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Raven Rawne

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Everything posted by Raven Rawne

  1. @@Orange Sparks, Crys sat on one of the bags and sighed. "Yeah, I guess you may be right. I'm not as outgoing as Clarissa though, so I just... stay in the background. I'd love to have a foal of my own one day, but... you need a stallion for that. And I don't really want anypony between me and Clare. I always knew how to make my life complicated..." She chuckled, but there was no humor in it. "I guess you may have more to you than I thought... the innkeeper is a bit like a local lord, after all. He who holds the key to the cellar has some reeeeal power in his hand. Trust me on that." She got up and resumed sorting their stuff. "Geez, where did she put THAT? Good thing at least I'm the organised one..."
  2. @@Orange Sparks, The mare was repacking one of the provision bags when she gave him a curious glance. "In my experience, it's a mixed bag. Sure, it's nice to live in luxury and have all those things, but you'll also need to deal with all sorts of bootlicking, bribery, and political nouances the court has to offer. Hay, I'd go mad if not for the fact that I spent most of the time in Raven Rock, away from the action in Opal Hill. Word of advice - get yourselves a nice hideout as soon as possible, because some ponies will try to use your inexperience in the matter." Crystal Clear was about to continue her task, but she hesitated and looked again at the stallion, this time more... inquisitively. "What do you mean I'm the same?
  3. @@Nightmare Season Crystal Clear thought about Nightmare's answer. It sounded rather bizzare but you could say the same about the pony before her. "Interesting... so you can actually get hurt in the dream? It seems scary to be vulnerable in another pony's dream, considering they can contain anything really... Nightmare? Are you okay?" She looked closely at the stallion and saw he was, in fact, asleep. "Huh, that's new..." Crystal noticed that the pool began emptying quickly and she jumped out of it, alarmed at the sudden change. What was even worse, she didn't land in stone, but sand. Spooked and confused, she frantically looked around. Sand, damn sand everywhere she looked! Crystal looked at the sky but it seemed different, the stars were in different places. She scanned her surrounding do fast she nearly snapped her neck. Sand, sand and even more sand in the featureless landscape, all shrouded in the soft darkness of the night. She cried out in fear. "Nightmare? Nightmare Season! WHERE THE BUCK ARE YOU?!" The mare started to panic. Heart racing, breathing fast, she walked in circles and kept repeating. "I want to wake up I want to wake up I want to wake up". After nopony knows how many laps she tripped on her own legs and and fell flat on her face. As she got up, slowly, she noticed something in the distance. A town? Or a huge rock maybe? No matter, it was something in the featureless sea of sand. The mare decided to wall towards it, calling her companion's name time and again but to no avail. She didn't know how long she walked, buy after a small eternity she was approaching a town, and a strange one too. It seemed to be built from... earth? Or maybe mud and clay... Before she could settle on the right idea she heard a commotion and saw dark shapes running away, chased by ponies. Nightmare ponies by the look of them, five in total. Crystal had to jump out of their way to avoid getting run down. With the corner of her eye she noticed the smallest one had the same cutie mark like Nightmare. So it was his dream now? This was so confusing... She saw as the colt got injured and was saved by one of his own. It seemed nopony noticed her however. Unsure what to do, she followed the nightmare ponies. If that was indeed Nightmare, maybe she could snap him out of it. It was