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Everything posted by RyaN_

  1. RyaN_

    Rarity Fan Club

    Is it just me or I found Rainbow Rarity super pretty? It's just me
  2. Hey Ray, haven't seen you for awhile =)

  3. I apologize in advance for anyone who enjoys the LA videos, my opinion might be harsh and degrading, but nonetheless still reflects my honest thoughts. Until now, I've never actually watched it, rather I AVOID having to...but when I did (just now), I totally agree with Kyoshi; It's not even in good effort: No background, no script, no similarities, and above all, no personality or acting; The actors just seem like girls from comic con, with not a single one reflecting the pony/ human charcter they represent. The whole time I was unable to locate which pony was which. Bad acting and terrible all around. Hasbro needs to step their advertising game up if they ever want their merchandise to be bought. Yeah, it got weird REALLY FAST...and I mean the BAD kind of weird
  4. Baby Fluffy is freakin' adores!! But those wings guys..., dang..
  5. It's sad how people make fun of suicidal threats =(

  6. RyaN_

    Entry 9

    Yeah, but the fact that they were able to relate "colorful ponies" with "gates of hell" is ridiculous
  7. RyaN_

    Entry 9

    Now you'v gotta be kidding me..
  8. My, what an adorable avatar you have =)

    1. AlphaPegasister


      Thanks, yours as well!

    2. RyaN_
    3. SynBassilicious Pony

      SynBassilicious Pony

      I'm guessing that means the full image is adorable too. ;3

  9. Pegasus, cause nothing's better than levitating and chilling on clouds. (Who needs walking?) Also, just a bro-tip: the title of this post might seem offensive (even racist) to some, why not change it to "Which Species Would you Rather Become?" =)
  10. For anyone who is new to the show, I feel any episode from S1-S3 to be watched firsthand is a MUST; S4 could be watched in between; S5 must be watched afterhand. This way, they can velve deeper and understand the pony world, rather than viewing it as random filler episodes; It's Appleloosa's Most Wanted =)
  11. I'd have to say the scene with the sea serpent from the first episode https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJ7d49xbLR0 The music is just so beautiful; And the serpent complaining was kinda funny.
  12. Another shameless selfie, Cause I'm such a narcissist XD Kidding, this is just an update
  13. Thy avatar...who is thou divine goddess? XO

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RyaN_


      I must say, the ponytail confused me there

    3. 碇 シンジン
    4. RyaN_


      Hot. T-tthat's the word. Hot. XD

  14. So true Now you can come to realise who your friends really are =)
  15. You should try watching one or perhaps, two; They're not as bad as most people think they are Pretty sure the EG stomp is fanon; Still a nice song though
  16. Wow 3 weeks and Wooo.. 500 Notifications! You guys are awesome. Hey guys!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. RyaN_


      Thanks, I'd say the same about your awesomeness but I believe you are 20% cooler than me.

    3. Kenshiro
    4. ThatsAPaddlin


      Welcome back Ryan cx!

  17. Hi guys, I'm leaving the forums for a while now, gotta sort out some mess in my life; *hugs*

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Shadow Dash DJ Rod

      Shadow Dash DJ Rod

      aww that sux. hope everything works out *hugs*

    3. Kenshiro


      We are looking forward to see you as soon as possible =)=)=)

    4. Starflite527


      Good luck, we will miss you!

  18. Hahaha...Of course, Of course! I TOTALLY knew that....
  19. *Tense music starts playing* I....uh....I don't know.....WHy DIDN't I KNOW?? *Sweatily looks around*
  20. Happy Birthday!! Hope you're having a wonderful super-delightful special day! X)

  21. Happy Birthday! How are ya? =))

  22. Happy Birthday! ^_^

  23. Happy Birthday!! =D How's it going?

  24. Happy Birthday! Cheers for ya ;D Make a WISH!

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