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  1. Thank-you! It is using a PIC18F series micro-controller at the heart. I haven't narrowed down a final controller yet, but the code should be portable across the series (hehe easier said than done , I haven't tried moving it yet) Little by little, picking parts for the final. Some should be here in a little over a week! -EF
  2. Howdy! Long story short, I love to tinker and hobby with electronics! This here is my second attempt at an Audio Spectrum Analyzer, or as purposed, an audio visual display (lights flash to music, and I'm amused for hours). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fElvrqcLFg Bit of the technical side: Yes I'm purposely pushing the gain slightly past the edge of "clipping" in the video. The code is expecting up to 5Vpp swing, but as can be seen on the scope, I forgot about losses inside the op-amp. Similarly, I lazily through the "blocks" in series (sample, process, output). When properly overlapped using interrupts, it should appear much more fluid as the refresh period shrinks. Anyways, What you see is more of a proof of concept (whole thing is 8-bit space!), however I'm shooting for the final piece to be something a bit more permanent. Different display/driver (I'm thinking blue), mic'd input, auto-adjustable gain....gosh heheh, the list goes on. A pic of Vinyl Scratch is going somewhere on the final for sure, just like the first one. Let me know what you think! Would there be interest in something like this? -EF
  3. Welp, Most definitely the music! Lots of great talent out there! Initially I had come across a mix put together by the Official DJpon3 mix artist while looking for some background music to study with. This was followed by a curiosity of "okay...what is the big deal about this mlp cartoon?" That summer I had made a couple of CDs with bits of the fandom's music to help make the daily hour commute a bit more bearable. What can I say, I was "hooked"! -EF
  4. Thank-you everybo------ every pony There's been talk among some for starting another forum, but I'm still not sure if that's the best solution. This definitely gives a little bit of perspective. Thanks again ^^ -EF
  5. Howdy Curious here, what would you consider the best (free) medium for showing off your projects, be-it Tumblr, some form of blog, Deviant art, this very forum, etc.? Just curious to see what works best. Or really, what has worked best for you as a "home base" per say. For the longest time I've been posting my projects on forums (such as here ). However, I'm looking for a more stable/consistent medium. Context? I'm looking for something a bit more permanent to archive these things, and I'm gearing up to show off long overdue progress of the next iteration of the project found in that link. Thankyou, and your feedback is appreciated. -EF
  6. Howdy! Well, for some time now we have been utilizing a smaller forum in CO to keep 'every-' Colorado-brony in contact. However, due to reasons including declining interest, our forum is soon to come to a close. That being said, meetups and "pony-talks" will continue I'm sure! Anyways, as the title says I'm curious. How do you stay connected locally in your area? what works best for getting the word out for meetups, etc. in your local area? Facebook? email chain? This very forum? Really just looking for ideas of what works, doesn't, etc. Thank All! /) -EF
  7. Debug...er Un-Derpy-ing an 8-bit FHT routine :D

  8. ROTL 2015 was a ton of fun! Freewave, your set was spectacular this year! Thank-you for performing! First time helping out as staff, and it was a lot of fun! (one of many running around on AV) Looking forward to next year! ^.^ --EF
  9. Thank-you all very much for the warm warm welcome! Thank-you ^.^ I'll be sure to post something when It's finished. I can't say I'm much of an artist, but DIY projects are a lot of fun. Shadow_Dash that mix is awesome, I love your taste in music! Your transitions make the songs blend very well together. /) Thanks again everypony! -EF
  10. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Rainbow Dash How did you find MLP Forums?: Google How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Definitely the music. Lots of great talent in this fandom! Howdy! I've been a brony for a bit now, but thought I should jump onto a few of the other forums around here and say hello! Bit about me. Well, aside from ponies , I love to tinker/build/fabricate/fix/engineer/repair/etc/etc/etc all sorts of things! (though most of my hobby projects are micro-controller based). I'm also an EDM fan. Put those together and you may get an idea of one of my projects. -EF
  11. Welcome to MLP Forums electronicsfreak. I hope you have a great time here /)

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