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Howling Voice

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Posts posted by Howling Voice

  1. Soarin please!!!!!!!!!!!!! (maybe with Dashie?)



    Hope ya like it!

    His Royal Highness Prince Blueblood. I'd ask for Daring Do too but I've already got a great artist to keep me covered there. Speaking of, I really need to check out her latest work...



    Haha I loved this douche!

  2. Guuuuhhh I love this <3333 I love your furry hooves and style, and his overall colour scheme is neato. I'd only maybe suggest changing the eyes to match the gems/cutie mark just for a more generally cohesive colour scheme, but he's pretty great as is.


    Thanks! Though actually his eyes being a stark different color was on purpose, they're meant to be his most striking feature, the thing everyone notices first sort of thing =3




    Oh I likey HV very nice design as normal where you come up for the design?  


    From my brain? XD I've had the character for a while now, he was a humanoid before (and is in his main story arc, if I made this blog its an AU thing)

    • Brohoof 2
  3. tumblr_o57lwu4c3V1qckonco1_1280.jpg

    Another character for my potential blog.

    This guys name is Cray, he's an Alicorn representing change, his cutie mark is an oroboros, i wanted ot keep it pretty simple but his main talent is alchemy. (Before you ask, no it's not from FMA, but I do like that series!).

    Cray's a large, bulky guy, he looks intimidatating and he can certainly be intimidating, but really he's just a big softie.

    • Brohoof 4
  4. Cheating and modding is A-ok in a single player game imo, where you're not affecting anyone but yourself there really isn't a problem. People can play games however they like and such. If its all done privately I see no issue with that.

    For example I have some mods for GTA V. I use them in single player mode, I NEVER use them on online. I uninstall them before I even go online. 

    Hacking and cheating in MMOs I don't like, I hate that. I dont care what you do in your single player games but don't bring it online. Especially in heavy pvp games its exceptionally unfair.

    Another thing I hate to see is people with cheated pokemon doing online battles. Completely unfair. Or worse, people SELLING hacked in shinies... Those types of things are just plain bullshit. Again I don't care if you play with hacked pokemon in single player, alone, but online... meehh.... and ripping people off, double meh.


    Today I would like some art drawn for my OC here: Ruby Red.


    She is a determined character, ground pony and is around her teenage years. Her cutiemark is provided (The ruby png)







    Sorry this is a canon pony only request thread ^^; No OCs allowed.

  6. Last question (I don't want to nerve you with my questions).

    Which show do you like more, MLP or Dr. Who?


    Oh, and when you have questions for me, you can aks me everytime if you want. ; )


    I'd have to say Doctor Who =P But I still like MLP lots.


    And no worries, ty for asking! <3

  7. What are your favorite shippings?

    What is your favorite game?

    Are you interested in natural sience?

    Are you interested in fashion? 

    1. Mostly the ones I make myself lol


    2. Suikoden 2.


    3. Yes, somewhat.


    4. Nope.

  8. Wish you sometimes too that you can turn into a animal and go into the nature? 

    Which languages do you speak? 

    1. Oh yis. Or even just visit some of the worlds natural wonders.


    2. Only English. And scots... if scots counts xD

  9. What do you like more? Vacation to the beach or the mountains?

    Who is your favorite Backgroundpony?

    1. Probably the mountains, especially if there's forested area.


    2. Doctor Whooves =D

  10. Do you know other bronies?

    Which other cartoons do you like?

    What countries do you want to visit? 


    1. Only a few.


    2. Gravity Falls, South Park, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Attack on Titan


    3. Anywhere really. But mostly I guess some parts of the US and Canada, Japan, China, especially rural Japan and China.


    She looks cute ^^ 
    When you have the chance to go to equestria, would you go and also stay there?
    And if yes, why? 
    Which pros and cons do you see to live in Equestria as a pony? 
    Do you think there are things you will find really strange be a Pony and if yes, what for things?


    1. I'd visit for sure, but probably not stay, not unless all my friends were there too?


    2. Pros is its a magical world with things and creatures we don't have. Cons well you're a pony.. no hands xD Hard to really find pros and cons in a fictional world for kids, you dont see the real hardships of the world so you sort of need to make them up.


    3. Pretty much all aspects of being another creature other than human would be really strange I'd imagine. So would their abilities, like flight and magic. Learning to fly would be tough.

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