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Raven Rawne

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Everything posted by Raven Rawne

  1. @@Orange Sparks The locals looked at each other with apprehension, neither willing to speak first about the Lord. At last the same mare mustered the courage. "I uhh, wouldn't consider him as such." Some of the ponies left the circle around the princess to find their families and see to their belongings. The princesses proclamation was met with nods and a few thank yous, but the crowd was thinning fast as everypony wanted to lend a hand in cleanup. The mare who became a sort of speaker for the community said with some relief. "That would best, I think. In behalf of our community, I'd like to thank you for your kindness. We thought they would raze our homes and hurt us all..." Her voice trailed off. She remained by the princess to answer her queries and help while everypony else scattered to their duties. "Give them some time, your highness. Let them check on their families and belongings. If I may, it would be best if you stayed with us until tomorrow, to ease the tension and organise the folks. We all look up to you in this hour of trial..." ------------------- Crystal Clear sat on her bench for a bit, looking as Clarissa rallied the villagers. When she heard her mention the countess, that is the crystal mare, she waved from her spot and hollered "I'll help alright!" and looked at the ponies passing her. None spoke to her, and she saw a mixture of fear, awe, relief, grief and anger on their faces. She could tell dome blamed her and her companion for what happened, and they would be right, in a way... She shook her head and flexed her arms, then wiped her blade in her gambeson and sheathed it securely, then got up. Leaving her helmet on the bench, she walked to the battlefield to clean up her mess. A few stallions were looting the corpses, but this was too much for their stomachs. Crystal walked to the closest one and patted him on the back to get his attention. "It's alright, I also hate looting the bodies. You can never get used to this stuff... would you be so nice and bring our cart from the road? We left it a couple minutes walk along the road. Thanks." The stallion nodded, relieved he now had a good excuse to get away from the bodies. Crystal Clear saw Dusty wandering between the fallen and she gave him a wave. The stallion waved back but she saw blood on his sleeve. Could be a wound. The mare walked to the nearest corpse and liberated it from valuables, useful items and anything that could be turned into coin... She was unsatisfied with the state of affairs, so she asked two other stallions to move the looted bodies into one place, so they could be later taken care of. All the loot was also dumped in one place to avoid missing anything in the blood soaked grass. The smashed tower shield also landed there, since the steel on it was still worth a fair bit. All in all, cleaning up the field tool half an hour or so, and resulted in two big piles. Satisfied with the result, Crystal Clear walked back into the village where she found her cart secured and the oxen tied to a nearby post. She tossed her helmet on the back of their cart and saw Clare writing losses of a long queue of ponies. The mare sighed deeply and walked to the shore - her scouts haven't yet returned. With no idea what to do next, she walked back to Clare and gave her a report. "Battlefield is cleaned up. We piled up the loot and bodies outside the village. I advise burning them to avoid disease... The fisherponies haven't returned yet so we have no Intel on the enemy vessel. I could lend a hand somewhere, but I don't know where to start... ideas?"
