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Colenso Rivers

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Everything posted by Colenso Rivers

  1. @, You ever need to talk, I'm always here.
  2. @, Why don't you discuss things with us as well. I've been rping for a while now, so we can all work to remedy any problems, but only if they are made apparent to us. While I noticed some problems, I loved the idea of this rp, and felt like it was only going to get better.
  3. Hey, I'm still here. Amarok is just doing what comes natural.
  4. @@Once In A Blue Moon, He winced at her and answered, "Ouch, these are some negative vibes." Then more whimsically, "Buuuut, I guess I will go ahead and join you. Anyways, I haven't been stargazing in a while." Then he took a glance over to Avidity and added, "One minute. I'll come find you, I have to speak with Avidity." @@Hederik, After the discussion, Colenso placed his book back in his satchel, stepped away from his desk and pushed in his chair before approaching Avidity for a moment, "Thank you for the discussion, its always a delight mam." Then more longingly, "I only wish we had solid information." He knew, he knew that more than any pony else, she knew that he wasn't a fool. So he spoke openly to her.
  5. Oh my celestia I would love love love to join!!!!
  6. Name: Madison Rouge Engineer Appearance: Dark red hair, fair skin, plump red lips, hazel eyes and a beauty mark adorn her face. Average heightt, she can be considered fit. "Beauty is a tool to the machine that is man." Personality: Madison is blunt and is willing to go through any means to achieve an end. She likes to have others hanging off her words, usually leaving others in suspense, because she loves being in a position of power. She has always been a creator, mixing chemicals and stuffing electronics into cases for desired effects scratches that power itch she has always had. She is ruthless and vengeful. Watch out.
  7. @@Hederik, Placing his hoof on the back of his neck, "Leaving the unicorns unprotected meant leaving the day and night cycle in the hooves of pure chance. Leave the day and night cycles out of the flow of balance, food harder to grow, its common sense." Then more anxiously, looking down to his desk, " I don't know about you, but I don't believe that the Lunar and Solar princesses even existed before the rule of Discord. Fact is we don't have enough solid information to come up with any solid conclusions." He knew he was speaking out against what was considered common knowledge to the ponies around him, but it failed to make any sense that they could have existed previous to that period of time.
  8. @@Hederik,@@Once In A Blue Moon, All the while, listening, he was most concerned with the argument of the Pegasi armed forces as having the ultimate hand. He decided on putting this in check would help guide them to more unexplored topics, and so he raised his hoof and nervously interjected, "Well... This was in the era of construction, the earliest recorded dates in Equestria. If you take note, this was before Platinum had much of any influence, and before Celestia and Luna ruled in the most recent era of history that has been uncovered-" He seemed to grow more comfortable as he spoke, "and before they rose to power, but between the age of the princesses and construction was the period of time ruled by the entity known as Discord. Please note that the behavior of the Unicorns were..... If I could say, haughty?... And other notes supporting the idea that they thought themselves too graceful and majestic to participate in war. One would say that the pegasi clearly had the winning hand, but in our text it clearly mentions that before the rule of Celestia and Luna, the rising of the sun and moon was dependent on, not some celestial princesses, but the whole unicorn tribe itself. If they simply refused to forced the sun and moon to go about a dependable pattern, then crops would suffer, and the unicorns and pegasi would in turn, also suffer. To be honest, every tribe had equal hands, they just didn't want to acknowledge the fact." Spilling the beans, but he was hoping for some kind of quick response, after all silence was time wasted in learning, lowering his hoof.
  9. @, I'm actually really anxious to see what Light decides to do. I'm quite surprised to see how into the rp I am. Good job.
