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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by RedStar2017

  1. What would be the one thing you could change for MLP? Me, I'd probably give Vinyl Scratch (DJP0n3) an actual voice actor not like the voices in those MLP parody videos like "I am Octavia" and videos like that
  2. A little something I requestesd for @Mesme Rize cause there's never enough art of him. I hope you like it.


    Art (c) TheBlingDShizz on DA

    Alicorn Red Star & Mesme Rize ~ Moar Coils.png

    1. RedStar2017


      And yeah, if y'all are wondering that's Red coiled up & hypnotized

  3. Ah I wouldn't wanna compete Anywho, update! THe user that made the original art goes by "reptilescales33" on Furaffinity I just added in the red details.
  4. Kaa just wanted too give Dashie a nice coily hug
  5. Now wonder AJ is such a "silly" pony
  6. It was a blank base, I'll find it and link it back here
  7. Just figured I'd show off what my pony OC would look at as a snake pony. Be careful around Red, his powerful hypnosis (along with many forms of it mind y'all) and comfortable coils might leave you in a nice comfortable state of bliss Art belongs to it's original owner, I just added the details Red Star is mine
  8. Not gonna go into much detail, but on a scale of 1-10, how do you like Season 7 so far?
  9. Well... I feel that I should let you guys know. I lost my grandmother a few weeks ago back in may. I never knew until my mom told me... and now she's gone :(


    R.I.P. my grandmother: Helen Pauline Kartanowicz. I love and will miss you so very much, and I know that you and my other grandparents will be watching

    1. GrimGrimoire


      I am truly sorry to hear it. My heart goes out for your loss. :(

    2. RedStar2017


      Thanks that means alot

  10. WOW it's been SO LONG guys! Wanted to take a little break from the Bronies for a bit cause I've been going through alot lately. I've just found out that a friend that I knew that I went to school with back when I still lived in New York has passed away, I'll miss her so much, but I know she'll be watching

  11. If anyone has listened to or heard any of the songs online. What's your favorite(s)? Mine are as followed: Livin' La Vida Loca ~ Kidz Bop 1 I Want It That Way ~ Kidz Bop 1 Uptown Funk ~ Kidz Bop 28 Shake It Up ~ Kidz Bop 27 Let It Go ~ Kidz Bop 27 That's all for me, what are your faves from Kidz Bop so far?
  12. Did a little number on my finget at work yesterday... ouch. I'm okay just a ittle scratch nothing too serious