  2. Cyber Monday is just around the corner...
  3. @@Orange Sparks Crystal Clear finished another minotaur on her way to Clarissa, since the townsponies were trying to put up a fight against him. Panting a bit and covered in blood, she opened her visor and took in the scene. Two minotaur were still alive, and Clare was butchering their leader. She decided to wrap up the emergency and lend a hand against the remaining invaders. Once there were no hostiles to fight, Crystal Clear walked over to Clarissa who was looking for evidence on the minotaur leader. Seeing what she did to him, the crystal mare had to hold her breakfast in. Looking away from the carcass, she took off her helmet and leaned on a nearby wall, panting. "*huff* What have you done to him? I've never thought you could be so... so..." There were no words for that. Suddenly weak as the adrenaline rush ended, she sat and rest her back against the same wall, still holding to her blade for dear life. Crys saw as the ponies walked aimlessly on the battlefield. She was a bit surprised to see the stallions, apparently they heard the battle and returned from the sea. Remembering what they taught in the Academy, she gave herself a look over for injuries. She didn't see anything or felt any pain, so that was good. She could tell more after a bath. Feeling a bit better, she got up and walked to Clare. She was by that awful limbless carcass. Trying to save some face, she started flamboyantly. "That was fun, best fight in months..." She caught herself seeing the glare of everypony. "Ermm, right, so now what? You found anything? We need to look for their ship before nightfall, more stuff to turn into coin for the rebuilding effort... Hey you there! Send a boat both sides if the coast and look for a minotaur longship or any other vessel. Don't come aboard, just find it and report back, got it? Now go!" She ordered a few fisher ponies who really wanted to be someplace else to scout the shore. "What a mess..." She allowed herself a well educated observation as she noticed broken doors, animal pens and other property damage. She didn't see any casualties but it didn't mean there weren't any. She sighed and sat on a nearby bench. "I'm too sober for this shit..." ------------- Once Clarissa asked about local leadership, the townsfolk looked at each other, but none stepped forward. Finally an older mare replied. "We're a small village, and our representative to the Lord died at sea a few months back. We haven't decided who would be the new one... The Lord is... difficult at best and nopony wants to go to him." She was holding her dress nervously, since she spoke Ill of the local noble. "A-anything regarding the village goes through the Lord anyway, so you'll be best to talk to him directly, yes." She nodded as to confirm her words to herself, and other ponies nodded in agreement.
  4. @@Orange Sparks Crystal was lying on the blood soaked grass, by the pony who took her blade in his gut. Her visor was opened by the force of the blow and she tried to catch her breath as she saw the minotaur take his time to end her. She heard a familiar voice yelling and soon after a strange thing happenned: she saw a flash by his neck, he stammered and collapsed, his head cut clean off. The mare blinked in surprise but she saw another giant figure approaching, this time with a great sword. The minotaur was clad in a padded jack and leather armour with studs. The mare rolled over and yanked her blade free from the nearby corpse, stood up and strapped her hammer back to her belt. She heard something strange. A song? But... how? The minotaur also heard it and looked around, spooked. She decided to take the opportunity. She charged in and as the bull struck downwards with enough force to split her in half, she connected their bladed and pirouetted to his side, then cut a deep wound under his knee. She saw Clare rushing the leader and the locals rising up, but she couldn't help. She has to butcher this cow first... The song was booming all around and the locals joined I'm the chorus, but Crystal Clear was in no mood for singing. She danced around the minotaur, or at least tried in her heavy armor. A few times the greatsword was too close for comfort, even cutting her cape off her back, but the mare managed to avoid the giant blade and target his legs and gut - the parts with least muscle and easiest access to major arteries. The bull was red from rage and bleeding freely when he slipped on one of the bodies. Crystal used the opening to finish the fight and sliced his throat, which resulted in a red shower. No time for celebrations, she ran towards the other mare who was fighting the last minotaurs.
