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Posts posted by TheRedHoodedWraith

  1. In my opinion, this sort of seems like IDW almost calling out some of Hasbro's bull**** marketing style when they often marketing My Little Pony. I understand that the show was aimed at young girls but to me, it seems they often over exaggerate the characters as being 'pretty' rather than focus on the side of them that makes them awesome, which I guess in turn tells them they should just focus on being "pretty" and stuff that we clearly know doesn't help.


    In the comic, I noticed this similarity when Cadence saw her costume listed as "Pretty Princess" and heard what some of the filllies said about her.

    • I have no problem at all with Flash Sentry and think he's a decent enough guy to date Twilight Sparkle.

    I don't think Lyra and Bon Bon would make a good ship.

    All of my ships so far are straight (no clue why).

    I still think Princess Celestia should have been Queen.

    I wish Hasbro would stop trying to exaggerate the show as being something incredibly girly in their marketing and when in reality, each of the ponies have an awesome side to them that Hasbro seems to keep ignoring (until Guardians of Harmony). 

    I wish there were more stallions and other male characters that are given more importance to the story. 

    • Brohoof 2
  2. Yeah, I don't think Guardians of Harmony is going to be a TV show but if it did, I would imagine it would just be Friendship is Magic only with a different name and more episodes like the current season premieres and finales. I don't think it would be that different anyway. Personally, I think Friendship is Magic is just fine as the series.


    For the record, MLP was originally aimed at young girls, as shown with most of the toys, but the show was written in a way that it appealed to other demographic and sure enough they came and now we are seeing Hasbro is recognising that MLP is something that boys can like as well, even though most of us already knew that XD.


    You make it sound like FiM was not targeted at Boys, which is just not true. FiM had a unique feel of wonder, fantasy and slice of life to it, that i don't see in any other Cartoon show these days. It's that what makes FiM, well FiM.


    Guardians of Harmony, as an idea for a show, just feels like any other Action Adventure show and i am not really interested in that, because there are already too many animated shows for that and i am not interested in any of them.


    I am not saying that you're allowed to watch it, because people are entitled to like what they like. I just think this is not the step in the right direction.

    • Brohoof 1
  3. I disagree because though MLP was initially aimed at young girls, in my opinion, they've already been trying way too hard to market toward girls focussing on things that aren't exactly relevant or even canon in the show such as characters who aren't even canon not to mention the poor quality designs! It's a fact that the Mane Six are girls but it seems that Hasbro focuses on the fact they are girls rather than their real personalities and cool stuff they've done. Everytime I check out the MLP toys in a store, I find myself cringing a lot at the fact they just keep trying something that's not exactly, in my opinion, true.


    With Guardians of Harmony, I feel that this is a step in the right direction for Hasbro finally portraying MLP for what it is to most of us. With show accurate designed toys and better aesthetics, in this new toy line, we get to see the characters' awesome side to their personality. I would also like to point out that Guardians of Harmony is targeted towards boys AND girls which is a move I really like as the fandom is a mix of everybody. Also yes, it was called Lego Friends.


    Bottomline, I see it the 'Guardians of Harmony' line as Hasbro finally bringing out the true gem of the show rather than market a side of the show that isn't really there and show that My Little Pony is something to be enjoyed by everybody.


    I'm with Mesme on this, Guardians tries waaaay too hard to appeal to boys, like "look! My Little Pony is battle-themed! Action! War! So badass!", when the show itself has was able to get it's props and mass appeal by being itself, without trying too hard to cater to that demo(that, and whenever the show does try it, 95% of the time it falls flat on its face)


    It's like when Lego made "Lego Friends"(I think that's what it's called) in attempt to appeal to girls, making sets about dreamhouses, dream cars, etc., except it tries way too hard to do that and never needed to try because it already had mass appeal in the first place

  4. Yeah, I think it'd be worth watching. Seeing the different types of adventures the Mane Six would get as humans is pretty interesting. Personally, I think all the other EG films except the first one are better though I would recommend watching the first one so the sequels make sense.

    • Brohoof 1
  5. I am just fanboying over the new upcoming Guardians of Harmony line. Finally MLP toys that are well aesthetically designed, very accurate to the characters on the show and surprisingly is targeted toward boys and girls!


    I seriously can not wait for its release. What do you guys think about it? Who else feels this way? Which toy(s) would you like to get?


    I'd like the Shining Armor and the Celestia ones.



    • Brohoof 1
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