hard to keep up but finally, the mare reached a cave they entered. She heard vicious yelling from inside and winced. It took a lot of willpower but she took a peek inside - the young one was mercilessly roasted by what seemed to be his parents. She felt sorry for the colt, knowing it was most probably her friend, dreaming his own dream. Young Nightmare suddenly ran out of the cave and Crystal nearly shouted in surprise. She didn't dare look back inside. Those ponies... she knew true evil. The king was it's essence. And they were the same... Feeling her legs shaking, she followed the young Nightmare. When she found him, the sun was up again. Nightmare was in a small oasis surrounded by sheer cliffs. Normally, Crystal Clear would think it was pretty, but the heartbroken colt was too much to ignore. "Nightmare? Is it you?" She spoke out and slowly approached the colt. No reaction. She walked all the way to his side, talking to him, and still nothing. She tried to touch him but her hoof went through like vapour. She suddenly understood that she couldn't interact with this dream, only witness it and hope it will end. So she looked as the colt reached for his secret posession, much like she did back in her house. Despite knowing she won't be seen, she hid behind a rock when the large nightmare pony arrived. The mare couldn't help but feel sorry for the colt. It seemed the dream was not yet over. The colt picked himself up after a while and walked deeper into the mountains. Crystal followed him. Another small eternity if walking, this time on young Nightmare's tail. At one moment however, they were attacked by a strange beast the mare never even heard about. It looked like a wild cat from Manehattan Zoo, but was made of sand. Nightmare killed it but the blast of his magic blew them into a ravine... Crystal shot up on her hooves the moment she could think straight again. She looked herself over but it seemed she suffered no injury. Nightmare however... Despite knowing she couldn't do anything, the mare ran towards him and tried to wake him up, but her voice was not heard and her hooves passed through him. Finally he woke up with a painful groan, and Crystal exhaled in relief. The colt got up, albeit not easily, and limped off in what seemed like a random direction. The mare was very concerned, but if it was a memory, then things should end well, right? She followed the hobbled colt as he took refuge under a small tree. It was... strange, but her dreaming companion looked on the verge of passing out and she was more interested in him than botanical observations. He came around soon enough, thankfully, and took interest in the tree and it's roots. Crystal brought her hoof to her chin and put the puzzle pieces together. "So this is when he found hope for the better life... when he was at the bottom of a pit of despair... So being rejected by his family will be next. I wish I didn't have to see this..." By some twisted hand if fate, her wish was granted as the dream lost ficus and collapsed, and she woke up. She breathed in deeply and shot up in the bed, sitting upright and throwing her covers off herself. A quick scan of the dorm revealed Nightmare Season materialising in his own bedding, and he also woke up. Crystal Clear jumped off the bed and threw herself on the stallion's neck. "You're okay! I saw your dream when you dozed off in mine. I couldn't do anything and you didn't see me and I was scared we would get stuck in your dream or you'll get hurt for real and..." She trailed off and just clutched to his neck in a tight hug, but let go as she felt him struggling against her grip. "Sorry for that, I just got so worried you know..." She looked down and traced circles on the floor, embarrassed by her actions. "So... are you okay?" She asked hesitantly.
  4. I sure hope the fog outside dissipates before I'll leave work. Fog+darkness=awful driving experience