  5. @@Orange Sparks Crystal Clear said to herself sarcastically. "What a great idea, our tutors would be sooo proud..." She didn't have much time to get sour before a hail of bullets flied her way. She kneeled and hud behind her shield, feeling as it gets peppered with a few shots. "Why I'm always marked for death?!" She shouted with anger and rose up, drove her shield into the ground using small spikes at the bottom and started throwing javelins as the ponies discarded their spent powder weapons and charged it. The minotaur weren't so eager, five of them walking towards them and one - the leader by the look of it, stood and watched. They were just so sure of themselves that Crys felt insulted. The first javelin hit the buckler and was wasted, but the second took the raider sqarely in the chest. He was out of the fight. 12 to 2. Third one grazed the thigh of a stallion and he collapsed, but could still fight. Fourth and fifth weren't lucky either - one was avoided by a really quick raider and another struck a shield. The ponies were mere metres away when Crys took up her shield and counter charged the nearest one, and they connected with a very unpleasant sound. She didn't have the time to reach for her saber so she just hit his jaw with her fist and he collapsed. A cursory glance was enough to tell he had a broken jaw and his arm bent the wrong way from slamming her shield. The mare reached for her blade and looked at Clare - she already took down two. Crys ducked an axe aimed at her head and it glanced off her shoulder pad. She didn't see the attacker bur guessing where he was, she pivoted and slammed her shield in his chest, then thrust into another attacker who wanted to knock her head with a poleaxe. The stallion staggered but his momentum impaled him all the way to the hilt, so she let go of the saber and gave him a good uppercut punch in the jaw, knocking him unconscious and falling on the grass. Again without a weapon, Crys blocked the axepony with her shield. Fortunately, the axe glanced off rather than bite in the shield. Using the opening in his guard, as he singed the axe for another strike, she reached for her hammer and drove the spiky eng in his side, piercing his leather jacket. The pony yelped and nearly dropped his great axe, but managed to drive another blow into the shield, this time connecting and making a big dent in the wood. It wasn't destroyed, not yet, but a few more blows and it was gone. Thus time the pony knew better and body slammed her as he brought up the axe, seeing his companion picking up the poleaxe off their fallen comrade. Crystal Clear knew somepony was creeping behind her but had to finish the one in front of her first. She nearly lost balance but didn't fall, and as the stallion got ready for another strike she sidestepped and bachelor his injured side with her shield, then drove her hammer 's flat end into his leather helmet. Two blows were enough to take him out of the fight. Since she knew some pony was behind her she turned with her shield raised, just in time to block a who handed war mace of a minotaur. Her shield in splinters, Crystal lost her balance and collapsed, a giant shape looming over her to deliver the death blow.
  6. @@Orange Sparks Crystal Clear listened to her marefriend talk, then let her go and give her her shield. "Okay, watch out for those boomsticks. Blasted cows and their powder..." The mare was off before Crystal Clear could form a real plan, so she just put her hrlmet on, grabbed her shield and five javelins that lied on top. They had a small armory in there since they had to buy their gear for the Academy. Just a quick check her hammer and dagger were in place and she ran after the other mare. Before she could stop Clarissa from her reckless plan, one of the armed ponies whistled loudly for the rest of the band. They were spotted. Crys stood beside Clare and drove the javelins in the ground, then took a defensive stance in case she was deemed expendable again. 'I hoe you have a plan because we can't go back now." She said as she lowered her visor and raised her shield, sword hand empty to throw the javelins.
  7. @@Orange Sparks A strange sound was carried by the wind. At first, Crystal Clear paid no attention, caught in her own musings, but suddenly the air was pierced by a clear voice. A desperate plead for help. That was enough to get the mare going and with practice from countless hunts she perhed her ears to tell the direction. It was from behind. Seeing Clarissa jump off the wagon and run back to the inn, Crystal shouted after her. "Don't start anything without me you hear me?! Come on Betsy, we need to get going." Crys turned the wagon around and urged the animal to double time. She met Clarissa a little bit off the village she could hear the screams as intruders broke inside the houses. All the stallions were at sea, nopony could intervene. No pony but them. Crys pulled the wagon to the side of the side of the road so it wouldn't draw that much attention and tied Betsy to a hastily impaled spear. "Stay here." She said to the animal and as she turned around she was grabbed by sobbing Clare. She ran a gauntleted hand across her hair as said with eerie calm. 'What we were trained to do, love. We cut them to pieces." She grabbed Clarissa by her arms and took a step back, so she could look her in the eyes, then said with the same strange calm. 'It's okay, now tell me what you saw. How many ponies and minitaurs, weapons and armor, any lookouts from our direction... take your time, we will save them you hear me?"
