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Raven Rawne

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Everything posted by Raven Rawne

  1. @@Orange Sparks, Since apparently Crystal was the driving force behind the gift, it was her turn to get a hug. She tried to squirm away from it, but to no avail. All in all, she looked hilarious. "Uff, remind me to wear a breastplate around you... My poor ribs..." She obviously played for laughs, but it was the tightest hug in her life, and she knew a few strong colts. The red mare sat on a bench and looked up at the knight. "I couldn't let you get killed in action now could I? I guess you could try it on in your room, see if it fits alright till miss Shade is around to make adjustments. I'll just... sit here for a moment." Dusty thought for a moment and nodded. "Good idea. Thanks again." He smiled at every mare in turn and walked out with his new set of armour to try it on. Crystal pouted. "Nopony trusts in solid steel anymore... I don't use magic and somehow still live. World's gone mad..."
  2. @@Naiya The Brony, Truth be told, I was referring to gathering comments for stuff in general, regardless of content. Art usually gets a lot of "wow" comments if it's good, but stories and journals, not so much. Still, an interesting idea, that questionnaire. Talking to other people about your tulpa may reinforce the belief that they're real, especially in the early stages when the person may have all kinds of doubts. I'm still trying to combat my doubts, especially over autonomy and vocalisation - every time something happens I'm not sure if it's me or not, since it feels pretty much the same (I guess she's using my own thought process rather than her own, hidden to me. That's why I feel I'm parroting when in reality it may not be the case.) Anyways, I'm pretty scatterbrained so it may take a bit longer to have anything concrete, and I accept that. I'll check the forums in a spare moment, thanks!
  3. @@Orange Sparks, Crystal cocked her head slightly as she pondered Shade's imput. "Yeah... It's a shame she's in deep minority with that open attitude. Imagine how commoners lives would be easier if their lords were more considerate, and just simply cared." Meanwhile the knight seemed omewhat embarassed by his sudden chivalry. "Ah, uhh, just wanted to show that ah appreciate what you're doing. For me, your sister, the ponies here..." Crystal cut in - "Alright you guys, it's getting dark, and kind of chilly in here, so I say, let's get indoors." She led the other ponies inside the inn, and then brought Dusty's new gear to the common room, and Clare made a presentation. The stallion didn't know whatto say at first, and simply stared as the high end gear. Crystal laughed sincerely at his sudden loss of words. "A thank you will be enough, I guess, right?" She looked at Shade - it was her handiwork after all.
  4. @@Orange Sparks, Crystal shrugged. "Nah, it's okay. If I thought about it better, we could rder to buy at least nails nad rope, maybe some tools too, and haul it on this ship. but well, mistakes of rushing things, I guess." The newly appointed knight looked at them funny and approached, then bowed slightly. Apparently he tried to act the part like a knight should. "Yes, you called me?" Crystal stood next to Shade and answered her quietly. "She was always open hearted to her subjects, but I guess she actually likes the colt and his family. Or at least his adopted sister. I'm not very bothered when they walk by haystacks, if that's what you imply..." She made a smirk of her own.
  5. @@Orange Sparks, The ship's captain was a short stallion of a well rounded statue, to say diplomatically. He bowed formally when the princess approached, and answered in a bit too hastily a tone. "I-I'm afraid not, we were ordered to set sail as soon as possible, and the guards didn't mention any building supplies..." Crystal Clear chipped intothe conversation. "I told you that my Father ordered lumber and tradesponies, they will arrive within a week or so. Sometimes even showering money won't speed up things." She turned to the captain. "Once the troops settle on your ship, I expect you to be ready to set sail at dawn. Sargeant Spearhead will lead the operation." The mare then turned to Shade and Clare and smiled pleasantly. "So, I say we give our knight his shining armour? There isn't much we can do today anyway."
