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Raven Rawne

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Everything posted by Raven Rawne

  1. The crystal mare was in her office when her communicator did a little dance on the desk. She looked away from her screen and picked it up. "Hmm, a meeting?" She glanced at her work - shift rosters and the like - "Actually, why not." After all, the ensign was tasked with piloting this ship, so it made sense she had some questions. Hay Crystal too had some, but there was nopony to ask them to. Save the ship constructors themselves... She tapped a reply: Ensign Misty Flight, If you have a moment, I'm in my office. Otherwise, just catch me when you do. Lt. Cdr. Crystal Ckear The mare put down the communicator and got some tea from a nearby replicator. So convenient she didn't have to put her hooves off the desk to reach it - whoever made this ship was a genius. She took a sip as she glanced at the wall of screens. So far so good, now that they fixed the thruster bank, and the doctor cleaned up the mess in that holodeck. Such a refreshing experience, having greens all around. Her previous vessels were so old that orange was considered good enough. Crystal resumed her boring administrative duties - just two more hours till she's off the hook.
  2. @@Nightmare Season Spoils of countless raids. Just as she thought. The notion that the previous owners of the items she wore may have died horribly was just what she needed... She turned her attention to the food, and her stomach agreed. It was different than up North, but tolerable enough. Still, she didn't like this culture Nightmare kept talking about. The mare paused her meal to interject. "Actually, you are. Heaets-dream is your mother - you came to be from her nightmares. And please, don't dismiss my previous experiences, you have no idea how it was. And I sure don't want to make a story of it." They ate in silence, and Nightmare moved away the leftovers to the carriage doors. He whispered to her as he came back, and she nodded. He explained done more customs and, much to Crystal's dismay, she was considered food and entertainment, just personal. The part about the pony's mind breaking made her check the dagger. It was her only way out, if it came to the worst. A slave's last line of hope, a feeling all too familiar... "I see..." She petted the dagger and looked at nothing in particular, saddened at the full extent of her situation. The carriage stopped, and she got worried by that until they were informed it was because of the stream that could replenish their water supply. Then another nightmare took the plates. Her friend explained his brother's motivations. She felt even more disgust towards him. The cheeky question got her riled up again. The mare exhaled deeply and said: "You're not asking this seriously are you? Silk or crystal choker, slavery is all the same. I hope you won't have an opportunity to see for yourself." The stallion offered a walk, and she agreed. "I need some things from my cart anyway, if it's not too much to ask..." She hopped out of the carriage right behind Nightmare. The dress seemed to be doing fine, it didn't fold or restrict movement. Although it was just not her style. Crystal Clear followed Nightmare around, always a step behind, to keep up the act. She noticed their entourage seemed to double. How are they going to flee now? She tapped the dagger to make sure it's still there. Bad habit, but she couldn't help it. They were still in the forest, although the road has been cleared by fire to let the wagons through. How they managed to get this far unnoticed was a mystery. They sat by the stream, still within sight of the guards, but hopefully away from their ears. Crystal sighed and stared at the water. She remembered the hot spring, and felt conflicted over whether she was in debt to the stallion, or this stunt was above and beyond what he did to her. Both arguments had valid grounds. She said, more to herself than him. "I don't want to die like this. Far from home, surrounded by monsters..." Unless Nightmare had a plan, this was the most logical outcome
  3. @@Nightmare Season She waited for a cue to move out, tapping her hoof on the stone floor. The nightmares seemed to be multiplying like bugs, and they pulled up two wagons nearby. Crystal decided to take a closer look - both had four wheels, and were rather spacious for cargo wagons... Maybe they were carriages? The bigger one seemed like it, with a roof and clearly defined windows. It was also very richly decorated, as if somepony made a wager how much gold and gems they can use on it. Still, their designs were alien and unfamiliar. One of the nightmares - she couldn't recognise them yet, aside from her friend that is - came towards them and informed the stallion that he will ride in the big carriage. Of course, he didn't even look at the mare do the invitation seemed to apply only for him. She gritted her teeth a bit. Nightmare hailed one of the mooks and ordered him to pull the crystal cart, since the mare will ride with him. Crystal let go of her belongings reluctantly, but she had no choice but to do as she was told. She felt like she would turn snow white after a week of this act... the red mare climbed inside the carriage after her "master", and took on the sight. The inside was, if it were possible, even more elaborate than the outside. Gold, gems, and what myst've been red silk. It was just a guess, she never touched actual silk, but all that splendour that would fit the Royal Sisters. She never saw anything so expensive in her life, and that alone gave her pause. Even if it wasn't her