  10. Colenso strode through the grounds, a book in the satchel on his side, and into the lecture hall after a nice dinner and cleaning himself, he was almost ready to sleep, but not until he fulfilled the rest of his duties. One was some very much needed intellectual work. After an arduous day of training after draining himself in combat, he was actually quite pleased with his performance, always discovering new limits. However, he knew he needed more work on his foiling techniques, he was satisfied with the fact that he was more than capable with his carver in close combat. While there wasn't necessarily a pep in his step, he wasn't exactly dragging himself into the room. @@Hederik,@@Once In A Blue Moon, @@SilverHeart, He was reading about a substance said possible, but considered impossibly difficult to generate. Wasn't his forte, seeming a tad too destructive and hard to manipulate, but he was enjoying his reading, and maybe, if he ever became a master of the arcane, he would find use of dark matter. When Cat took a seat next to him, he placed the ribbon at his page and politely closed it, turning to her with a calm and friendly, "Hello there, Cat." Then her mention of Silver triggered a sudden awareness of the unicorn in him, he turned to Silver and apologized, "Oh, sorry. I didn't see you there, I guess I was just so set on reading I didn't realize whom I was sitting next to." With a nervous smile. He didn't really know Silver all that well, he guessed he always just got the vibe that she thought him too incapable and stupid. Either that or she just never thought to approach him, which he guessed was his fault because he never approached. Huh. First to Cat, he responded with a, "Learning something new every day, and you made it. I'm sure you weren't the slowest out there. You get better every time..... I don't know. I'm tired, but then again, I feel okay." Then to Silver, with more of a tone of surprise, "By the way, Silver, I was very impressed with your performance today. You were great out there."
  11. @@Pripyat Pony, He turned to her in disbelief, how could she? "What, no no no no no nooooooo..." He approached, forgetting how far below her he was, "Equestria needs a princess now more than ever. You're a symbol of hope, that things can be as they were once again." Lowering his tone, "Why else would you be here." He suddenly realized his position and backed up a tad, bringing his eyes to the ground, "Princess, by the time we are done, you will rule once again. I swear on my life." That last one made him smile under his mask, You better get to work then bud.
  12. A combat medic sees plenty of action, especially with a pump action and sub machine gun.
  13. @@Pripyat Pony, He found himself in slight shock of her concern, but then again she was a princess. That look in her eyes though, from any other pony he would have been livid. He shook his head and answered more pessimistically, "No offense princess, but there are some things that not even magic can remedy." He didn't want to go into any greater detail, but he did have a question to fire back at her, if a tad nervously so, "If you don't mind me asking your name is, I would like to address you proper..."
  14. Anypony wanna do a one on one rp with me.

  15. @, Well there you go, you have three choices. Go ahead and take your pick m'dear.
  16. After flying over a crackling, glowing conflict, he passed above into a tall grassland, and landed near an tall, crooked and twisted tree, stepping under and grooming his feathers in peace, he knew in this form he glowed somewhat, but no halfwit would dare attack a true halcyon. It was getting a tad dark. This was far nicer than that loud and angry forest. Mystical dew began to form on the long blades of grass irradiating the field with a magical luster. Not often did Amarok serve himself such sights of beauty, but his nerves were frayed, and he needed a reason to forget the eventual destruction of the forest.
  17. @, Hmm.. If she can't resolve your problems with the others and she spots the halcyon, then maybe she may take an alternative third path...
  18. @@Pripyat Pony, He nodded and ran his tongue across his teeth under his mask, before taking a sigh of both relief and sorrow. "I was just making sure." He took note again that she was an alicorn and swung his hoof before adding, being both humbled by a princess and relieved that she wasn't a changeling, "I'm sorry for suspecting you Princess, it's been hard times. To be honest, I get a bad feeling from many o-" He turned his head away as a sharply painful coughing fit shook him and filled his sight with tears. When he recovered, he added more stoically, "It doesn't matter." He was legitimately upset at circumstances.
  19. Amarok awoke, completely rejuvenated after becoming one with the ice for a bit. The lake became of water once again, and peered into the darkness of the depths peacefully until he slowly strode forward, up the slope and out of the water, that left on his fur was soaked into his body the moment he stepped out. He immediately noticed shouting, and could hear the crack of lightening, but noticed to change in the air, nor was a storm cloud in sight. Strange. He had to leave. If ponies were so set on destroying this forest, who was he to stop them. Ice condensed on his fur and wings to allow him to take on the form of the Halcyon, and he lifted of into the sky, leaving the forest behind with a cry.