  6. @@Nightmare Season, The mare felt sorry for her companion. She decided to stay awake till he finished eating and fell sleep himself, in case he needed something. "It's okay, I'll take care of you till you get better. We'll start the trek tomorrow and head to the monster's cave. It'll be crammed and we will have to leave some stuff outside, but it's the best shelter around that we know of." Crystal Clear waited till Nightmare fell asleep and followed his hoofsteps soon after. She was woken up be Evening Song, accompanied by other ponies. Apparently at least some of them woke up earlier and started organising themselves, since they already knew eachother. The red mare yawned and looked around - Nightmare was still asleep on his cloud. "Mornin' already? Damn I feel like I haven't rested one bit. Why are you all looking at me like that?" The ivory mare spoke first. "Well... for once we're in the middle of Frozen North and kind of want to go home?" A stallion chipped in - he looked better than other captives, obviously one of the brewers. "I see you found our brewery and used it's supplies on the way up here... Normally we'd be mad but, I guess it's a fair price for freedom. Do you have a plan lass?" Crystal sat up and nodded. "Actually, yes. We go back the same way I came here. We found shelter for every night, although some are pretty small for a group this large. So, unless you guys know of some better shelter within day's reach, we'll go into the forest and to a cave we found. Don't worry, it's former occupant is positively dead, thanks to Nightmare here." Another stallion nodded. "I guess I know which one... The creature that lived there was one tough son of a goat, so I never went inside. Better get ourselves ready to move out then, it's a bit of a trek." Crystal nodded and started packing her bedding. "Yeah, let's." All in all, it took more than an hour or so to let the party started. Most of the ponies couldn't carry much more than their own clothes, but they had a few strong ponies in the bunch, so at least Crystal didn't have to pull the sleigh. Still, she had to carry her saddlebags and a big pack of dried hay they stole back from the camp, and of course her armour and maul, just in case. She was outside when one of the mares called her to come back inside - Nightmare woke up. She trotted towards him and asked in a cheerful tone - "How's it going? Feel any better today? We're about to start moving so, unless you have some unfinished business here, I'll take you outside, hmm?"
  7. @@Nightmare Season Crystal Clear was on the verge of falling asleep. Her head nosedived several times only to be pulled up at the last moment. She had another such event when she heard the voice from the left. "Wzzzzz huh? Oh, you're finally awake? I'm so happy to see you've came around!" She stood up, shakily from the sleepiness, and gave him a hug for good measure. Another small dam inside broke and she felt she was crying. The mare chuckled at his remark. "Now you know how I felt just the other day. I still feel my side when I move about. Guess it's my turn to get you on your hooves then right?" She broke the hug and finished. "What a twist." She smiled at the stallion when he made his observation and asked for food. "I can explain, although it might sound far fetched. Let's start with a meal first, and if you'll feel able, I could tell you all in a dream. I'm barely standing myself." The red mare walked towards the saddlebags, swaying a bit on her hooves. All thus movement and noise stirred poor Evie, who got used to waking up at the slightest sound in the slave pen. She noticed her friend walking around, and heard some movement on the cloud. She looked at the strange stallion with curiosity, but also a bit of fear in the mix. The ivory mare approached, also sleepy, and stated at the nightmare pony, unsure what to say. Since Nightmare spoke first, she replied with a melodic voice: "Seems somepony has been talking your ear off about me, correct? I'm Evening Song, yes. Crystal still calls me Evie though.' She shrugged, trying to look neutral and professional - apparently an old habit. "There you go, I brought five." - Crystal chipped in and laid out the roots on the cloud. "I guess it's time for some formal introduction, right? Evening Song, this is Nightmare Season, my newest friend. Nightmare, this is Evening Song, my oldest friend." The other mare smirked. "If what those new captives said is true, we go back for over a thousand years. By the way you look good Crys, for a thousand years old mare..." The red mare rolled her eyes, but seemed amused. "Yeah, we're officially over thousand years old, and our civilisation is a living fossil for the modern ponies. Get some sleep, we have a long walk ahead." The other mare seemed unhappy with being bossed around, but saw the merit if this course of action. "I'll leave you to your plotting then. Goodnight." Crystal looked at Nightmare, who seemed to be listening to their exchange. "I know, we're like an old married couple. So what now? You need to rest so I guess I'll be running this show for a few days, but if you feel like entering a dream would help you, do go on. I could tell you everything there, or in the morning. I'm too beat to tell it now. "