    1. Shuga


      It's hard mode.

    2. Raven Rawne

      Raven Rawne

      More like Trial of Iron, or Suicide Run in my case. I hate driving in the dark...

  5. @@Orange Sparks, Crys rolled her eyes at her marefriend's remark, and once she was out of the stable with her merry band, the crystal pony turned to the stablecolt and shrugged. "She likes to tease me, but I don't swing that way. So no worries." The proposition of adoption took the mare by surprise, and she eyed the stallion curiously, still leaning on the bench. "Hmm, I never thought about it. Guess it's only natural with my "blood purity" obsessed family. See, crystal ponies are born only if both parents are crystal ponies. In other scenarios, the offspring inherits the race of their non-crystal parent. Kinda hard to hook up when you're the only crystal family in the whole Isles." She waved her hand dissmissively and began sorting their belongings. She liked to keep stuff in order. "I'll talk to Clare about it, but I don't know what she'll say. Maybe it's a good idea, after all."
  6. @@Orange Sparks, Crystal Clear was busy emptying the cart as Clarissa gave the youngsters a motivational speech. She glanced at them every now and then, smiling at the heartwarming scene. She may not be a community type, but she understood the importance of giving the foals good role models. The mare dragged the empty cart out of the corner and went for the oxen. "Your carriage is nearly ready, Princess." She giggled sligtly at the sheer ridiculousness of the sentence - a simple wooden cargo wagon was nowhere like the royal carriage. Crys returned a minute later with their oxen and sttrapped the obedient animal to the cart. "Aaaand, done! Have fun you all, I'll stay here and sort our stuff." She waved the merry company out of the stables, and leaned on one of the wooden collums. "She would be a great mother..."
  7. @@Orange Sparks, "Crystal Clear laughed while putting her pants on. "You and meek is like me and green. And I wouldn't have it any other way." She noticed her marefriend put the armor on and sighed. "And I thought I was the paranoid one... Okay, armor it is." She put her shirt on and strapped the armored hoofboots on, then donnedd her gambeson and secured the plate shoulder pads and gorget. "I intend to make sure you keep that promese, you know that? And I have just the right idea how to thank you once you're done..." She smirked and winked. With the saber by her belt and with her plate gauntlets on her hands, she was dressed and nearly ready. "Just a quick brush and I can go." Crystal took her comb and combed her mane and tail in shape, then tied her ponytail with gold lace, as usual. "Alright, let's get this party started!" She opened the door and let Clare out, and the pair walked towards the stables.
  8. @@Orange Sparks, Crys stirred from her slumber as she felt her marefriend move and nuzzle her. As usual, Clarissa used her as a pillow. The mare stretched and rubbed her eyes open as her companion vacated the bed. "Nghhhh... Yeah, I remember. You could entertain me too before you leave though." She looked as Clarissa got dressed and took it as a cue that the playtime was, in fact, over. Her marefriend's remark gave her some new hope, however. She wrapped her arms around Clare, not letting her go just yet, and whispered in her ear. "If I recall correctly, you weren't meek either. Shame I lose my shine every time I sleep, but maybe you could help me with that?" Clare gently worked her way out of her embrace however, and Crystal was left sitting on the bed, sighing that her plan didn't work. Somewhat resigned, she got up and got dressed.
  9. @@Nightmare Season, Crystal Clear waved a hoof in the air. "The Princess said we were effectively frozen in time, so for us, not a moment passed since the King's curse swallowed the city and spat it out all those years later. Truth be told, it was very confusing at first, on top of that blasted magical amnesia... Even now, few ponies travel outside of the Barrier." She sipped her drink and finished her thought in a darker tone. "I guess they feel so disconnected from the rest of the world, they choose to hide in our safe bubble of familiarity. But even there we can't just have our peace..." She briefly considered tossing the glass into the gramophone, since it produced some really agonising sounds, when Nightmare inquired about her music taste. "Hmm... I like the music of my homeland, of course! Unfortunately, the only way to enjoy it is to attend a concert or other live performance. Once I discovered these things (she pointed at the gramophone) I tried to get a grip on Equestrian music, since that's what they play. I admit, this modern music is just annoying noise to me, but some pieces they consider "classical" were good enough to make a purchase. So now it's not so eerie and silent in my house anymore. I'm not very knowledgeable about the ins and outs of Equestrian music, but I quickly grew fond of piano and cello duets, and went with that." The mare batted her ear and raised a questioning eyebrow. "Have you... fixed the dream somehow? It plays normally again. Thanks." She smiled at the stallion, who asked her another question. "Don't know really. I guess I'll spend some time here, to relax and warm up before the journey ahead but other than that? We'll have to pack our stuff, choose what to take with us, maybe set up a camp so we won't have to forage again when we come back... I guess I'll come up with something to do." She cocked her head slightly as she pondered over something, and decided to ask a question of her own. "So... while you're here, are you also asleep? I've been wondering how you do it, or whether you sleep at all."
