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Posts posted by Kit

  1. I just got out of another relationship. 

    I'm pretty much sexually active. For some reason, relationships (exclusive) just bore me. Yeah, I'm pansexual. I like everything. But I'm quite convinced I'm something of an aromantic. I still am very sexually attracted to both sexes, but for some odd reason, mostly just physical.

  2. Good question, actually.

    I vaguely remember one of my English teachers being a skosh bit illiterate.

    Then I remember my Math teacher; wasn't very good at his job--we were jumping around and finishing units too quickly. Maybe it was because he was in his early twenties, and wasn't that experienced on the field.

    And one of my friends had this Chemistry teacher; sort of the 'annoyed easily' type. I recall her telling me he would never put forth the effort into helping her nor the other students; most teachers teach entirely way too fast for certain students; classes are usually way large (especially in high school), and teachers never quite grasp that for particular students have certain learning speeds. Me for instance, I can process things much faster than most, write an essay over the topic, and manage to get a B or higher (please note, I'm not at all, by any means, trying to brag), but if it were any form of math, my brain would be over processed, and, as a result, I would fail on a test that may be simple to some extent to my other peers. 

    :sunny:  Plus, they assign entirely way too much homework, and expect other students to process it as fast as the others who can actually solve the problems. then there's the No Child Left Behind thing, (here in America) and children aren't really learning anything. :(  Nor, do teachers really put in the effort to help students; kids have been told almost their entire school careers grades don't matter, (remember, NCLB) and once they get into high school (here in America) they haven't learned anything. Teachers are typically under-paid as well.


    *shrug* Really also depends on what country or region; one country could not take education seriously, and the other one could rank it as top priority. Having a high-school diploma isn't enough anymore. Plus our school support-systems are absolute shit.

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