the original trilogy are ace, with possibly the exception of the cop-out good ending on the 6th episode, and some of the questionable choices it makes (why is Yoda's death so unwrought and pointless, in terms of emotional attachment and execution? where'd the second Death Star come from? why Ewoks, and not a planet of Wookies? did we really need more furry fluff? and so on and so forth). the prequel trilogy are flawed, but they're at least enjoyable in their own right. the 3rd one have good action parts, the 1st one has an okay plotline, the 2nd one something inbetween.
the games range from great to good to just plain average and bad. Dark Forces 1 and 2 are great, the second moreso. the Jedi Knight games that came afterwards are not as great, but they have a decent amount of exploration and gameplay. Knights of the Old Republis is brilliant. i own the second KOTOR, but i haven't played it throughout, and since it's an Xbox copy, i apparently can't fix the flaws and cut content it has.
that's about as much as i know about the games though. there's way too many Star Wars games for me to have any good say about. i only know, and have played, the KOTOR RPGs and the Dark Forces FPS'.
as a whole, Star Wars is pretty damn okay actually. i've faith in the new Star Wars films because they'll be developed by people who love the series for what it was (an attempt to blend the spaghetti-western style films in a hi-tech, space environment, i believe), NOT because it's Star Wars. something being Star Wars isn't an acceptable trait of quality, it's the essence behind what made it Star Wars that is.