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Sigil Grey

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Everything posted by Sigil Grey

  1. How did you find MLP Forums?: Hey, did you know there's these things called computers? Yeah, and they connect to this invisible set of lines passing through the air that you can't see or touch, and it comes from these big metal boxes called Servers, and on one of these Servers, theres an Internet Site, (Explain It To You Later) Called Google! And man is it amazing, you can put in a word and thousands of things suddenly come up on your screen.Patronising enough? Yeah, no, Google, Still got the old 'Ass' Switch turned to the ON Position. How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Is this a Quiz? No, It isn't, but hey, I guess we all came from somewhere right? Hey, that brings me to a joke I made up a while ago, might not be original, but its Funny.What's the first place you remember Setting Foot? With me, It was a dank, wet hole.Yeah it's better in person, but, you want to know how I became... one of... Well I suppose that dictation of what this fanbase is Kind of makes me a hypocrite. Anyway, I've spent years hating you people, scratch that, I've spent years hating Everyone, Period. No-one in particular, I get an advert cut into my show, I immediately hate whatever's advertised. I.E. My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic.Continuing on, (No point stopping now is there?) I was sort of the Hipster King, If it interrupted me, I hated it. Sure, I use the internet, I'm a massive Hypocrite or my name isn't Walter Grey.It really is, I've asked my parents, they don't really know where its from. Like, i know its the way you spell the colour and all, but- Yes, staying on tract here.After a while, like everything, I gave a shot to a show not explicitly for my age or gender. I've done it more than once, Etcetera, Etcetera. About five years later, I log onto an Internet site and start blathering on to the people I used to despise because the advert of what they like cut into my... 'Sacred Time'. About me? Well there isn't that much to tell, I'm older than some of your kids (Hoping you either don't have kids or if you do, not fully grown kids.) That's terrible, but still. I'm into... stuff that... really, REALLY isn't cool fo a guy my age to be into. I hate athletics, even though most of my friends are... Bingo, you guessed it. Athletic, they try too hard, and when I'm healthy and their dying in the hospital from nothing, I'm gonna sit at their bedside and Laugh my ass off like a frickin' looney. Into Baseball though, and golf. No I am not eighty five frickin' years old. Plus, (I bet that *I'm* The REALLY Special one Who Is the Only;) I'm A Writer of sorts, Not that I'm good, I drawl on, I fuddle worlds and- Yeah, You think I'm bullshitting. I'm not, but it seems like I am. I like the colours Midnight Purple, Cotton Candy Pink, Candy Apple Red, Mint Green. ... ... ... The list goes on for a bit, but yeah, Guten Tag Meine... What was the german word for friends? Damn, can't remember. But yeah Hi, Names Walter Grey, My Nickname is Actually Sigil because well, Ah never-mind you'd never belive me anyway.
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