taste one bit - you can take a crystal pony out of the Empire, buy not the way around. Nightmare also seemed to be amazed, although he just had to comment on her "being his"... Crystal made sure the doors were locked and gave him a cold stare. "A golden cage? Riiiiight my hindlegs are trembling with excitement at the mere thought." She wasn't sure if he was actually into it or just tried to act the part with reluctance. He gave her a dress, a headpiece and a dagger. Sure, they were all very beautiful, but now she had to take off her armour too. She sat in her new getup like on needles. Although all that gold sure looked good with her coat, even if it needed a brushing. A knock to the door made her jump and reach for the dagger - bad habit. She let go of it as the pony outside asked for permission to enter. Nightmare was right, they did expect him to sleep under a layer of mares - bunch of idiots, she thought. Nightmare gave the order to tailor the mare's dress, and it made her uneasy. The mare that came to perform the task had a knack to it, sure, but even she treated her more like an object than a pony. Crystal Clear breathed in relief when she was left alone, and noticed that the dress did feel nice now that it was the proper size. She reckoned it wouldn't be some huge misstep if she laid down on a large pillow, away from the door in the front corner. The creature comforts eased her mind a bit. Her burning anger dissipated for the most part, and she slowly settled with the thought that she's somewhat safe for now. Still, she missed her stuff. Wildfire came without knocking - his attitude worried her, he seemed to be sad from being robbed of the opportunity to bring Nightmare Season tied up and beaten. They talked and her friend ordered a meal for the mare. Then, he laid down next to the awfully silent mare and whispered if she's okay. She sighed and laid her head on her cannons. "I'll live, I guess... I just hate the way they treat me - like an object, or your spoil maybe. But as long as they stay away and don't bother me, I should be fine." She looked up at the carriage. "They stole all that, right? In your honour? Wildfire seems unhappy that you accepted the offer though. Better watch out." A knock to the door - the food has arrived. Crystal eyed the contents if a ridiculously richly decorated plate and asked her companion quietly when they were alone again. "What's that? Seems I need a quick lecture on that culture of yours, especially the part that concerns me..." The carriage gently shook as it started rolling - they were headed towards an unknown fate. Crystal just hoped they would find a way to escape and discourage any pursuits.
  4. @@Nightmare Season, Crystal was waiting for a sign to try and fight for their freedom, or die trying. Instead, the stallion tried to parlay. But what did he mean by "Mine by right"? Only one way to find out - shut up and listen. Their assailants murmured between each other, and they lowered their blades away from her throat. That was a start. Nightmare approached her and explained at least part of his scheme into her ear, and she nodded. Still, once they are safe, she will have a talk with him about this nonesense. The other stallion questioned the merit of his claim, and Crystal decided to look for an improvised weapon. She saw a promising looking plank nearby and took some comfort in the prospect of using it to it's full potential. The part about a duel was... a bit excessive maybe, but the mare wasn't sure whether he was hkeeping his act, wanting to even the field by charring on of them legally, or actually get some retribution for disturbing the mare. Probably all three. She still stayed silent and just watched, but seeing Nightmare agree to the proposition to settle some petty score made her angry again. Why not take down these mooks and make a run for it? They did a yeti together, after all. He gestured at her to follow a bit away from the group as they got ready to move out. Crystal was about to snap at him but barely held on, since it would mess whatever plan he had to get them out of this mess. She clenched her teeth and listened to what he had to say. The mare needed a moment to process what she just heard. So she was supposed to act like his... wife? But a slave too? What kind of messed up culture is that? She gave him a long, stern look, but decided that he probably wouldn't use this arrangement to his advantage, although it was hard to tell if there won't be any tests to prove his claim. She decided that, if they leave her here to "gather her belongings", she'll just get lost in the forest and die anyway, or they come back for her and the whole plan will go buck itself. Which means... "*sigh* I'll go. But if one of those clowns just as much as comes near me, they'll choke with my axe. Better tell them that. And don't go overboard with this master thing, alright? My patience is limited and, as you might've guessed, I'd rather die a free mare than live a slave. Now if you allow me, I have a bedroll to pack and a cart to pull from under the branches." She corrected her armour on her back and went to get her bedding, keepin an eye on the other stallions, who seemed to be trying to intimidate her with their fierce looks. She gave them a cold stare and went about with her business. Soon they were all back at the courtyard, Crystal with her cart, standing next to Nightmare with a bitchy expression. She didn't get enough sleep, didn't have anything to eat after waking up, she was treated like an object by the other stallions, and was just plain fed up with lack of real choice in the matter. She always thought red suited her temper.
