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Everything posted by Altastrofae

  1. Does syntax change in Japanese if I use an adjective as an adverb, or is it all the same? I'm seriously not sure
  2. "Hm... If mine sister's 'thing' is sending various things to the Moon, is mine sending things to the Sun? Isn't that backwards?"
  3. I'm curious

    For those of you who don't know, I'm a computer sciences student and my local trade school

    So of course I know things about computers, and even quite abit before the class. Though I do remember a point in my life a few years ago where I did not understand hardware at all, it was wizardry to me. I understood software to some extent but hardware was... There was nothing about it I understood at that time.

    So anyway, now I'm curious what the average knowledge of computers is for a single person

    So if you want, try to type everything you know about computer sciences so we can get a general idea. Just a silly experiment

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    2. Altastrofae


      Ooh! I've always wanted to buy up busted units auctioned off on ebay or something and try to make the best unit I can out of the scrap. That would be fun. If only I had more room in our garage then I might be able to... Actually there is the boat-garage/workshop-y area that has plenty of room. But I also don't have a job rn... So...

    3. Jesse Terrence

      Jesse Terrence

      I see a little problem with this experiment of yours. The brony community is a bit different from many other communities out there, and even more alien compared to a broad population. Been in the fandom for years, and there's a constant amongst grown up bronies and pegasisters; we are a bunch of geeks who have from a decent to a good amount of knowledge regarding computer science. Veteran bronies are more prone to know at least how to program in at least 2 languages (which also implies they know some basics on computer resource management). If you "time travel" back to 2011, you'll be surprised at how many different games were produced by one-pony dev "teams". Many of us had made a game or two back in the day even if it was just a console text filled adventure game. We also made plugins for web browsers, applications for many different things and even build up websites working together.

      Either way, if we were to leave adult bronies out of the range, now that would be more interesting. How many new bloods are geeks too? Did the constant survive the evolution of our ranks? Is the modern brony community as tech savvy as the first iteration of the phenomena from the early days?

    4. CypherHoof


      Here in the UK you have to pay for old systems to be properly disposed of; for that reason, you might be able to find some companies to sell you a bunch of broken or even just outdated machines (sans hard drives, obviously) for some token sum like £1 - because they have negative value.


  4. So I'm reading a really weird book

    Ok, so it's the future. The limits of mother nature have been utterly bitch-slapped. Anyone (with one exception) can alter their DNA in any way they choose by installing a panel in their forearm at birth and loading various applications onto it. When you first get it installed, in a few months the system will be fully implementation into your biology, fully grown. Then, you need to be wired in with an SND (Standard Nanite Drive) to feed your panel these Nanites, small microbots that can alter you DNA. Your panel come with standard nanites, but generally you'll want higher end healing tech, and sensory upgrades which require specialized nanites. There's no limits to 'genehacking'. You can give yourself non-natural hair colour, a tail, fix mental problems like Autism, physical problems like Asthma, or even make yourself immune to all types of Influenza.

    Back to that exception I talked about. These Nanites are partially organic. This means that certain people have an alergic reaction to the Nanites, called hypergenesis. They need to be outfitted with specialized hypergenesis-friendly nanites. They also cant overload their panel with too many high-energy applications because generally their healing tech and other hardware are lower end, so the energy required would exaust them to death. The main character happens to have this medical problem. She can't run VR from her panel, has clunky optical implants, and overall can't use most standard tech. Tried once and passed out for several days while her dad managed to completely uninstall the app (which is hard when the nanites fed this program were all around her body. Her mother actually died like this, ironically because the doctor accidentally gave her standard healing tech.

    Now, there's a virus in this book that does several things in presice order:

    1. Fatigue

    2. Extreme Pain

    3. Melting of small areas of ghe flesh

    4. Expelling of a bad-smelling gas containing a neurotoxin which incites cannibalistic response in humans, though if they do eat of the flesh at the beginning of this phase (not too early and especially never too late) they will have immunity to the virus for 1 week

    5. Cellular Bloating (yes you read that right

    6. Explosion. Yes, Exlode in a big pink, fleshy mushroom cloud of cytoplasmic liquid which spreads the virus in a whopping 3 mile radius

    Not pleasant at all. Oh yeah and if you take the antidote too late it blows up in your insides. Fun, right?!