  8. @@Orange Sparks Crystal Clear leaned on the cart and listened to Clarissa who read the letter. The more she heard, the more surprised she was and it showed. Once she was finished reading, Crys hat a raised eyebrow, slightly open mouth and her neck cocked so hard it popped a few times. She needed a moment to process it all, oblivious to the other mare holding the letter for her. "Umm, whaaaaat? Sorry, I just... wasn't expecting a full official blessing, and on paper too... And how did he know about your little plan to add some fresh blood to the family? Are we being followed or something?" She looked around but saw nopony. Just grass everywhere all the way to the sharp cliffs. The mare regained her composure and took the other letter with her teeth, somewhat playfully. She broke her father's seal, took a deep breath and opened it. "Here it goes..." Crystal read it once in silence, then looked up at Clare with relief. "Seems like somepony said him a few words in private... listen" She read the letter. "Dear daughter, It has come to my attention that, during your time in the Academy, you have become very close (the words were written much more deliberately, as if he had to think how to name it) with your lifelong friend, Princess Clarissa. I was hoping for other future for you, alongside one of the fine crystal stallions we met in Equestria, (the letters started to look differently, as if he took a new quill) but I won't stand against your will in this matter. It saddens me that you will not extend the lineage of our venerable house, especially since our kin is so few in numbers. I am currently staying by the court in Opal Hill, and therefore haven't informed your mother. I wanted to talk to you first. Know that, however your life progresses and with whom by your side, you will have our support. Find me at Opal, we need to talk. Your father, Count Fire Ruby oh House Eisengrad, Grandmaster of the Hunt, Lord of Raven Rock. P.S. Your graduation present is ready." Crystal Clear exhaled, a mixture if feelings painting on her features. "I wouldn't be surprised if your father was standing over him the whole time. I'm pretty sure he broke a quill from frustration... This will be a long talk." She tucked the letter into a pocket in her breeches. "Let's go, I just hope we'll find those bandits. I need to swing my blade a bit..." The mare urged their oxen to walk, and guided the cart in silence, apparently deep in tough. At some point she unconsciously grabbed the hilt of her saber.
  9. @@Orange Sparks Crystal Clear saw a shape in the sky, approaching their position. She wasn't very bothered by it and said nothing until the shape became a pegasus mailmare she knew. She tried to shrug again, despite her suit's protests. "I know, I'm just rambling, I guess. Still, I'm pretty much made for the job." She patted her prominent hips for emphasis. "Ah, seems we have mail. Hail miss mailmare!" She said with a smile and stopped the cart for her convenience and awaited till she was off. Crys didn't interject in the conversation, but asked Clare once the mailmare filed away. "So what's in the letter? Must be important if they sent a flier to find you..." She looked at the other mare with curiosity.
  10. @@Orange Sparks Crystal Clear walked and cocked her head left, then right, then left again, as if weighting the arguments. At last she shrugged but the armour made the gesture impossible. "Guess you're right... as always." There was no condescending or sarcasm in her voice, it seemed she genuinely agreed. "I still need to get used to the fact that there's only so much we can do to help, and it will often be not enough though. We took that family under our wing... well, yours at least cause I don't have any, but I sill feel like I should do more. No idea what though..." She sighed and lowered her head. "Dystyhoof was rubbing me with adoption idea but... I don't know. I kinda wanted foals but... I don't know if I'm a pony for the task. Plus it would tie me up to my home like a dog on a chain. I need to think about it some more..." She continued walking, buying her lower lip.
  11. @@Orange Sparks Crys stopped the cart and looked at her marefriend who was making herself comfortable on it again. "It's nice you gave them some more coin, I just hope they'll keep the news to themselves... or they'll have a line of ponies trying to get a share. Now if there's really trouble up ahead, then I'll pull over just outside the village and we play dress up. You can sleep in full plate too, and I don't want to risk an arrow in that juicy butt of yours..." She nudged the cart forward and did as she said, stopping a javelin throw off the edge of the village. The mare climbed the wagon and took her armored bits out, then jumped off with a loud metallic plink and started donning the plate. "And lay our shields the way we can reach them quickly. If they're soldiers getting their pay off the travellers, they might have crossbows or other nasty surprises. " Thanks to the smiths foresight, she could put everything on without aid. After some thought however, sleep tossed the helmet on the cart, easy to reach in a pinch. The mare looked at her companion, who was reluctantly dressed in her own shiny plate. "They'll think I'm carrying a pile of silver, if the weather keeps up you're going to shine like a second sun... there should be a blanket somewhere. Having finished their preparations, the mares continued their journey - Crystal leading the oxen on hoof, and Clarissa laying on the cart.
