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Posts posted by NeonCobalt

  1. Honestly, ratings these days are pretty much useless. A good example I can think of is Star Wars: The Force Awakens, which is the only film in the main series other than Revenge of the Sith (which actually had pretty good reason to be PG-13) to get PG-13, and yet it's pretty much just as tame as all of the ones that got PG. The MPAA just doesn't know what they're doing anymore, so it could go either way.

  2. I mean, if they actually expressed interest in watching it, I'd tell them to watch the Season 2 premiere, as I stand by that it's the best introduction episode for the show.


    I would knock them out and kidnap them and force them to watch MLP FIM until they FRIGGIN LIKED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ....That works too.... :P
  3. I definitely agree.


    Also, I've never understood the idea that Sunset had the better redemption. While I'll give Rainbow Rocks credit for "rescuing" this, her initial redemption scene was terrible. It comes across like a parody of an MLP redemption. One second she's literally a demon, then she's blasted with a rainbow, then suddenly she does a complete 180.


    I'm not going to stand here and pretend that Starlight's redemption scene was the pinnacle of television writing, because it isn't. But at the very least, they showed her being taken aback by what she had done (even though she was trying to hide it), they gave her a motivation (whether you thought it was a believable one is irrelevant), showed Twilight having sympathy for her, then had Twilight gradually talk her out of destroying the scroll and accepting her friendship. All of this takes about 1/3 of the 2nd part of the finale, which is certainly more screentime than Sunset's redemption was given in EQG1.

    • Brohoof 2
  4. I think it's wrong because the comics have already dealt with Sombra, and even turned him good. Regardless of the whole "are comics canon" debate, Hasbro approving of this storyline would mean that the show isn't planning on using him.

    Agreed. Even if the comics aren't canon, I don't think the show staff will so overtly contradict them. For example, in the Season 6 finale, they didn't say one way or another whether the events of the Season 2 finale were the last encounter the characters had with Crysalis. Because of that, if you personally consider the comics canon, there's really nothing contradicting her role in the comics.

  5. As someone who does most of my gaming on PC (outside of playing on Wii U and soon the Switch for Nintendo's exclusives), I've never really understood why some people feel the need to come up with a thousand reasons why it's "objectively" better. Most of them are a bunch of s**t, as you point out. For me, the only real reason I play mostly on PC is because I do most of my other stuff on there, so it's just more convenient for my particular situation.

  6. 1. Almost 2 years now.


    2. I'm pretty open minded, and after years of hearing about how many people enjoyed the show, I figured there had to be something to it. Turns out there was, and I've been here ever since.


    3. Wanting to interact with others who enjoy the show.


    4. Posting here and discussing the show with others.


    5. Starlight Glimmer

  7. I can't get hyped if my favorite pony isn't in the movie now this doesn't make any sense since the Mane 6 are not what they used to be, Rainbow and AJ are the only decent ones, Twilight and Pinkie are just shells of their old selves and are also unbearable and Fluttershy and Rarity never really had roles to begin with. If this came out somewhere in 2011 to 2013, it would make sense but this is 2017 and we have a new pony who had a major role in S6.

    As someone who also considers Starlight to be their favorite, I'd boil her lack of role in the film down to the fact that the film began production in 2015, and has been produced by a completely different creative team than the show, who may or may not be communicating much with the show staff. I mean, sure, I'd have liked her to have a role in the film, but I'm also not going to pretend like it's anyone's fault, nor am I going to let this ruin the film for me.

  8. -The return of Chrysalis, I think, is a given. There's no way she'd swear revenge only for the writers not to follow up on it. I dunno if it'll be in the premiere or the finale, but she'll be back.

    -If Chrysalis isn't in the premiere, I'd kind of like to see a new villain. The show hasn't gotten a NEW villain since the Season 5 premiere, so it'd be nice to see one.

    -I'm personally hoping to see Starlight interact with the rest of the Mane 6 more, not just in her own episodes, but in episodes that aren't centered around her.

    -I imagine there'll be some more map episodes this season.

    -I'd like to see a few more CMC episodes this next season, and have at least one of them not be focused on trying to help somepony with a cutie mark problem. After all, before their cutie marks, there were CMC episodes that weren't centered on their quests to get them.

    -I'd like to see a new "Luna helps another character confront problems by entering their dreams" episode. Dunno who it would focus on, though.

    • Brohoof 2
  9. As someone who considers himself a pretty big Starlight fan, I dunno that I want to see this happen. Because, I'll be the first to admit, she very much plays the role of a Sunset Shimmer equivalent on the main show, so it would be kinda out of place, I think. I would be okay if they had her as one of the many background characters, though, perhaps interacting with Trixie, since they're such good friends in FiM.

    • Brohoof 1
  10. The show will end when it is no longer profitable for Hasbro, end of story.


    In terms of if it SHOULD end after the movie, I'd say no. I've never really understood why some people want Hasbro to come out with this huge movie, which by all accounts seems like it will, among other things, have a huge amount of world building, then immediately end the show so they can't take advantage of said world building.

    • Brohoof 1
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