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Also, changelings allegedly are natural fliers (even reformed) like pegasi, alicorns and gryphons and dragons, and hyppogryphs. Those should probably have never been having trouble flying without magic. And yes, as some said why would she be put near Tirek? For plot of course. One that would be interesting if it involved more villains at once. I post a little more about it here.
Overall I liked the direction of how MLP:FiM grew up. As someone who's not been interested in old gen ponies and they looked lame to me, I was considering it silly to even watch such girly things, I already liked Season 1 and started watching it being a new show to watch. When Season 2 came with The return of Harmony, intro to Discord, I really got intrigued by such episodes and more than ordinary episodes in which nothing happens, like majority of S1. The Canterlot Wedding Season 2 finale, first intro of Chrysalis especially since I made relations to one game that had changelings, I was so making comparison between changelings and changelings that Queen Chrysalis looked like the queen of Blades, not to say the expansion came around the same time as Season 2 finale. Some even made ponycraft clips. The show won me even more, I was waiting for newer and newer adventure episode, and while Season 3 was short, (but introduced King Sombra and the Crystal Empire), there it stands, season 4 with Twi's Kingdom the best episode so far, never felt so hyped watching this, recently did a flashback to it before the Season 8 finale, so the show was already growing on me. And while the show had more and more eps that are more interesting than Season 1, I was still focused on my fave Mane 6 like Fluttershy or Rainbow Dash. Season 5 introduced Starlight and we saw a little of what each villain's kingdom would look, but you know what hasn't been done? I will post this a bit later for Season 9. Season 6, I almost forgot what it was focusing on Starlight doing better and focusing a lot on her, and sometimes but now noticeably less focus on the Mane 6, still anticipating their episodes like RD attempts to get in Wonderbolts. Still, we got new places but it was still pony focused and in the end Changeling focused. It almost felt like Chrysalis' Hive end was more recently and is now so long ago. Season 7, the story started focusing more on duos e.g Rarity and Pinkie, so common, the indian pony restaurant? But the pieces coming together in a finale (the ones that lead to Pillars of Equestria) was something already done what lead to Season 4's finale. The different items It wasn't until MLP The Movie that not only opened whole new worlds of explorations but this combined with the Pillars opened so many possibilities that it is hard to juggle with all at the same time. As can be seen. there is no time for Pillars other than to say 'they are doing something away, Star Swirl is reading messages', and appearing some like in 'Rockhoof and a hard place' 'Friendship Uni' to not get forgotten. But with the opportunities the Movie opened, and the School of Friendship, the focus shifted away from Mane 6 but I don't mind it. I actually like it so. In Season 8 not only did we have all these nice moments of continuity from the movie: The Storm King (plenty of references now), Hyppogryphs and Aris ( My first love of Season 8), then the Student 6 that I already started liking more than CMCs for all the CMC past seasons. Smoulder became my fave but even what they develop in these characters is more interesting than 'yay we kids we look for cutie marks', I like them much more. Season 8 was great for showing all these new interesting places, so as finale it was not the best, mentioned why Cozy Glow, too much credit given to her, but the episodes overall were. (Probably comparable are Season 7 episodes related to visiting places of the Pillars). I like these fantasy adventure episodes more. And now season 8 gave us also Kirens, the Holiday special - deers? Either way, it is time for some things to happen in Season 9, call it wishlist 1) Shows have had a unity of villains, it makes things more interesting and I mean more of a Cozy Glow-Tirek union. With Chrysalis out there and the Mean 6 unexpectedly not continued in Season 8, it is time for powerful union, Be it Sombra-Tirek-Chrysalis or any such. The friendship has united creatures so now we have powerful alliances of Yaks, Hyppogryphs, Changelings, Ponies, Gryphons, Dragons, Kirens and this leads to 2) It is time for the big battle, Lord of the rings style.. no I get that it can't turn into this but maybe like the 'Cutie Re-mark' stories, yes make things darker, leave some problems staying for half a season or so. Let the Pillars take part like the heroes they were, let the Mane 6 have a role and the School 6 if they are new bearers or soon-to-be bearers. Dominate the season in such plot episodes, than 'The End of Friend' pointless episodes, it is FINAL? Let Kirens and any new that side with ponies join the final conflict, with the Crystal ponies too. If they can't air 3-parters make the last 24th episode before finale feel like addon to the finale, not like 'Father knows beast' thanks for the useless ep. 3) Tempest Storm bring her (for an episode or more)! There has been Stormking, his guards, Kludgetown reference but no trace of her. Even as evil? 4) Escape Tartarus with Cozy and the others? Find all villains and make the arch-villain league? Something like that. 5) Friendship wise/relationship episodes, it doesn't matter to me how they develop characters, the way they do so far is fine, simply less filler episodes.