  12. @@Orange Sparks Dusty smiled. "We're in no hurry." Rose was trying to put together the informations when she received a kiss. She raised her rand in excitement and announced. "I like you princess Clarissa, come back and play with us okay?" She looked curiously at the mare when she asked her to promise, but after a moment of silence she exclaimed in a happy tone. "Promise!" Dusty smiled at his adopted sister and turned his attention to his future suster-in-law. "The soldiers we had yesterday said there's some trouble on the road to Opal, but we couldn't get any details from them. My guess, some ponies at arms went rogue again and try to take tolls from travellers. So keep an eye out and stay safe, your highness." They bid their farewells and Clarissa went outside to resume their journey. Crystal Clear was waiting, sitting cross legged on the wagon and tossing a pyrite cube in the air. She smiled at her companion and jumped off the cart, then walked to the oxen to give her a nudge to start moving. She also bounced her marefriend with her hip and said with a sly smirk. "I was beginning to think you claimed the stablecolt for yourself and wet upstairs to extend your noble line..." Once the oxen took a cue and started walking, Crys asked. "So how was your farewell with your future btother-in-law? Is he glued to the window, waiting for your sister to arrive?"
  13. @@Orange Sparks Crystal Clear chuckled. "After promising him your sister? I guess so!" She sat on the wagon and waited till Clarissa said her goodbyes. Dustyhoof was having a glass of cider and enjoying a break. Now that those noble mares were going their way, the stables would be empty anyway. He glanced at the opening doors and saw the princess walking in, and nodded to her respectfully. The little filly was sitting beside him, eating a sandwich. He resisted the urge to stand upright when she adressed him, but she could see a tiny jolt as he was about to do it instinctively. She hug was even more surprising, but appreciated. He returned it an replied. "T'was nice to meet you, Princess. We be waiting impatiently for your return, but know that you're always welcome under our roof." He smiled at her and gently nudged the little one, since she seemed too preoccupied with her own business. "Rose Petal, the Princess came to say bye, be nice and talk to her alrite?" The little filly looked up and made a little oooh sound, then replied. "Hi princess Clarissa, is it true you're going home now?"
  14. I need a badge, saying "If I knew how to express feelings, I would", or something along these lines.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Raven Rawne

      Raven Rawne

      Heheh, Dr Brennan from Bones or Dr Lecter from Hannibal fit much closer, but we're on MLP forums after all.

    3. AmarisNsane


      Oh, nice. Lecter, too? Well, well... that's attractive. No, really. It is.


      Apparently, I have a poor habit of wording things in ways that may strike another as sarcastic so I kind of have to ensure that I'm not when it's not my intention. So, I apologize for the extra caution.

    4. Raven Rawne

      Raven Rawne

      No worries, I have a sharp wit myself, so I know how it is. So yeah, Lecter too. Mikkeksen's one though.

  15. @@Orange Sparks, Confident that whoever intruded on their private moment just peeked in and left, Crystal Clear let go of the other mare and they got up to finish the task. As expected, they were finished in no time. Crys looked curiously at Clare who apparently decided to take a nap on the wagon. Again. "Let's just hope I'll have a turn too..." She pouted slightly and walked to the inn in order to pay their bill and make sure they emptied the room. Of course she took another coin purse, but this one was leaner. After twenty minutes or so, she was back with a handful of items she they left in their room, like the opened wine bottle. She tied the oxen to their wagon, but as she led it outside, she decided to wake Clarissa after all so she could say her farewell. The wagon stood just outside the stable door and the sun was shining on it's contents. Cryslat Clear climbed aboard and nudged the other mare. "Hey, we're leaving. Thought you might want to say farewell to your future brother-in-law."