  10. @@Nightmare Season The mare had her eyes closed when she heard laughter. Not just any too, but her friendly neighbourhood dream eater's. "Daaamn, so it's just a dream then? Ice and snow..." She opened her eyes and there he was, coming towards her and trying to regain that stone faced composure. Crystal Clear shrugged and raised the glass. "I believe Equestrian ponies call it chilling, or something like that. I never read the whole "Abridged Guide to Modern Equestria" the court issued to every household. You could use it as a hammer, it was that big... Anyway, I guess I do like my springs hot, yeah. The dream made a few improvements too." Of course she had to down the whole glass in one swing to prove her point. As previously, it became full as soon as she laid it down. Besides, I can't spend too much time in the real one or I doze off. And since you can't sleep in your own dream..." Crystal splashed the water with her forelegs, but also gave him her patented look as she finally caught that Nightmare said he didn't want to feed. She smiled when the stallion announced he will oblige to her wish and feed, however. "Remember, it's just a dream, nothing more. And let's be frank, this one holds no importance whatsoever, so feel free to suck all of it if you're hungry. It's on the house anyway. " She made a wide gesture with her forelegs, as if presenting the entire cavern. She must've looked funny when she saw Nightmare stepping into the water. Knowing the stallion didn't like putting his fires out she expected him to stay clear if the water. Thankfully he asked her a question before her brain started kicking itself. "Well, it's a long story... Alright it isn't, it just started ober a thousand years ago. So I was a little schoolfilly, six years old or so, when my parents took me to the Crystal Fair. No big deal, we used to have them a couple times every year, but it was the first time I was old enough to join some new activities for the young ones. Funny, but I was so reluctant to try my hoof in a little competition set up by the Guild that my parents had to bribe me with sweets. Mom later said she had a hunch, but I guess they tried it randomly. So that was the first time I worked crystal. With professional help and oversight of course, we had to use real tool, after all. I made a stand for my first pyrite cube that dad bought me. It's in the heart of that golden monstrosity you saw in my apartment, by the way... So I made a thing, but didn't win. They let us keep our creations but instead of grabbing it and dashing home with something new to show off, I began whining how I don't want to keep it, pointing every single flaw it had. Well, I never really finished ranting because I was interrupted with my stupid brother poking my flank and getting all worked up about my new cutie mark. And so my fate was sealed... The Guild member who was keeping watch over me took it as a cue I was a mender and took me in for apprenticeship. ...And a thousand years later here I am, a Master of Crystal with her own workshop. Took me a while if I put it like that." She chuckled at her own remark, and noticed the gramophone was now playing some indistinguishable cacophony instead of her favourite tunes. Nightmare was indeed feeding, good. "I can tell you a bit about my job, but some things are a secret of the trade, and sharing them puts a practitioner in all kinds of trouble, so I'll skip some parts, okay?"
  11. @@Nightmare Season Crystal Clear fell asleep rather fast - the day has been rough and the upcoming ones didn't seem any lighter. In her dream, she was back in the hot spring, laying on her back in pleasantly hot water, a bowl of berries and a glass of brandy close at hoof by the pool's edge. Even though she reached for both rather often, neither became empty. A gramophone was set a few steps away, playing a slow tune. The mare just enjoyed the present, eating, drinking and relaxing. Occasionally, she swam through the middle or did some kind of stunt. She wasn't going anywhere in this dream.
  12. @@Orange Sparks, Crystal took a swing off the bottle and cocked her head slightly, admiring the view. "Now I remember... better get to work, right?" She smiled and walked to the bed, swaying her prominent hips seductively. The mare laid her bottle on a nightstand and also undressed, laying her clothes neatly on the nearby cabinet. Seeing Clare's impatience, she shrugged. "Old habits. Don't worry though, I'll make it up for you." As she finished speaking, Crys walked to the bed and laid beside her marefriend. Laying on her side, she brought a finger to her chin, as she usually did when deep in thought. "Hmmm... but who should I snuggle first?" The mare made a concerned face as she kept her companion waiting. "I know, I'll snuggle you both!" With a wicked grin, she leapt on top of her marefriend, Wolfie between them. The couple spent the evening on snuggles and other such activities, and fell asleep in each other's embrace. They woke up as the sunlight intruded on their bed through the nearby window.
