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Raven Rawne

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Everything posted by Raven Rawne

  1. @@Orange Sparks, Once Clare turned around, Crys knew exactly what to do. Months of practice allowed her to learn the ins and outs of those particular wings. First, a gentle massage of the shoulders and aroundthe wings proper, to relax the muscles and make it easier. And more enjoyable. The crystal mare nodded, even though Clarissa couldn'r see the gesture. "I know, right? I like it when you go the extra mile for another pony just because you can make them happy. It's so rare these days, and all the more precious because of it. Alright, brace for the funny part." As she issued her warning, she began rubbing the left wing at it's base, and in turn, it started flapping a bit on it's own accord. Crystal Clear always found it funny how wings can move on their own. Luckily today she wasn't tense, so the preparations for the actual preening would be short. Just a couple of minutes to relax the muscles and work out a few kinks, then she could start setting the feathers in shape. For Crys, preening her friend was very enjoyable - it put her mind at ease as she worked her magic, and pegasi seemed to feel great pleasure from a good preening, so doing something nice for her marefriend was also a bonus. Crystal Clear was about done with the left wing when she rekindled the conversation. "So, once we have some rest in our room, maybe we could go someplace quiet and have some light blade training? Just shadow duels, stances and the like. What do you think?"
  2. @@Orange Sparks, Crystal Clear replied with a dismissive hand wave as she entered the tub. "Nah, just the usual idiocy. Judging from their liveries they're not mercs, but rather soldiers of a local lord. And don't worry, they were all earth ponies. As long as they eat and go someplace else things will be fine. if they get drunk, well, better stay up here, or we'll have a brawl..." She made herself comfortable and sighed as she relaxed. "I always lliked a warm bath." The crystal mare eyerolled a bit once Clarissa disclosed her plan to entertain the foals. "Okay, I know you like being a good princess, but first we'll need to empty that cart of all our war gear and other stuff. I'll keep an eye on our things when you'll entertain the youngsters. The mares relaxed in the warm water for a bit, when Crys got an idea. She gently tapped her marefriend with a hoof so she would open her eyes. "Hey, turn around, it's your preening time." She smiled at the other mare as she made that offer.
  3. @@Orange Sparks, Suddenly alone in the common room, Crystal Clear strapped her saber back to her belt and walked outside to reach the stables and her cart hidden therein. The mare walked to the far side of the building, since the stables were located behind the kitchen. The sun was high and the wather was good, but as she walked, she spotted a lone fishing boat on the shore. She was pretty certain that it wasn't there when they arrived. "Huh, a bit too soon to come back from the catch. Maybe they had an accident..." She thought to herself as she entered the stables through the open doors. There was a ruckus inside, as the merchants were getting ready to go. The poor stablecolt was doing his best to send them on their way as fast as he can. Crys made use of the commotion and walked to their wagon unmolested, picked some clothes from one of the packs and gave everything a good look over to make sure nopony's been poking their head in their stuff. Satisfied with the outcome of her little inspection, she walked back to the inn, this time getting a better look at her surroundings. Something was... off, with that boat, but she couldn't place her finger on it. Everything seemed normal, aside from that. "Must be my paranoid imagination..." she thought to herself as she entered the inn. Once inside, Crystal Clear noticed some newcomers - ponies-at-arms of a local lord by the look of them, about ten total. The innkeeper was doing his best to bring them their orders before they got impatient. They took notice of the mare however, and one hollered: "Oi, you, shiny! You need help with that iron? Mares wear dresses, not jacks and swords." Another tried to silence him. "Shut up, can't you see she's some noble? Look at the crest idiot, she ain't from here." Crys shot them her patented armour piercing look and went to her room, trailed by a few cat calls. As usual, she knocked to the door with the agreed melodic sequence to notify Clare it was her, then entered the room. It was as she remembered it - a big, double bed in the corner, a large chest at it's foot. A table with three stools near the window, a cabinet by the wall... nothing fancy. What was new however, was a wooden bathtub in the center of te room with a mare inside it. "Seems like I made it after all..." She said as she locked the door. "How's the water? Wet, I presume?" Crystal Clear waked to the bed and took off her gambeson, then laid out her fresh clothes on the cabinet. "I see some room for one more in there..." the mare smiled and got ready to join her companion.