  8. @@Nightmare Season, She heard flapping wings behind her, and sighed. Even now she cpuldn't have a moment of peace... The mare slowly turned around, expecting to see a guard that would probably finish her off. Instead, she saw Hearts-Dream, landing nearby. Crystal's heart soared as she saw hope in the blind mare. "It's Nightmare, he's wounded, really bad, could you help him?" She looked with pleading eyes as the alicorn simply nodded, and got to work. Her friend's many wounds closed, and he started breathing, although shallowly. It very long compared to fixing her ribs, and Hearts-Dream visibly tired herself working her magic. Eventyally she had to stop, and Crystal breathed out in relief. "All that matters is that he'll live. I'll take care of him as he did take care of me..." The mare bserved as acloud of black smoke, the same kind he usedd earlier emanated from the stallion's horn, and lifted him off the rocky ground. Crystal replied to the alicorn's explanation about the cloud's properties. "Thank you. it's good to know I can take him from this... den." She didn't dare glance at the place her former ruler lied, or what's left of him, to be precise. She smiled weakly at the alicorn as she bid her goodbye and flied away. There was hope, in the end. Crystal Clear collected her bloodied weapon and walked ack to the ponies she left, her hooves shaking a bit from the emotional exhaustion. Her kin welcomed her with looks of relief, but as soon as the black cloud appeared in their view, they seemed very disturbed. Some took several steps back. The red mare looked at them with exhaustion, and said in a matter of fact tone - "This is Nightmare Season, he's a daymare who feeds on bad dreams. He looks rather peculiar, but he's a good friend of mine who almost gave his life to save you lot, so give us a break, will ya? His fire is real by the way, it burns and is very hot. Great to warm up in this cold land." She rubbed her face and wiped off some blood off it, collecting her thoughts. "Riiight... I didn't expect there would be that many of you. Forty, is it?" "Forty seven" - Evie stepped from between the armed stallions with that killer smile of hers. "I reckon you prepared just for me, right? That would be so you. Sit down and rest for a moment, you look like death. We'll take what we need from this place and follow you to that camp you advertised earlier." Crystal Clear nodded and lied down where she stood. Kingslaying was a tiring job. It took over an hour before the former captivs ransacked the outpost, and word spread out about the King laying dead in the main chamber. They set out laden with supplies to the camp. By the time they got to the cave, it was late afternoon. The ponies somewhat accepted the presence of Nightmare, even if they kept a fair distance off him. Crystal shook her head as she stood before the black pallisade blockinh ger path to the camp. "yeah, that's when you would levotate a crystal out of the way... Guess we gotta do this the old way." She and sever stronger ponies pried a crystal loose and let it fall into the snow. They then entered the spacious chamber, which soon became not-so spacious at all. The red mare led with her friends in the middle - Evening Song was the first to give the stallion some benefit of the doubt, mainly for Crystal Clear's sake. Other ponies rested, talked, exchanged items or ate. Nightmare was still unconcious. The red mare and her friend kept vigil by the wounded stallion till late evening, while other ponies hit the proverbial hay one by one. He came around only after the moon was up, and Crystal nearly dozed off herself. Evie succumbed earlier and slept in a bedroll just a few steps away..
  9. Even though the public transport is free today because of air pollution in the city, I commute with a car. Talk about environmental irresponsibility. (at least it's not a Diesel)

