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My Little Pony

  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race

Stellar's Achievements


Muffin (2/23)


Brohooves Received

  1. Stellar walked out onto the street. She saw a gray unicorn sitting down outside a nearby cafe with a friend. Excuse me, but do you know where the hospital is? I think i sprained my wing.. She guestured to her wing. I just arrived here, I'm coming to see a freind, and i got a bit lost.
  2. Stellar swooped over the skyscrapers of Manehatten. She hovered in midair for a second and consulted her directions. Realizing she had been going the wrong way she turned around and nearly flew into a building. (A few minutes later) What happened... She stood up and looked around the dark, damp alley that she had fallen into. I flew into a building. Typical. She stood up and checked herself over.
  3. Just thought I'd post about my new character. She's called Stellar, and she's a Unicorn/batpony (unicorn with bat wings and fangs). She's not a very powerful unicorn (about the same level as Trixie, maybe a bit above). Her CM is a ring of blue fire, and she travels around alot. She's just arrived in Ponyville.
  4. Hi! I'm taking Nightmare out of this RP. Instead I'm going to have her friend/ally Stellar.
  5. Nightmare was about to attack but a small device attached to her hoof bleeped. She looked down at it. "Ah buck! Guess I'll have to come back later. This one's urgent". With that she seemed to melt back into the shadows, leaving no trace behind. Miles away, in Canterlot a shadowed pony waited.
  6. I got a picture. Her name is Stellar, her cutie mark's a blue fire ring.
  7. Can you do this? The Cutie marks a blue flaming ring
  8. Can you do my oc's? It's a golden rimmed mirror.
  9. Okay Name: Stellar Coat: White Mane: Light blue tipped with yellow CM: A gold rimmed mirror Her CM is for teleporting, and she likes to read.
  10. A white unicorn with a yellow mane glanced down the ally. She saw what was happening and smiled. What a better way to announce her precedes in Manehatten than this. She checked to make sure no pony was watching, before engulfing herself in green flame. When the flames cleared, the unicorn was gone. In her place stood a masked hero. Her outfit was similar to Mare Do Well's but the body was black and her cloak was a dark blue. Instead of a 'M' on her cloak ther was a silver 'N'. She stepped into the ally and announced herself . "Before you ask I am not Mare Do Well. I am Nightmare."
  11. Can you do my oc Stellar. (Alicorn, black, dark blue mane, as tall as cadance, Galaxy cutie mark) Would you mind a complicated request?
  12. I don't have a picture. Can you do my OC anyway?
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