  13. @@Orange Sparks, Clare purred. "Sure, if we get called back, we'll answer." She inhaled deeply and opened her eyes. "Alright, you convinced me: we're going to our room, even if I'll have to carry you. I'll give both you and Wolfie your fair share, and then some." The mare reluctantly let go of her companion, but nuzzled her before letting her get up. Once both were back on their hooves and ready to go, the mares went back to the inn, arms locked and not giving a flying one about ponies watching. When they entered the inn, the common room was nearing capacity as local residents, after the whole day at sea or other work, came to unwind and spend time together. The place was teeming with chatter and clanks of cups. The mares bought a bottle of the inn's finest and wet upstairs. As Crys let Clare inside their room, she closed the door, opened the bottle with her teeth and spat it into her palm, then grinned. "So where were we...?"
  14. @@Orange Sparks, Crystal Clear kept the other mare in tight embrace, feeling her warmth. She also closed her eyes as they rested each other's heads on their shoulders. "An adventure it is then. We'll roam the land, help ponies in need, and most importantly, be together, away from court intrigues and stupid gossips. Like long vacation..." She sighed and hugged Clare closer, as if refusing to let her go. "Hmmm, I'd take this before any training, on any day..."
  15. @@Nightmare Season, Crystal wasn't done just yet. As the stallion gave her a nudge, she gave him her most sincere smile she could muster and replied. "Everypony has something they're best at, isn't it true? And you're the best torch I've met." She stood beside him, looking at the shelves and such when the stallion exclaimed about something. She looked at him and followed his gaze - jackpot! The mare smiled widely and ducked below Nightmare's barrel, slightly brushing against his underside as she took a shortcut to the barrels. Crystal walked around them, and even climbed one, looking for a tap or any proof they were already open. She found none, and replied to the worried stallion with a sigh. "I guess you won't have to carry my intoxicated carcass, if that's what you've meant. They're all sealed." She bucked lightly the nearest one for emphasis. Since Nightmare took interest in different supplies contained in the vault, Crystal decided to do the same. She walked to the nearest cabinet and gave it a look over. "Hmm... several oil lamps with spares... not interesting. Preserved food, that's better." She walked to the next one. "Bedrolls, now we're talking! Not sure if you'll fit in but it's better than laying on the ground. Hmm, some beefy blankets, good." The next one had more preserved foodstuffs, and a small stove. A few bags of what looked like charcoal were resting in the corner. She took interest in a strange, tall shape by one of the walls. She walked closer, holding the glow-crystal in front of her to get a better look. Once she identified the object, the mare said over her shouder. "Looks like we won't have to try our hooves in carpentry after all. I don't know why, but they kept a pretty big sleigh in here. Should make it easier to take what we want further North." Crystal Clear walked to the stallion to see what he found, and said. "Looks like we're in luck, Nightmare. We've got lots of food, bedrolls and blankets to keep warm, we could take an oil lamp just in case... We should pack those medical things too. You've mentioned something about snow boots, right? I have a winter getup, but we could try and make something for you too. My main concern is whether you won't accidently burn them with your tail, but I guess you'll be fine." She hugged his foreleg and looked up at him. "I think we should get some rest for now. We won't find anything more in here, and we have tomorrow to make all the arrangements. Come on, I'll get some more berries to bite for us and we'll hit the hay for today." Having stated her plan. Crystal Clear walked out of the secret room into the kitchen, grabbed a big plate and trotted to the berry bushes. It took a bit, but she finally arrived at the dorm with the berries and found the stallion laying on his bedding. "Chow's here!" The mare laid the plate in front of him and smiled. "Mostly for you, I had my fill at the source. Now let's test that bed." She walked to the bed she chose earlier and dug under the covers, only her head sticking out. "Hmm, nowhere as nice as in my place, but will do. Sweet dreams, Nightmare." With a big yawn, the mare closed her eyes and tried to sleep.
  16. @@Orange Sparks, Crystal Clear laughed a bit but took the food. "Bread and cheese, I was beginning to miss that stuff..." She sat cross-legged on the grass and nibbled on the snack, while looking at the narrow stripe of sea and the other island nearby, apparently thinking about something. She stirred from her thoughtful suspension when Clare asked if everything's okay. "I uhh... yeah, sure. Perfectly fine." She wasn't hungry yet, not after a full plate of fish, but she finished the offered meal, in lieu of getting "more snuggly". She decided to extend the break, mainly because of the fact shey had a light meal. She urged her marefriend to sit on her lap and wrapped her arms around her, then said. "So what do you think we'll do once we get to Opal? Get back to our previous lives? Each of us going their own way and meet ocasionally on the court or during other occasions? I'm not very sold on the idea, you know. Maybe we could do something together? Go on a trip to mainland Equestria, or have an adventure here in the Isles, hmm? We're adults, after all."
  17. Hmm, I think I should make some slight changes on my about me page... By which I mean rewriting it completely, most likely. Maybe next weekend...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Raven Rawne