    1. SnooOOOoOoOoOow


      diesel is better though :/

    2. Raven Rawne

      Raven Rawne

      Uh huh... Old Diesels hibernate through winter here in Poland, when gasoline engines keep going.

    3. SnooOOOoOoOoOow


      this is true, Germany opted for petrol engines in its tanks and they seemed to be very effective <3

  10. Hmm, I kiiiinda want to play some new RP, sol/adv in canon Equestria kind of stuff. No idea for a story though.

    1. Show previous comments  29 more
    2. Mentis Soliloquy

      Mentis Soliloquy

      Blood... is goona test my DM skills, anyway sleep for me, good evening.

    3. Raven Rawne

      Raven Rawne

      So far she's happily out of control as far as I can tell, but that's just one point on view. Anyway, good night to you.

    4. Raven Rawne

      Raven Rawne

      Although I probably should inform you that I feel guilty for proposing her to join as a doc, considering her style.

  11. The crystal mare wasn't exactly satisfied with the fact they had so little on the man who would soon walk on the dacks of this ship, but she rationalised it wasn't her problem. Until someone sabotaged the ship that is, or tried to pulverise Luna into space dust... She left the briefing room and caught up with Indicus to ask about getting access to select security cameras and the delicate matter of a certain alcoholic present. He agreed, but the mare was expected to heep the wine in her room and locked. She didn't object, it was a reasonable request. Crystal spent the rest of her shift in the Main Engineering, and once the warp drive was engaged and enough time has passed, shesent the team to fix the moody thruster bank. Nothing special happenned, but she did have to order an increase of matter injection to the Warp Core by 1,2% to meet the power demand of the now operational Holodecks. When a red icon appeared by the main holodeck, she just shrugged and cut the power to it's systems, save for environment control and lights. No point letting the replicators run rampant without supervision. Although the level ten field chewed up all of the saved energy and then some. She paged the Bridge for further instructions on containing the emergency.
  12. @@Orange Sparks, Crystal looked at her finace, who decided to armour up, and scratched her chin. "Looking all commander-like, eh? We still need to sit on our plots till the Academy troops arrive, but whatever. Let's go and have one thing settled." She opened the door and let the mares out, then followed them outside, and to the shore where the meager docks were located. Crystal saw a moderately sized Sloop docked in the distance, and guards moving supplies to and from it on sailing boats. It seems they were in luck - these vessels were quick and agile, and most importantly, could traverse the shallow waters within the archipelago with ease. They struggled on open ocean in bad weather though. Sargeant Spearhead seemed to have taken the lead in overseeing the operations, and the mares approached him. The stallion saw them and bowed slightly in greeting. "Ah, just in time! I took the liberty of swapping my men onboard in exchange for the guard detatchment that was there. They're just regular wall huggers, could do better keeping things quiet in here for example."
  13. @@Orange Sparks, The crystal mare looked at the armour that appeared in their room. "Hmm, looks good, thanks. I just hope he'll manage to wear it... Dusty has no experience with actual armours and combat, he's a stablecolt promoted by Clarissa. An axe with a shield would be great too, I guess. If I'm not asking for too much." She offered a smile and a thank you for Shade's acceptance of joining their party. Crystal Clear looked at Clarissa expectantly: "Are you coming by any chance? We have a ship to visit and reorganise our forces to send pursuit after your sisters ponynappers."
  14. @@Nightmare Season, The crystal ponies slowly marched towards the exit, led by the red mare in weird armour. They ran into a few ponies loyal to the King, but since the guards were busy with the fight elsewhere, the captives mde short work woth those strays. To Crystal Clear's relief, they haven't crossed paths with any unicorn courtiers or the dreaded Inner Circle. The ground beneth their hooves shook violently and the ponies got spooked, but Crystal managed to get them outside. They waited in the cold for Nightmare to come out too. Crystal Clear leaned on her mace and sighed in relief - they made it! She looked at the group before them and tried to speak some sense into them. "Alright guys, I know you probably expected something more once you get out, but truth is, we're at the bottom of Mount Everhoof, deep into the Frozen North. My friend who kept the guards busy should be here any moment, and we'll go to a nearby camp to warm up and rest. Then we'll make a push back South, okay?" The mare concluded that they were in luck, after all - most ponies had some warm clothing on, even if mismatched or the wrong size. Probably more loot from the brewery. A powerful blast echoed from inside the cave as the ground shook again. The ponies were getting spooked, and cold. Crystal decided that something must've gone wrong. "I know it sounds stupid, but we need to get inside. Just past the door, or you guys will get really cold, okay? I'll go get my friend and we'll be