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Everything posted by arftbmrf

  1. I'd like to point out to one thing you miss. Troubleshoes is happy to be a clown, sure. And he can become a famous artist. But Starlight is happy too, to be a reality-warping omnipotent being. And she can become a sole ruler of Equestria just by wanting it. That's the catch. She's happy to have omnipotence, too.
  2. Have you ever wondered how unfair the whole concept of cutie marks is? I mean, okay, it's a special talent, and so on... but just why? Starlight has got nigh-omnipotence, Twilight is an amazing mage that can make to appear anything she wants... I don't know, Rainbow Dash is a super powered flyer. And what about poor Troubleshoes? He's a clown. His destiny is self-humiliation. Or how about an offician pony? His special talent is to serve food. Compare it to Starlight's nigh-omnipotence. Sounds really fair, right? You can argue, that ponies are happy with their talents. It's true, but -- the ponies who've got a long end of a stick are happy with their talents, too. And on top of that, they have amazing powers. What is better? Be a happy clown, or be a happy almighty pony? I think the answer is clear. You can argue, that real life works similiar. It's true, but again -- a common janitor can open a business, or go to a free college (Europe, Brazil, etc) and become someone more succesfully. While a pony cannot. They are doomed to have their talents for the rest of their lives. It works fine for Starlight, because she's nigh-omnipotent, but what about Troubleshoes? He's doomed to be a clown, who humiliates himself for living, and no matter what he does -- he will remain a clown. That sounds like a horror movies, to be honest. I already made my mind about this thing, but now I want to hear the others. Any thoughts?
  3. Correct me if I'm mistaken, but the show and the forum are different things, are they not?
  4. Ponies from 3,5/3 Generations. And by lack flaws, you mean not brainwashing ponies and not trying to destroy the world, like Starlight did? Or you mean not throwing innocent ponies into a jail, like a sheriff did, in "Appleoosa's Most Wanted"? Or not making your friend cry, like Pinkie did in "Filli Vanilli"? Or not ruining the whole reception, like the mane 6 did in "Best Night Ever"? Or not throwing ponies back, like Bon Bon did in "Putting your hoof down"? Or not turning the lives of ponies into living hell, like Babs Seed did, in "One bad apple"? Or not sabotaging and exploding the whole factory, like Rainbow Dash did, in "Tanks for the memories"? Or not brainwashing the whole town, like Twilight did in "Lesson Zero"? Or not nearly killing five ponies, like Lightning Dust did, in "Wonderbolts Academy"? Or not being bigoted racists, like Twilight and Rarity, when they called mules stubborn (Applebucking Season) and ugly (A Dog and a Pony show) respectively? ("A Dog and Pony Show" has Rarity's reaction to being called a mule: She screams that mules are ugly and breaks down into tears. However, later on mules are shown to be a sentient "race" just like ponies.) Or not being a speciest, like Trenderhoof? (There are several instances (Particularly in Sweet and Elite and Simple Ways, of unicorns looking down on or at the very least condescending to earth ponies, particularly Trenderhoof's seemingly innocuous line about having "respect for the work ethic of earth ponies".) I can go on further, but you've got the idea. Look at the RL reaction at racism. And in the show nobody cares about racism whatsoever, which makes ponies even bigger jerks than people. Here are examples from TV tropes, with racism that nobody cares about: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/FantasticRacism/WesternAnimation Scrolls down to My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic section. So, being a bigoted racist is not being a jerk or what?
  5. It just means that the writers have no idea what they are doing and can't get their job right. It's called incompetence, when you can't make good characters without them acting like jerks, or being flawed. But since Hasbro doesn't care about the show's quality, as long as it generates profit, I don't think something will change.
  6. I hate them because they are jerks.
  7. Why would they look up at humans, then? There ain't no worse example. Instead, they could've made likable characters without them being jerks. Is the only way to make a likable character is to make him a bastard? Is that all what writers can do?
  8. Hi everyone. I'm sure everyone noticed that ponies from G4 became really mean and overall horrible, compared to their counterpants from the previous generation. I mean, they are greedy, violent, lying, cheating bastards, who will do anything, no matter how low it is, to achieve their evil goals. And I'm not just talking about villains, I'm talking about all ponies, even so-called 'heroes'. It hurts to watch. Why are they such jerks, how do you think?
  9. I doubt that there are talented economists, politics, scientists and other required people to create a nation. Plus, if you'll even try to ask for a piece of land from UN... well, I don't think you'd like the outcome. And that little unclaimed part of Antarctide is too cold. So, maybe buy an island? Got any spare million-another?
  10. Since they stopped caring about the lore even before they started, I guess nothing could be done. Nobody asks them the "Lord of the Ring" level elaboration of lore, but at least "Harry Potter" would be nice. Or "Mass Effect". So far, I can't even tell that MLP has any lore whatsoever. It's my opinion.