  13. Ah Disney... where to begin? All my life ever since my childhood I've enjoyed some great Disney movies over the years, but I figured I'd share a Top 10 of my own. So, I'll just cut the Chit-Chat and get right onto it. Now keep in mind these are in no particular order whatsoever. So, if your favorite doesn't make it, then maybe it'll make the honorable mentions in the end. Let's begin Oh, and keep in mind that I might include a Disney/Pixar movie in the mix, but we'll see. Here we go! #10 ~ Bambi Oh where to begin with this one... I could never get that scene of Bambi's mother dying and just couldn't stop crying after it happened. One of the slightly kinda almost darkest movies I've ever seen up until the scene where "man" sets the forest on fire and basically almost kills EVERYTHING! I did like the characters and how Bambi learned to grow up on his own with the help of Thumper the funny little bunny, and of course Flower the ADORABLE SKUNK THAT EVERYONE LIKES! ^w^ Eh hehe.. The only thing I would've never expected was that the Great Prince of the Forest would've turned out to be Bambi's FATHER out of all the deer in the forest no doubt! I guess that's enough about it for now. 7/10 Y'all could probably guess why #9 ~ Tarzan Ah Tarzan. Was a great movie. Music was amazing, and it had some funny moments in it as well. No matter HOW many times I hear a Phil Collins song it always reaches deep inside of me and takes a hold not wanting to let go. Seeing Tarzan's parents killed by the bloodthirsty jaguar, Sabor made me think to myself "Oh no... this could end bad..." Terk... oh man... what can I say about him? One little funny detail about him was his little Elvis impression which made me laugh a little. Tantor, eh nothing really much to say really. Jane had me very surprised cause he re-taught Tarzan about the ways of human life, and when Kala showed him about his true parents, that made me tear up a little inside. Ending made me tear up inside as well I think y'all know why. 10/10 gets my rating. #8 ~ Hercules Really enjoyed this movie. Had my suspicions about Disney's version of the Greek gods, and the mighty Hercules! Also, James Woods as Hades, gotta love him. If I could have any power of a god, I'd either wanna set stuff on fire like Hades, or maybe be strong like Hercules. 9/10 gets the rating, but I'll make it a 10 cause of the songs and James Woods' voice for Hades which hilarious lol. ~ "Name is Hades, Lord of the Dead. Hi, how are ya?" #7 ~ Dumbo That. One. Scene... brings a tear to my eyes every time. What surprised me about this movie was actually seeing Dumbo fly. I've been wondering if Disney had a Deleted Scene planned showing how Dumbo actually flew (aside from using his big ears) and how he got up into that tree in the first place. 8/10 is my rating #6 ~ Peter Pan: Return to Neverland Think of a wonderful thooooooought! Any Merry little thoooooought! Okay, 'nough bout the songs, this is Peter Pan were talking about. I've always wondered what life would be like living in Neverland aside from tat codfish Captain Hook always getting in the way. I was kinda surprised with the sequel of Return to Neverland where it had a Flashback of the last time that Peter said goodbye to Wendy and grew up having two kids, one of which named Jane who of course gets mistaken for Wendy by Hook, kidnapped and taken where else, Neverland. There is another little part that I kinda like about this movie, but I'll let you all do the guessing on what I'm talking about. 9/10 #5 ~ Toy Story Trilogy Oh man... the TEARS! Where do I even begin? Well, let's start with the first movie about a boy named Andy who's having his birthday today in which this gets news to his Cowboy doll named Woddy in which he finds out that Andy is having his party before the big move. So, with the help of the toy Soldiers, he makes a plan of action to send them out and investigate the gifts. One to their surprise happens to be a Buzz Lightyear action figure who thinks he's still a "real" Space Ranger and tries to get into contact with Star Command. Moments later he and Woody get separated and end up in the hands of Sid the "toy torturer, but make a plan to escape. These trilogy movies had me crying a little though. So, lemme cut to the chase with this and move on. Toy Story 1: To Infinity and Beyond! Toy Story 2: When Somebody Loved Me and Toy Story 3: Andy's final Farewell. This gets a 10/10 #4 ~ Pinocchio The songs, the animation, the story! I won't ramble on for too long about this movie. The story of a watchmaker named Ghepetto wishing that his wooden boy named Pinocchio would come to life. He gets his wish and now Pinocchio and his newly found conscious Jimminy Cricket help him to become a real boy. but it has it's ups and downs on right and wrong decisions that Pinocchio makes which end up having to look for his father inside of Monstro, a whale of a whale, and well oh you all know what happens in the end. 9/10 #3 ~ Aladdin Riff Raff, street rat. I don't buy that... the story of a poor thief boy named Aladdin with his trusty companion Abu try to impress a princess in which it all turns out to be a plot set up by the evil royal visor of the palace Jafar and his trusty bird companion Iago. Gotta love Gilbert Gottfried for the voice . They try to get their hands on a mystical lamp found in the Cave of Wonders in which Aladdin is only worthy of entering. He soon finds himself trapped and with no other choice he summons the say it with me now GENIE OF THE LAMP! voiced by none other than Robin Williams (May he Rest In Peace) After a few twists and turns, Jafar defeated as a Genie and with his own lamp (in which he brings Iago with) and with only one wish left. Aladdin makes true to his promise and sets Genie free in which the Sultan makes a choice to Jasmine to whomever she wants to marry and choose Aladdin. 10/10 #2 ~ Tie between Fantasia & Beauty and The Beast I'll start with Fantasia first. What can I say is that the music, and animation was absolutely beautiful. Seeing this when I was young Night on Bald Mountain scared me half to death. So, we just decided to turn it off before it even started. Sorcerer's Apprentice was really interesting, cause I think it was the first time ever that we see Master Yen Sid before he made an appearance in the Kingdom Hearts series I believe it was? I dunno I could be wrong, help me out in the comments if Yen Sid was seen in other Disney shorts/cartoons aside from Sorcerer's Apprentice. 9/10 gets the rating Now for Beauty and the Beast. All I can say is that this movie made me cry with it's moments. I also liked the "yaddya yaddya like Gaston" bits too which were kind of hilarious, but it came back to bite him in the ass literally as he was falling to his death (but we all know that Disney won't let characters die) in which Belle falls in love with The Beast making him as well as his servants transform back into their human forms. I think according to Disney Wiki, The Beasts' real name was Adam, but again I could be wrong about that! Onto the Number One Pick! #1 ~ Tie between Zootopia and The Jungle Book The Jungle Book... eh you all probably know why I like that movie. Zootopia has it's share of moments though. Disney had a really awesome cast! Some of which were interesting. Ginnifer Goodwin as the young officer from Bunnyburrow saying that in Zootopia: Anyone can be Anything. Shakira who voices Gazelle, a Gazelle popular pop-star. Jason Bateman as Nick Wilde, I think I can sort of relate to him. It's called a Hustle, Sweetheart :-P And of course Tommy "Tiny" Lister as the voice of Finnick, the cute adorably big-eared Fennec Fox and Nick's partner in crime. My ratings for both of these movies is a whopping 10/10 Here are some Honorable Mentions as well that I almost forgot about, oops: :-P Pete's Dragon A Goofy Movie The Lion King Big Hero 6 And Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs Lemme know down in ze comments section below if there's anything you would've added to my list. I'm all ears
  14. [sighs] I just can't take it anymore... I can't live with this guilt anymore!