off." The ponies reluctantly returned inside, and felt a bit better huddled close in a confined space - it was warmer that way. Crystal set the armed ones at the fore and ran deeper in, towards the sounds of battle. She ran into a guard, then another, and a few more - she took down the first few, but didn't bother with more of then - for some reason they were fleeing, and paid her no mind. The mare couldn't put her hoof on the reason though - if Nightmare scared them so much, then why she heard a terrible fight going on? Crystal's blood went cold when she saw the unicorn who was fighting with Nightmare Season. The worst had happenned - he came back, again. The crystal mare observed the fight from safe distance, too afraid to step in and help. When the cavern was engulfed in a magical blast, she hid in the tunnel, and came back only when things were quiet again. She saw Nightmare, laying on the ground and not moving, blood seeping out of his wounds. Even worse, the one who never should've wore a crown was still alive, and limped towards him to finish what he started. That laugh. The evil, maniacal laugh of a wicked being. It used to chill her to the bone - now, it made her find her courage. Crystal Clear corrected her maul on her shouder, took a deep breath, and started running towards the King. She wasn't thinking. She wasn't feeling, if that were possible. She just knew. Knew she had to step in and save her friend, just like he did so many times. It didn't matter who was the threat. She swung her weapon as the unicorn realised something's behind him. She struck squarely into his chest, from the right. The heavy maul cracked his ribs and brought him on the ground, wheezing. Crystal Clear didn't bother talking. She let her maul speak for her, once, and again, and again, until she couldn't lift it any more from fatigue. When she was done, it was hard to say who lied in front of her. The view made her stomach turn once the blind rage let go of her. Confident that Sombra won't get up anytime soon, she dropped her weapon and ran towards Nightmare Season. He looked terrible, and didn't move. Now she finally felt everything the rage put a dam on - the anger, fear, pain, and that hint of grief, from the part of her mind that thought her friend was dead. She sobbed by the nightmare pony: "Don't you die on me now! Not now!" She thought of the Alicorn - if only she could call her for help... But there was no chance, or time for sleep. Despite the victory, all seemed lost.
  15. @@Nightmare Season, The mare looked attentively at Nightmare as he explained to her that he guessed there was some sort of underground system. Well, it sure made sense to her. The search for an auxilliary entrance has been long and tiring, especially given Crystal's recent injury. At some point the stallion pushed her off onto a ridge below. Crystal was surprised but didn't make a sound as she landed in a pile of snow. A heavy thud next to her was enough evidence that Nighmare followed her down, but when she looked around, his fires were extinguished. Crystal gave him a questioning look, but he shushed her and pointed at something - there was a cliff nearby, and a wall of black crystal guarded by a lone guard in this awful black armour. Crystal's nostrils flared as Nightmare explainedhe was asleep, and pulled her maul over her shoulder. "I'll give him a dream eternal then..." A hoof stopped her, and Crystal gave the stallion a silent glare. He said he had a plan. She put down her weapon and shrugged. "I daydream like, all the time. What's your point?" Nightmare laid out his plan, and she rubbed her forehead beneath her cap in thought. "Crazy, but might work... alright. Go for it. If something goes bad I'll knock his head off his shoulders though. Fair warning." Nightmare executed his plan and entered the guard's dream. Crystal Clear stayed put in her hiding spot, trying to stay hidden. Since Nightmare was taking his sweet time inside the guard's head, she managed to dig herself a nice trench in the deep snow, just to keep moving and not freeze, and to do so without being seen. Thankfully things were quiet around, so the sheer amount of time the stallion took inside the guard's dreams made her tap a hoof nervously. Finally, he apeared next to the guard and crystal rekindled one of her ongoing daydreams. Apparently it worked since Nightmare appeared in the trench beside her, and told her to wait. She rolled her eyes and nodded. "Okay... I can wait a bit more, I guess." She observed from her Scoffier's Osier as the stallion played out his act at the guard's expense. To be honest, it was pretty entertaining to see one of her former opressors at the edge of wetting the snow beneath him. Maybe even more so than finishing him off in his sleep. Crystal Clear noticed how the guard used a hidden switch to open the hidden passage inside. Seemed like a standard mechanism to her, but looking for the switch might take a bit otherwise. When nightmare came back and announced another wait, she flailed her hooves. "Oh come on! I'm freezing here..." Crystal Clear observed with a bored expression as the doors opened again and several guards fanned out, ready to repel the attack. They lingered outside for a few monutes, and judging from the yelling and body language, the sentry was in deep trouble for spreading panicked nonesense. When they