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Everything posted by AbeLinkedIn

  1. Goodwill is my home away from home. I go there all the time for cosplay stuff, haunted house props around Halloween (Including this awesome late 80s TV I found for only $4 there), and expanding my VHS collection. It also helps there's one that's a 7 minute drive from my house so it's pretty close.
  2. Good God that was beautiful. I knew the rest of Bullet Club was coming once Finn Balor had the Balor Club shirt and it was a matter of time since AJ came that the rest would follow. Enzo and Cass kind of remind me of the New Age Outlaws for any of you old school fans out there. Road Dogg had "Oh you didn't know?" and Enzo and Cass have "Bada Boom, realest guys in the room! How you doin'!" NAO has their little spiel about being WWF "TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS OF THE WOOOOOOOOORLD!" and the latter have their spiel where "You can't teach that!"
  3. Huge wrestling fan here, have been my entire life, with a couple of breaks in between the years (Stopped around 2008, but came back in 2014). I mainly watch the older stuff like WWF, WCW, ECW, I watch some NJPW from time to time and I have been meaning to give Lucha Underground a shot. Also, NXT is the best. Just throwing that out there, and I love it when NXT folks come up to WWE, like last week Enzo and Cass and Apollo Crews came on the scene along with Sami Zayn. Show stoppers the lot of them
  4. I've only seen one episode thus far (The Sleepover) which was a take on The Hangover but replace a hard night partying and drinking with a sugar crash at a sleepover. I thought it was good enough. The character voices are serviceable, Blossom and Buttercup sound spot on but Bubbles is questionable. That's not to say only Tara can voice her, since I've heard other VAs try for a similar voice and nail it. I like how they got Mojo and The Professor's voice actors back, but I think that was a necessity since their voices are unique. The gags were funny, a few made me laugh out loud, so no complaints here. Now I hear a lot of people talking about one episode that has questionable morals and have turned people off the show for good, but I have yet to see it myself. I mention it because the original show has a few episodes which struck the nerve like Town and Out which had the Zack Snyder defense of "How would superheroes be received in the real world." Overall, I know I can't really judge a series on one episode, but I liked what I saw so far and I'll check out the aforementioned questionable episode and come back with my reactions.
  5. I forgot to add one thing: Worldbuilding and continuity. Most shows these days, at least with regards to cartoons, nix these things because they're primarily made to make little Jimmy or Susie shut it for a half hour and the old adage of "Kids are morons" but MLP says nuts to that notion and has great continuity. Take for example when Twilight's old home is destroyed, by next season some shows would ignore that and have her back at the library like nothing happened, but instead we get a story about where Twilight is going to call home now that it's a smoldering heap. Same with her being a princess, they could say it was a joke and return to the status quo. MLP doesn't do that, they keep building the story of what was originally an adorkable, book smart unicorn's coming of age to being promoted to basically a goddess at this point and her continuing trials and tribulations. That's the big reason I've kept with this show for so long.
  6. A better question is what isn't there to like. I personally was drawn on the design. You could tell they were equestrian, but not too horse-like. The music and characters further drew me in, since at the time the writing wasn't as dynamic as it is now.
  7. I'm going to play devil's advocate and say My Little Dashie is overrated. I never found it engaging personally and I felt like it tried being as sad and manipulative as possible. I know it's the darling of the MLP fanfic community and the gold standard for sadfics, but I am just not a fan unfortunately. With that out of the way, there was an early fanfic which showed that Spike had grown up and the rest of the mane 6 had passed on except for Twilight for obvious reasons. Spike was growing into the dragon equal of a late teen/young adult and he and Twilight were passing by what used to be the other ponies' homes. Sugarcube Corner was still in business but under new management, as was Sweet Apple Acres, but Carousel Boutique was in shambles, so was Twilight's home, and Fluttershy's cottage was unrecognizable as nature had reclaimed it, and the ending had the two in a graveyard with the tombstone of the other ponies, each with their cutie mark etched in their tombstones.