At first I was like - they made everypony here with normal eyes not like in MLP the movie? Later.. oh it is like a 2-parter merged into one episode, the show, not a movie. When listed on wiki it is listed same way as MLP The movie, so I thought a new movie. And deer ponies, even more world exploration? Can be only Antarctica, whatever the land stands for, or the North pole... that actually has no land mass. This is another world, so they could go by themselves another continent etc. This eliminates the need to ask if it would be related to next season like how the Movie was, and if it would be a 2hr Hearthswarming where nothing happens. It is just a normal episode.
for.. sake can some stop using real-life logic and rules and laws in a fantasy world of ponies? SJWs? ... I know this is American show for American public but my cringe-o-meter goes wild when I see some talking about lawsuits and I know these are from teh U.S. 'Cozy is just a kid, just a filly, oh noes, how could she be sent there'? 1. Tartarus just looks like another land, certainly not like hell. A prison place. 2. Cozy was a student of Tirek (as in going by his teachings, not a literal student), who is still the most dangerous villain probably. So she almost repeated what he did, it only makes sense she was sent there. Tirek could have been reformed? What on Earth for? There is no incentive why he should and in Twi's Kingdom he was seen as the prime devil. 3. She went with a "f. you all" response when Twilight told her how she didn't get it rather than trying to learn and beg for sparing. 4. If Cozy hadn't been the lil filly that is greater villain that some others, almost as great as Tirek (I dont like the idea), that wouldn't have been even questioned. She was not just a rook she was the queen who in diagonals and lines took out knights, officers, pawns everything. But why is she sent there? /Sarcasm. I didn't expect it but I don't care. Eeexactly!
Okay the Season 8 finale! Finally, reached it and watched it. As much as I was avoiding spoilers I heard it was going to involve Tartarus and Tirek though I imagined it more in some Twilight's Kingdom way. So, I did flashbacks through Season 4 Finale, and the School Daze, What Lies Beneath but also the mean 6 thinking there would be some relationship. The Season 8 finale, I find it much better than Shadow Play and as much as the Pillars of Equestria give me the vibes of the classic fantasies I like the most, they are so forgettable, ever since they appeared and the finale proved their uselessness. Does anyone think that they were better off sent to the past? I did find it curious to be in the present, but somehow I don't care. With that said, I give the episode 5/5, better than Shadow Play, it was thrilling enough for me to like it, kept in in tension what was going to happen but with I give this rating with SOME BIG REMARKS. Let's see what the huge things I disliked and what I liked. Perhaps since it was known from the very beginning What? Some little filly can do so much damage!? I understand she could be some wunderkind but no... just nooo... she is THE MOST DESPICABLE villain I've ever seen because I like villains if they have some level of coolness, power but I refuse to think that some filly without magic can do SO MUCH DAMAGE! Like get out, she is so uncool and so not having the power to do that, so it was UNBELIEVABLE that she was NOT Chrysalis. I was waiting for her to turn into Chrysalis at any time , I don't know whether it was rumored Mean 6 has any relation but apparently does not. In other words, I question the idea all that had to revolve around Cozy Glow, I thought she was someone much bigger, no way! This is my biggest remark. What made me like the episode but not as much as 'Twilight's Kingdom' still the king of the finales IMO (im not Dragonball Z fan or anything but it felt so thrilling, the power of the Tirek, I just saw how