  5. @@Orange Sparks, She shrugged. "You tell me, I didn't look outside yet. Just rambling that's all." Crys noticed that Clare opted for a full armour set herself, and followed suit. She moved around in her new gear, and nodded with approval. "Now that's way better than the old one. I was so preccupied with protection I nearly ordered inch thick plates... Now that I know how things work in a real fight, I decided to lighten the load a bit." The red mare followed outside the room, and also noticed the appetising smell. "I sure wouldn't mind a glass of water. Or several for that matter. A light breakfast wouldn't hurt too." They went downstairs and were greeted by the innkeeper's wife. They asked for something to eat, and Crystal mentioned a large amount of fresh water, which made the older mare smirk slightly. Once seated by a nearby table, Crystal looked around. The inn was empty, again. Not a hint of troops stationing in the village. She scratched her head. "Have we overslept or something? And where's Shade?"
  6. @@Orange Sparks, Crystal stirred from her sleep, woken by sounds of Clare talking, and movement on the bed. All in all, she felt rather okay, considering the amount of booze that disappeared in mysterious circumstances last evening. Still, she was very thirsty. "Uhh, not so loud 'kay?" She tossed and turned for a bit, then decided it's actually time to get up. The mare looked outside to check if her eyes hurt - just a little, a good sign. "Remember fillies, fish likes to swim..." She mused to herself as she recalled the old trick to eat fatty fish along with the drink. Seems it saved her again. Crystal noticed Clarissa penning a letter as the red mare got dressed and fixed the mess on her head into a proper manestyle. This time she opted for the padded clothes she wore under her armour - they would set off to day anyway, so why bother with changing clothes. She stood by the mirror and inspected her face to make sure she didn't look like she had a night of heavy drinking behind her. "So, seems we are nearly ready to move out then, right? I sure hope those ships arrived and there's somepony waiting downstairs to take their orders. I sure want to start doing something, not just sit on my plot... You're getting ready, or is the view so great you decided to buy the inn?"
  7. Welp, seems like my newest RP idea is not exactly a huge success. Somehow I underestimated the fact that players want to be the heroes, doing heroic stuff, rather than regular ponies hanging out.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. SnooOOOoOoOoOow


      if there are tank museums i'm in :L

    3. SnooOOOoOoOoOow


      nah XD i'm the worst to RP with, i take ages to reply and am not very imaginative X'D

    4. Raven Rawne
  8. @@Nightmare Season, "The sand land from your memories? Something tells me I won't like it there, but... okay. Let's clean up my dream first, then I'll start complaining about the heat and sand." It just so happenned that she hated both. No wonder that she was on the Manehattan beach only once. Well, twice - first and last. They somehow managed to navigate the forest so that the cart wouldn't slow them down that much. It was getting slightly darker under the thick canopy when the mare saw ruins of looked like a castle. Nightmare led her inside, and they hid the cart. She took a bite to eat, and her bedroll from it, and followed towards old bedrooms. She ate her quisk supper and went to sleep - the sooner they get that mark off the better. He stood beside her nearly just as soon as the dream started. They were in a large garden, but many plants were blurry or didn't make sense. Pretty normal for a dream of somepony who never saw a proper garden until recently. Crystal nodded at Nightmare's explanation and went off looking for, well, something. It took a lot of time before she noticed something off on one of the trees - it had a scorch mark, but the others didn't. There was no reason for it to be here, no fire nearby. She called the stallion and showeh nim the mark. "Here, you think this is it?" The mare breathed out in relief that it was, indeed, it. Nightmare left her dream as soon as the task was done, but Crystal wasn't in the mood for having fun in the dream world. She sat on a bench and pondered on their situation. A rude kick stirred her awake. That made her angry from the start. Crystal opened one eye, expecting to see her companion but instead, she saw two blades aimed at her throat. She looked around and noticed that they were ambushed in her sleep by a pack of nightmares. The blades poked her skin for emphasis as she tried to move. That made her even more angry, but she said nothing. Just glared. Nightmare introduced the leader of this pack, and she spat out - "Spare me the pleasantries, okay? What am I supposed to do, shake his hoof? Kinda hard with these at my throat." She felt a mixture of anger, fear, and stubborn defiance. They lost, pure and simple. Now they will drag Nightmare Season back to the sand pit and torment him until he breaks and joins their cause, and she? At best, they'll kill her here and now. This was a good option, actually. The alternative, and far more probable, scenario was that Crystal would end up as a slave and extra leverage to ensure Nightmare's loyalty. She observed her adversaries, and with each passing moment, fear was being replaced by strange calmness. There were only two options for her - fight or die. Probably both, considering the circumstances. She looked at Nightmare and slowly shook her head, hoping he'll understand that for a crystal pony, surrender is not an option.