      Raven Rawne

      These new guys recetly accused private companies for witholding their money because all enterpreteurs are corrupt and afraid of their new "clear rules"... Enterpreteurs in healthcare are considered thieves and leeches of the public system. Fun times...

    3. 4april


      Its time to move to the US, or India!

    4. Raven Rawne

      Raven Rawne

      Now that Canada is expecting the sudden influx of stars and stripes, no place in the world is safe...

  18. @@Nightmare Season The mare walked the dark hallway, hugging the walls as her necklace provided the only light. Every now and then, she saw something in the dark, only to discover it was her mind playing tricks on her. Crystal Clear picked up her findings one at the time. Junk mostly, as already stated. Once on her way back, just a few rooms away from the dorm in fact, Crystal Clear noticed something on the floor. At first she thought it was another trick of the light, but as she got closer, she noticed that, in fact, there were some strange grooves in the floor. Nothing obvious, but a practiced eye could see. The mare stopped and took a deeper look. It seemed that the scrapes were curved, led from the wall up to the middle of the corridor... She looked at the wall. It seemed the looters have tore down some kind of a wall tapestry, the hangers were still there. Crystal decided to dump her stuff and come back. The mare entered the doorway into the dorm. "Here's the rest of the haul. Not much to be honest..." Crystal laid down her loot on the pile. "I need to check on something, I've found what could be a hidden doorway by the look of it. On second thought, come with me, maybe you'll see something I won't." She smiled and waved him over with a hoof. Once she was back in the hallway and took a few steps, a familiar yellow glow encompassed the whole space. The mare approached the suspect wall section and pointed at it. "There are scratches on the floor, like they dragged something heavy, multiple times. As you can see, the pattern looks like ill fitting door, damaging the floor. Now we just need to find the way to open it." Crystal Clear took her necklace in her teeth and rubbed her chin in concentration, thinking where to start. She pushed the stones where she guessed the lock could be and surely, after a few tries, she heard a click and the door opened. "Ahhh, the regular mechanism then. Could you walk in with me? Could use some more light." The mare smiled at the nightmare pony and they walked inside. "Ooohhhh, somepony's been stocking up for winter." Crystal grinned as she took in the view. They found a well stocked shelter for the workers.
  19. @@Nightmare Season, Still laying on her back and clutching to the pickaxe, Crystal Clear was staring at Nightmare as he mulled over the news. She gave him a particularily questioning look when he voiced his lack of concern. In plain equestrian, it would means something like "Are you brain dead!?" Her expression softened as he explained his reasons, however. She got up on her hooves when Nightmare walked to the room's entrance, unsure of his plan but still too shaken to break her silence. She cocked her head curiosiy as the stallion said he didn't hear anything and, by extension, whatever she saw there didn't follow her. The stallion's joke was enough to break the baloon of tenstion inside her - Crystal Clear exhaled deeply, suddenly aware she's been holding her breath. Her hind legs gave in under her and she sat rather unceremoniously, then let go of the pickaxe. "Phew... I got so scared back there..." The mare looked up at the nightmare pony and said to him. "Oh and Nightmare... you haven't done a very good job at eating me in my sleep either, so bite my flank, joker." She smiled deviously at her riposte and got up on her hooves, then turned around to hide her pickaxe. And show him where to bite. Once the pickaxe was back in place, Crystal held her foreleg in the air for a moment. It was shaking a bit. Reluctant to come off as a scared foal, she turned back to face the nightmare pony and trotted towards him. "I'm going back for what I've found, but I'll stay away from the entrance. Those spears won't go anywhere. Meanwhie you can sort through that pile, maybe you'll like to keep something." She stepped to his side with fake confidence and bumped him with her shoulder. "Cheer up, big guy, I'll be back soon." With that last remark, she walked out of the dorm, this time more conscious of the noise her hoofsteps made.
  20. @@Orange Sparks, "I'm happy you like it, I thought it looked inviting." Crys replied as she came out of another one handed eight and grabbed the blade in the middle, then redirected it rapidly for a backward thrust. "Halfswording was never my forte. Sabers aren't built for bashing with the guard, or pommel for that matter. But those thrusts are handy." She resumed her posture and walked several steps away, then turned around to face Clare. "There's no point in even trying to spar, your blade will cut mine in half on the first parry. So we'll take turns on mimicking each other's moves." Crystal took a one handed stance and nodded to the other mare. "Ready? I lead first, for a change." She sticked her tongue out jokingly and stared a moment later. First, a forward stab, followed by a parry of an upward strike, and a riposte from the wrist. They continued like that for a couple minutes, at a relaxed pace but picking increasingly complex moves. Finally, Crystal sheathed her sword and nodded. "Good, short break and it's your turn."