many also like this finale the most gj), The Cutie Re-mark and 'To where and back again' that would gradually decrease in likeness. What made me like it is how it went back to Twi's Kingdom and other past episode references, I love when I see those, which is why I thought Chrys would be there too. To break it into parts; Yona is the funniest of the School 6, the cannon ball that falls out of the sky, always kind of chuckle when she's in such situation. And now to the serious parts: oh my Starlight without magic was something never seen since all happened before her appearance. Ever since Cozy suddenly replaced Starlight, I was like 'what?' Some unimportant filly becomes the head of the school? Then I started thinking Starlight might be captured! Predictable okay. Even more world exploration! Tartarus! Well it's not like so much was seen from the place but look: There's vegetation, rain, flies! Didn't Twi's Kingdom leave the impression it was barrens with nothing but rocks? Blueberries! No.. well, maybe eatable. Totally like this gate ornamentation, looks so interesting and ancient or alien lol. Then they enter and I'm like 'Did they just realize? They trapped themselves forever but didn't think before entering'. And the pitch black I thought they were entering some dungeon with hostile creatures not trapped animals. Flutty's animal expert stuff helped again. Then there he is... Tire, not as threatening as he looked when he consumed magic. The resolution was lame imo... really Pinkie driving him crazy is what makes him give them some magic, or whatever happened? Wasnt he or the others unable to use magic? Then Neighsay locks the student - IF HE WERE behind all this, he has the power, the knowledge, it would be believable.... COzy... I still can't believe they gave her so much credit in the episode. Unpredictable because it doesn't make sense, not a good idea IMO. The CMCs to the rescue, well im glad they were used here, made them feel somewhat useful. I love the 'What lies beneath' continuity. Did the tree lose magic too? This scene with Starlight, I would think only Chrysalis is capable, which is why I couldn't believe she is not Chrys. Neighsay is actually a strict member of the edu council but serving the side of good? I'm surprised but not disappointed. I liked his reformation. I never cared if he is a villain or not, what could he possibly do other than try to create school rules, not like stealing magic like Tirek. I mean really, if there is something that pulls the episode for me it is THIS: (IM THE LIL KIDDO THAT TURNS THE WHOLE WORLD, EQUESTRIA UPSIDE DOWN).... "RIGHT" I've seen other shows where the villain could be some kiddo but the episode of that show was not serious. And in the final scene... find it hard that the students would fall for Cozy she was not even believable about the School 6 stealing magic'. And then the tree saves the day. it still had magic? So yeah, reformation by Neighsey, I dont mind it, it shows how even the stubborn heads could start thinking rationally. I never minded him as I said, never saw him as a must-be villain. Plot twist.... Cozy transforms to Chrysalis, wanted to unite with Tirek? Now that would be a villain combo that hasnt been done and needs to be but whatever. That is the end of Season 8. Looking for that movie but if it will not be a high stakes one like the MLP Movie and just a 2hr 'Hearthwarming Eve' might not be my taste.
I lol-ed and yea I dont know what that was for in the episode. I guess Xray damage to Twi. Oh and I don't hate Dragon's Quest, I liked it. It was 10 times better. I don't care about 'racism against dragons' because I hate comparing this world logic with the one in fantasy. Should I cry about World of Warcraft racism between nations too? It is also how two worlds whose knowledge of one another is poor and one only knows 'stereotypes about the other one' why there was "dragon racism".