  20. @@Sunset light, My suggestion, look at crispy fries and aim for that depth and length of description.
  21. (This will determine whether I will make more Rp's in this same world.) Once, in a world far different than one we know, there were four known people. There were those without a domain, who held no alliance or natural alignment. and they were called the Orphans. There were the Radiant, who followed the way of law and divine paths, touched by those from the celestial realms. The Dismal, whom suffered and brought suffering upon others, enervated by the energy of the Oblivion barrier, they were unstable and most took the downward spiral of evil. Lastly, there were the Chimera, the abominations, and physical manifestations of the Oblivion barrier, were seen as the most evil of all beings, but in truth are just impossible to understand. Most chimera took on animalistic forms, and rarely do they have any apparent intelligence. Of the dismal, there was the most powerful, that any would rally behind, which was the Storm Knight, Helstrom. In the lands of the Dismal, where nothing was secure or tamed, the only being that could demand order was Helstrom, and he did so with absolute authority. He called upon the respected family of dismal, the Edgedrawn in order to fight a large force of Radiant who planned on occupying the dismal lands behind him. Their were nine in the Edgedrawn family, if one included their knight, the Amethyst Blood-letter. Three daughters, three sons, the Head and the Mother. The eldest son was Sevelance, the middle son was Rilacrum, and the youngest was Lucian. Of the Daughters was the eldest Salem, the middle Keo Sa'ai, and the youngest Lilith. The mother of their family was the maiden of the snow, Nehmon. Finally, the father, Rayleonard. Rayleonard was a proud man, and refused the Storm Knight. Helstrom challenged their family in order to reinforce his dominion over them. He defeated the Amethyst Blood-letter, and channeling the energy of Starve, the deity of suffering, cursed their family and left, leaving them to suffer forever. It has been hundreds of years since, and the Edgedrawn have been forgotten. You will be playing as either an Orphan, Radiant or Dismal, of any origin, alignment, history or even power (You may not be more powerful than the knights of the dismal or radiant though.) For a reason of your own design, you stumble across the Edgdrawn manor, and do as you will. https://mlpforums.com/topic/153573-the-cursed-family-chainstruck-1x1/
  22. @@Pripyat Pony, The king has spoken!..... Well, I have at least, and to you of all ponies!
  23. Colenso shook his head and turned to leave with her, calling out behind him to Fair, "Goodbye, my friend." On their journey through the halls, the peaceful silence was laced with concern. shown to him by the question from Cat. His eyes took on a melancholic look, but tried to give her a reassuring smile as he put his thoughts together carefully, "The fact that you care enough to give me a nickname means I matter, even if just a little. I figured the sarcasm is just how you deal with the discomfort of sincerity." He knew he was giving himself away a little by saying this, that maybe he took more deep thought than what he appeared to have previously. However, as a general rule of disclosure and trust, what is given, should be returned. He trusted her, kinda. As she described her feelings towards Minx's comment, a more concerned expression took over, and he responded hesitantly, treading carefully, "Cat, I would never tell anypony anything you tell me unless you tell me to. As for Minx's comment, she doesn't matter. I'm sorry that it hurt you, but what else can I say other than I'm here for you." Something Colenso had always been good at was sincerity. Withholding it to keep up his appearance would have been.... Cruel.
  24. While sitting around, waiting for some kind of order or direction from anypony, he noticed the alicorn going around and using magic of some kind. This magic could either be to help, or hinder them, and he would be damned if he let somepony sabotage their resistance already. He stepped down from the chair and approached her, adorning his gas mask as he always did in confrontations. Something about it made him into a different pony, something about it made him feel more sure in himself. Once he was about five feet behind her, he kept his hoof on his smg, and cleared his throat to get her attention, "What do you think you're doing?"
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