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Apple dumpling

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Posts posted by Apple dumpling

  1. Let's put this topic back on the surface, because this is not over yet. :confused:

    The main surgery might be covered. But i know from my own circle of acquaintances, recovering from such a tread is a long, expensive and painful struggle. At the moment, we are on over 36'500$. Bronies, you are amazing.


    Because living on a continent far away from the US, i never met her in person. But she's the reason why i am here, signed in exactly a year ago. And i love her art style.


    And for those who have no idea who she is:




    Deviantart: http://ponygoddess.deviantart.com/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/JennBlake616(Quite active comparing to Deviantart)

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/1trurarity?_fb_noscript=1

    • Brohoof 2
  2. Over a decade in the LARP and Animé-Mangafandom teached me one thing: Don't judge a group for something they love. Judge every single individual of this group seperatly. Some of them are jerks sometimes. All the others however, not.


    Best example: i have kind of a grudge with one local brony group here and avoid them most of the time. I just can't go on with them. Anyhow at the same time, i'm part of several international fangroups and we have a great time together.

  3. Quite some time ago since the last post. But as far as i know, practicing topic necromancy is allowed.


    I'm just wondering, if Hasbro was aware what pony costume that was. I don't think many bronies know Sappho. OK, after that interview in the carity section, some do.

    Bunny Tsukido, Ami Mitsuno und Makoto Kino as Ponies is awesome.


    However, there are a few not so good details. How can a Windmill rotate if their blades have no fabric on? That won't work.

    Sweetie Belle can use her horn to levitate several letters at once. Even it's not a key scene, it was a surprise for me. She progress well.

  4. Good luck with that. My own ponies are running in the iron Kingdoms. Still working on the Background and the units. But it's going, well. Don't need that much miniatures as Warhammer demands.


    To your question, how about:

    - Maude Pie. She rocks and it's easy to paint.

    - Flash sentry. He's used in wearing Armor.

    - Rarity. Don't know why, but she looks great in armor. And with blades. Mine do that. Certanly.

    - Fluttershy. Because painting something in yellow is a real pain.

    - Blossomforth. Because of her colour combination. And nopony knows her.

    - Roxy. I like her mane.

    • Brohoof 1
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