  9. @@Nightmare Season Her heart stopped for quite a moment as the implications sunk in. She touched her temple with a slightly shaking hoof. "You mean, it's in my head?" So not only did a nightmare pony break into her house, despite locked doors and windows, saw her - and Evening Song, sleeping, AND left a mark in her mind? That was just too much. Even Brutus couldn't break Crystal's train of thought. The dream was bait. And she fell for it without a hunt if doubt. Now because of her stupidity, Nightmare was in danger. She felt awfully guilty. The mare woke up from her stupor only once the stallion called to her. She blinked and refocused on the present, and packed the compact cart with her stuff and some more supplies for Nightmare. They nearly loaded it to capacity. Crystal strapped herself to the cart and checked if she can reach the axe fast enough. Satisfied with her test, she followed the stallion, after saying goodbye to the minotaur. One last glance on the tiny bit of paradise made her sigh heavily. Once Nightmare spoke, she shook her head. "I tangled you in mine too, remember? And it nearly got us killed so, let's just focus on staying alive alright?" The mare pulled the cart over a big tree root with some effort. This place was just so not suited for wagons of any size and form... "Are there any other safe spots in the forest? It's your backyard after all." Another obstacle. "I could try and lay down now, cut the link faster. If you know a place where I won't get eaten in my sleep that is..." This forest made her nervous. It was so twisted, dark and untamed. Nothing like the forests in the rest of Equestria that she heard of. Every now and then, she saw something that turned out to be a weird leaf, or a shadow, but at first her imagination placed all kinds of monsters there. Only Nightmare seemed unmoved by his surroundings, apparently used to all those sights and sounds. "So where are we going?" Crystal wished to know if they even had a destination.
  10. @@Nightmare Season, "Well buck, I haven't seen any magic shops when I passed through Ponyville, so I can't fetch you a new deck. Why I haven't thought about getting one..." She sighed. "A false alarm then. Well, least I can do is help you with that harvest, and anything you need done around the, um, house." She ate the early dinner he provided as Nightmare told how he was doing after he came back South. At some point, her host stood up and announced he needs to check the perimeter. She nodded and finished her meal, then went over to her cart and went through her things, thinking if he could make use of something from it. The bush-entrance moved and she asked without looking up. "All clear out there?" No answer. She looked up and froze, seeing a massive minotaur. Well, she thought it was a minotaur, she only saw a sketch once. The bull came closer, apparently making a show to intimidate her before the real fight. Truth be told, it worked - she didn't move any closer to her axe until Nightmare blocked his path out of nowhere. Only then did she start thinking rationally and grab her weapon. Time to test that edge she shatpened for several hours... Crystal reared up and charged silently at the minotaur's back, but halfway through, the bull hugged Nightmare and they started behaving like... friends? She halted just a few metres away from plunging the axe deep into the minotaur's lower back, and observed the eschange, still ready to cut him a new one if needed. As Brutus let go of Nightmar and greeted her properly, she looked at him funny and lowered the axe. "Glad you two didn't keep that act any longer..." She ran a hoof on the cutting enge for emphasis. "Name's Crystal Clear, by the way." She hacehoofed loudly at the question of them being together, but said nothing. The part about warning perked her ears, but before she could ask anything, she found herself squeezed into nightmare's side by the minotaur. She replied weakly to the stallion "You don't... say..." Nezt, she found herself being pushed insode the cave/house, and she didn't like the way she was being handled. Or the bull's hand on her flank for that matter. She said dryly - "I'm taken, not by him. You done?!" The mare paled at the full extent of the news. Well, under her bright red coat at least. She followed Nightmare into his bedroom, and saw the scroll of the daymare. "W-what do you mean, explain? Oh buck." Her pupils nearly dissapared when she processed what happenned. "There was a Nightmare in my house, in my dream! It made me dream the nightmare and rush in to find you! B-but, how will they find me now? I-in the forest? They can't just burn it down and wait for you to come out of the inferno, right?" She traced circles, trying to look at herself from every angle, but she had no marks or nothing of the sort. "The cart!" She ran outside and emptied all the containers - it was her toolcart, with a large tray loaded from the back, then with rows of containers accessed from the sides and closed with hatches. Once it was empty, she breathed deeply and looke at the mess all around. "There's gotta be something that allows them to track me, right? Right?!"
