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Midnight Chimes

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Everything posted by Midnight Chimes

  1. The fandom does not need BronyCon to function. Other conventions will likely rise up to take its place in the future
  2. Of course it's girly, it's about cutesy ponies and princesses for goodness sake. The thing is girly/feminine does not equal poor quality. It's just a matter of personal taste. To its credit, I appreciate how the show actually presents a variety of role models ranging from quite masculine (Rainbow and AJ) to feminine (Rarity, Fluttershy) for its young female target audience (and indeed anyone else watching) to aspire to
  3. Got into watching old episodes from season 3 over the course of 2015 and series 5 was the first I watched as it came out at the time
  4. Whether a series can continue without going stale/repetitive etc. is something you can only decide on a case-by-case basis, depending on the premise of the show, the particular writing staff involved and so on. Sometimes what is needed is a rest period where there is a ten year or something gap between seasons. Right now that is the minimum that would be needed for Friendship is Magic to continue successfully. While the quality is actually still decent, there is this sense that the franchise is going round in circles at this point, retreading old ground to the point where it has become almost a parody of itself. Take the all the meta jokes about the friendship speeches and musical numbers in Forgotten Friendship for example. While they were funny, it's also a sign that the writers are desperately struggling to find new ways of spinning this material that is refreshing.
  5. Will be doing whatever I can to get to BronyCon next year. I'm hoping that with it potentially being the last one, lots of people will be there and I'll be able to meet friends I've met through the internet
  6. For some reason many have always acted like being a brony is some kind of a big deal one way or another, when it isn't, or at least it shouldn't be. You like a kids TV show. It's as simple as that. Get over it.
  7. A new electronic music composition, inspired by the episode To Where and Back Again and created as a tribute for Chrysalis. Hope you enjoy, feel free to leave feedback etc. Thanks
  8. That sounds so chilled, I like it. It went in an unexpected direction at 2:23 though, that kind of caught me by surprise. The visual effect compliments it well
  9. I don't hate G3, I mean let's face it, most of that hatred comes out of sheer in security about watching a kids show to begin with. But I will say it is boring, and there is a reason for that. Yes G3 may have been more paradisaical than G4, but if we're talking about a value judgement of quality, G4 is better no question. In any case good utopian fiction, which is what Friendship is Magic is, doesn't need to be about a perfect world. There can be room for development, challenges to overcome. It is how they are dealt with which makes the difference. Perhaps there is a demon wanting to bring doom and darkness to the pastel ponies' land, but do they succeed? Of course not. They are won over by the power of friendship and all is well!
  10. Well I know quite a bit about music theory so I get what you mean. It uses E - C# a lot but there is also a B - G# in there I think which is another variation of the I - vi pattern. Those were kind of stylistic choices I made but you raise some valid points and I'll certainly take it onboard. Thanks for the offer, I'm probably not looking for a coach as such but I may come to you for further advice/ideas in future if you don't mind
  11. I'm sure that would be useful, but only if you wish and don't mind taking the time
  12. Thanks, I'll be primarily using YouTube for promotion but I've just opened up a SoundCloud account as well. I guess my genre would be something like ambient electronica, with some orchestral elements. Not that I want to tie myself down too much, as you say it's good to be an all-round artist. This is my first music upload and it's quite a typical track for me so I don't know, one of you might know better what genre it goes under than I do. Knowing my genre would probably be useful for SEO and all of that stuff
  13. So I've been doing MLP analysis on YouTube for a long time and am looking to branch out onto the music scene, as I'm an electronic musician and keyboardist for a band outside of the fandom. I'm just wondering if anyone here can advise me on how to get started in this part of the community, like where are good places to go to listen to other musicians, possibly network and promote my work etc. To be honest just recommendations of more good artists to listen to in any genre would be much appreciated. Thanks!
  14. It's really going to depend on what sort of content you are into. In light of that you might think that being an analyst myself I might be inclined to vote for Josh, but you'd be wrong. Vannamelon all the way!
  15. To be honest it's very low down on my list of priorities. I was in a relationship a while ago and it was good but now I'm just relishing having more time to focus on other things. I've got a lot else going on to keep me distracted at the moment and looking for someone else is the least of my concerns.
  16. Those who say there are no such thing as crack ships. To that I say Boulderdash
  17. Don't know what in Celestia's name y'all are talking about, my vocabulary has not been affected even a skosh by watching too much MLP. I do struggle to hear songs with the words "Twilight" or "Starlight" in them the same way I used to though.
  18. You might argue technically they are unoriginal, but what is originality anyway? If those formats have not been applied to MLP before, then that's a gap in the market. CinemaSins won't be covering a pony episode anytime soon, which is why I watch LittleshyFiM. Other than that I naturally watch a lot of the analysis community, being a member of it myself, and we aren't all Nostalgia Critic clones, though there will be some. The amount of drama can only be attributed to it being so tightly nit, with all the collabs and Skype groups and so on, which I dare say is quite unique on YouTube.
  19. This is quite good for a first time fanfic writer. My main advice would be it needs more immediacy. You have a lot of weighty exposition written in what is called the pluperfect or past perfect tense ("he HAD got lost while wandering" as opposed to "he got lost while wandering" which would be past tense). There is nothing wrong with this but you have to remember while you are explaining this exposition, even though it is interesting, there is no action happening in the present, so it is best to keep it to a minimum and drip-feed background details where they are relevant. It can also be a good hook for the reader if not everything is revealed at once. You do at least open up with some action with Ardent being visited by Stalwart which gives the story some thrust before the exposition. Other than that there are one or two adjectives that could be clipped and parts that could just be written a little more concisely. For example you don't need to say the figurine is small when you immediately go on to say it was "only a little bigger than a teacup". Formatting is not so important but it's good to get it right from the start so you are in good habits. Lines of dialogue should end in a comma, not a full stop, before speech tags, which should not have capitals, like so: "Come in," he said, reluctantly. "I'll figure something out," he relented. Also watch out for where new sentences should begin, making sure full stops are used where appropriate. I look forward to reading more if you get more work completed on this.
  20. That can be fun! "What fun is there in making sense?" is another good one to use. As for how I know I'm a brony, the fact I carry a keyring everywhere with the mane 6 (excluding Rarity for some reason) on it is a giveaway.
  21. What exactly is meant by trolling in this context? We need to clarify that first as it can be interpreted quite loosely. If it is really "all in good fun" then surely it IS a pleasant experience and vice versa. Bullying has been mentioned but I don't recall any show staff ever engaging in bullying so that's an irrelevant point. If we're talking about writers using scripts to call out, or troll, certain criticisms or behaviours in the fandom, Fame and Misfortune style, then there is no problem with that as long as it is done properly and is not obtrusive to the story being told. Unfortunately the aforementioned episode fails on both those accounts.
  22. Pinkie Pie can become an alicorn anytime she likes, but she doesn't bother since her universe bending Pinkie powers are already greater than any other powers in Equestria.
  23. Thinking about it, it would be a neat conclusion to Big Mac's arc to finally see him take control of his own destiny by doing something like moving away from the farm. There has always been a sense with Big Mac that there is far more to him than he lets on. On the outside he is quiet and reserved and accepts his lot in life without complaint, but we've seen how he literally dreams of becoming an alicorn princess and let's not forget how he relished temporarily being able to role-play as somepony other than himself in Brotherhooves Social. In reality however, this is still only a fantasy and he seems resigned to his fate on the farm, but with Sugar Belle that could yet change.
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