  15. [sigh] Guess my New Year's resolution ain't gonna happen...

  16. Wlel, y'all know who I'm voting for, but if you must know. Then it's Mesme Rise
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16rQFZNsOJM An apology video for someone. It's just at the beginning. So, don't haffta watch the whole thing
  18. Just wanted to say "Happy Birthday" to Mesme Rise, hope you'll have a good one

  19. Well, now that I've seen Legends of Everfree. I should at least say that it wasn't that bad. That beginning scene with seeing Midnight Sparkle, and all the characters almost getting rezzed like it was almost like Tron. I thought to myself "Uh-oh, this could be bad." Turns out, was just a dream. As the movie went on it was all kind of funny with the new Twilight crush. I really honestly thought that Flash would try and get with "that world's" Twilight instead of Princess Twilight from Equestria, but eh. Later seeing the movie as it went along all the characters got new powers aside from Twilight who already had powers. but was afraid to use them because she thought that Midnight Sparkle would take over her. Towards the end of the movie, I would've NEVER guessed that Gloriosa a.k.a. Gia Everfree was the main villian of the movie. All the ponies used their powers, and Twilight prevented Midnight Sparkle from taking over thanks to her friends, and DANG those new outfits looked SO GOOD! Towards the end of the movie, I said too myelf with two things: What if Twilight and Timber kissed?! #TimberTwi shipping? WHAT was that strange energy coming from the statue coming out fom Canterlot High? Maybe we'll find out in the next Equestira Girls movie?
  20. I wish I could be forgiven for all the mistakes that I've made, but I guess just saying "I'm sorry" isn't enough...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. RedStar2017


      I would, if the person I wanna apologize to isn't all the way across the country :P

    3. Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Then a video or a heartfelt email. I hope it goes well for you. Good luck.

    4. RedStar2017
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