went inside, Crystal looked at nightmare. "Can we go already, or we wait for something more?" The answer didn't satisfy her, but maybe it was for the best to do it at one go. She nodded. "Alright, let's get this over with then." She was still walking when Nightmare pushed the button and a guard came out to investigae. She froze when she heard that barking tone - you just don't forget some things. Thankfully, the guard was put down by a well placed rock, courtesy of her friend. She walked, slowly, towards the fallen pony. She eyed the black armour with fright. Nightmare took off the damaged helmet off the guard's head to prove he's just a pony. The mare swallowed and nodded. "Y-yeah... But Inner Circle aren't. If you see a living suit of armour with green flames behind visors, please, don't underestimate them. They're touched by His corruption, and will shrug off what would kill a normal pony. Whatever they are now, they're not "just ponies"..." The mare listened to the short battle plan and nodded that she got it. The pair trotted inside, and Crystal fished out her lantern to have a better look at where she's going. When the time to split up came, she hugged her companion and said to him: "Don't get yourself killed okay? They're not your regular town mlitia." She walked towards her destination, heart pounding in her chest, and her hoofsteps seeming like the loudest sound she ever heard. Crystal walked through the tunnels for two forks without meeting anypony, and had to wait for a lone guard to pass by the third. She tried her best to sneak up on the one who was supposed to guard the slaves... The crystal mare peeked over the tunnel bend and looked around a smacious chamber - apparently a repurposed natural cavern. She saw a large, two-storey slave pen made from that awful black crystal. There was a room to the side, separated by a regular looking door with the words "Armoury" stenciled at them. Seems like Nightmare's intel was sound. She noticed the sleeping figures of ponies befind bars, and felt a mix ofprofound sadness and anger, that only a former slave could feel in this situation. Crystal located the lone guard, sitting by a table with his helmet off, munching on some food by a wooden table - maybe it was stolen from the brewery? It was of no importance now - the mare used this opportunity to approach as close as she dared, and then quickly close the gap and present the sentry with gratidious amount of blunt force trauma, applied with her maul in a horisontal swing right into his nose as he turned to look what was going on. The meaty noise of breaking bones was very unpleasant, but Crystal gave hime two more swings for good measure, and looked at the disfigured corpse, panting. A few slaves have stirred and approached the bars, and that brought her to the present. The mare hissed at them: "You're getting out, wake up everypony, I'll get the pen open. No stragglers, ya hear me?! And heep it quiet you lot!" She put down the bloodied maul and grabbed the keyring off a hook that was hung in plain sight - to agonise the captives with it's teasing presence. She opened the pens one by one and laid out the plan. "Alright, those who can fight, to the armoury. Those who can't, stay put and take care of the weaker ones. Get a move on! I ain't got all day!" She heard the unmistakeable sounds of a fight echoing through the tunnels and smiled at the frightened caprives. "That's my support. He'll keep the guards off our backs while we make a run for it." She held a hoof in the air - "One last thing, where the hay is Evening Song?" "H-here." - a weak voice answered from the back of the group as the stallions and stronger mares were walking into the armoury. Crystal Clear pushed he way to the mare in question and gave her an appraising look. "Heart you're so... lean. But it's so good to see you nonetheless." Evening Song looked like a shadow of herself, but she could still walk, and that was enough. Crystal gave her a hug and said: "I'm taking you out of here, Evie, back to the Empire. It's nice and safe there, you know..." Hoofsteps from the tunnel have interrupted their bonding moment however, as a scared pegasus rushed inside dhe chamber and halted before the crowd of armed and unarmed captives. Apparently he rushed to the armoury to get some gear. He tried to holler a warning but he was brought down and robbed of his life by a steady torrent of hooves, spears and clubs. He didn't even scream. Crystal went to the front of the group and adressed the crowd -" Alright you lot! Weak and injured in the middle, strong and armed to the front and back. Keep together and you'll be fine. There's a side exit nearby. Crystal ponies, we, are, leaving!" The ragtag collumn followed the mare into the unknown.
  16. @@Orange Sparks Crystal Clear sighed as she looked at the mirror. This getup was screaming for a hat. "I guess everypony has a story, but I'm not very thrilled with the prospect of her always at my rear... Besides, she has a dagger to get rid of, that should keep her occupied for done time." She turned to the wizard. "So, can we count on your help? Oh and by the way, are you familiar with the spells to create objects? We kinda have a knight without a shining armor situation, you see."
  17. Yes! After 2 days, I managed to get inside my car and start the engine! You can't stop us, winter!