  16. @@Orange Sparks Crystal Clear was busy sneaking her hands where she wanted, but paused and gave Clarissa a curious glance when she said about some important question. She decided to play along and resumed her master plan. With a sly grin she replied. "Just tell me already, waiting was never my forte." A gentle pull on one of the straps in Clare's armor seemed to add emphasis to her words. "Besides, I can't say no to you..." The mare squeaked as she heard somepony enter the stables. They were hidden behind the cart but it was enough for Crys to reconsider her plans for immediate future. She pulled her hands off the other mare and waited quietly for the intruder to go away.
  17. @@Orange Sparks Crys looked at her with dull expression, but nodded on every sentence. Once Clarissa was finished and gazed upon her marefriend with a mix of care and concern, did she react properly. The burgundy mare hugged her close and sobbed, refusing to let go for several minutes. At last she managed to muster a coherent response, short as it was. "T-thank you. For everything." She relaxed her iron grip and looked Clare in the eyes, but she instantly knew that the mare meant shat she said. With a feint smile, she said. "I'd love to be your wife." Before Clarissa had time to respond, Crystal Clear sealed her lips with a kiss. And dragged her onto a haystack on top of the other mare.
  18. @@Orange Sparks Crystal Clear smiled at the other mare's compliment as they ked the wagon to the stables, but there was no happiness in her eyes. She just went through the motions and helped her marefriend. Even the promise of a good time didn't do much to her. Finally she snapped once Clarissa remarked about her will to adopt the filly. With a deep sigh, she put the sack she was holding on the cart and turned to face Clare, then leaned on the side of their wagon as is she had no strength to stand on her own. She began, in an unsure voice. "It's just... I don't... Ughhh, the world I knew from behind the castle walls and from atop gilded carriages is so different from what I see every day, walking on my own pair and talking with the commoners without a regiment of guards and minders breathing down my neck. I always thought the ponies outside my castle walls had their simple lives and were happy with what they have, and suddenly I learn of orphaned foals, poverty and a host of other things that make these ponies miserable! And all I can do is toss a coin purse in somepony's palm?! I just don't know anymore, should I turn the blind eye and walk along, clinging to my elevated idea of the world, or do something about it? But... even if I did adopt her, and somehow didn't turn out a horrible mother, what of the next orphan I meet? And the one after those two? I just... It's like trying to break a wall with a teaspoon, even if you leave a mark, it changes nothing." Her shoulders slumped and head so low her chin rested on her chest, Crystal Clear sighed deeply, trying to keep any semblance of composure. "I helped, I did... something. So why I want to hide in my chambers in Raven Rock and never come out?"
  19. @@Orange Sparks Crystal Clear bit her lower lip and thought of a way to adress this situation. "Just when I had a lecture about adoption..." She saw Dustyhoof in the corner of her eye define he spoke. The mare looked in turn on him and her marefriend, suddenly feeling like both were somehow pressing on her. Fortunately the stallion went for his father before the tension made her proclaim something rash... With a loud exhale, she walked to her Marefield and muzzled her for comfort, while taking a better look at the little one. The innkeeper appeared a moment later and was walking fast towards the mares and the filly. The stablecolt could be seen in the doorway. "I thought you got lost somewhere, why you didn't tell you're going on that trip?" Curiously enough, Crystal didn't sense a hint of anger in his voice, just a mixture of worry and relief. She pointed st the filly with her head, arms crossed. "So she's yours?" The innkeep nodded as he extended his arms to take the filly from Clarissa. "Not in blood, but in bond. Mother died during labour, father was lost on the sea... We couldn't allow for another tragedy, so we took her in like she was our own from the start." Crys nodded, still biting her lip in thought. "Hmm... I wish there were more ponies like you. It seems decency and charity fell out of fashion in the world..." The mare looked at the filly in her adopted father's arms and brought her arms to her hips, drumming her fingers on a slight bulge beneath her gambeson. She nodded to Clare and fetched her coin purse and handed it all to the stallion. "Few ponies would take another's child and raise them as their own. Accept this coin, to pay for at least some of her needs. I'll come up with something more long term and get back to you, okay? " The innkeep was taken aback. "We never did this for our gain, only from the heed of our hearts but... thank you. Maybe, with your aid, we will be able to give her proper education. The local lords are always looking for scribes and other wise ponies, this village can offer her only toil and poverty. Thank you both." The stallion took his daughter inside, and the mares were left alone on the road. Crystal looked at Clare and shrugged. "Least we can do is to pay for her scholarship, that would give her a better future. Now come, we have an oxen to unhook and a cart to load."
