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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Tarnation

  1. Heyyy everypony.

    1. Solid Snake

      Solid Snake

      Heehaw horsies.

    2. Tarnation


      I know right

    3. JeyWiz


      Hey there! I heard u liek Rarity. :D

  2. After celestia and Luna brought the three tribes together, they decided to give it a name. They called it equestria. For years this city flourished and became bigger as ponies outside equestria came in. I will only say the first ten cities and their formation. After this city, the crystal empire came in. The princesses liked to travel, when they found this beautiful area where the crystal heart was. they agreed with the people to make this part of equestria. This city had a name, but the other? Equestria expanded, so they decided to call the other older city canterlot. The third to come was cloudsdale. The intake of pegasi became more and space was less. Pegasi needed free flying space as well. pegasi who came in joined the royal guards. But eventually, there were no more slots for pegasi at the royal guards, and they needed a place to stay. Luna said that she would give a city in the clouds for them to live knowing they could stand on clouds, therefore when it was built it was called cloudsdale. Fourth was ponyville. More ponies came in and they needed an area to live and so ponyville was formed. Fifth was sweet apple acres. Farmers were coming in this area and putting up orchards but they needed a ruler. Therefore sweet apple acres was soon a part of equestria. Sixth was appleloossa. Ponies came in and started a new city from sweet apple acres. That part was already part of equestria. Now was the birth of metropolitan cities. Seventh was manehatten. Ships brought ponies in and they started a city there. Celestia expanded her country there as well. Eighth was fillydelphia. Ponies from manehatten came in so there was enough living space. That area was part of equestria. Ninth was Los Pegasus starting from few pegasi from cloudsdale and a number of griffons. Last came the most interesting, vanhoover. Few unicorns decided to make a town in a cold mountainous area. However, this place was disturbed by dragons who refused to give it back. They called upon the princesses of equestria to demolish the dragons and they considered this place as part of equestria. Those were the first ten cities of equestria........ Canterlot, Crystal Empire, Cloudsdale, Ponyville, Sweet Apple Acres, Appleoosa, Manehatten, Fillydelphia, Los Pegasus, and Vanhoover.
  3. Rarity was awesome in this episode. But the residents of manehatten are so boring. They hate fun
  4. ????what is you fave? Mane six...... Rarity Princess.......... Cadance
  5. element of camping..... that suits (do not say generosity to mine)
  6. this pony cannot be applejack. example.... user 1 [pony] user 2 [comment] [pony] and so on. mine is granny smith
  7. when celestia kicks yr butt. what is a potato?
  8. you get a changeling attack. inserts coin
  9. granted. you cannot relieve the times you watched mlp seasons 4 & 5. I wish i was an alicorn
  10. fleur de lis is awesome. who agree? the fashionista looks like an alicorn.
  11. WOW. Nightmare moon was so vilany. she should have lasted. loved it.
  12. loved it. the friendship test was the best part.
  13. you wiggle your snout oink oink oink you wiggle your rump oink oink oink then you shout it out oink oink oink. loved it! Pinkie was sooo responsible
  14. GlimGlim (Starlight Glimmer) was awesome in this episode! I especially liked sunburst's character.
  15. Fluttershy did not deserve her element in this episode. :diamondtiara: Like i mean when she was being persuaded to go she refused although she took rainbow dash to the butterfly thingie. And then, she trampled rainbow just because she was a scardey pony.
  16. hello there! I will give you reasons as to why rarity haters reasons for, well, hating rarity are nonsense.....(no offence) 1.rarity has tonnes of gems- one of the reasons i have seen. I mean SERIOUSLY, THAT IS SOOOO PETTY. JUST BCAUSE SHE HAS LOTS OF GEMS DOESN'T MEAN YOU HATE HER. 2. she is not generous- OK..... WHERE IS THERE ANY SENSE IN THIS? SHE IS GENEROUS. She is self conscious about her appearance yet she gave away her tail. And she gave away gems in manehatten. IS THAT NOT GENEROUS ENOUGH?!
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