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Posts posted by ArtsyFilmer

  1. Just thought I would show my actin all its forms from traditional to digital and even wood working. All the oct are property of the respected owners but the art is mine. Would love to hear some feedback form all of you out there.










    apple cousins(final).png

    applejack and big mac copy.png

    art trade.png

    jacobs commission.png

    Screen Shot 2017-07-08 at 4.26.16 PM.png

    • Brohoof 3
  2. Hey can u make me one for vinyl scratch please also how much is it



    Hey, I really like your art style! You definitely don't have to do mine if you don't want to, but I'd love one :) I don't have many good pictures. In the attached one, I'm the one on the left. Green, male, pegasus. Yellow/golden eyes with round glasses, and the mane is sort of like rainbow dash, only a bit shorter? And inside it's just basically a gradient - orange at the roots, red at the tips. The picture should give a good basis for specific colour shades. 


    I'm not going to arrive until the 22nd, so would I be able to get it then if you did mine? Also, what would you want me to say to people who ask? Just "ArtsyFilmer from MLPForums" or something?


    If you do decide to make mine, thanks in advance! Otherwise, keep practicing, you're really good and could go far with the skill you have!



    BABSCon is going to be awesome this year! I'm really excited to see the superheroes theme will play out this year.


    It's awesome that you are offering this Artsy! I would love to have a badge made by you. Seeing as I already have one of my OC, I'd actually like to see you do Zecora. I think she would look good in your style!


    hey guys here are the last ones and the hardest one for me was zecora because i wasn't use to drawing here so it was a challenge but it was fun




  3. I would love a custom badge! My OC is Starlet Harmony. :) If you don't want too, thats totally fine! I hope you are as excited for BABScon as I am!!


    You can go to my profile to view pics of Starlet Harmony.  :wub:



    If only i had an OC I would be all over this. I'm also very surprised this thread isn't blown up like crazy! Super cool of you to offer this.



    I'm going! I'd love one please! 










    I have these done will do the rest most likely next monday to busy on the weekend. I you would like these printed and laminated and picked up at the con pm me for locations on thursday and friday.




  4. I would love a custom badge! My OC is Starlet Harmony. :) If you don't want too, thats totally fine! I hope you are as excited for BABScon as I am!!


    You can go to my profile to view pics of Starlet Harmony.  :wub:


    working on it right now here is the sketch coloring her in on tuesday.

    Hey can u make me one for vinyl scratch please also how much is it



    Pinkamena would be awesome!


    Hey, I really like your art style! You definitely don't have to do mine if you don't want to, but I'd love one :) I don't have many good pictures. In the attached one, I'm the one on the left. Green, male, pegasus. Yellow/golden eyes with round glasses, and the mane is sort of like rainbow dash, only a bit shorter? And inside it's just basically a gradient - orange at the roots, red at the tips. The picture should give a good basis for specific colour shades. 


    I'm not going to arrive until the 22nd, so would I be able to get it then if you did mine? Also, what would you want me to say to people who ask? Just "ArtsyFilmer from MLPForums" or something?


    If you do decide to make mine, thanks in advance! Otherwise, keep practicing, you're really good and could go far with the skill you have!


    BABSCon is going to be awesome this year! I'm really excited to see the superheroes theme will play out this year.


    It's awesome that you are offering this Artsy! I would love to have a badge made by you. Seeing as I already have one of my OC, I'd actually like to see you do Zecora. I think she would look good in your style!

    here are the sketches i threw together please tell me what you think and i can fix them if i need to



    • Brohoof 1
  5. Well I can't draw to save my life lol let alone have the imagination to create my own OC. Maybe i'll toy around with afriend of mine and see what she what she comes up with.


    or you could tell me what you would like and i could make it a reality 

    • Brohoof 1
  6. I would love a custom badge! My OC is Starlet Harmony. :) If you don't want too, thats totally fine! I hope you are as excited for BABScon as I am!!


    You can go to my profile to view pics of Starlet Harmony.  :wub:


    i would love to and I'm super excited because i am one of the five finalists for the voice equestria hope to see you there and i will have this one done by next week have a very busy schedule thanks

  7. can you do me?

    Cutie-mark W-A-S-D

    Male Alicorn

    Name: Wasd-Wiz

    what he looks like:


    What he enjoys: flying and computer games.





    Hey mate! Could you possibly draw my OC Smoking Barrel?