Hey sometimes I admit I may be influenced by the votes and if I see a mostly positive episode, I'd still give it a good grade but even so, if it is not my type like nothing special happens, I would still not give it highest no matter the overall votes. I noticed this time it is see, and not able to post or do your vote independently. Well I will give my vote alright and I will hit hard this time. Although I've seen bad episodes, something about this one was not only boring but plain lame, not to say such episodes aren't my fave when focusing on some chars unless they are interesting like Molt Down. I give this episode a So what makes it like that: - An episode I do not care much about unless something makes it good (there were some good Spike episodes) - The guy crashes in the middle of Ponyville, and he is not the father!? You know if he were, that might make sense but he has no clue of the castle and suddenly wants to take advantage of the village? crap logic - Sludge was so unlikable, not only that but you HAVE TO GIVE US A SONG OF HIM?? I dont care about songs but this just makes me put the song in the trash can. - Sludge is like an old creep wanting to be around the young dragons, no that's not it since how did he even know he would land near Smoulder and Spike? No he just wanted to take advantage of. I don't know what personality it is supposed to depict. Ugly, unlikable, and giving a song by him, waste of minutes. And somehow he referenced not only Mount Aris but this may be the first time I hear a Klugetown reference? Is he from it? He looks like someone from it if they allow dragons there. It was very believable to some extent, then for disappointment of Spike fans who want to know his BG (well I dont care), it was all wasted. - Somehow the 'Please CRY part' with Twilight's broken heart and Spike did not work for me, probably because it was not believable for either. I mean somehow the disappointment, I dont want to talk to you Twilight came too soon and unnatural. - Spike was almost like 'yes dad, I need my dad-y' and when I just see this word over the internet I facepalm, so stupid.. - Maybe chuckled over this except Starlight was now a garbage background pony. The pluses: What made me like Smoulder even more, was how she helped Spike from the very beginning, like this is what Spike needed, an actual dragon friend to fill in the gap, not a parent. Good busting the fat dragon's real intentions by Spike and Smoulder. Like the writer's worst, idc there can be bad episodes but I will not hesitate to slam and bash.
Please tell me this isn't some fanfic that came after first spoilers about this episode. I was completely wrong about Chimera, although it has similar features but is 2-headed goat and lion. I've been talking about similar ideas coming but I've never seen this type of mythical creature, like deer horns, dragon skin and mane/hooves like a horse or any such creature make it ideal for MLP. Then that's bull's eye what Kirins are and where the idea was taken from. And genius since it is so similar to a horse body, so they made them look cute like ponies. That's why I thought they were ponies and their horn was like Mistmane's simply a different horn because different area of the world.
It was long ago since we saw Mane 6 focused episodes, even though the lesson was for the very target of the friendship quest. It's been some time since I mentioned it but, I like Fluttershy episodes being my fave of the Mane 6, and this with AJ (when was the last time they ever had an episode that would fit?), is simply awesome! Like the last 2 episodes, I give it a solid 5/5 and the biggest of all, from all the creatures and places that exist out there, even more world exploration , Jungle ponies?? I don't know how else to call them. And this time no Starlight, no Student 6, just like previous seasons, a feel of the actual Main 6 season. (some of my text got completely lost, rebuilding it) So this episode starts with a place that looks like Australia with the Ayers rock, then in the beginning Fluttershy's assertiveness is seen again when she is caught by AJ 'fooling around with other critters'. It turned out the flowers were the ones they needed from the very beginning, only after rewinding could I see that lol: I don't know what mythical creatures they represent and what country or ethnicity are they similar to. A pony that becomes a fire creature with horns like a moose, no not even that, hmm. I was watching the village and the silenced ponies with curiosity, whether this was a curse or their nature to be non-talking ponies! This was so interesting seeing this new types that one could only make guesses. Then came Autumn (something) and her ceaseless speaking. And the song that I've mentioned not caring much about songs but okay learning about their story. And these creatures, what are they? Ohh I did a small search, Chimeras.. I know them I just had another idea of Chimeras, a lion and goat but in Equestria single headed lion-goat hybrid. And their queen is like the jungle version of Celestia! And the ponies overall remind me of how the ponies and the Mane 6 became jungle ponies when hiding from Chrysalis during one of the timelines Twi was sent into by Starlight in 'The Cutie Re-mark'. And then after this nice view of their village, a row between the Mane 2 and wow they have the ability to lift like unicorns and just when the Mane 2 were about to be silenced, that would have caused a big problem but still curable if other Mane's came to the rescue, then this pretty blaze wall of blue and red fire, very interesting. Then the new jungle ponies start talking and oh my good job by the artists, this new world, like amazons or I don't know what they are, is soooo good! Loved the new place! And just when you thought the Equestria world already had plenty of species and cultures, a brand new part of the world! Amazing episode! I love posting pics of new interesting places, looks pleasant for the eyes, almost like taking pictures of being there:
I don't know what's in the next episodes so based on the guesses, I like the idea of the School 6 becoming the new Element bearers of harmony, though something tells me they could be new symbols of the Tree, while the Mane 6 still keep their role.Cozy Glow's cutie mark, the two rooks, I didn't pay attention it means manipulation like a chess board until now. I thought it was some sort of 'logic' mark. Though, pawns would have conveyed that meaning better.