  4. I can see the sunset from my office. Seems like it's safe to say I work all day long. *ba-dum tss*

  5. @@Nightmare Season, Crystal looked up at Nightmare once she got the loot off her back. "Not much, and most is junk for us anyway. Clothes for stallions, tableware, grooming items, some shinies... I found an axe though." She looked around and reached for the tool to show it to the stallion. "It was behind a wardrobe in one of the bedrooms. Weird huh? There was a slingshot too but I covered it up with junk it seems. I guess I could keep searching, there are still places I haven't looked in, but I'm not hoping for much. We could grab those broken spears but they wouldn't be of much use either." She rubbed her chin again, thinking of something. "...unless we use the time we have to make something from what we have here. There's plenty of wood around from furniture, and fabric from those clothes... we could make a sled to get my friend home in case she can't walk all the way, for example. At least we won't get bored sitting in here, right? Anyway, I'll finish the sweep first and we'll see what we've got availible." She left the axe on the pile and trotted out of the dorm to look for some more "treasures". The mare was gone for around half an hour, and only the occasional screetch of moved furniture, curses and distant clip-clop oh hooves echoing through the corridors were proof that she was still on the hunt. Suddenly, the brewery was filled with thundering of hooves and soon enough, Crystal barreled through the dorm door, eyes wide and panting hard. "There's.... something..." She pointed outside the room as she caught her breath. "I was... by the entrance, to get those spear points when... I saw something moving outside. I backed away and ran back here. I don't know what it was, but it was bigger than you, and white. Couldn't see much through the snowfall." She sat on the floor and breathed deeply, searching with her eyes for her sabblebags. Once she found them, she leapt to them and grabbed the pickaxe like a safety blanket. "Should we go and look, or stay put and barricade? I don't want to get eaten in my sleep..."
  6. @@Orange Sparks, Crys shook her head. "I don't know what's so appealing in acting like that, but then, quite a few would call me an alcoholic so I won't hold it against you." As if to prove her claim, she raised her cup and asked with a smile. "For the success of your cunning plan?" Since both their plates and the bottle were empty, Crystal Clear took them and approached the bar. "Thanks for the meal, it was as good as I remembered. How many for the food and the room?" The innkeeper took the tableware and counted in his head. "That'll be... seventy five bits. With the bath, as you asked." Crystal smiled and reached for her purse. "A fair price, here." Once she paid their dues, the mare walked back to the table and picked up her hand and a half saber. "I'll get something more comfortable from our wagon and get some rest in our room. It's the last one in the gallery. Will you join me or you have other plans?"
  7. @@Nightmare Season, Crystal Clear smiled at the stallion and trotted outside the kitchen. "Alright, I'll grab anything marginally useful and bring it to the dorm, then we'll sort it all out. I'll also bring our saddlebags from the hot spring - as much as I'd love so get back there, I need to dry off anyway..." She decided to lug their stuff from the spring first. Crystal trotted in a steady pace all the way to the hot spring, where she put on her saddlebags. One last longing look at the water and a scoop of berries later she approached Nightmare's bags and put them on too, but left the strap undone - it was too large anyway. For a moment she thought her load was too heavy, but after a few steps she got a hang of it. A couple minutes later she arrived in the dorm without incident and left the bags there, then thought for a moment where to begin her search. "Hmm... I've been in all the rooms deeper in this corridor, so now I'll go the other way." - the mare told herself. She did as she said, and began scouring the rooms closer to the entrance, throwing everthing she found on the corridor for later pickup. She heard the staiion calling her when she was about done with the sweep, so she just trotted back to him for the pie. "Not bad, considering I helped make it." She licked her lips to clean up from last traces of the delicacy. This time they didn't have to clean up, so the mare took the opportunity to bring her loot to the dorm and add to the pile. Once Nightmare came in, she started sorting through it.
  8. @@Orange Sparks, Crys waved her hand dismissively "Don't worry, they'll have more than enough from Celeste's dowry alone. And once your father cools down, I bet he'll give them a small manor or some other nice place to live. He's a good father after all." The crystal mare started emptying her own plate, after refilling the cups of course. "Mmmm, told you, fresh fish is the best. Not the dried and salted sort they have at Opal." The mares continued emptying their plates, while the merchants paid and left, apparently to get back on the trail. Now they were alone in the common room, save for the innkeep who looked like he just recieved his weight in gold.
