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Posts posted by TrueSight

  1. True Sight glared at the stallion at his comment. "I can assure you, I am quite familiar with the location" she stated. "Do you think you can find this merchant?" True Sight asked as she moved toward the wall where the ancient cards were stuck in the strange pattern.


    She truly hated to admit that her lack of knowledge of this aspect of her magic was a hindrance.  She would like nothing more than to leave them here, but they might come in handy.  They had warned of the danger of the crystal lamp already, who knew what else they might help.  A haze of magic enveloped each card and they began to flow, resisting a little, into the black velvet pouch that usually housed them.


    "Hopefully they'll know a little more" she said as the last card was safely tucked away.

  2. One should never deny themselves the awesome of a good series. At least the author is still alive! The same can't be said of my favorite book series. I'll never get another book out of him. :P

    I know, I hate that Robert Jordan and Marion Zimmer Bradley have moved on. 

  3. True Sight began pacing again, the wheels in her mind turning rapidly.  How old exactly was this thing.  What was it truly meant for.  Some sort of energy transformation device that had the potential to destroy everything.  Who had created?  Why?  What kind of creation took unicorn magic and turned it into something else, something that could sustain itself for hundreds of years.


    Still True Sight continued to be torn, hand it over to the Princesses or search the origins with the help of the stallion, if he would be willing.  The unicorn was not the adventure type, not in the slightest.  Danger was never apart of her plans, and this thing was clearly dangerous, but it also held secrets of the past, and that allure was overpowering her sensibilities at the exact moment. 


    "Where was this desert?" she asked, having no idea how to even begin searching for more clue. 

  4. And stop myself from reading The Way of Kings!!!  This is one of the best series I've read, and Brandon Sanderson is playing with my soul!!  According to his website he is only 44% into the first draft of Book 3!!  I wish I hadn't discovered this series until five or six books in!  Curse you Barnes and Nobles attendant with your excellent advice!!

  5. I don't know.  How many people actually made it through the Wheel of Time to even answer that question?  I am still on Knife of Dreams, I suspect most give up by Winter's Heart.


    I couldn't imagine not finishing the series.  

  6. Hello all,


    So for any Wheel of Time fans I also like to ask.  What do you think the future of the Red Ajah will be now that the Last Battle has been fought and won by the forces of the Light/Creator and also since saidin has been cleansed of the taint? 

  7. True Sight began to pace pack and forth, looking at the covered crystal lantern, then the cards on the wall and finally the stallion who had brought this all to her.  Part of her agreed with him, that the unknown artifact should be given to the princess immediately for safekeeping.  But another part of her thought that might be dangerous itself.  This thing worked by sapping unicorns' magic.  There was no telling what would happened if it was able to absorb the magic of alicorns. 


    "No, we shouldn't give it to the Princesses, not yet" she finally decided on.  "We don't know what could happen if one of them got caught in the light like I did."


    She stopped pacing and turned to Second Sight square on. "Tell me, exactly how you came across this.  Maybe that will help us decide what to do." 

  8. As the crystal was covered and the light from it banished True Sight let out a sigh of relief as she fell to the ground, her body still wracking with the aftershocks of pain.  She held her eye tight, not from pain or fear, but trying to retain the visions that were fleeting.  There was importance in them, she knew it and she needed to retain as much detail as she could.  She heard Second Sight say something about the cards, but she only flick a hoof dismissively, trying to silence him and she continued to try to commit to memory as much of the vision as she could. 


    Once she had committed to memory as much as she could, she opened her eyes and looked at the stallion who was looking at the cards.  Her head shifted slightly to the wall and she gasped.  In all her life, her gift had never manifested in this way.  And the cards were all saying the same thing.


    "Danger, destruction, maelstrom, havoc..." she said aloud, letting Second Sight know exactly what the message was. 

  9. The moment she laid eyes on it True Sight was mesmerized by the strange object.  As if on their own accord her hooves began to move her body forward.  The light emanating from the crystal was reflected in both the unicorn's eyes and the haze of magic pulsing from her horn.  The words coming from Second Sight were little more than a whisper in her mind as her magic reached out into the past through the crystal.


    If either pony had been paying attention, the would've noticed the cards that had broken free of their restraining pouched and arranged in a strange pattern on the back wall of the shop.  And if True Sight had studied and developed the card-reading aspect of her gift she would have known to pack up Second Sight and his crystal artifact and send them both to the Princesses with all haste.


    As it was the light of the crystal enveloped True Sight's entire body as her magic used that light to hurdle her mind into the distant past. 


    The images that she was thrust into were vivid and confusing.  One moment she was a pegasus holding the crystal high above a desert.  Beneath here were unicorns, the haze of magic strong as it surrounded each of them and then joined together into one maelstrom of power.    In a flash the desert began to turn verdant and living.  Grass spread across the sands like a carpet, that then turned to bushes that grow into trees.  In a moment the desert was a forest dense with arboreal beauty.  She felt the joy of the pegasus, and then the horror as the crystal flashed again.  Something happened then, the vision went blank, and when it returned it was hazy.  The pegasus was hurt somehow, and the unicorns no where to be seen.  There was nothing but scared earth, somewhere were nothing would grow, not for generations to come. 