  18. @@Orange Sparks Crystal nodded at Clarissa's heads-up, and took a closer look at Shade. "Good to know the wizard is like that all the time... Really comforting, you know... Could you, um, turn around for a moment? I need to get dressed." The strange mare obliged politely, and Crystal took the opportunity. Soon she had her breeches and shirt on, and said with relief. "Okay, I'm fine now, thanks for cooperation." She continued dressing up and making herself look presentable. "So... you're a mage too? Maybe you could step into our merry band instead of a certain white unicorn? " Crystal sure hoped that she could trade a wizard for another so easily.
  19. @@Orange Sparks "Well, I guess you're right..."The crystal pony sat in the bed and located the pieces of her outfit with her eyes. She shrieked slightly and covered herself when a pony stepped out of the shadow in a corner of their room, once Clare called to them. "What the!? I did close the door... a-and the window..." She noticed the staff and mumbled to herself. "Stupid wizard weirdos...". She listened to the conversation with a blush and neatly tucked under the sheets. She was mad about this intrusion and how the stranger seemed well informed about their private affairs. The strange mare shuddered at the mentioned of the wizard mare, and Crystal decided to have some measure of revenge. "Oh, you don't like miss Pale Moonlight? But she's so nice and hospitable..."
  20. @@Orange Sparks Crystal Clear had that sly smile on her face. 'You don't say..." She gently took the hand of her fiancé and led her upstairs. And sure enough, when these two are concerned, things took an expectedly unexpected turn. Suffice to say they went over their gear and found everything they needed - Crystal had her new armour, the war hammer and some more clothes. Some funny pony tossed in a bottle of brandy with a strap to her sword belt - an unusual addon, but it could be used as a water bottle. She didn't have a shield, since her last one was smashed. Clarissa also looked over her stuff, and once they had a hang of their equipment, it was time to preen the pegasus. As often is the case with them, it didn't end on just preening. A few hours have passed and the sun was very low when there was an unsure knock in the door. Crystal grumbled something under her breath and asked aloud from the bed. "Yeah? What's happening?" A voice from the other side replied. "The ship has arrived, as per request." The mare sighed. "Aye, we'll be at the dock in a moment!" She looked around the room. "Moment my flank... first I need to get dressed..."
  21. @@Nightmare Season The mare observed with satisfaction as the stallion absorbed the negative images from her dream without affecting the rest of it. "Good job right there! Now let's get down, shall we? Not much to do on a mountain peak..." She thought of a slope and sleigh she remembered from when she was a foal. "This will be fun." - she grinned as a sliding slope has risen out of the mountain, and two small crystal sleighs also appeared. Crystal Clear hopped on the nearest one and her momentum made it start sliding, slowly at first. "First one down wins!" Soon enough they were both at the foot of the mountain, but Nightmare was first. She guessed he would be, being heavier after all, but still. Somehow they ended up having a snowball fight, and thus time Crystal's experience paid off. Nightmare decided he had enough to eat and exited her dream during the break in their playful fight. "Hmm, alright. See ya in the morning then!" The mare was alone in her dream and decided to have some more fun in it. A scent of food brought her back to the waking world. The mare yawned and said to herself. "Damn, I didn't get to the best part! No fair..." She rubbed her eyes open and saw Nightmare levitating her breakfast towards her. "Breakfast in bed huh? I sure wouldn't mind if my days started like that..." She made herself comfortable for the meal and nodded. "Scouting is a good idea. Maybe we'll see something useful." They ate in silence, submerged in their thoughts regarding the upcoming day. When they were ready, Nightmare moved away one of the crystals to let them out. The ray of sunlight made her notice something. "Have you been at a fire manedresser? Cause it looks so... full and big, you know." His answer was a pretty logical one, and Crystal decided that, if he can get stuffed on bad dreams, she'd encourage him to do so in the future. Until he gets it that he's the daymare. They took a peek at the main outpost. Nightmare used the spyglass and related what he saw - a thick palisade of black crystals surrounding some buildings. Several guard towers and a sturdy looking gate, closed of course. They couldn't see the cave opening from there. The mare followed her companion who wanted to look for other entrances. Somehow, despite the fire mane, he could avoid being seen by the lookouts, using terrain and moments when they weren't looking his way. The pair sneaked deeper into the valley, Crystal lugging her weapon of poor choice.
