's greatly surpassed Celestia in this regard. If Starlight had been fighting Celestia then she would have been banished to another dimension.
  3. It's hard to not have too much Twilight when there are 6 main characters. Maybe if there were 3 or 2 main characters then Twilight wouldn't get that much screen time? Who knows maybe in season 6, Twilight will get less time because of Starlight and those two will share screen time much like how Twilight and Sunset share screen time in EG. I think it depends on whether the writers feel Twilight has learnt everything regarding friendship she needs to know and whether she should succeed Celestia and spread her friendship across Equestria.
  4. Compared to all other ponies, yes. She is still far behind Celestia, Luna and Discord but she def has potential. I would say combat she is tied with Twilight. This is alicorn Twilight too who didn't have to expend magic to fly. So if Starlight gains wings then I'm prepared to say she will beat Twilight in a one-on-one fight. But if Twilight trains in combat then it could go either way. It all depends on willpower really.
  5. Yea I was trying to guess who the writer might be and at first I thought M.A Larson but Josh Haber likes to incorporate adventure in his works so I thought maybe it was him but why would they give him such an important job. I was glad I was wrong when i saw his name on the credits because he did such an amazing job. Friendship games was really good too but not as good as Rainbow rocks. I saw in a panel he said he only viewed 5 episodes of mlp before he began writing but even so he's got the interaction between characters down to a T. I hope he does more episodes.
  6. Twilight-Fluttershy Rarity-Applejack Rainbow-Pinkie But Pinkie likes everyone including Applejack and Rarity has a close bond with Fluttershy and Rainbow does a friendly competitive relationship with Applejack. I think the better question is which of the mane 6 gets along the least with the other.
  7. I think it's been great. The season premier wasn't as good as the 1st or 2nd season's but better than the 3rd and 4th. The map plot isn't as good as the keys to the box in season 4 so far. Overall I would place it either in 3rd or 4th place behind season 4 and 2 and ahead of season 3 Individual episodes I thought were amazing. The crusaders of the lost arc, the mane attraction and brotherhooves social were stand out. The griffonstone, amending fences, magical sheep and rarity investigates were really good too. Musically I thought it was the best season so far. Definitely making it very memorable. Depending on how the season finale turns out will set make or break the season.
  8. I think there might be more to it otherwise why didn't Trouble Shoe's cutie mark glow when he realized his true self. I think it might be doing what one was destined to do with the best of their ability.
  9. I can't decide which episode was better, this or Brotherhooves Social. Either way both get 10/10 and Lena Hall was absolutely incredible. The Magic Inside is my favourite song in season 5...sorry Diamond Tiara XD
  10. I think only chaos based magic is capable of messing with physics and dark magic can make the crystal empire vanish. Yes she still has a way to go before she reaches sombra's or discord's level.
  11. It was an alright episode. It was predictable but cute at the same time. Better than last week that's for sure. Is no one going to comment on how Twilight froze 2 armies? She is seriously OP.
  12. A royal Canterlot Wedding part 1 and 2, which was years ago when it was airing weekly. I didn't become a fan until this year though.
  13. 1. Twilight 2. Sunset 3. Celestia 4. Luna 5. Adagio 6. Rainbow 7. Fluttershy 8. Applejack/Rarity/Pinkie
  14. Well they were controlled before and and treated Twilight like crap when in their "grey" state. Isn't Twilight allowed to have a little doubt about her friends when it comes to Discord?
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