    If you're interested in that, the title is "This Mortal Coil"

    1. Muffinnz


      Sounds very interesting

  5. But see that's what I was doing and it got very clogged
  6. Yeah my legs are very hairy, I'm assuming you don't have alot, but allow me to paint you a picture. After I've done my mornkng routines and my acne isn't out of control, I look like your stereotypical twink Then you see my legs and think "what the actual fuck, you are the last person I'd expect to have legs that hairy! Why is the volume of hair on your legs so disproportionate to that of the rest of your body???"
  7. I need to get back into meditation. I haven't done it in so long. At home I... Actually I never feel motivated. To do much of anything

    Except when inspiration hits me, then I'll work sometimes for hours on something like a drawing, or a computer program, or a short story. Sometimes something completely silly

    This sucks for time-limited things. I can't do anything well if I'm not inspired, or in the right mood, and sometimes I have no inspiration to do literally anything and it's lowkey depressing af

    But right this was about meditation. I used to clock in an average of 45 min a day, I always felt motivated to do it, I was always reading new techniques, or meditation themes others tried, seasonal themes, Sabbat themes. But then idk, I kinda took a break from my spirituality to focus on myself and my social life. Now I just can't get back into it, and the thought of possibly having to start from 5 minutes a day again so I can work my way up to average again just seems deterring.

    Maybe I can rejoin that old Amino I used to be in that always gave me inspiration for meditations

    Maybe I'll do that, I'd just have to redownload Amino. And turn off all notifications from the app except for featured posts in a few niche aminos because otherwise it just blows you up. That's what I always hated about Amino

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Have you ever meditated under a rushing water fall?

    2. Altastrofae


      XD Sadly I have not been able to recreate that trope, but I have meditated in a lake before, and once next to the Atlantic in North Carolina

      Mizu wa honto ni daisuki desu ^^

      Or... Is that a grammar error? Does "honto ni" come before the verb and after the subject, or before the subject?

  8. Well heres the thing, and I feel stupid for even thinking this would work out I use an electric shaver for my face. Specifically designed FOR. MY. FACE. I, of course, have no experience with manual shaving So I thought "Oh, this'll work fine on legs" I barely started before it got clogged with hair ;-; Oh I just meant I don't think hairy legs look good
  9. I haven't wanted to show off my legs since puberty decided all my body hair would go there They're not that nice looking I tried shaving them and it was an absolute pain both because it wasn't exactly easy, but also because I was having extreme emotions at the time, so now there is a single strip on my leg that is slightly less hairy than the rest. I never finished because it was that painful lol
  10. Yeah, not really great for public use unless you're using them in cosplay for a con or something. I've always wanted to cosplay as a female character. Saying that out loud kinda sounds lowkey degenerate but ima ignore that for now lol. Or maybe a trap. That might work better because then my cosplay would even be biologically accurate lmfao, my mind is a strange place
  11. "Shit... I forgot to ask for no bacon in my salad... Why would I want pig giblets in my wholesome fruit and vegetables?"
  12. "Why do humans drink the milk of another animal when we make our own?"
  13. Well they do make them at different lengths for that reason, I'm not entirely sure where you could get a longer pair but maybe that's something? Idk
  14. I'm a guy, and I own a pair So would be kinda hypocritical of me if I said guys couldn't wear thigh highs But also, I've been told I have a femine body shape, so I think I look ok in them My legs are just hairy (I hate them, nowhere else on my body does so much hair accumulate) So they can look a little strange if you're looking up close, but if you aren't the hair is mostly hidden I've never worn them in public mostly because it would be embarrassing. They have these pink bows on them, and... Yeah, too many reasons not to wear them in public. I don't think they were exactly made for that I think you can wear whatever you want, ok? Just, be prepared for some bigot to give you a tough time if you wear them in public. And make sure you can pull off feminine, it doesn't work for everyone. Also, I always feel the need to explain this because of certain assumptions people make. It's not a sexual thing for me. I just like feeling feminine sometimes. I know there are people who it is like that for, but thinking about it like that makes me uncomfortable. Very uncomfortable. So don't think I'm like that.
  15. Trying to do algebra homework on a section I barely understand
  16. Rich Text is like plain text, but contains values for special characters and fonts. Not sure why that would complicate things though. Can you be more specific as to what it does to your text?
  17. Ok I have an actual legit question this time I have not seen Zootopia. Being a person who lives the movie, would you recommend it? Also, what is it like living in your society? You would think there would be problems with carnivores not being legally allowed to eat properly, right?
  18. Hello Ms Hopps I have a huge question, and the fate of the universe hangs in the balance! But not really... UwU or OwO?
  19. "Do you want a white, blue, or purple one?" "Put those away! We're at school!" "What, no one knows what they are"
  20. So, update on ze boy :twi:

    About a month ago I asked him if he was straight. Yup, no subtlety, just "So... Are you straight?"

    I didn't ask if he was gay because I thought that was too obvious :awwthanks:

    Anyways, his answer was simply "I... I don't really care" the bell rang, and he ran off quite quickly


    Needless to say I was very confruzzled by this :Thorax:So I told myself I would ask what he meant the next day. Then I didn't because I was nervous. It was hard enough to ask the first time. Then a week passed. Then about a month... :worry:

    But today, I asked what his answer meant.

    Instead of a response, I get silence, then he squints this death stare at me and says "Why do you keep asking?" This genuinely scared me so I said "...no reason" and stopped talking as my palm immediately formed an imprint of itself on the desk.