  21. @@Orange Sparks, Crystal Clear smiled as they walked out of the room and down into the common room. A cursory glance was enough to tell it was, in fact, empty. Even the innkeep was nowhere to be found. Crys shrugged "Not much business it seems. This village is off the main travel routes so it's not that surprising though..." They walked outside and were met by a slight wind from the sea, making the air cooler and carrying the sounds and smells from the beach, where the first fishing boats already landed with their catch. Crys scrunched her muzzle a bit. "We're definetly going out of the village. Come on, I saw a good spot on the way in." The sun was still high but the mares could tell it was already late afternoon.Just a few hours of sunlight were left for today. Crystal Clear led Clarissa through the main road, outside the village. A few ponies saw them going, but nopony bothered them. About a slingshot away from the last buildings, Crystal stepped off the road and deeper into the land, onto a small hill. Once they reached the top, which wasn't taller than the first storey of the inn, she stopped and showed the spot to her marefriend with a wide open gesture. "What do you think? A bit off the road, and away from the smell of gutted fish too." She unsheathed her saber and gave it a good look over, then tried the blad against a blade of grass. Satisfied with the result, the mare gave it a few sideway 8 swings, one and both handed. "Alright, let's have some fun then."
  22. @@Orange Sparks, Crystal Clear nodded. "Yeah, now I remember it. Never liked it though, it's too... dark, for my tastes." She walked to the window and peered out. "Huh, I was half expecting a minotaur longship to suddenly materialise by the beach, but it seems that our brave ponies-at-arms had their fill of booze and went on their way. The coast should be clear downstairs then." She grabbed her favourite toy, the hand and a half saber, and held the door for Clarissa. "The beach will get crowded soon by the fisherponies, so I guess we'll have to walk out of the village altogether, so we son't disturb anypony."
  23. @@Orange Sparks, Crys cocked her head a bit, suddenly alone in the tub. She shrugged and got out herself, then grabbed a towel and patted her coat to dry off. A sudden question broke her train of thought as she was appreciating the other mare's figure. "Huh? Ah, yes, no need for armor, regular clothes should be fine." Since Crystal toweled herself sufficiently, she walked to the cabinet and donned the set she had prepared: a white long sleeved shirt, tucked inside charcoal breeches and covered by a navy blue, short sleeved tunic. All well tailoerd and form fitting. The getup was supplemented by a belt, leather gloves and hoofboots, all black. Her ears perked up at the unfamilliar sound. She stood by the bed, too far from the window to see anything. "What's that? You see anything outside?" One of the reasons Crys chose this room was that she could see most of the village, along with the "harbor".
  24. @@Orange Sparks, Crystal Clear was very pleased with Clarissa's reaction. "Months of practice love, it's safe to say I'm your personal massouse by now." She shifted her attention to a small knot in the left shoulder. "I know that wearing armor all the time, no matter how well fitting, causes your wings and upper back to go stiff after a while, so I do my best to keep you in good shape." after a few minutes Crystal couldn't feel any knots or stiff muscles under her fingers, so she asked her marefriend while gently rubbing her shoulderblades, right between the wings. "Seems like I'm done here. Are we going to get dressed or you want me to take care of something more?"
  25. @@Orange Sparks, Crys smiled as Clare agreed on her plan. "Alright, so it's set. After I have a nap that is..." She moved to the other wing, this time without any warning. The other mare's reaction was... priceless. "Thanks for the compliment, I really like taking care of them." She traced her fingers on the upward edge of both wings, causing them to flutter a bit. "Your wingies are just the best. Makes me wish I was a crystal pegasus myself..." Crystal Clear stayed silent as Clarissa recalled her mother. She was glad her folks were still around... "I know you do... But I'm sure she would be proud of you and the way you treat every pony, irregardless of their social or economic standing." A moment of silence passed, and Crystal took care of the other wing. Once she was done with them, she moved up to massage the neck and shoulders.
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