  9. @@Orange Sparks, Dustyhoof nodded with a smile. "Alright, I'll get back to you once I'll finish with the animals. for now, I'll take my leave." And just as he said, with a small bow, he left the inn. Crystal Clear decided it was high time for another round, and emptied her cup. "I don't know Clare, it looked just like those arranged marriages back at Crystal Summit. I know you want the best for your sister but... once you came up with the idea you could just have a casual chat with him and later tell Celeste about it so she could make the decision herself. That's how I see it, but you know I'll support you anyway."
  10. @@Orange Sparks, The colt smiled as Clarissa took his acceptance as good coin. "My name's Dustyhoof. Grandpa chose the name and wouldn't budge, so the rest of the family had to accept it." He chuckled as it must've been quite a story to it. "Is there anything I can do for you? I'll need to get back to the animals in a bit and took the opportunity for a small break. Crystal Clear looked at the mare beside her. "I guess she'll want to ask you about virtually everything, but maybe later, hmm, Clare? Alternatively, you could sit with us on your break. Plenty of room by the table, even with our swords laying around."
  11. @@Orange Sparks, The colt's eyes went wide once Clarissa stated her proposition. Unsure what to do and even whether she's serious in the first place, he seemed to play along, even if he was obviously out of his element. "Aye, she is very pretty indeed. Looks a lot like you, in fact." He smiled a bit as he delivered the compliment. Meanwhile the innkeeper was trying to look busy as he listened to their conversation. Such was the price of sitting near the bar... "Suddenly self concious, the colt stood with his back straight as if on attention, and replied with all the confidence he could muster. "If you think I would be worthy of your sister, my lady, then I would be glad to meet her. And if we'll fancy eachother, then I'll do all I can to provide and protect her." The innkeeper smiled widely and caught Crys's armor piercing gaze as she sweeped the room, and hastily got back to cleaning the mug he held in his hand. Fortunately the other guests were too far to eavesdrop, and the griffon rent upstairs to his room a few minutes earlier.
  12. @@Orange Sparks, Crystal Clear grinned and clicked her cup against her friend's. "That's the spirit!" Another cup downed in one swing. "This stuff's weak, but still better than water." The mare refilled their cups for another round when she saw she innkeeper's son walk in, and mentally braced for more Clare being Clare. The colt looked around for a moment, unsure who called him. Crys lend him a hand and waved. "In here!" The stablecolt nodded and walked to the table, unsure what it's all about. He had brown coat, like a well seasoned oak wood. His charcoal mane and tail were cut short for practicality, but were kept in rather good shape. He had green eyes that reminded Crystal of the bottles of Erveluce, a premium brand of Equestrian wine. Overall he looked like early twenties and was fairly muscular, no doubt from physical labor. He wore a simple blue tunic and black pants, but no hoofboots. Most ponies didn't, unless for some specific reason, or to show off. "Yes, m'ladies? How may I help you?" - he looked at both of them in turn, somewhat shy, standing in front of them.
  13. @@Orange Sparks, Crystal Clear eyed her ranting marefriend with a curious look, then drank her cup of wine in one swing. "I'm too sober for this... Let's have it your way, but you could at least bring her here to decide for herself. He may not be in her type, after all..." She poured herself another and held the cup in the air. "Are you going to let me drink by myself?
  14. @@Orange Sparks, The innkeeper was taken aback by the princess's opennes. He stammerred for a bit, but managed to give a reply. "I-uhh... we'd be honored, of course but, we're just a common folk, with nothing to their name. Surely she can have anypony she desires..." Since Clarissa seemed serious, he carried on. "He's a good kid, hard working and all. We thought he'd carry on the business, in fact. He would be a loyal companion for your sister, m'lady, if she chooses him that is. I'll get right back with my finest then." With that he took his leave. Crys whistled. "Ice and snow Clare, what would your father say about that?"
