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Posts posted by Everfree

  1. Hey everyone here's  an oc I've been working on a while. His name is Somnium. I've almost got a coherent story for him, but some critique would help a lot.







    Here's a basic summary of his story. Somnium was formed by the collective subconscious within the realm of dreams. Not knowing who he was or what is his purpose was, Somnium ventured through the realm of dreams until he stumbled into the dreams of a small boy.  Out of curiosity, he interacted with the small boy and the two began to bond over a period of time. Somnium eventually learned that the young boy was sick and dying in a hospital. Somnium did not know what dying meant so he asked the boy. The boy then explain the concept of death to Somnium.  The boy told Somnium that he did not to die.   The boy told Somnium he wanted to live.  It then became Somnium's purpose to put a stop to death, not just for the boy but for the whole world.  The way he will do this, is that he will put the whole world into an endless dream.  In this dream Somnium will have the ability to manipulate the passage of time between the dreamworld and reality.  For example, if only a mere second passes within the real world, Somnium can manipulate that one single second to be the equivalent of an eternity within the dreamworld.  This will allow anyone inside the dream to become virtually immortal.  Before Somnium can do any of this however, he will first need to consume a large amount of magic. More specifically alicorn magic. But before he can do that he has to "borrow" Tirek's power to absorb magic.  To do this, he will visit Tirek in a dream and trick him into handing over his power by offering an escape from his prison. Once he has successfully obtained tirek's power, Somnium will grow 2 odd purple things attached on golden poles on his back. He will use these as a means to absorb magic.   


    as for personality goes, think of Chrona form soul eater but having a bigger backbone and minus being completely socially awkward.

    Basically, he's vary curious but submissive in his tone and mannerisms.  Also, Somnium will lie... a lot to get to his goal.  


    And his powers are the ability to:

    put people to sleep

    enter the dreams of others

    lock people people into their dreams

    alter the flow of time between the dreamworld and reality

    absorb magic




    So, again, any thoughts or critiques will hel me a lot. :)



  2. Hello everyone. Today I finally drew Discord's last family member Despair. Despair is the one sibling that shares the strongest bond with Discord by far. Discord offered Despair to assist him with conquering equestria, but declined the offer stating, "I can't abandon my realm of despair, Discord, same goes for you. If you abandon your realm of chaos, it'll eventually disappear along with yourself. Don't you know that?" Discord replied, "Of course I know that! Do you think I'm stupid or something? I'm just tired of this! I'm tired of overseeing the chaos of this world! I want to cause some for once! It's so painfully boring here... I'd rather cause my own chaos just for once in my life even if it did mean I would disappear!" Despair thought of what he could do, Than he came up with an idea. "Discord, if you truly wish to go through with this, I can watch over both of our realms for a while. But I can probably only keep it up for 1000 years or so... If your not back by then I'm leaving your realm to disappear... Have fun with your freedom while you can..."





    Here's the rest of the family


    Discord's sister Desire

    Discord's sister Decay

    Discord's brother Destiny

    Discord's sister Death

    • Brohoof 2
  3. post-3581-0-93350000-1418606339_thumb.jpg



    Hey guys what's up :) it's been a while since I've posted on here but decided to post an OC I came up with. Her name is Word Salad, an earth pony with schizophrenia. She's actually a very kind pony at heart, but sometimes her delusions get the best of her. At time she'll have horrible hallucinations, the worst being when she thinks they are insects crawling on her or when voices tell her to jump off things, or she will stand completely still like a statue for hours on end. These have been major struggles in her life but, it seem the more she opens up and interacts with other ponies, the less these problems occur.

    • Brohoof 2
  4. Hey everyone. So today I drew Discord's sister Death... Yeah... she's not as scary as you thought. Her job is to lead ponies who have died to the afterlife. She is kind, considerate, and tries to comfort those she leads to the afterlife even though most ponies are terrified of her.






    • Brohoof 4
  5. Hey there! :) Do you mind if try and draw Desire for me. I know she's not a pony so let me know if that's a problem. Other wise, her coloration is the following: her eyes are red, her upper part of her body is light pink, while the circle designs that run along her body, including the one on her forehead, is a darker pink. Her under belly is yellow and the gender symbols around her neck and at the end of her tail are both silver.

    You don't have to draw Chasity, but if you're up for it, the one on the right is red and the one on the left is blue; the chain is silver and the key is golden.

    Well, just let me know if you have any questions :D



  6. why didn't you made some description ? I am interested about her.

    I guess I just didn't think of it at the time. :P anyways Decay has the ability to make things age until they compleatly rot away. She has a personal vendetta against the alicorns because they will not naturally rot like everything else in the world.

  7. Hello. So today I drew Discord's sister Desire.  She is very cold and very cunning.  She has the ability to manipulate others hearts. She can make anyone fall in love with her, regardless of sex or race.  Her minion, know as Chasity, protects a key that unlocks any lock.  Desire could of released Discord with this key, but she decided not to. She stated "That little twerp Discord deserves this! We tried to warn him that his plan would fail, but he simply wouldn't listen. Besides, I for one enjoy to see Discord in such a pathetic state. It suites him quite well."



    • Brohoof 1
  8. Hello! Today I drew Destiny in continuation of Discord's family. Destiny is all-knowing of all future events and even foretold of Discord's defeat. When he warned Discord of his defeat he did not go into detail; he simply stated that if he were to try to conquer Eqestria, he would fail.  Discord replied " Oh please Destiny! I think you forget who you're talking to. That big old nasty eye of yours may be able to predict regular ponies future, but do you honestly think anything would be able to predict ME?" Destiny did not reply to his statement.



    • Brohoof 5
  9. Hey guys! How's it going? So today I came up with an idea for Discord's family:  Creatures that begin with the letter "D"; Decay, Despair, Desire, Death, and Destiny. So yeah, I might draw more of them. :D




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