  11. @@Nightmare Season The mare looked as if she was considering another slap, but stayed her hoof. There must be another explanation... She did feel angry though. Crystal Clear followed the cleared path and asked Nightnare: "So if it wasn't you, then who? Any clues? *snort* Of course you don't..." Her mood improved somewhat soon, and she told Nightmare how things have been for her this past month. For once, she wanted him to know it all turned out okay. Second, she knew he didn't like being talked to death. They walked for nearly an hour, and at some point her companion stopped and announced they reached hus home. She looked around. "I can't see any houses Nightmare, or caves even..." Crystal gave him a questioning look as he walked over to a bush and pulled it to the side, but understood when she saw what it hid. The mare followed inside, slightly jaw dropped. She let the stallion show her around, and unhooked herself from the cart when allowed the opportunity, and continued sightseeing until they saw it all. She nodded at the host. "Considering the circumstances, it's rather amazing actually. You're self sustainable and have enough living space too. I'm a bit curious about those apples too..." Crystal looked at the sky - it was nice to see it again. From the look of it, it was past noon or so. "So... back to the reason I'm here, any troubles in your little paradise? Some new monster maybe? Local ponies discovered you? Anything really?" She sure didn't want this trip to turn into a false alarm.
  12. Vermintide really relies on team communications, winging it without a word is just waiting for a disaster the moment you hit a Rat Ogre and a random Gutter Runner at once... I'm an achievement hoarder myself, so being unable to do some of them was also a tiny minus, but most of the time running Sewers on solo all the time just wasn't that much fun. Still, I was pretty decent with Witch Hunter, Dwarf and Soldier, less so with the Elf. Bright Wizard is just so not my style though.
  13. I bought it the moment it was out, and had some fun with it, but playing solo runs with NPC's gets repetitive and hard after a while. I haven't played with other players since the friends who said they'd buy it too never did, and I don't have that much faith in Humanity to play with randoms. Still, I could come back to it.
  14. @@Orange Sparks, Crystal joined the congregation with a tray laden with food, and a bottle of grain spirit undr her elbow. "You foals wanna drink on empty stomachs? Suit yourselves, I'm not in the mood for dying tomorrow." She sat next to Clare and put the bottle on the table. "Anypony game?" The inn was full till late hours, until everypony decided they really should hit the hay. During the conversations it came out that this was just a part of a larger unit, who simply was the closest to the Cove and made it on hoof. The rest would get a lift on the ships and dock nearby, since the tiny Cove was too shallow for those vessels to enter safely. By the knights rough estimates, everypony should be here before noon. Crystal stayed up till the end, and despite keeping up the steady drinking tempo, she wasn't completely drunk. More like, really tipsy. She retired to the room with her fiance and slept like a filly till she got woken up.
  15. @@Nightmare Season, The mare rearranged herself right behind the treeline - she donned the armour and kept the axe at the ready. He mentioned that some nasty things lived here... Crystal Clear saw a faint suggestion of a route and decided to follow it, since, quite frankly, she had no idea at which part of the forest Nightmare lived in. She went deeper in, and soon the trail disappeared. The are decided to go wherever she would be able to haul her cart without much problems. Hours passed and still nothing. Crystal couldn't see the sun through the thick canopy of trees, and it only increased her sense of unease. At some point, she realised she had no idea where she was, and more importantly, which way is the small town she left earlier today. That's when she geard movement from behind. "I've been looking for yuu forever..." - she said dryly as she pressed the release of her harness and turned around. Instead of the familliar face, she saw a Timberwolf. Then another one came from nowhere, and yet another. She was surrounded by eldritch beasts, with just an axe for defense. Crystal was in really deep trouble. The wolves closed in, one step at the time. Crystal readied her axe, since there was nowhere to run anyway. To her surprise, they stopped, exchanged looks and ran away. Something told her that they weren't suddenly scared of her, but something far worse was approaching... She looked around and saw the familliar fire. Nightmare asked her what she was doing in here, but the only reply he got was an attack hug from the mare. When she settled down a bit, she let go of his neck and gave him a long overdue slap, and a stare. Truth be told, it felt good to give him a piece of her mind. "Yeah, sorry. First you leave without goodbye, because letters tucked in somepony's saddlebag hardly count as one, and now you give me dreams about your incoming sudden and violent death. What the hay Nightmare? I left everything and came all the way here as fast as I could, so you better have some explanation. And a safe place to rest, those hoofboots are killing me." She came back to her cart and hooked herself to it, after refastening the axe to it. "So, which way?"