    I only asked twice :( The only reason I asked again was because I didn't get a straight answer

    My friends all think he's closeted (Note: I didn't tell people who he is to protect his privacy, just that he's a boy I like) which is why he would dodge the question like this, and acts as though the mere question is inconveniencing him. A straight person would say "miss me with that gay shit" and move on. Not "I don't really care" and "why do you keep asking?"

    1. Monsoon


      Maybe he's just insecure about his sexuality because that sounds like how I behaved before I came to terms that I'm bisexual, maybe he needs to comes to terms with his sexuality assuming he isn't straight that is, I wish you good luck though.

    2. Altastrofae


      That's what I was thinking

      That's kinda rough because if I get him into a relationship, I'll have to take the initiative. I'm not good at that.

      I'll have to be gentle with him, and slow, and make sure he's comfortable. I would basically be helping him explore his sexuality if that's the case and I don't know if I'm prepared for that

    3. Monsoon


      If you think your feelings for him are genuine go for it 100%, If all your other plans don't work out as expected maybe you should try a straight forward question and tell him everything, maybe subtly give him hints but you know what would work best for you and I wish you luck!. 

  21. So this boy I like...

    I'm pretty sure he likes me back

    See, he's a closed off person. He doesn't talk much or interact with other all too much either. That's part of his charm. But he talks to me quite abit.

    Today I was joking around saying "I want to become a tech support agent just so I can fuck with customers in an Indian accent, asking them if the light is lit on their printer"

    My teacher said I would get fired for racism and general inconvenience for the customer, and quite quickly

    Cute boy looks at me and says "No, I thibk you should do it"

    I say "Nah, I probably would get fired for that"

    Then, cuteness overload, "Damn Snowflakes" and looks up at me with the dorkiest smirk


    I almost worked up the courage to ask him out... Then I started shaking, sweating, and lost control of my voice

    I'm such a failure, can't even talk to boys

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    2. Randimaxis


      Not if you're willing to chat about YOUR likes as well; comparing stuff we like is an excellent way to just get to know somebody.

      If you feel insecure about it, start by mentioning your own likes first, then casually ask what his are.  Heck, I'm a veritable chatterbox when folks talk to me... especially when they ask me questions.

      And it's not like you're gonna get a single inch from his face and drool as you ask, "heh heh heh... so, youuu liiiike aaaaaaaan-i-meeeeeee..?", then lick his forehead in anticipation.  (And if you WERE gonna do that - don't.  Just... j-just don't.)

      Find some common ground, then explore both his and your takes on it.

    3. Altastrofae


      I mean I've kinda already been doing that, naturally... Just awkwardly. Long silences, can't look him in the eye...

      But getting to know his overall personality is why I like him. It's not just his looks. He's cute yeah, but more because of his mannerisms than his appearance

    4. Randimaxis


      Then ask questions, yo!  How better to get to know someone than to ask them?

      *hugs*  You'll do fine - trust me.

  22. So my Foxxo in Minecraft... Ran away? Died? I don't really know. All I know is that she was tied up on my front porch, I go to work on a project, come back, and she's gone, her lead nowhere to be found

    She wouldn't have despawned, she was named Senko with a nametag (It was s red fox, I had to, I even planned to find an Arctic fox and name her Shiro). She could've died because I can't find her anywhere :( 

    I can't imagine how she would've died though :worry:

    1. Altastrofae



      Senko died :sunny:

      I copied the world so I could use cheats

      I tried teleporting to 1 entity with the tagged name "Senko" and no target was found

      Today is a sad day

      Doggo now guards front lawn, I don't feel safe anymore

  23. So I'm making a mineshaft in Minecraft, and I never put so much work into making a pretty mine. For awhile, I've been making a 2x2 hole, and putting water at the bottom, ladder back up, then mine at the bottom. I mean, it works, I can get down really fast.

    But lately there's been a resurgence in minecarts of all things, in the Minecraft community, and I thought, wouldn't it be so cool to take a minecart down a spiraling corridor to get into your mine?

    I'm also going to put in its own storage room before the stripmine area itself, so I can keep mining without returning to the surface. Eventually this room will be entirely retrofitted with autosorters and storage silos

    I have the actual spiral down dug out, I just need to decorate the whole thing and then I can get started on the storage room, then the main hallway, and then I can start mining

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      A mineshaft in Minecraft? That's a regular minepath! Hope no enemy mobs incure your minewrath! If there's wind, call it a minedraft. Just don't dive into the lava, or it'll be a minebath! But you might have to crunch some numbers on what you collect; I call that minemath! :yay:

      ...I'll go away now. :twismile:

    2. Altastrofae


      MinePoetry. Two of my favorite things just collided in a satisfying way. Thank you for making me smile :awwthanks:

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