    Here he is here:



    And his cutie mark:





    Hello! I'd appreciate it a lot if you could do my OC, Night


    I have no requirements or anything


    I'd love to see what you come up with! ^^ You don't have to draw the sword >3>


    Thank you in advance!


    OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/night-shadow-r8979



    Hello :) I'd like to ask if you wanted to do my OC Spera Arrowsong

    I can also make a drawing of any of your as a trade if you'd like. My Deviant Art is in my sign ^^



    Sorry took so long (life is hard) haha well here you go.








    Have room for drawing my OC please? If you could include her white sea captain's hat that would be great!





    looks like you got a long list there. think you could squese me in to it.

    it would be awesome if you could do my oc with a fallout equestria look if possible( you dont have to), any pose will work.

    please and thank you^^

    Here you go sorry it took so long haha hope you enjoy





  9. Oh man you have so improved watching this from page one, well bloody done! Now that you have been buttered.


    Could you do my posona Menits (a head shot) with a gaming headset? and/or with his (my) hat he could have a cocky grin or a look of determination. 






    Can you please do my OC Shutterbug?  Thanks!



    well thanks for that haha yes i will add you two to the list 

  10. Could you do this OC for me? http://imgur.com/a/IrIU2



    Your Drawings are awesome, can you draw my Ponysona Sapphire?

    Sorry it took so long but here you go pony headshots that you can use for badges

    Could you do my oc?




    I was wondering... Could you draw HybridImages? http://i.imgur.com/bL73Vyr.png



    Could you draw my oc with classic 3d glasses and cyan and white dj headphones please? My oc is my avatar. ????



    can you do me?

    Cutie-mark W-A-S-D

    Male Alicorn

    Name: Wasd-Wiz

    what he looks like:


    What he enjoys: flying and computer games.





    Hey mate! Could you possibly draw my OC Smoking Barrel?


    Here he is here:



    And his cutie mark:





    Hello! I'd appreciate it a lot if you could do my OC, Night


    I have no requirements or anything


    I'd love to see what you come up with! ^^ You don't have to draw the sword >3>


    Thank you in advance!


    OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/night-shadow-r8979



    Hello :) I'd like to ask if you wanted to do my OC Spera Arrowsong

    I can also make a drawing of any of your as a trade if you'd like. My Deviant Art is in my sign ^^




    If you're still taking requests, do you think you could give my OC a shot? I don't care how you pose him. I just need a better picture of him then what I currently have. Please use my profile picture as a reference. He's a pegasus with no cutie mark.



    Would you mind drawing my OC?

    Link in the sig



    If and when you are ever open,  I would love to do a art trade with yah!   I mostly do graphics like wallpapers/sigs stuff!



    May you draw my OC please? Here is some references: http://silver-moon-tavern.deviantart.com/gallery/56892946/Fullmoon-Dagger

    If you need something more, like his personnality and stuff, just PM me ;)

    Oh, and I can propose you an art trade, if you want to, I draw a little :3



    I-I wouldn't mind a drawing of my OC... ;) I'll send a picture if you've still got time and space for drawing more pones.



    I almost feel bad for asking 'cause I see how many requests there are already, but could you (only if you have the time of course) draw also my OC?




    his name is Mandrel, and if you have any questions about his personality or stuff which you need to have answered for this pic, you can, of course, PM me. I'd be very glad if you could draw him ^^



    Hi there! I know you already have a list to do, but if you find yourself wanting to draw a super girly pony, I'd like to offer up my Moon Sugar oc as tribute. 


    She has tons of pics in the link below

    ok guys you have all requested, so i am doing headshots to get better so I can one day have a portfolio and I'm going to be doing thesis headshots for anyone else who ask but if i get to 20 requests I'm going to stop till i get those done ok thanks for understanding and I will try my best to get them done as fast as possible 



  11. Could you do my oc?




    I was wondering... Could you draw HybridImages? http://i.imgur.com/bL73Vyr.png



    Could you draw my oc with classic 3d glasses and cyan and white dj headphones please? My oc is my avatar. ????



    can you do me?

    Cutie-mark W-A-S-D

    Male Alicorn

    Name: Wasd-Wiz

    what he looks like:


    What he enjoys: flying and computer games.





    Hey mate! Could you possibly draw my OC Smoking Barrel?


    Here he is here:



    And his cutie mark:





    Hello! I'd appreciate it a lot if you could do my OC, Night


    I have no requirements or anything


    I'd love to see what you come up with! ^^ You don't have to draw the sword >3>


    Thank you in advance!


    OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/night-shadow-r8979



    Hello :) I'd like to ask if you wanted to do my OC Spera Arrowsong

    I can also make a drawing of any of your as a trade if you'd like. My Deviant Art is in my sign ^^




    If you're still taking requests, do you think you could give my OC a shot? I don't care how you pose him. I just need a better picture of him then what I currently have. Please use my profile picture as a reference. He's a pegasus with no cutie mark.



    Would you mind drawing my OC?

    Link in the sig



    If and when you are ever open,  I would love to do a art trade with yah!   I mostly do graphics like wallpapers/sigs stuff!



    May you draw my OC please? Here is some references: http://silver-moon-tavern.deviantart.com/gallery/56892946/Fullmoon-Dagger

    If you need something more, like his personnality and stuff, just PM me ;)

    Oh, and I can propose you an art trade, if you want to, I draw a little :3



    I-I wouldn't mind a drawing of my OC... ;) I'll send a picture if you've still got time and space for drawing more pones.



    I almost feel bad for asking 'cause I see how many requests there are already, but could you (only if you have the time of course) draw also my OC?




    his name is Mandrel, and if you have any questions about his personality or stuff which you need to have answered for this pic, you can, of course, PM me. I'd be very glad if you could draw him ^^

    ok guys i am going to open these requests right now but like i said these are going to be headshot so i can get better at the heads. Plus if your going to a convention you could use these as oc badges (the only thing I ask is if someone asks you who made it you would tell them about me haha)

  12. Ooh! My OC! Jet! Please? :D



    And I'm shocked this place isn't flooded with requests. I'm genuinely surprised. Normally, people jump on stuff like this!


    Aw, nevermind though, I won't be able to get a badge because I won't be at BABScon. :[ I just kinda thought it was th picture. Sorry, I didn't read.

    oh sry maybe i might do the badges for anyone I'm not totally for sure but just keep checking 


    If you're still taking requests, I'd love for you to try with my OC. Pony creator pic of him is here:



    Thank you!


    Can you draw my OC Ginger Lightning?


    Hey sry for being very slow haha but here you two go

    And to everyone else who has submitted a request I will get to them but I am getting ready for conventions (to got to not selling)

    but that got me thinking why not do them as headshot so that way if you want a oc badge you already have one so the rest of the request will be done in a headshot manner here are some examples







  14. Hello everyone I know you may not know me but I'm wanting to do something special for 10-15 people. I am trying to get better at art, and I thought why not make some custom oc badges for people who are going to be at the con. All you have to do for me is give me credit if someone asks you who made it (like that will happen). The way you can get these is by telling me you want one and by also sharing the details of you oc and if you don't have an oc you can name a character from the show you want. I will be giving this out at the con on the 21 after I arrive but if you want yours before then i might be able to ship them to you. (pm me for more details in that manner)

    Here are just a few examples of the oc badges i have made for my friends 






    • Brohoof 1
  15. Would you mind drawing my OC?

    Link in the sig

    not taking anymore right now maybe after i get the ones i promised done first then maybe Thanks for the request though 

  16. Could you do my oc?




    I was wondering... Could you draw HybridImages? http://i.imgur.com/bL73Vyr.png



    Could you draw my oc with classic 3d glasses and cyan and white dj headphones please? My oc is my avatar. ????



    can you do me?

    Cutie-mark W-A-S-D

    Male Alicorn

    Name: Wasd-Wiz

    what he looks like:


    What he enjoys: flying and computer games.





    Hey mate! Could you possibly draw my OC Smoking Barrel?


    Here he is here:



    And his cutie mark:





    Hello! I'd appreciate it a lot if you could do my OC, Night


    I have no requirements or anything


    I'd love to see what you come up with! ^^ You don't have to draw the sword >3>


    Thank you in advance!


    OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/night-shadow-r8979



    Hello :) I'd like to ask if you wanted to do my OC Spera Arrowsong

    I can also make a drawing of any of your as a trade if you'd like. My Deviant Art is in my sign ^^




    If you're still taking requests, do you think you could give my OC a shot? I don't care how you pose him. I just need a better picture of him then what I currently have. Please use my profile picture as a reference. He's a pegasus with no cutie mark.


    hey thanks for the request but maybe when i open back up maybe but idk when that is i still have 7 left to finish sry 

  17. Practice makes perfect


    Good luck


    sig-4252047.o70jg0.jpgHi, could you do my OC please sig-4252047.rirp80.jpg




    hope you both like them sry for the wait and I did them in my new art style. (hope you like them)



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