  16. @@Nightmare Season, Crystal was soaking up as Nightmare read the letters, and most importantly, the scroll. At some point she noticed he sighed with dissapointment. "What's wrong, huh?" She swam to the edge of the pol near him as the stallion laid out his reason for sadness. She rested on her crossed forelegs on the pool edge and slightly pedalled her hind legs, keeping most of herself underwater. "yea, and so are you. That alicorn told me so, and she seeems to be well informed. She said the daymare from the scroll was born that way, somethng called an albino - he had no color on him from day one. What's important is the ability to feed on the bad parts of the dream, instead of all of it at once. And correct me if I'm wrong, you did it several times already." She smiled at the nuzzle. "Heh, I knew you'd like that part. Seems they want us to brave the last leg on our own, yeah. we'll notify the authorities and I'll get back to my quiet life. Hopefully." Somehow she didn't want the news about her involvement to be published. He never liked heroic types, and didn't want to be counted amongst them. The ponies had a quiet night's sleep, and Nightmare fed off Crystal's dreams again. The trio - crystal, Nightmare and ever reluctant Evening, marched to the Empire. They reached the Barrier just before sunset, and both mares felt so hapy and relieved by feeling grass under their hooves, that they crystallised and laughed happily for several minutes. Oblivious to the obvious fact that Nightmare wasn't exactly welcome here, Crystal waved a hoof at her companions and trotted towards the buildings. "Come on, let's get to my, well, our, house. I want to take off those worn clothes!" They were stopped at the first crosroads by a guard patrol, who asked about the nightmare pony. "Crystal gave them a funny look. "What do you mean? He's right... behind me? Where did he go now? Must've left when we crossed the barrier, without a word..." That made her sad. The mare was awfully busy with answering questions of the Guard, signing her testimonies and other boring, but important things she never thought would result from her journey. Two days have passed without her even unpacking her things. Only when she did, she discovered a letter from her fiery friend. The mare decided to keep it, along with the unaesthetical suit of armour he made her, and the maul she used to... well, save her friends. That's how she chose to rationalise it to herself. It seemed that after a week or so, life began to settle into a normal course for the mares. Crystal showed Evening around, explained things that changed. The ivory mare spent a lot of time in the library, reading on modern laws, so she could open her own business in Crystal's small office. Thankfully she didn't end up in the news as some silly heroic figure. only occasionally, inmoments of quiet contemplation, she found herself thinking of the nightmare pony, who disappeard without proper goodbye. Over a month have passed since she last saw him, then Crystal Clear had a powerful nightmare. She dreamed that Nightmare was in great danger, running for his life amidst strange, dark trees of an evil forest. She woke with a start and knew she needed to go South, and fast. Three days later, a small eternity, Crystal Clear was standing on Ponytille train station, hooking up a small 2 wheel cart, os couede made of crystal, to her harness, and setting off towards the strange forest. This time she was better prepared - she had her glow-crystal, a compact bedroll, a pair of sturdy hoofboots, some food, a fire starter kit, compass and a map, even if the Everfree Forest was mostly a white area on it, her armour and a newly made axe (packed in the cart), and most importantly, confidence that she'd find him and help. The mare trotted through the town, noticing a few landmarks, like the distinctively kitsch castle that ignorants called "crystal", and took a route into the forest, thankfully unmolested by locals. She hated the "are you a crystal pony?" questions. Crysatl Clear stopped by the treeline, took a deep breath and said to herself. "He would've done the same for me. Hay, he already did way more." Then she entered the forest.
  17. I guess I just have to figure out what works and what doesn't in our case. I'm into visuals so I guessed imposition, however bad, was a good way to start. Anyway, gotta keep testing different approaches till something clicks. I'm positive about the final outcome, however, and won't quit now that I started. Oh and by the way, the part when you said about the mindvoice somegow reminded me of this: https://youtu.be/nAuy_DnZRUI?t=126 (if stuff doesn't work, as intended, skip to 2:06) Since, you know, most of the population would send us to a psychiatrist and all. Still, I find it hilarious.