  20. @@Orange Sparks Crystal Clear nodded. "Like I said, I'll talk to Clarissa about it. Foals aren't toys, we need to be able to take care of one before we make a decision." The stallion made himself scarce, and the mare shook her head on his song. "Such high hopes..." She spent the rest of the time organising their belongings, but once she was done, Clare was still nowhere to be found... So she decided to swing her blade a bit. She was still practicing when she heard a cart outside and went to investigate, sheathing her blade beforehand. It was indeed Clare, but her merry band was quiet as everypony was fast asleep. She leaned on the wall and observed as her marefriend handed the little ones back to their parents, telling them how the trip went and how the fillies and colts behaved. Crys had to admit, the scene was... heartwarming. She approached the other mare when only one filly was left, and no adults to pick her up. She looked at both of them with some concern. "Is there a problem?"
  21. @@Nightmare Season Crystal waved a hoof dismissively. "Don't be silly, it was an accident. Besides, I don't think I was in any danger - nopony could see or touch me and when we fell I didn't have a scratch on me." She smiled back. "I'll give our supplies a look over anyway, to have the idea what we have and where. Maybe add some stuff too. And I'll break down some rubble from that collapsed wall to have ammo for the slingshot. A well aimed hit to the head will mess up nearly anything I can think of." The mare was somewhat surprised when Nightmare entered the hot spring and waved her in, but she just shrugged and jumped into the water, then took her spot near the edge of the pool, like yesterday. They had the whole day anyway so she could comb herself later. She listened to him speak. Meanwhile she took the comb and retied her ponytail. It was a bit too tight. Once she was done she laid it by the edge. "I haven't seen what's on the parchment, but if you could tell me what you know about the daymare, maybe we could brainstorm about it..." Crystal couldn't help but laugh at Nightmare Season's shenanigans. "Haha I guess you're right!" She untied her ponytail and shake her mane loose, smiling. Then she dived into the water and emerged soon after, soaking wet. "Guess I don't look much better when wet? No offence but I prefer hair for hair though." Crystal wiped loose hair off her face and got back on her spot, then with a serious, but warm expression she said. "Okay, so now tell me about the daymare. Everything you know. Maybe I'll give you some pointers." She made herself comfortable and listened to the story.