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- episode 22
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^ What's the point of entering here then, does one expect to read posts and not get spoiled at the same time (if the spoilers are for the same episode)? Anyway, the past 4 episodes this inclusive has been with some of the good writers and made nice episodes, this episodes did not disappoint, it is awesome, have some small remarks. Let's see: An episode focused entirely on the Student Six. I've mentioned it and will again, I find these six sooo adorable and I've been shipping them since the first episodes they had them, they are already much more interesting to me than the CMCs have ever been. Here comes a little remark, it seems that when someone asks something (in the air), something non-natural around them will always become alive and start speaking and pointing it out. In Shadow Play it was when trying to figure out how to activate the stone pillars when placing items, here it is the Tree of Harmony suddenly can become a ghost and living being speaking to the Student Six, and in some cases the Map will magically point out or notify the ponies. Like really couldn't somepony figure things out on their own? I will accept this because nature or a tree seen as a spirit like nature's spirit has been done I guess. Cozy Glow is such a lil manipulator, wanting to break their friendship. Does the crystal cave lead to the Tree of Harmony, is it the same cave? Like with the pond of too many Pinkie Pies? Silverstream's place: The grunts, the face of the Storm King, more and more revealing for the movie, that anyone should have watched by now. Gallus: TFW he was just about to exit and messed up the last beam to close it entirely, ouch! Smoulder: I had a hard time knowing she or he, now I know for sure, she has always been cute and my most/2nd fave! Those ponies were right she was cute, before putting on the make-up. Ocellus: Ahh the flashback of what Changelings looked like and Chrysalis appearance in same episode as the Storm King, feels good! So was Sandbar thirsty for leadership? He wants to be more important like the Mane 6. And there I see two shipping materials that I totally dig! This, and this And finally, you lil devil Cozy are totally up to something (I dont watch further episodes by this time), I was only expecting this face from her: (no not fab more like green eyes for evil)
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Keep these coming pls, for those that are far from TV's and alike right after US airing date. The dailymotion 480p vids, flipped horizontally, probably 1.25 speed that made voices sound childish was not very nice to watch. I rarely re-watch but mid-season finales and good episodes like with Luna in last season, Royal problem and such) deserve it. I would rewatch this, as the poor quality I used was not satisfying. I think this ep is worthy of rewatch too. Yes, and in simpler terms (since I would still need to read it 10 times to figure out what it's saying even though I have studied it), in the episode they are just using the idea of what ancient civs saw in the night sky which was slightly different orientation than how things are now. Which is why the 3 pyramids and other structures perhaps the Mayan temples in South America are kind of representing how they saw Orion's Belt, and there were some other monuments believed to be placed in an order of how they saw the night sky thousands of years ago.