  18. @@Orange Sparks, Crystal shrugged at Shade's remark. "Ehh, guess you're right. Let's get something to eat then." She got up and followed Clare inside. The red mare was pleasanty surprised by the appearance of knights - they arrived way sooner than she expected, and it was obviously good news. Some faces and crests looked fammilliar too."Hmm, quite a crowd for this little inn. Something tells me they'll run out of food and drink within a week... Anyway, I'll get myself something stronger for a good night's sleep. And some fresh fish too, they should have today's catch already on the menu. What about you lot?" She took the other mares orders and went to the bar, where she waited for their orders, exchanging a few words with an occasional knight.
  19. @@Orange Sparks, Crystal sighed and nodded. "It's okay... I guess living in Raven Rock, without a single wizard within ballista range made me, dunno, magiphobic? And now, all of a sudden, I have to accept that everypony uses magic and it's a normal thing. I hope you see my point of view now? Things are acary when you don;t get them, I guess." She scratched her forehead and looked at her companions. "So... supper maybe? We'll spend the night here anyway... You need a room, Shade?"
  20. @@Nightmare Season, Crystal nodded."I wasn't so badly messed up when she fixed me. It took her thrice as longer and it must've been a real effort in your case..." She looked at the ivory mare - "Cheer up, he's on our side. Besides this dream eating is safe, like I told you." Evening Song wasn't sold on the idea. It took them three long days to reach the brewery. When they finally did, Crystal Clear was relieved - they managed to get through the worst part. Though some of the ponies were too weak to continue the march, and the group was considering their options on sort of a meeting. Crystal stayed with Evie at the meeting, holding the old box with Alicorn's gifts under hoof. She didn't take the bottle, it made her feel like a thief now when she met the ponies who lived here. Nightmare said he'll be at the hot spring. The ponies decided that, since some of their number are too weak to continue, the group will hole up in the brewery and send somepony to inform the Palace and send help. Somehow everypony was convinced that Crystal and her friend should be those ponies, and she agreed - for once, Nightmare didn't like to stay with the crowd, and they were on edge in his presence. Second, they were pretty good at braving the Frozen North, and thirdly, this option allowed Nightmare to avoid the crystal guards and any potential problems. Evening Song reluctantly agreed to accompany them. The red mare walked to the hot spring, box in hoof. She saw the stalion laying by the water, resting. "Sorry for the hold-up, we had a little meeting up there. Seems we're supposed to reach the Empire and inform the authorities, while the rest warms their hooves here. Some of the ponies can't walk any more, you see... I brought the box I told you about. You'll find the scroll, and two letters inside. Seems like she took the golden root in exchange for another letter." She laid the box in front of him and took off her clothes, then waded into the pool. "Oooohhhhh... I so need one in the basement... " She allowed herself a moment of relaxation as Nightmare inspected the contents of the box.
  21. @@Nightmare Season The red mare nodded. "I know the feeling... If you feel well enough, sure, I'll lend a dream. Least I can do really." She smiled as the stallion tried to roll over, then said solemnly. "I think you just might." The ponies had a meal, this time warmed by several fires they made from branches and nest materials. Crystal as usual kept close to her injured friend, and Evening Song reluctantly shared his company. She protested when Crystal fished out a root before going to sleep. "Are you insane? You're going to eat some strange... thing and let him parasite on you?!" Several ponies that laid closer turned to listen. The red mare shook her head. "Always the smartest... I ate those roots already, ,and he been feeding off my dreams for over a week now. It's safe, really. Just let me do my thing to out him back on his hooves. Heart knows we need his help to get back home safely." The other mare seemed unmoved. "Ughh... when did you get so stubborn? And reckless too! Fine, but don't expect me to take care for you if he does something to you." She walked to her bedroll and slid it away a couple steps, then laid to sleep without a word. Crystal sighed deeply and looked at Nightmare before laying down herself. She dreamt of the chamber where she found Nightmare and the King. The details were all wrong, and there was a like of black armoured bodies in the middle, crowned by the King himself. Her body count. Crystal Clear stared at it until she heard a scream and knew she was dreaming. The mare winced at the sight and looked for her friend. Somehow the cavern was connected to a generic looking cave room, and there he was, laying helplessly. Crystal lied down next to him. His comment made her smile humorlessly: "If I never fight again in my life, it will be too soon. I still feel the blood on me sometimes. I don't know how you manage..." They talked in her dream till it was time to wake up. Nightmare exited first, Crystal woke up soon after. She felt a hoof shaking her awake. "Are you alright?" Evie was waking her up violently. "Wzzwha? I'm fine, let me go okay?" She rubbed hee eyes open and sat, them looked at the black cloud - Nightmare was safely back on his bed. "H-he wasn't there when I woke up and then appeared in a puff of black smoke! I didn't know what was going on!" Evie was still at it. "He went physically into my dream, like he always does. No big deal... Thanks for caring though." She turned to the stallion - "How do you feel huh? Any improvement?"
