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Aleksander Drako

Blank Flank
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Everything posted by Aleksander Drako

  1. Nothing new, life goes on. If I must be honest I started to feel a lonely and bored. I hope for changes, even when I might be so good with fulfilling them.

    If anybody read it. Have a nice day! ;)

  2. I must say that my activity here is less or more close to nothing. :unsure:

    But if someone want to catch me active you can find me at Furcadia at the same name almost everyday. Or you can just send me a message if you prefere. I react to them. Until that day, have a nice day darling! :squee:

  3. Today I got friendzoned by love of my life. And now, my weird dream where I had synthetic heart wherei one of the blood supply lines was damaged and then I drowned in my own blood becouse of this, have some sense.
    (Sorry for my english)

    1. Moony the Cat

      Moony the Cat

      Im sorry for you. I hope you can get over it at some point and i hope your nightmares go away.

    2. Aleksander Drako

      Aleksander Drako

      Thanks you darling! I already feel better now.

      Good day (or night) to you!

  4. I see that the site has undergone a metamorphosis. If you ask me it's looks quite good.

    I don't get why they change Friends to Followers. Is that wasn't the main point of this site based on cartoon "My Little Ponny Friendship is magic". I thought that friend suits especially to this site.

    Well, anyway. Good day to all of you! :squee:

  5. I meet to new person on the internet last time. And there both have a emotional problems. Lucky me, now I feel like russian roulette croupier...

    1. Moony the Cat

      Moony the Cat

      You just seem to be unlucky. You will find a friend, who is not depressed, just give it time.Maybe.

    2. Aleksander Drako

      Aleksander Drako

      Well I already found you, that a good start in my opinion.

    3. Moony the Cat

      Moony the Cat

      Well except that i am sometimes depressed too. XD

  6. I have last time some problems with work of this site. I don't know is it only me or not.

  7. Greetings and welcome to the forum! I hope that you will enjoy here and stay for the while You can find here every kind of pony here, like for example me. Pony who like to talk with other, but its not that good with english grammar. (it's not my native language) Once again I wish you have well and pleasantly spent time here.
  8. It seems like I should try to do something on this forum, but I don't think that I can do it.

    1. Moony the Cat

      Moony the Cat

      Im not even a Brony anymore and i managed to write over 1000 Posts, its not that hard.^^

  9. Greetings! Nice to meet you!

    1. Aleksander Drako

      Aleksander Drako

      Can I know who you are?

    2. Tarnation


      Sure. I am a teen pegasister who sometimes has some humour, can be a teensy bit tomboyish, and I am well, technically your average person, and I hate sleep, surprisingly.

      Is that what you mean?

    3. Aleksander Drako

      Aleksander Drako

      Indeed, thanks for your answer. Good night to you! :)

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