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- my little pony: friendship is magic
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I liked seeing all other pillars in the same episode, and it's been a while since Star Swirl was the only one seen so far. Good to finally see what was going on with all other pillars as a continuity. What a pleasant episode, 5/5 So far Rockhoof has been from my least fave Pillars but perhaps he is more interesting than Meadowbrook. The episode starts with him appearing like with a time machine in modern world, a plot seen in other shows but interesting to see in MLP, the way he would use his brute strength and realize it is all wrong. Someone who's present in a place (the volcano and the village and whom stories and legends have been told about) to be actually there is a plot almost unreal but interesting to develop. One question I had when he was given the teacher position of defense (of something), how he didn't demolish the School of Friendship completely It was expected Yona to be most attracted by his strength, but I must say, the student 6 have reeeally interesting teachers and classes when you look through the season, Discord now this xD School has never been so fun. I thought the fire was real fire, never heard of dragon contest there but with the different creatures come school facilities for the needs of each creature type. Looking at Flash Magnus, same character as Rainbow Dash, and the idea of royal army leader is just the right fit for him, like what else. You can see the guards' pride to have him in command behind him. I was especially intrigued by the new place of Mistmane, she has got to be of my fave or most fave after Star Swirl from the Pillers if not even more interesting. Of course, if she has a quest to do somewhere that would be even more awesome and intriguing. Serving the Crystal Empire and making beautiful landscape, just looks so nice: The scene with Somnanbula's meditation and his crashing the ground in sleep made me chuckle, so did her expression: And then one I was anticipating, an interaction between the Hippogriff world and the Pillars. Every appearance of Mount Aris raises the coolness of the episode for me. This hippogriff looks familiar on the left/right/left? The hippos remind me more and more of elves from (WoW or LotR) and perhaps that's what they are like and why I find them so interesting. Lore-wise a Hippogriff rider is a Night Elf rider of a hippogriff bird. I liked how Yona, Smolder stuck to him remaining with them forever, a small role of a story teller but popular in fantasies and the best that could find him a place. I liked the resolution and it was all very sweet how all supported him, indeed one of my most fave episodes of the season.
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- my little pony: friendship is magic
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Ahh, I don't like putting lines that I disagree with next to that vote points I would give, here is why. Nick Confalone makes some quite nice episodes and this one was written well for its plot, the slight dislike I have about it is the plot itself. I never cared much about CMC episodes and since the introduction of the Student Six, I like the latter much more, a member of the hyppos one of my fave places in MLP, a cool dragon (Smoulder) who enjoyed the show since being into fire and extreme shows, performances and alike and overall they are much more interesting than CMCs. The love or closeness of Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash has been done over and I am tired of seeing Scootaloo's fanpony season after season. I liked (Parental Glideance was it) for showing some of RD's history of wins and how she's got to be competitive/since when. But again, Scootaloo is probably my least fave of the CMCs exactly because of that tiresome cheering behavior. What I really liked was the introduction of (new?) wonderbolt antagonists, these Washouts would make really interesting episodes if they had to compete against the Wonderbolts in contests or other way. I liked Lightning Dust (I dont remember if I've seen her?) since the beginning and looked really cool to me, the other two with her were nothing special. She looked like Spitfire's evil form? So, a lot could be made out of the Washouts. It was good to see the Mane 6 again. Spitfire's angry tone was something that doesn't tell the full story in the past with how the Washouts got kicked out of the Wonderbolts but it is all a new interesting topic. Scootaloo's 180 degrees change of being fan to someone else does not impress me or bother me, nor I feel sorry. I would agree with Spitfire and it is something that one has to accept and this is what felt Spitfire was yelling about. All these 'Feel sorry for Scootaloo, do this for her, do that. baby sit her, not fan of these'. The episode is a 5/5 exactly because I like RD episodes in general that tell more of her story and if something new, than pure focus on a Scootaloo and I liked it more than the previous episode as well. Ok I've seen her it's been a long ago..
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I see they brought a writer of the better episodes to deliver a great and powerful episode. It was interesting but because these relationship episodes aren't my thing, I'd give it a 4.5/5. In the first part Starlight and Trixie were bonding as good as Lyra and Bon-Bon. Once again this song between Twilight and Princess Cadence. I particularly liked the scenery here. I don't remember it and it's a really nice view of the village: Not caring much about songs, other nice views here, Saddle Arabia looks like the episode from last season where the story of Somnanbula was first seen. New things learnt: Starlight is snoring and Trixie rambles at her sleep, I prefer the latter more. They were cute while trying to fit in the wagon. They didn't break their friendship and the row went quite naturally, nothing was exaggerated, so this was handled really well imo. The only questions although the first one a bit explanatory, Starlight can teleport herself and other ponies, not objects. It was understandable why the wagon was more valuable than a luxury wagon. It was Trixie's memories in there. And, they refused to the end to get in the carriage of the saddle-arabian pony. Guess it is to teach not to trust strangers until the trade thing. Just an OK episode not my most fave or anything.