  11. I've had experience with hundreds of people. Too many to be just a coincidence, don't you think? What I deserve and don't deserve is nobody's business. And if you can only respond with violence, we've got nothing to discuss. I do not generalize. I analyze what happened to me for several years, and the outcome is clear: "Friendship doesn't exist". I apologise if it wasn't clear from the beginning.
  12. I can assure you that all your so-called friendships are temporary and short living. Within a year, at most, it'll end, and you will be wondering, just like I did, in my due time: "How could I be so stupid to believe in friendship?" I'm not just speculating, I'm speaking from my rather rich experience. I think it worhs something, isn't it?
  13. Thanks for advices. And yeah, I'm planning to start on deviantart, for sure. Thank you. I always treat very seriously anything I do, that will be judged by the others, like stories, for example. I don't know how much time it's gonna take to draw even a single page, but I will contact you as soon as I'm done.
  14. Well, thanks for an offer, but you also tell me when I'll become annoying, please. Ok? And I don't really care about style. The easiest will work just fine.
  15. Hi everyone. I want to finally do something useful and tell stories in a web comics form. Starting with black-and-white simple drawings and one-frame-strips, maybe. So, I'm asking for advices. I barely can draw, but I'm willing to learn and practice. Is practice enough to make at least decent drawings? Of course, I don't mean anything too detailed and realistic. Just simple black-and-white design, maybe like in some animes. If so, what guides should I start with? Plust, there's also a problem with tools. I have a scanner, so I can hand-draw, then scan and put the text in some program. Or it's better to make a digital painting from the starts? I don't have any drawing tools, and don't see any point in buying then: why spend money if I can't be sure whenether I will be able to draw, or not. Well, that's about all. I will really appreciate any advice.
  16. But what about that song, from EG shorts? That friendship carries through the ages and remains the same? Was it all a lie, then? Or what about mane 6's friendship that never ends no moteer what challenges they face? This is a lie, too, then? Actually, there were both good and bad times, and everything was great, so this test you're talking about was passed. Then what's the point, anyway? If a friend will betray you after years of friendship and hurt you that way, what's the point of making friends in the first way? If you're not a masochist, you wouldn't enjoy pain from every time when friendship ends, or every betrayal. Why even make friends, if they will inevitable betray you? I don't understand. To all: if such things happen, then maybe there's a better option, than walking around the minefield? (as in, making friends) Maybe it's better to create your own world, with friendship that lasts forever, nobody betrays anyone and everything is great? Yes, it'll be illusion, but if the world is such a cruel place, what's so wrong with that?
  17. It's a fair point, about understanding who you call friends, yes. But how can you tell, if you're friends with some persons for months and even years (my experience) and there weren't anything, but love, understanding, trust and other stuff like this? How many years should you be close with another person to define them as a friend? Or is there any indicator of how to detect a 'not-friend', even if months and years of trust, sharing, understanding, etc. still lead to betrayal? (my experience, again)
  18. I hear all of you, but let me ask -- if friendship exists, do friends betray each other? If they do, why you need such friends in the first place? If they don't, then you'd just prove my point about non-existant friendship, because all people I was in contact with betrayed me one way or another.
  19. Well, after another round of thining and analysing (I do it often) I came to one conclusion I want to discuss. That conclusion states, that friendship doesn't exist. Yeah, it's that simple. The concept of friendship is wrong and misleading from the very beginning. Just an illusion, like many others. And I'm speaking from rich experience, from my side. Never had friends, so far (as in, people who can be considered as friends) and the only person I talk to is... complicated, to say the least. To the point of me dreading every message. So, what's your thoughts? Maybe someone would like to share an opinion, or even a story? I'd like to hear it.
  20. As you might've heard, El Dorado is a mythical country, full of gold and treasure. So, I wonder, if this country and friendship have more in common than it generally accepted? The country promises a lot of treasure and gold, and friendship promises a lot of happiness and wonderful things. Neither of them were discovered. I mean, really. It's a myth. And with friendship, I can speak from experience. Friends are just as possible for me, as finding El Dorado in my neighborhood. The only person I talk to... well, it's not polite to tell bad things about someone you know behind their back, so I'll just be silent. But I hope you've got the hint. So, what are your thoughts? Are friendship and El Dorado similiar in the ways I mentioned?
  21. I have an earth pony OC in roleplay that can destroy and create universes just by wanting it. Does it make earth ponies in general omnipotent? No. Another OC, a pegasus, can turn galaxies into cupcakes and eat them. Does it make all pegasi like this? No. In general -- does roleplay affect the show? No. If roleplay doesn't follow the show's canon, it has nothing to do with 'real' (withning MLP setting) ponies. I'm talking about the show alone, in this thread.
  22. Pinkie Pie already proved that she has just as much, if not more reality-warping power, than Twilight. Just saying.
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