    True Sight as the pegasus looked about in pain and confusion to see the crystal, floating above the earth glowing alluringly, shinning maliciously.  As she watched a light swept from the crystal and passed over the pegasus.  The unknown winged pony screamed as if her body was on fire, as if her soul was being ripped out.


    The scream however was coming from True Sight as the same light that swept over the pegasus in the past now illuminated the unicorn in the present. 

  10. True Sight stopped in front of the strange pony, giving him a quick once over.  She stopped for a second when her eyes took in his strange looking leg, but quickly moved on.  It was impolite to stare, and True Sight was very strict about her manners. 


    "Yes I am True Sight" she replied "And apparently you have something you need looked over?"


    The bright blue unicorn tried to make this appraisal sound as routine as any other, though all signs pointed to something strange being in the box on the other pony's back.  Her horn was practically itching to know what he carried, and what was urgent enough to send a messenger-pony ahead, but outwardly she remained calm.  Just barely though.

  11. A dark blue haze of magic quickly enveloped True Sight's horn, and just as quickly disappeared.  This was the only outward show of her surprise and excitement.  With all the artifacts in front of her, the annoyance of the enthusiastic pegasus was quickly forgotten. 


    She stepped past Inn Keep, barely acknowledging the stallion as the lure of the secrets of the past locked within the objects pulled her further into the room.

  12. True Sight turned herself so that she was able to squarely look at the pegasus .  She titled her head squarely and severely, her mouth tight with controlled emotion. 


    "If you wish to see fire and flashes, I suggest you take in one of the Canterlot Guards' training days or such.  I am not a show-pony, my magic is a bit more refined than all that" she said, then turned dismissively to continue following Inn Keep.  "I" she emphasized "will be delving into the past of Equestria, and ponykind with the help of the creations of the past that Inn Keep has.  You will not ooh and awe, but you may learn something." 


    True Sight continued on her way behind Inn Keep.  It was clear that she felt the pegasus would probably not be interested in magic that did not knock her off her hooves, and that was quite fine with the unicorn.   

  13. ((OOC Thread: HERE))


    True Sight walked around Clock Work's Antique Shop, pacing really.  She had received a message through messenger pony that somepony was coming with something unique.  Something that she had never seen before, and something that was supposedly quite old.  Normally she wouldn't be this excited, and agitated over an artifact.  Yes she loved finding genuine objects from the past, but something strange was already happening surrounding this unknown artifact.  The moment she read the message left by the fast flying Pegasus her magic awakened without her consciously doing it.  What was more confusing, it was the aspect of her magic that she rarely used, her ability to use an ancient deck of pony cards to divine the future.  The cards, which she kept in a blue pouch awakened and formed so many patterns True Sight couldn't recognize anything.  Not for the first time she regretted her neglect of this part of her gift, but the future held no allure for her. 


    So she continued to pace around the antique shop, a haze of magic surrounding the pouch that the cards were in, keeping them inside as they tried to escape and warn the history loving unicorn of something in the future.  If she had an sense the pony would run to one of the Princesses to help with interpretation, but the lure of a new artifact, and a new glimpse into Equestria's past was too much.  She'd worry about the cards later, once everything else was taken care of. 

  14. True Sight began to follow Inn Keep, her expression one of determined excitement, that quickly changed to annoyance when the other pony began to speak.  The young unicorn understood that some other ponies might be interested in magic, but her magic was no spectacle.  However True was not about to voice her concern, as that might make Inn Keep retract the invitation.


    "Just make sure that you keep back and out of the way" True Sight said to the excited pony.  The last thing she needed was some overly enthusiastic body bumping into her why her magic is in effect allowing her to glimpse the past through artifacts.  The display of magic the pony might see then wouldn't be something warm and fuzzy. 

  15. It's settled then. I'll join with second sight. If you want a a suggestion for the RP ( develop the story ), what if second sight came with an artifact that made use of... Uranium.


    An experiment could go wrong in the future and cause an atomic explosion.


    Buts it's really your choice


    I like that idea, maybe something other than uranium, maybe we could make up an element (I just don't like that word, weird isn't it?) lol  But I like the idea of finding an artifact with an unknown unstable element that could lead to world affecting catastrophe.

  16. True Sight perked up slightly and the description of the Inn.  It seemed that maybe the rumors that set her path to this place might have been credible after all. 


    "There are artifacts here?  Perhaps something that I might be able to look at?" she asked.  "Artifacts and antiques are my specialty actually.  I'd love a chance to use my magic on some of your odd and ends, if I may?" 

  17. Hello everyone,


    So I am huge fan of the Wheel of Time Series by Robert Jordan.  And I've always felt that, I would definitely be Aes Sedai and I like knowing what other fans think.  So my question is, for anyone who is a fan of the series, if you were Aes Sedai which Ajah would you be?  Or would you be Kin or a member of the Black Tower?


    For myself I've always felt I would be Blue.  I used to think Gray, only because I'm a great public speaker and interpretation of the law has always fascinated me.  But, ultimately I think I would be Blue because I am a social worker and I have a tendency (for good or ill) to let me emotions dictate my actions. 

  18. Wow. My OC, Second Sight, feels like a counterpart of your OC. Your OC sees far into the past and future while mine is able to scrutinise every detail in the present.


    I might join. Your thoughts?


    You know when I was looking at character sheets the other day I saw Second Sight and thought the exact same thing!  I think the two together would be some awesome and interesting interactions. 

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