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- my little pony: friendship is magic
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Some just need to accept it. I have given up on things that I like but I know circumstances disallowing me to become good at, means I have to move on with something else. And others (snowflakes) just burst into tears if you tell them they are not good. Sadly the episode just wants us to believe that it's OK, Pinkie is even good at it, instead of facing the harsh truth..
Yatky-Sux The spoiler that I got was that it was not going to be very good. Well, after watching it I can confirm, that was really mediocre. I give it 3/5. The only few things that made me chuckle was Maud, she's funnier than Pinkie or when Pinkie and her sister converse. Other than that, I like this hairstyle of Pinkie more but in past seasons wasn't she still in her colors even when she looked insane? she looked desaturated like in 'The Return of Harmony' season 2 premiere. It's hard to say what the episode is even trying to achieve, quite a filler, and although the lesson is something like 'If you want to do this activity, we will respect your decision since that's what friends are for' or something of that kind, well it's a lesson quite over-done The yaks are now like 'we didn't even notice ponies are coming' it is totally normal? As some say, forced is the right word. Not something Pinkie would do and choose over her friends after all these seasons. It's a filler episode but there are such from time to time.
For the writer of 'Grannies gone wild' not bad, I didn't like the grannies episode much cause the plot was boring but this one is better and went 4/5 like the majority of votes only because of the 2nd more interesting part. If not for that, I would have my remarks of being like 'Non complete clause' and I still have some! Firstly, I know Rarity is a fun character to have around but it's been a lot of times in season Rarity or Rarity + someone else, so this is again 2 episodes in a row. Although I see and I like the end lesson, I still think, isn't it a bit unrealistic to think two with so different interests can stay friends? I would say if it isn't them being elements of harmony bearers to make them together, there would be no real necessity for them to be, and they just have to be friends because of their common fate with the elements. Perhaps this should have been explained by Starlight or Twilight why and how they came to be together and with that, have to make compromises. The episode was for half its first half like 'Non complete clause' making everyone silly and childish for the sake of the episode, then it developed in a nicer way. Good for Starlight being the smarter one, here Twilight was unable to help though. This is OK cause it would be too one-dimensional to have one character be always the one to help with a certain task just cause the expert, as Twi is with friendship. And the cutest in this scene ofc are Lyra and Bon-Bon, as always. Call it intuition but as soon as Twilight mentioned something about lost amulet, having RD and Rarity go together to look for it, I felt it was a set-up! My gosh, Hasbro how did you think of it, where did you take it from?? This path of glittering is exactly like an idea I had for my WIP/fan game developed just during this year's spring and I never shared the particular image with the path with anyone or uploaded it anywhere and it came to my mind I dont know any game or movie where I have seen it! I must admit for my fantasy theme, of my game called 'Trails Of Magic' I could get ideas for a female villain from MLP but now I think it's like mine with that path reached someone at Hasbro! Here is what the glitter path looks like and here is what I had. Now this forest itself is from DeviantArt and as can be seen without a magical trail, the artist allowed me to use that pic, but the sparking trail in forest and rest of the cover was totally my addition to have and base the game on that thing! Then comes the frog like thing with many eyes, really reminiscent of the fish-guy from The Movie, in that city Klugetown that Tempest easily knocks on the ground. Was it also part of the test? But I've seen an episode like the chars not realizing they are tested, so I realized this is such episode, reminding of another older TV show with female characters.