  22. @@Nightmare Season, Crystal nodded. "Yeah, I figured as much..." He got up and the mare had to let go, albeit a bit reluctantly. It was... nice... sitting like that, clutched to the tall stallion. SHe stretched some more to get the last tendrils of sleepiness out and looked for a moment as Nightmare worked on his snow shoes. Since hers were already made, being found by him earlier on, she had no pressing duties herself. "Hmm, sometimes I envy the unicorn magic... I'll go for a light breakfast to the berry cavern, in case you'll need me. Promise I won't sleep in the water." She winked at the last remark, then she grabbed the comb and little mirror she found yesterday on the way out. Field conditions were no excuse to let one's coat become all messed up, after all. Her glow-crystal was low on juice, but she made it to the cavern and hung it on the nearest glowing crystal to rechanrge. There was something strange about them, as if they didn't need a light source to fuel their glow. Or maybe they fuelled eachother? It seemed plausible... The mare didn't even bother with grabbing a plate, opting to eat straight from the source. Heart knows when she'll eat fresh stuff next time? It took a while but she had her fill. Having satisfied her berry hunger, Crystal Clear sat on the warm stones near the hot spring and began brushing herself thoroughtly, getting rid of any knots and dust off her coat and tail. She refastened the ribbon on her dock too. Now, the main course. She unwrapped the ribbon holding her messed ponytail and let her mane hang loose. Deciding it will be easier that way, she hung the mirror on a nearby bush and began the calming ritual of setting her mane just right. With slow, practiced moves, she combed the mane straight down and to the sides, so she could see what she's doing. Then, she divided the hair into front and back, and tied the ponytail. Checking in the mirror that it's set correctly, only then did she comb the front in the desired style. She heard hoofsteps as she finished and said without looking back. "I told you I won't sleep in the water... See? Not even a hoof wet." She waved her foreleg in the air to prove her claim. Miraculously, she had a clean snout as well, but this time because she cleaned herself up after wreaking havoc in the bushes. What came as a surprise was a levitating wooden cup that suddenly appeared in front of her, along with Nightmare's announcement. Crystal took it in her hooves and liiked inside, then sniffed. Her nose told no lies - it was her favourite booze. "Looks like somepony tapped into those barrels after all..." She turned around and saw Nightmare had a cup of his own, then smirked. "And who would have thought that you would open them first, huh? Seems like I have really bad influence on you..." Crystal Clear walked towards the stallion and gently clicked her cups in toast. "So what do we drink for? Oh I know, so that our dreams come true. I could drink for that." She sipped her drink, just a bit, instead of taking it all down the hatch like usually. It's not like she was a hoof shaking, delusional alcoholic, after all. The crystal mare smiled at the nightmare pony and cocked her head a bit. "What? You thought I wouldn't resist and lay under the open tap? I have some measure of self-control." She sat on the warm stone and put her drink down. "So we have the whole day, right? Guess we might start with moving the sleigh near the entrance and deciding what to pack on it. Some foodstuffs, tools, bedrolls and maybe some materials would be my pick. That way we keep the essentials in our saddlebags in case we lost it somehow. I could trade my pick for a maul if they have one in that shelter, for self defence purposes. Also make some pebbled for the slingshot I found, could be useful... What do you think?" She looked at the stallion expectantly, while fighting the battle of will with the thought to drink the rest of her cup's contents.
  23. I just want to go home and play Tyranny... I'm so sick of work this week.

  24. @@Nightmare Season, The mare just watched as the stallion got up and explained himself. This part she already figured out. The mention of doing whatever they want made her smirk, since they both had a decent idea what her pick would be. The smug expression faded as Nightmare walked over to her, however. She felt like she wasn't supposed to see what she did, despite Nightmare's insistence it was his fault. She shivered slightly. A normal thing after leaving the warm bed and entering a chilly room but... maybe this time there was more to it? Crystal Clear walked back to bed and sat on the edge, urging Nightmare Season to sit beside her. "It was rather long, so I'll just highlight the important parts, okay? So I found myself in a strange land of sand, a fair distance off some town made of mud and brick. Once I got near, you and your family were chased out of it by the townsponies. You got hurt but managed to flee. I don't know how old you were back then but you were roughly my height. I followed you into the mountains where your family hid in a cave. Your parents were mad and you ran away into someplace with a little lake between the cliffs, and your dad burned your scroll of the Daymare. Later you wandered the land until some kind of sand monster attacked you, throwing you into a ravine. Wounded and dazed, you limped under a strange tree and later ate it's roots. I presume these were the same dream roots you eat occasionally. The memory faded soon after and I woke up, end of story." She looked up at him, but couldn't read his expression very well. "So, that's what I saw... I'm sorry for what happenned." Unsure what to do, she just hugged him and kept quiet.
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