  15. @@Orange Sparks, Crystal Clear shooked her head. "I don't know really. With you around, it's hard to tell if I should be worried about you or everypony around." She leaned and said quietly. "Speaking of which, don't test that colt too hard." Meanwhile the innkeeper showed up with a big plate of fish and a clay bottle with two cups. "Here's your order, is there anything I can do for you?" Crys nodded and replied. "Thank you, we'd like to rent a room. Is the big one, where I stayed last time, availible?" She smiled at him gently. "I know there's one big bed there and I don't mind. I liked the view. A warm bath in the evening will be nice too." The innkeeper nodded and went into the kitchen, apparently to make the arrangements. A few minutes later his wife walked out and into the gallery to prepare the room. The crystal mare turned to her companion and poured them a shot. "All done, we're staying. I know I could've asked you for your order but that's the best they've got in here anyway. Fresh catch."
  16. @@Orange Sparks, Crystal Clear held the door to the inn and as Clarissa passed her, she whispered into her ear. "If you want to test that colt for your sister, then go for it, but I'm not interested." She made a sly smile and pushed her marefriend in playfully with her hip. The guests looked at the door again, and quickly returned to whatever they were doing. Crys thought that the merchants were talking a bit more lively than when she came in first. The crystal mare showed her companion a free table bear the bar, and walked to the innkeeper. "We'd like to have a plate of grilled halibut for two, and a bottle of wine please." The eart pony stallion looked at both mares and nodded. "In a few minutes, m'lady." Crys thanked the innkeeper and sat next to Clare. They could see most of the inn from their spot. "So what do you have in mind? A quick meal and a dash to Opal or we stay here for the night?"
  17. Thanks to the stupid audits I'll need to stay a couple hours longer at work tomorrow... Not looking forward to it.

  18. @@Orange Sparks Crystal Clear thought for a moment, then nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I can live like that." As her marefriend fell asleep again, she continued guiding the cart towards the distant buildings. It took another hour to reach the Flounder Cove. First, they were greeted by the telltale stench of smoked fish mixed with the sea breeze and smoke from fires used to smoke and dry the fish before transport. The hamlet consisted of around twenty houses, some sheds by the shore, several smokeries and countless racks on which the cleaned up fish dried in the sun. A larger building in the center had many purposes, but on most days it was an Inn and today was no different. Crystal took in the sight of wooden houses with thatch roofs, mares fixing nets and doing house chores while stallions were fishing at sea. The community was rather poor, but they seemed to be doing more or less okay. The appearance of an armed mare with a loaded wagon turned quite a few heads, and Crystal decided to wake up her companion before she went inside the inn to ask where she could safely leave the ox and their cart. She parked near the inn entrance and climbed the wagon. Seeing the other mare was still asleep, she leaned and nuzzled her lovingly. As Clare stirred up, Crystal said quietly into her ear. "We're in the village dear. Wake up and keep an eye on our stuff while I get that big bed for you alright?" Seeing that Clarissa was waking up, she jumped off the cart with a metallic clang as the metal pieces of her minimal armor struck each other. One last look to make sure Clare wouldn't doze off again and she strided confidently into the inn. Once the heavy oak door gave in, the mare walked inside the main chamber. A fireplace was set up in the middle, but it was warm enough so it wasn't lit. Several tables were laid by the wooden walls, and a few ponies were eating and chatting. Mostly merchants by the look of them. A lone griffon on the far corner, drinking to the proverbial mirror was more interesting, maybe because they rarely visited the Isles, or maybe because of the prominent bludgeon that rested against the table beside him. The customers turned to see the newcomer, but none went to greet her. Such was the way of the road - you mind your own business. Crys approached the bar and greeted the innkeeper. "Greetings innkeeper, me and my companion would like to dine under your roof, maybe spend the night if she feels so inclined. We would be also grateful if we could park our cart and feed our ox. We can pay upfront." With that last remark she reached under her gambeson and fished out a bit pouch that was strapped to her belt, and laid it on the bar, then smiled warmly. The innkeeper gave her a good look over and nodded. "I remember you m'lady, been here a few months back right? Don't be surprised, a pony like you is hard to forget. I'll get my son to tend to your cart right away, you can take what you need from it while you wait. It'll be 30 bits for taking care of your stuff and ox for today." Crys nodded and paid for the service, then went outside to get Clare. Seeing their wagon surrounded by fillies and colts as the mare sat on the cart and talk to them was a bit strange, but with Clarissa, you get used to all kinds of things. "Getting acquainted with the youngsters already? The innkeeper's son will take our cart under the roof and rake care of our Betsy." She patted the animal as she walked to it. There are a few ponies inside, merchants by the look of it. What's interesting is that there's a griffon in there, all by himself. Maybe some envoy or a mercenary, he looked like he could take care of himself. Alright, here's the colt, take what you need and let's get this thing out of the street." They took the cart into a shed by the inn and parked by three other wagons, most probably belonging to the merchants. Crys left the colt with their Betsy and took the other mare inside the inn. "Let's order something to eat and decide what to do next" she said to Clare as they were approaching the oaken door.