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Oh look the episode's not very liked, must be because Starswirl was naive or Twilight did something wrong. Well, there are things that didn't go best for the characters but I think it was a great episode! Seeing Starswirl after the pillars were near to non-existent makes the episode a great start but the continue is even more interesting. Now, I know the School 6 are selected maybe the better among the others but such passion for studying and school is almost not believable. The Flim Flam brothers got to be my least favorite, boring and lame antagonists of all in any season. Just when they looked like they were about to do something big to spicy up the story, they just easily gave up before the power of Starswirl, that I understand but before the end of the episode? Surprised Chancellor Neighsay did not do anything about it, UNLESS, the picture that the brothers took still got in his hands for future episodes! He was quite impressed to have Starswirl around either. His xenophobia went well with his character, apparently trying to strike at the Princess of Friendship when he has opportunity. Good that Twilight's undercover got busted, otherwise it would be ridiculous to not be recognized. The naive Starswirl reminds me of other (girls main char) shows where the boss is naive in an episode and mislead until the main chars wake him up. Im sorry, but this drawing... So they are all going to Twi's school? What of the ratio and interactions, won't it have a lot more ponies for 1 of other creatures? We will see.
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- flim flam brothers
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Y AKA 'Worst Day of Pageantry' ? Whatever the different versions of episode names. The episode was for me one of the two best Heart Warming Eve episodes, the other one being when they went to Pinkie's family and it was a fun combo with the apples and pinkies, considering not much happens in this kind. At first there was a hooded pony who did a mess, that's what I thought it was and perhaps a villain of the future episodes/finale. The story that I liked the most was Smolder's but it saddens why the lord didn't just go to get his staff back? Yona's story was OK, if it isn't about smashing what else. Made me chuckle. The second best is officially showing the Storm King! If they'd showed even more details of the story it may have become my most fave. I still don't get what was wrong with the whole movie plot fit in there as some criticize it. Gallus story can be touching but that made him the coolest gryphon of all there. The Gilda and other (forgot names besides Granpa Gruff) appearance. I still think Gallus lied about him doing it and it was to have friends to stay with him. OK maybe it was him but a villain of the future episodes/finale.would have been a better plot like some other past seasons before the finale. Nothing more to say, 5/5 for its type of episode.
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Back to the episodes huh. I liked the episode a lot, a good opener of the 2nd half of Season 8, it was entertaining but I disliked Discord a bit for how he was in that episode. I like the school 6 and they are pretty cute, but poor them in this episode. In the beginning the artifacts looked like the Pillars' artifacts then it was clear they belong to legendary heroes of each race. The place of the Cutie map was interesting until it turned out bogus. That's when Discord started annoying, I didn't like his pranks somehow, he was being mean. Then the substitutes Iron Will and Crankly Doodle, apparently fooled by Discord to go teach, The donkey was so mean wow, never like him now even less. Good to see Trixie again, didn't see enough of Spitfire and Maud Pie. Particularly liked again Smolder is totally my 2nd favorite if not first even over Silverstream. Starlight used spell against someone again OH NO? Or totally accepted? I would say the latter. Discord was even too jerk for my taste here. The resolution isn't something to care about but it shows that Starlight tried to get to her teachings that is more friendship less magic. I find the episode overall entertaining, always with Discord and the school 6, it was a fun one. It is childish to dislike an episode because some character was mean, so..
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For the episode itself or the future of this plot, I've seen some nice ideas. I would too like the Mean Twilight to return but I'm not sure it would happen with this ending. A possible plot would have been - the Mean 6 go on their own, in a different episode the Mane 6 capture or defeat one of the Mean, until they get to Chrysalis. Chrysalis reformed would be a bit meh for me too unless it happened at the very end of the show if she is the only way to defeat some other big villain. There are so many new worlds and the Pillars being more powerful that the Mane 6 already lose some of their role. The hyppogryph kindgom, the dragons, the yaks, the gryphons, the changelings and more, there are so many worlds never threatened by big villains, It would be nice to have some big battles with the support of other races and perhaps more than one villain. Maybe it is a common plot to have a league of villains but it would be cool, and if they are actually threatening than joke and clowns. Maybe in Season 9 if final.
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