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One-Punch Man

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Everything posted by One-Punch Man

  1. After spending countless nights on Bronysquare and realizing how everyone on that site was either a tool, overly meme-ish, or annoying, I deleted my account there, searched Google for a nicer place to post ponies, and found the MLP forums. Bronysquare literally the worst place to post ponies...also, some of the people there hate mlp...which is confusing.
  2. That subplot should totally be used in the next movie. That has such awesome potential!! D: I hope the subplot comes back in EQG4.
  3. Just listen to that soft melody. It is all too beautiful.
  4. Sunset Shimmer; her story is one of forgiveness, growth, and acceptance. Sunset was an enemy flat out in the first Equestria Girls, but now has become a full on main character in the series; her stories are the most compelling, in my opinion. Sunset is broken, and constantly seeking acceptance knowing what she did was wrong, and struggling to move on with herself after making a huge mistake, something we all probably have done, and sometimes struggle with. Letting things go, and moving out of that darkness that consumes her really makes Sunset seem relatable; and in friendship games, when she openly yells at Sci-Twi, it is obvious that she still has a bit of her mean girl brashness to her. She is a pretty awesome character.
  5. This is one of my personal favorite groups on Youtube for their different variety of dubsteps and stuff. c:
  6. Magic, to me, in the Equestrian Universe works like this; if you have evil intentions with the magic you posses, the outcome will be to turn you evil. If you have good intentions with the magic you posses, your magic will work with good intentions in mind. That would explain why Sunset, when faced with Sci-Twi in friendship games spontaneously became her good half alicorn princess; the magic she gained when tossing Sci-Twi's magical location instrument on the ground was enough to completely change her and give her the ability to take on the evil before her. There are also other factors to work in, like how much magic can change you, and all that. I believe Sunset and Sci-Twi were hit with enough for both of them to become the half alicorn beasts they were in Friendship Games.
  7. John Dimaggio (voice of Jake the dog and Bender the robot) could totally pull of a voice for MLP. Or Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Pony. xD I don't really know many VA's to be honest.
  8. I feel like they should; it would lead to some excellent character development as each character can literally see their own strengths and weaknesses before them, and can lead to some great comedy. I am surprised the EQ Girls Writers haven't even touched on a concept like that yet.
  9. Awful. I could use some coffee,and a bunch of hugs haha.
  10. This week has been really aggravating to navigate through.

  11. Best- Bit of a controversial opinion here, but I really love the Wiiu game pad. My fingers are long, so the buttons on the back are not difficult for me to reach. All the buttons just work for me. Worst- The Nintendo 64 controller....The analog stick CUT into my thumbs all the time, not to mention it was placed in a really awkward position.
  12. I really love JeremyCamp; awesome band.
  13. I really hope that Goosebumps movie is good.

  14. I would probably use myself now to tell my older self to keep pushing myself to become better, and never forget where I have started. I would literally self-motivate myself. xD I'd probably even smack myself in the face a few times. Cause that would be fun.
  15. That was rad!! xDD I am gonna listen to a few more by Different Heaven,and see how they sound. I am digging them after listening to Pentakill. x)
  16. One of my favorite dubstep artists is "OMFG". Their name is a bit weird, but they have some catchy tunes. They make me think of really catchy cartoon opening themes, or something. Here are two examples of their music, warning though...it is really weird.
  17. When I was about, 7, I stole a sticky hand from a gas station and I freaked out about it so much, I ran inside and returned it. xD
  18. Alicorn Sunny Bun must happen! She deserves it.
  19. I just got back into Animal Crossing New Leaf, and just realized how to scan QR codes into the game. xD I have made Trixie's Jacket and Twilight's shirt and skirt from Equestria Girls.
  20. My music taste is really weird, but I like it that way.
  21. These are now a necessity. xD I really want Rarity, Fluttershy, and Applejack! x)
  22. I use to openly make fun of people for being bronies, or for having anything to do with MLP. I used to tell my friend Gabriela how much I liked her, but because of how I said it she took every time I told her as a joke. She is now in a committed relationship and we have drifted apart...I was too afraid to tell her I was serious. I used to make fun of my friend Tommy for being overweight, and everyone is school did too. People began spreading rumors about him, and no matter how many times he stuck out his neck for me, and helped me out with different things including my faith and family, I always went back to making fun of him. He dropped out of the high school his senior year due to the awful things everyone was saying about him, and has since given up his faith in Jesus. ...I was a pretty awful person back then.
  23. I'll tell you how I feel about school, Jerry; it's a waste of time. Bunch of people runnin' around bumpin' into each other, got a guy up front says, "2+2" and the people in the back say "4". Then the bell rings and they give you a carton of milk and a piece of paper that says you can go take a dump or somethin'. I mean, it's not a place for smart people, Jerry. I know that is not a popular opinion, but that's my two cents on the issue.
  24. Alcohol, weed, Steven Universe, South Park, Derpy, and Rainbow Dash.xD
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