  19. @@Nightmare Season Crystal Clear gave the stallion a puzzled look. She glanced at the scarf she tossed by the pool when she didn't know what it was and wanted to get rid of it. "I uhhh... thanks? Sorry for causing a scene but, don't tie anything on me when I'm asleep, okay?" She walked to pick it up and put loosely across the bushes, since it was all wet and that way would dry sooner. The mare brought a foreleg to her chin, as was her custom when she pondered over something. A few drops of water fell from her body, since she herself was wet too. "Hmm, I haven't thought about it that way... So we shouldn't disturb the entrance or the first hall, but anything deeper should be fair game, right? I need to think if there's any sense of barricading then." She raised her head and nodded at Nightmare. "Show me those beds, will you?" The pair walked a bit through the empty corridors and finally reached the bed chamber, or a dormitory of sorts. There were twenty beds in different states of disrepair, but around five looked good. The mare approached the nearest one and inspected it. "Nothing fancy I admit, but it'll do. And where you're going to sl... oh, right." She looked back at Nightmare who was arranging a big matress from a couple of the broken beds. "I guess that answers my question." Crystal Clear had a genuine laugh when Nightmare Season asked her to help in baking. She stomped with a hoof and tried to cover her face a couple tines before coming around, but it wasn't a mean sort of laugh. "Aww Nightmare, that was a good one! Me and baking are just as acquainted as pigs and flying, but sure I'll help you. So where's the kitchen?" It turned out it was opposite of the dorm. As usual, the place was ransacked but a few stray items were laying here and there. The mare picked up a large spoon and found a nice bowl in one of the cabinets, so now they could mix the flour for cake. Further search didn't reveal any eggs, but there was indeed a sack of flour, tucked in the oven for some reason. She looked around the kitchen again. "Hmm, we'll need some water for the cake, maybe I could fetch some snow? I don't recall seeing a well in here, and the spring water had a weird taste... I'll be back shortly." Crystal took the bowl and trotted out of the kitchen to get some snow. She could find her way in the dark thanks to the glow-crystal necklace she grabbed at the last moment before leaving the cavern with berries. Soon enough she reached the entrance. It was really cold in there, and she wasn't completely dry just yet, so she just ran to the nearest snow pile, scooped the whole bowl of it and ran back inside till she reached a warmer section of the facility. Only then did she stop and shake herself from tiny ice droplets that froze on her coat. "Brrr, chilly." She said to herself and walked back onto the kitchen. "Pile of snow: check! What now chef?" She placed it on the table and looked for something to melt it in, but Nightmare already found a pot, and used his magic to move the snow from one to the other, then melt the snow. Together they mixed the flour and formed a pie shape on a copper baking plate that also was hidden in the oven, then sticked the berries into it. Nightmare already had the fireplace beneath the oven prepared and ignited it with his magic. Either he was so fast or the mare took do long with the snow. Crystal decided to search the nearby rooms on her own while the pie was baking. There wasn't much left but somehow she found a comb and a small mirror, some random clothes, and, surprisingly enough, an axe - it was hidden behind one of the wardrobes in a smaller bedroom with a damaged king's bed. The wanton destruction of furniture bothered her a bit, since the traitors were cruel, but not mindless in their impulses. Maybe that changed... The mare piled up her treasures in the dorm to sort them later and checked on Nightmare and his pie. The fresh scent was enough to make her stomach grumble loudly as she entered the kitchen. She smiled sheepishly and traced circles with her hoof as he looked at her. "What? It just... smells good. Is it ready?" The stallion stepped aside to reveal their Magnum Opus, baked and cooling off. Crystal walked to take a look at it. "Not as pretty as in the bakeries back home, but with me as aide it was hard to do much better. I wonder if it tastes good though. Time will tell... Any plans till the pie cools off? "
  20. @@Orange Sparks Crys heard her marefriend wake up and replied. "Not yet. Still a few miles to cross. Sorry for the rock by the way." The mare made a very surprised face and looked at Clare. "Are you serious?! Move out of your country, leave the titles and riches, and for what? The lauded life in simplicity? Too much philosophy, I'm afraid. I can get through a tough patch for a cause but seriously, I would go crazy living in a hut somewhere, tending to crops and the like..." Crystal Clear urged the ox to get moving. She wanted to reach that village already.
