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Everything posted by PinkieatHeart

  1. I totally agree with that assessment for Rainbow! I think Applejack and Tiana are very similar, since they both work SUPER hard and are super focused on their food sales. Fluttershy kinda reminds me of Snow White, since they're both animal lovers who sing, have high voices and work with their animal friends to do things. She's not part of the mane six, but if Celestia isn't the Blue Fairy, I don't know who is. I think Pinkie Pie and Dory would get along rather swimmingly (either that, or she'd be the witch from Brave). XD Discord is like the trouble making version of Genie. Rarity could be Cinderella's fairy godmother (except younger). That's all I can think of now. Maybe I'll add more later. XP
  2. YEEEES, LET'S DO IT. I wanna go!
  3. -blowing bubbles -drawing with sidewalk chalk -coloring in coloring books -watching cartoons -watching Disney movies -collecting stuffed animals -playing with play dough -listening to Disney music I never grew up. And I never will! Ah haaaa haaaaaa! XD
  4. I drink tap water cuz I've always done it. My family prefers filtered water nowadays, but I just don't like the taste of it. It's interesting how different places have different flavors in their tap water. And then if you live in a place long enough you get used to it.
  5. Suspicious of everyone else. Cuz it's April Fools. >.>
  6. Which OC? The only one I've imagined is Applejack, so I suppose I'll go with that. (but I'd rather be the pony to help make a perfect Hearts and Hooves Day for Lyra and BonBon)
  7. I want it to sound Hawaiian with some neighs and things thrown in. Because it would be pretty.
  8. I don't know much about the other generations, to be honest. And I haven't looked them up yet cuz I need to catch up on the current show first, and because it doesn't catch my interest like Friendship is Magic. But I've never said anything bad about the older versions. I'm sure they have some great, cute things about them too. I didn't know there was hate for past generation, actually... I've only ever seen good things about it.
  9. Here are my mottos: "Find what makes you come alive, and do that." "A true hero battles on, though the cause is hopeless and the prize is lost." "And ye harm none, do what ye will."
  10. I don't usually do April Fools pranks, but I did last year. When I was a kid, I got in big trouble for playing a prank on my brother which resulted in a few easy-to-wash-off pencil marks on his face (you set up a game where you draw circles with a quarter and whoever rolls their quarter down their face and gets it in those circles wins, but you give the other person the quarter you drew the circles with so the extra pencil around the edges leaves a light marking on their face). After that, I didn't pull any pranks for years. But last year I decided to, because what the heck, no one would see it coming. I filled the living room with balloons, put googly eyes on all the cups in the cupboard, dyed the milk blue, covered a few things in sticky notes, wrote on the mirror with shaving cream and put food coloring in the back part of the toilets so it's turn the water different colors for a few flushes. My family was pretty surprised the next day, but they thought it was funny, to my relief. I've also wrapped up my brother's rubik's cube collection in toilet paper and wrapped up his underwear in Christmas wrapping paper and hid them for him to find (though I told him where most of them were).
  11. I used to sleep right next to the window, but my parents made me move my bed because we're planning on selling the house, and the room looks bigger when the bed isn't by the window. But I prefer to sleep right next to the window.
  12. I had some strawberry yogurt about ten minutes ago.
  13. Funny how a show about friendship is loved by so many people who don't really want any friends. I don't mind talking to people, and I like having friends, but I usually don't go out of my way to make them. I just kinda treat everyone like a friend, and if we end up becoming friends over time, then we will. If not, the least I can do is be nice to them.
  14. I love it. I wouldn't want it to replace our regular ponies, of course, but I love anthro characters! I tend to think of it as an AU where everyone's anthro.
  15. I think goats would be kinda cute. But I totally agree with deer! I would LOVE to see some deer characters in the show. <3
  16. I suppose the only thing that really bugs me is when an OC has virtually no flaws. Everyone has flaws, no matter how perfect they may seem. I understand that a person wants to be cool and perfect, and they use their OC to make it happen for them, but they don't need to, because people actually like characters with flaws. It seems that preteens are most susceptible to these kinds of OCs... I'm guilty of creating one myself way back when. I'd like to go back to that character and give her some flaws though, and round out her personality. Just to see what she can turn into.
  17. My official American zodiac animal is the Salmon. But through meditation and observation, I found that my spirit animal (at least while growing up) was the butterfly. Any time I wad feeling down, out of place, or like I didn't belong, a butterfly would flutter past. Then I'd think of how they start out as little caterpillars and I'd think to myself, "I'm just not fully grown yet, that's all."
  18. I could eat sweet peas all day. They are the most wonderful vegetable ever. o3o (waaaaaaiiiiit! I forgot about sweet potatoes! Them too, them too!)
  19. I brush it and try to get it to shape itself in a way that isn't ugly, but when my hair wants to look dumb, there's just no stopping it. >.>'
  20. I have tons of plushies, but the only one in my bed right now is my alligator. His name's Gummy. X3
  21. Laughter. Making people laugh is one of the most WONDERFUL things ever! It makes me happier than anything else in the world. X3
  22. I'll probably do the same thing I'm doing now, except that I'll be sad when I walk around stores and don't see Mlp stuff around. Otherwise, my bronying will stay the same.
  23. I'd love to have at least one thing designed by Rarity. I would totally commission her for a pretty dress.
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