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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Somewhere In The East
  • Personal Motto
    Don't let your memes be dreams!

My Little Pony

  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race

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Muffin (2/23)


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  1. 7th grade was like hell on earth for me. I always thought people were making fun of me, talking behind my back, etc. I could contribute this year to my paranoia, anxiety, depression, among other things. I even had to go to a mental hospital because of this.
  2. A Clockwork Orange. It's a pretty good movie for those who haven't watched it yet.
  3. P.T.79

    mega thread What are you thinking?

    I'm thinking about what I should think about.
  4. Well, to quote the wise and humble Trevor Phillips: "Any hole's a goal."
  5. All righty, here's a list of my favorite songs. 1. Primus - John The Fisherman 2. Megadeth - Sweating Bullets 3. Green Day - Longview 4. The Ramones - Blitzkrieg Bop 5. Metallica - Whiplash
  6. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Pinkie Pie How did you find MLP Forums?: Searching around on Google. How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: I was curious about it and decided to check it out. Well how do you do? I don't think we met. My name is Ian and im from Minor Threat. Nah, I'm just joking. Well nice to meet you all, Im P.T.79 and I just kinda stumbled into this website looking to have fun. Im currently an amateur bass player and punk rocker extraordinaire. I play a certain amount of genres from Funk Rock to Punk and all the way over to Thrash Metal. The bass I use exclusively, if you were wondering, is a Dean Edge. Also, I don't mind a little role play from time to time. I hope to be good friends with you all and possibly collaborate on a few musical projects in the near future!
  7. Welcome to MLP Forums P.T.79. I hope you have a great time here /)

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