  8. Since I've been in the fandom since the beginning, I've had my lion's share: Michelle follows me on Twitter (though we don't interact too much) Tabitha has faved and replied to a few tweets I sent her Tara randomly liked a couple of random non pony pics I did on Facebook Steffan and I have exchanged puns over the years Daniel has faved some of my tweets and it's clear he's checked out my covers before. One moment of note when I was talking about how the EqG soundtrack was the best part of the movie, he said "High praise coming from a fellow shredder." Me and a few other people interviewed Peter New in an LPS group and I've had him as a Skype contact ever since. Great guy, and we also interviewed Kelly and Cathy who were also LPS folks and had significant roles on MLP. I interviewed and befriended Will Anderson in 2012 and we're essentially email pen pals. I don't have the interview since I lost it on my old computer, but that's how I learned about him having worked with Weird Al in the 80s and being friends with him since. I think that was the earliest hint of them wanting to have Al on the show, since Will brought it up to him as early as 2012. Sibsy has talked with me on Twitter on a few occasions. I think Andrea faved one of my Fluttershy Friday pics once upon a time.
  9. I feel I relate to the ponies I consider my favorites. It could be as simple as "I think she's adorable" or anything but that's just scratching the surface. For example, I can relate to Fluttershy because I too suffer from social anxiety, especially not wanting to impose on people. We both have moments where we get angry and regret it later, and it helps that I like her design and color palate with the cool yellow and pink. Plus I was bullied a lot as a child, much like she was, which may have contributed to my social anxiety. Pinkie I can relate to because once I get over my shyness, there's no putting me back in, and I love making people laugh. Comedy is something I've always wanted to pursue.
  10. Honestly, I don't really care for reviewers and analysts. I go by the notion that "sometimes a cigar's just a cigar" and a lot of analysts look too deep into things. That said for the purpose of the thread, if I had to choose someone I feel to be the best, it'd be Dr. Wolf easily. His voice is calm, I like his simple presentation, and he does raise a few great points here and there. Even then I don't go out of my way to watch him, I just do if I need something to listen to and I'm not in a music mood. He's also rather humble which I greatly appreciate, since some critics seem to forget where they come from. Also, not a fan of Mr. Enter here. I feel like he either goes for the low hanging fruit for his atrocities or is overly nitpicky as of late, despite the fact that he called out other MLP reviewers for their nitpickiness in one of his season finale reviews. He's grown a massive ego and seems to, again, pick apart episodes for the most arbitrary reasons or taking things too seriously. But in the end that's just my silly opinion.
  11. In the CMC song's defense, it's supposed to suck, to the point where they had to digitally make the voices out of tune in places since it always came out too good. Besides, the instrumentation is great, me being an 80s freak and this being I Just Died in your Arms with the serial numbers filed off. As for my least favorite, I thought Glass of Water was disappointing. It would have worked better as a poetic sequence than a song, but that's me and my silly opinion. Some of Pinkie's early stuff was grating as well.
  12. Actual articulated ponies with decent points of articulation! Being an action figure nut, I am ecstatic! I wonder if these are in the same vein as the EqG Minis series, since they were articulated as well. These seem more action oriented than the Minis but I can't wait to see these in person to make a judgment then and there.
  13. Mine, compared to the other two ponies I have (RD and Rarity) seems pretty normal. The newer patterns have a more pronounced muzzle, and all of mine are pretty pronounced in a profile, though Flutters' is a bit larger than say Rarity. Then again she did have a rather large muzzle when she was a filly compared to the others, but IDK. Again I think it has all to do with the new pattern they're using.
  14. This, simply this: Oh wait, that's not on the album? Alright what about this? Not on it either? But they're all cheap novelty Christmas songs! And that's what this album is right? Cheap novelty Christmas songs cobranded with a cash cow franchise? Okay enough of me trying to be funny, the top song for me has to be Silent Night. Sure the religious references were taken out but the performance was what saved it. It's a very fitting song for Fluttershy, more so than any of the other songs on the album. The 12 Days of Christmas reminded me of We Wish You a Turtle Christmas and Days Gone By did have some try-hardedness on the part of the singer, but Silent Night stole the show for me.