  21. @@Nightmare Season Crystal Clear listened to Nightmare Season as he laid down his experiences with violence. Unsure how to react, she nodded in a neutral manner. "Sounds like you're no stranger to violence then. Maybe it's for the best, considering what lies ahead. I never... you know. Even when they locked me up and ordered to make tools for the other slaves down in the mines, I didn't fight back. I don't even know if I have the guts for it. So I guess it's good you're past that point." The mare was staring in the distance with an unsure grimace on her snout, thinking whether she could bring herself to hurt a pony, when Nightmare saved her from those thoughts by announcing he's off to get some firewood. She smiled at him instinctively. "Sure, if we're going to stay here for a while. Might even do some redecorating to make this place our main camp of sorts. Bring some bedding and the like, maybe barricade the entrance just in case. We'll discuss it once you get back though." She continued eating berries for some time, until she felt like she had her fill. Those fruits would fall off the bush in a few days anyway, and thinning their rations when there was free food to be found would be rather stupid. The mare licked her lips to clean herself up, with partial success. Nightmare was still away, and she didn't have anything to do really, so she just hopped back into the water to have some more fun in it. Crystal Clear dud a couple dives, swimmed from one end to another and generally moved about to keep the blood flowing. However it soon felt boring, and she swam to the edge opposite to the entrance and lied down on the stone seat like she did earlier, with just the head sticking above the water. She moved her soaking wet mane away from her eyes and straight back, then rested her head on the smooth stone edge of the pool. So nice and warm, she thought. The mare didn't notice when she closed her eyes and dozed off. A voice, and something wrapping around her neck! Crystal Clear woke up to those two distinct sensations and got scared, unable to make sense of it immediately. She flailed her forelegs trying to push away whatever was holding her and made some incoherent noises, which caused her to lose balance in the water and fall off the seat into the deeper water. She emerged spitting and rubbing her eyes a moment later, and once she could see again she saw Nightmare, clearly amused by her little display. The mare took off the scarf and looked at it, then shot him a cold stare. "I know you told me not to sleep in the water but really, you could just nudge me or something. Even empty a bucket on my head. But tying stuff on my neck? I really thought something wanted to choke me!" Just as previously, Crystal Clear walked out of the pool and shook herself off most of the water, then stretched a bit to get the last ounces of sleep past her. "Shame you woke me up, I had a great dream." The mare walked to the stallion and aaked: "So how are things looking outside our little paradise? You found anything interesting? Some beds maybe? I wouldn't say no to a real bed you know. I don't know how you manage to sleep on the ground all the time... Also, before we call it a night we should barricade the main door. I don't want anything to nest in those rooms while we're around, or find any nasty surprises on our way back. So how's it going to be, can you help me secure the entrance?"
  22. @@Orange Sparks The crystal pony smiled as she listened to the other mare. "You'd give anything for so many things as of late, I'm starting to wonder when you're going to propose we escape on the continent and buy a small house in the middle of nowhere... um, Clare? Ah, she's asleep. Probably mustering her strengths for the night. Knowing you we won't sleep at all..." Crys shook her head at the idea, but she also smiled. Despite the prospect of a sleepless night it was still something to look forward to... The one cart caravan continued in silence as half of the passengers were fast asleep, while the other half admired the sights. Crystal Clear soon began to wonder why she didn't meet anypony on the road. Normally there would be a travelling merchant or some peasants going someplace, but today, nothing. It wasn't a cause for alarm, but it felt a bit odd. She walked like that for nearly two hours, and Clare stirred a few times but didn't wake up just yet. Finally, the mare saw chimney smokes in the distance - they were getting closer to the village and a warm meal. Maybe if they ate fast, they would continue the journey and make it to Opal late at night?