  22. @@Nightmare Season Crystal exhaled with relief. "Uff... You'll have an opportunity to speak to her in the brewery, where I stashed the golden root." Evie shook her head and resumed eating. "If you say so." The red mare hopped out of the cloud. "It's yours alright. She somehow made you do it when you were unconcius. As for the Daymare, there's a full scroll waiting with the root. She said yours was incomplete. She also has her reasons in taking interested in you personally, but maybe it would be best if she told you herself... Well, seems we need to get moving soon. I'll make a round and come back to you, then we're off. " The crystal ponies reached the cave they wanted, but it took them longer than on the way in. That was bad, but they couldn't do anything about it really. The group was resting before they retired to sleep, and Crystal Clear again set her bed by Nightmare. She looked up from her bedding at the stallion. "How are you holding up there? Need a root? Maybe help you lay differently?" She sighed. "Next stop us the cave you lost your cards, if I recall correctly. But I have some doubts whether we manage to reach it in one day. Some ponies are just so weak..."
  23. @ I tend to narrate for the most part. Call her name to get her attention, ask if she's listening (and receive dead air), and then keep talking on whatever really, every time I remember to do so, and think of a topic. Truth be told, I often can't think of a good topic and get lost in my own thoughts soon after, but I try. Sometimes I think I get replies, since the mind voice is quieter and feels a bit different, but they're usually very short. I tried visual imposition to strengthen the feeling of outside presence but again, all I can do is put a mental dot where she is at a given time, sometimes try and see her during quiet moments. Most of the time my mental background consists of daydreams and music, and it seems she likes rock just as I do, so that's a plus.
  24. @@Nightmare Season, She looked at her silent companion with some concern, but then recalled her own "lay down and die" attitude when she was injured, and just whistled at the cloud to get it moving. She didn't know how it picked when to follow her and when not. The mare emerged from the cave and announced: "You guys ready? Then let's go, we have a long walk ahead of us." The group slowly moved out, Crystal at the fore, since she had a vague ides where to go. Just as Nightmare remarked, all they had to do was to follow their hoofsteps, until it snowed at least... Nightmare's cloud followed just a few steps behind the mare, and off to the side. She often glanced back if he was okay. Most of the time he seemed to be sleeping or looking around, but he also seemed... uneasy? Yeah, she observed that the presence of so many strange ponies didn't do well for his mental state. Especially when they came closer for some reason. Most were all too content with giving the pair some breathing space though. During one stop to rotate the ponu at the sleigh, the group decided to catch a longer break and eat something. Since they were on that featurless plain, there wasn't anything to produce fire from, so they ate cold preserves. Well, aside from Crystal and Evie who weren't scared to use the stallion's tail to heat something up. Nightmare spoke suddenly and some of the ponies who were closer perked their ears, as if ready to run. Crystal walked up to him and sat on the cloud. "Sure, but... like I said, you'll think I went bananas after that fight. Probably kick my flank if you could..." She scratched her chin, contemplating this option. "Whatever. So you remember how you got injured in my dream and it caused me to see more of your memories? Of course you do. Turns out, we had help from that point. Now I can't explain you the fine details of how and why, but... you remember that unicorn that gave you your cards? She saw me in your memory - I know, I know, it's not possible, but she said so herself. She stashed some stuff for you at the brewery and told me not to tell you about it until we come back, or else. So I kept my mouth shut and everything went smooth until I got wrecked. I knew what the golden root is for, since she left on in that shash and told me what it does." She felt really uneasy as Nightmare was piercing her with his eyes. "So... if you eat it and go to sleep, it takes you to her home. She's kind of a Princess of Dreams. An alicorn. Hearts-Dream's the name. It was her who patched me, and you, with magic. She also made the cloud and ordered it to follow me around. She has a special interest in you, you see. It's about the Daymare." She looked at the stallion, unsure whether he wanted to hug her or suffocate her. Meanwhile, Evening Song gave the mare a curious look. "You need to lay off the drink, Crystal. It's the worst ramble I've heard in my life..."
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