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Poniverse Staff
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Everything posted by Lavo

  1. Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, that thing be buggy. We bought an off the shelf replacement to sate some of the feedback, but that just backfired in our faces and cost us money. (Thankfully a small amount) I'm going to look at re-implementing a proper version of it during the weekend. It's a pretty useless plugin if all it does is show you another users topics.
  2. Is this working now? I've re-uploaded the favicon, so hopefully it shows for you.
  3. I've updated this. Thanks Jeric They'll be back in 2 or so days when the system finishes churning through the upgrade. Yeah, I re-added the old thing we had, but that is all sorts of buggy right now so I've ended up removing it again until it can be sorted out. Apologies.
  4. Correct, IPB dropped the concept of friends so we are left with Instagram / Twitter style follower concept.
  5. I believe the theme hides signatures on small screen devices.
  6. OOHHHHHHHHHHH. The night mode backgrounds. Yeah, I did forget those.... Sorry! Will get those back in soon.
  7. I don't recall a night mode being added, unless I've missed something that the forum software has done? Yeah, that'll likely be down to it attempting to search the full table as apposed to searching a special index. Unfortunately the same with everything else, those are pending to be rebuilt. If it's still slow in a few days, ping me again and I'll take a look at it.
  8. Yea, that's the sad part. If we wanna post something, we can't preview to see if there's something out of the place for our taste, but post ahead and pray that nothing's wrong. You should have access to this button to preview your change. Additionally, the editor should be much more representative of what you're posting.
  9. They should return in a few days, the forum is running a massive job in the background to rebuild, recount, and reindex all data from the previous version. Unfortunately this isn't something we can easily speed up.
  10. There was no possibly way of gradually releasing this update and we couldn't A/B test it, so it had to happen all at once - I've tried to minimise the impact in difference by attempting to at least make the forums look as much as the old ones as possible, but unfortunately for some things it's not quite that easy. Additionally, the upgrade that just happened was required as security updates for the version of the IPS Software we were running prior to this stop being produced on the 1st April 2017, and we've historically had to continually patch it every other month to ensure we have a secure community. By continuing on the old version, we would have acknowledged that we don't care about security and left the forums open to attack and hacking attempts. We certainly have things in place to recover from situations like these, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't be proactive in ensuring we have a safe community. Yeah, I did notice that my own preferences to see signatures where disabled after the upgrade. I might force an update so that everyone sees them, as I imagine there's fewer people who have opted out of them so those will be the less affected. (Sorry!)
  11. You should be able to create your own activity stream, avatars are in review because in their current state they violate a subscriber benefit so there may be a return to squares
  12. Take a gander the new activity stream https://mlpforums.com/discover/
  13. I do want to look at making the about me content more prominent and less hidey.
  14. Yeah, we share the same base software. The only reason why we're two years late is due to the sheer number of customisations we've made, and lack of time to migrate a forum of this size.
  15. They're still there, but there's a massive backlog of things to be rebuilt, those are one of them. In about 3 days (which is how long it took when testing the upgrade) you will have a complete profile with historical items. lol browsers removed those long ago
  16. It does bug me you can't reply directly, so I'll be on the look out for a way to modify this.
  17. This should be resolved for you now. Let me know if you have issues in other forums.
  18. Hello All! As you may very well have seen, over the past 24 hours the site has been down. I've been hard at work upgrading the forum from IPB 3 to IPB 4. Now, there's a lot that has changed, wayy too many to document in this post, but we'll go over the major points. The editor has had a massive upgrade and should be much simpler to use. BBCODE IS NO LONGER SUPPORTED There's nothing we can do about this, unfortunately, I'm currently investigating the editors "source mode" for raw HTML editing, but I need to verify it's safe to hand out this functionality en-masse. Profiles have had a massive face lift. Responsive theme. (FINALLY SOMETHING THAT ISN'T A PILE OF POOP ON MOBILE ) During testing we decided to get rid of Lightwing, he's no longer part of the forums. RIP Lightwing. utf8mb4 (Tech pones will get what this means ;)) Better looking emails Your friends are now followers, this now follows a twitter style way of "Following" people and getting notifications of their content. The autosave functionality on the editor got a super upgrade, it's now ultra durable. (Please don't find a way to make me regret saying this, I know ya'll are good at breaking stuff) Oh yeah, remember that page that never worked because our forums was too large? The best content page? It works now <3 This won't actually be available for a few days because we've got at least 3 days of IPB playing catchup with the forums and converting everything into the new format. There's many more things I'll have forgotten, so be sure to look around stuff. Things you should be aware of: Posts / Blogs / contents may not be formatted correctly Check back in 3 days and see if it's still like that, it may not have run through the converter yet. If it's still shows incorrectly, you might have some general reformatting to do because it appears as if the new version shows more whitespace than the previous one. General Bugs I've probably forgotten something somewhere, be sure to check, and if it's not in it already, post in the upgrade issues megathread about it and I'll get around to sorting it out. Subscriber Perks They're going to be a bit fuzzy over the next few days. If there's something that we've accidentally removed, or given to everyone we'll be working to restore those features to subscribers. Ability to opt out of Adverts We've had some difficulty re-implementing our option to disable adverts, unfortunately this isn't going to be working for a few days. We're probably going to have a bumpy few days ahead of us with things being out of place and such, but with your help and patience we'll be able to smooth all those out and get back to our regularly scheduled MLPF fun. If you encounter any issues from the IPB 4.0 upgrade, be sure to post it in here. (There will be a list of known issues in the first post so be sure to check it hasn't already been reported) I'd like to thank all the staff of the forums for helping test this upgrade out before it reached you guys. You all rock Let us know what you think of the upgrade
  19. This is the place to post your issues with the latest update to MLP Forums.
    1. Jeric


      Twilight is gonna get a headache! Twilight ... stahp!

  20. Whoops, accidentally took down the forums.

  21. Lavo

    Well well well, it looks like it's your birthday, looks like it's time to bring out ye olde line you only hear once a year "Happy Birthday Jeric!". Hope you have a good one :)

  22. I've replied to your PM, but I'll reply here too. Can you try again now? EDIT: Ok, I just ran through this again and you should be good to go. Thanks for bringing this to our attention!
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