  22. @@Orange Sparks Crystal finished her inspection and walked back to her fiancé. The day has been really tough for her, and it showed. The crystal mare gave her a hug and started caressing her mane to ease her mind. She spoke in what she considered her soothing tone: "I know... Just focus on the present, make decisions as the choices appear. Don't try to guess the grand plan - you'll only get frustrated. Hmm? What do you think, worth a try?" By now the common room was beginning to get loud and crowded as the soldiers made themselves comfortable. They ordered some food and drink, but no booze - they were an orderly bunch. Crystal decided to retreat upstairs. She tugged the pegasus wing gently to get her attention, and said over the chatter - "I'm going upstairs, sort my stuff they brought. You coming with me?"
  23. @@Orange Sparks, The veteran NCO nodded slightly, his expression darker once he heard why he's been summoned. "Well, we couldn't load up too much, since we flew on our own here, but we have some good axes from the city armoury's surplus. I guess you could requisition something more, but we didn't have the lift to spare." The stallion paced thoughtfully through the common room as his soldiers set up in the inn with their supplies and axes for the locals. The innkeeper gave the armed firures another glance. "Sorry Your Highness, we had some... unpleasant experiences with troops in recent years. But I hope this time will be different." Crystal leaned over the bar and said to him quietly: "Write down any and all expenses on them, please. You will be reimbursed every penny. Either I'll collect the bill on the way back, or give it to the Palace Majordomo when you;re in the city for supplies. I promise they will accept it and pay in cash." That seemed to work for the older stallion, who looked more optimistic with the prospect of a full inn for upcoming days. Dusty emerged from the kitchen and stood in the doorframe, blinking from the sudden apearance of so many pegasi soldiers. He looked at his father, who nodded reassuringly, then he came inside the common room and stood by the bar. He was wearing old, but still good leather hoofboots, thick linen pants with patches on their knees for reinforement, and a linen/leather mix tunic over a long sleeved shirt. It won't stop a blade, but at least it offerd some protection from scrapes and the like. Sargeant Spearhead gave the newcomer an appraising look. "That kid? Alright... The villagers told me you were attacked by minotaurs, why don't you come and show me where it happenned? Best to start the search while the trail is still warm. Come on." The old soldier and Sir Dustyhooves went outside to see he place of attack, and Crystal Clear decided to look at the stuff they brought. She walked over to the packs with their gear and looked inside. With a satisfied smile, she asked the innkeeper: Can we rent the same room as before for one night?" He nodded and the mare asked tw nearby pegasi to lug their stuff upstairs. She then gave a look at the axes, wrapped together in packs. "Hmm, solid job, should be worth like, hundread bits a piece... And already sharpened, good..." The hustle and bustle this small pegasus team made made her feel energised, like back in the Academy right before field excercises.
  24. While I don't expect this questionnaire will get a lot of replies (DA isn't really geared for gathering a lot of comments), it would nevertheless be rather interesting to hear the tulpas take on their early days. Hay, it would be cool if Crystal wrote a journal of sorts, but, well... I give her as much attention as I can, but there isn't much progress to speak of...
  25. @@Nightmare Season, The mare felt a presence beside her, and instantly knew she was dreaming. By now she got accusomed to the sudden realisation. She looked down and explained what she dreamed of. "You know I don't choose what I dream of, at least not until you show up. See that black smoke, slowly worming it's way South? I guess it's some sort of representation of my fear that we'll stir the... however they call themselves these days, and they will break their isolation to take on my home, there in the distance. Funny how I can dream about it so well even though I never saw the Empire from above..." She brought a hoof to her chin and thought for a moment. She was having a mild nightmare, so why not try and give her friend a few pointers as the alicorn asked? Crystal looked at the stallion and pointed at the smoke with a hoof - "Could you try and eat this part of my dream? I guess I could use my will to get rid of it, but, you know, why waste dream energy?" She looked into the distance. "I don't know if I want to fight in my dream. It's not even close to the real experience anyway... Plus, I don't want to tire you, or risk your injury when we're so close. try and eat the camp too, alright? We can have a nice dream, tomorrow will have enough nightmares in stock." She observed as Nightmare attempted to be selective about his feeding,
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