  23. @@Nightmare Season The mare scrunched her snout in displeasure as the sudden call from her companion dispelled the first signs of blissful slumber. "Uhh... really? But it feels so good in here." She felt movement in the water and soon after, a nudge. With slight irritation she opened her eyes and saw Nightmare giving her that look. "Okay, I promise I'll stay awake. See? Eyes open." Apparently it satisfied the stallion since he went out of the water and left the mare unmolested. She didn't see what he was doing, since he chose a spot behind her. Crystal Clear decided to take the berries closer to her and eat them while she enjoyed the hot spring. "Add Evie and a bottle of our favourite and I could die happy..." She said to nopony in particula, then took a big scoop of berries. The mare slid off the stone seat into the deeper water in the middle to move for a bit since she was feeling suspiciously blissful - a sure sign she might doze off. With some satisfaction she discovered that the water was deep enough to submerge completely without bending her legs, so she took a short dive and swam to the other side where she resurfaced. Crystal shook her head rapidly to get rid of at least some of the water from her coat, while her inborn magic kept her mane in shape. She ate all the berries anyway so at least now she could see Nightmare without craning her neck like a swan. The crystal pony looked at the stallion curiously when he announced tomorrow will be no good for travel, but she saw no hint of a lie. She grinned and splashed the water with her forelegs. "Yesss! I mean, I know we're on a mission but I really like it in here so..." She looked at him apologetically for her extatic reaction. Nightmare got back to his cards and Crystal rested her head against the edge of the pool and followed her own train of thoughts. Soon enough her eyelids grew heavy and her eyes closed, followed by that blissful sensation of approaching slumber. She heard the question but didn't answer. Only once Nightmare Season yelled to wake her up, she stirred and blinked in surprise, then looked at him. "Did I just...? Aww it's just no fun when I'm tired like that. You won." She reluctantly got up and walked out of the water, then shook herself off like a dog to get rid of the dripping water. She was still wet, but now just a little. The mare walked to the nearest bush and began to nibble on it's sweet fruit. "So about the enemy, as you've put it..." She sighed, and her coat returned to normal. So much for happy thoughts. "Those black crystals by the entrance could be made only by crystal unicorn magic, and dark one too. I've seen enough of them to be sure - it's the King's court. It seems that the loyalists of the evil king escaped to that settlement up north. It would also explain why my... friend... is up there. Crystal earth ponies were enslaved, along with anypony from other pony races who refused to serve him. If I'm right, and I'm afraid I am, this won't be easy." She picked an especially ripe berry and it broke on her hoof. She stared st the red juice for a moment, then asked. "Have you ever... hurt... a pony? Those loyal to the King know nothing but evil that filled their hearts, and won't let us just take my friend home. I fear we might have to use force at done point..." Crystal Clear sighed and licked the broken berry off her hoof.
  24. @@Orange Sparks Crystal Clear returned the nuzzle and smiled at her marefriend who climbed up the wagon to get some more rest, while the other mare walked holding the reins and led the ox. "I love it how effortlessly you explain setbacks as stepping stones of success. I'm too self critical for that... Anyway, you have any plans once we get to Opal Hill? Other than hugging your sister till she starts running away from you that is!" She smirked at the prospect of a hugging fiend terrorising the palace. The road led towards the coast, as expected. To the left, just a rick throw away, was a cliff dropping straight into the sea. Another island was visible about a mile away. To the right were the golden fields, dotted with boulders or bushes where the farmers couldn't reach with their plows or move the huge stones. A light wind from the sea carried the cries of seabirds that were feeding in the water. The sun was high and the sky was dotted with only occasional clouds here and there, but it wasn't hot. The Isles were colder than mainland Equestria, for which Crystal Clear was grateful. They still had a few miles to the village though, and she couldn't even see the telltale smokes of a settlement. "Ahh... I'm so lucky to live here... The austere beauty of this land is breathtaking, you know."
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