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Posts posted by prfan93

  1. EVE Online.


    "The hard part for us avant-garde post-modern artists is deciding whether or not to embrace commercialism. Do we allow our work to be hyped and exploited by a market that's simply hungry for the next new thing? Do we participate in a system that turns high art into low art so it's better suited for mass consumption?

    Of course, when an artist goes commercial, he makes a mockery of his status as an outsider and free thinker. He buys into the crass and shallow values art should transcend. He trades the integrity of his art for riches and fame.

    ...Oh, what the heck. I'll do it."

  2. Set in an imaginary world, the Earth Land, there exists a Mage Guild called "Fairy Tail." Fairy Tail is stationed in the town Magnolia, residing in the Kingdom of Fiore, and is currently governed by Makarov, Guild's master.


    The individuals who reside in these guilds are referred to as "wizards". Their powers vary from elemental to abstract. (i.e, fire, ice, transformation, telepathy).


    Fairy Tail is not the only guild, however. Many guilds exist and each one is introduced throughout the series along with their members.


    The series goes by story arcs. Here is a summary of all of the arcs in order:



    Thank you so much! There are a few shows I can recommend to you, if you'd like.

  3. ...judging from the '#1 anime man' signature, Naruto?


    "You gotta stay upbeat, upbeat, upbeat!" "Or else you'll be dead meat, dead meat, dead meat!"


    Kid Icarus: Uprising. Nailed it.

  4. No. I've heard it's terrible, so I might as well avoid it like the plague :P


    ...It's terrible, but in the "so bad, it's good" sense.


    Are you excited for Fallout 4?

  5. Never watched it  :lie:


    I like a lot of foods I could consider my favorite, but for now I'm going to go with good ol' hamburgers. Best drink would easily be Dr. Pepper. Pretty bland answer, but yeah.


    ...Have you ever been to a showing of The Room?

  6. because why not


    I felt like making a thread to answer questions and stuff so here it is.


    i can't think of anything else to say so ask away!1


    What's your opinion on Power Rangers?

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