  15. Honestly I wouldn't mind it. Even if it's a random pony I'd still find it flattering and actually awesome that we have a mutual thing going on, me being a pony fan and vice versa. I'd even go on to ask about if they have human conventions, merchandise, music, art, etc. just like we have with ponies and basically blow their mind. It's an interesting thought. As for the kissing/loving part, I honestly don't see how I could be a favorite of any pony enough for them to make out with me, but as long as their breath isn't terrible who am I to deny?
  16. I never met him personally, so I can't speak of how he is personally, and even if I did rub elbows once, you can't really make an honest judgment based on one meetup. I'm just not huge on his music and to a lesser extend, some of his fans, not him as a person. I'm sure he's awesome or, like you say, normal and not letting the fame go to his head like it has other fandom musicians sadly.
  17. Pinkie has become quite elusive as of late, maybe due to the fact she still used the old pattern and they're getting rid of old stock to make way for the new as was the case with Twilight? IDK, just a guess
  18. I just do instrumentals because my vocals are godawful, and I'm lucky to get a few views personally (Then again I don't do much pony stuff) TLT could autotune a fart and get thousands of views.
  19. Hit the nail squarely on the head, my friend. It's the same with a product in high demand that scalpers know will be sought after, and will hope some schmuck will buy off of them for convenience because they got to it first. Besides, TLT (And Mando's guilty of this too, sadly) like to cling to what's popular to get more views. The dude did a Dog of Wisdom remix for Celestia's sake.
  20. Pretty much my thoughts on the guy, at least from a musical standpoint. I'm sure he's a decent person (I never met him personally, either online or IRL) but there are far more talented individuals out there who don't have a sliver of what TLT has.
  21. I don't really see it at canonical, in a sense. I consider it a filler episode honestly, since the only thing that came out of it was Spike feeling less useless like Hum Drum. Of course me being a huge comic nerd, I could hand-wave some of the more questionable parts of the episode like this. All the same, I still just consider it a filler episode, not really one that advances the season-wide plot, since the only portion alluding to it was Twilight and company fixing the castle in the beginning while Spike read his comic book.
  22. Speaking as a musician myself, I can't say that he has bad production values and he clearly puts some effort in his music, from the bit I heard, but I am not a fan of his by and large. Yes, some of it has to do with his popularity, but the bulk of it comes from the fact that all of his songs sound the same and even a track that's not good still gets accolades to the moon. His music isn't my cup of tea, even back in 2011 when his stuff was fresh and we haven't heard the "kick-snare-kick-snare" formula he uses for every song. IMO, I think he's massively overrated while other popular fandom musicians (Mandopony) are legitimately talented and well versed in musical styles instead of never going beyond one genre.
  23. The way I see it, FlutterHulk fits Fluttershy like a glove, or whatever the pony equivalent is. Look at Bruce Banner: He too is mild mannered and shy, but turns into the Hulk when angered. What's more is that Banner usually has regret for the damage he causes as Hulk, to the point of sequestering himself away to Africa because of the damage he and the Hulkbuster caused in Age of Ultron. Fluttershy would most certainly regret what she did too, even locking herself away in Putting your Hoof Down because she felt dirty for basically bullying anyone who got in her way. If nothing else, it's more for comedy, how the most timid and, some would argue, cowardly member of the mane 6 would have a destructive temper. It's been around for a while, since MLP is not the first show to do this (Anyone remember Ned Flanders' freak out in The Simpsons when Springfield tries to rebuild his home after a hurricane but they proved their incompetence?) Of course this is just my personal take on this. Make of it what you will, but again, just how I see things.
  24. Not sure if I mentioned these before but here I go: - Putting your Hoof Down was not a bad episode to me. It has a good lesson, Iron Will was a fantastic character (Almost like if Hulk Hogan and The Rock were fused with a minotaur) and it was entertaining. Sure the first act irritated me a bit but I related to it somewhat. -Season 3 isn't the worst season. There were a couple of duds, but the good episodes outnumbered the bad. -Season 1 was my least favorite now, but only because the show was trying to find its voice, as is often the case with many TV shows. -Sombra, to me, was a bloody awesome villain. I find his ethereal appearance and mystery, as well as his backstory, made him, for the time, my favorite villain. He actually posed quite a threat.
  25. I've seen those first Rarity bootlegs before. They're LED lights which are, for some reason, placed in their mouths and make a generic horse whinny when pressed.
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