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Poly Lingua

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Everything posted by Poly Lingua

  1. Perhaps some people aren't meant to have friends?

    1. Monsoon


      No everyone should have a friend I'll be your friend if you want

    2. Miss


      I'll be your friend too

  2. I think therefore I am... anxious. lol That's what Descartes meant to say.

  3. Cosmos with Neil DeGrasse Tyson is amazing.

  4. In our world where what’s what is wearisome and vain, my heart bleeds with tears of idle longing in pain. A place of madness, a place of magic, 'tis where I want to go. But whence does the door open, does anyone know? Wonderland, oh, Wonderland, how I yearn for you so.

  5. The words of promise leave my lips in harmony and fade into darkness.

    1. Brobocop


      My lips speak of the darkness. Those around me see that darkness as evil...

      This darkness is not evil. This darkness is truth. My lips speak truth, and hardly anyone wants to listen to the truth.

    2. Poly Lingua

      Poly Lingua

      Mine's more of "Take my word with a grain of salt". I'm too dynamic/changeable to keep promises or say something with certainty, so it's nothing personal. :P

      And my lips also often speak of the darkness you describe...

    3. Brobocop


      That's understandable. ^^

      I was personally trying to give a test of my own "dynamic language". I'm guessing I did a pretty good job.

  6. Well, last night was interesting...

    1. Emiko Gale

      Emiko Gale

      I've been told alcohol makes everything interesting.

  7. My mind exploded today with so many ideas and creations! Now I just need some way to write them all down and explain them...

  8. I played Minecraft today for the first time in over 2 years... I must've been bored. :P

  9. Ah, yes, Pon-farr. That's true. I guess not even Vulcans can achieve Kolinahr or the total elimination of their emotions. I think you may be right. Even myself, I tend to suppress or disregard emotions, sometimes coming off as callous or rude on accident. I don't like my emotions and I ironically feel embarrassed when they do show themselves. On the rare chance they do show, if it's negative, it's like an atomic bomb going off and it can often lead to disaster. And if it's positive, then I can overreact and get too excited, possibly doing something very reckless on impulse. You are correct that basing my argument on a fictional race is pointless. However, there is most likely no experimental evidence to support any argument as to what would happen if we had no emotions. In the end they are just speculations and more or less subjective opinions. It's very probable that I'm wrong, and life without emotions would lead to no advancement or growth as a race, maybe even self-destruction. Competition, the feeling of success and accomplishment, the persistent curiosity of asking "why?", yes, emotions can and often lead to accomplishment and discovery. But they also can contradict it; the security of having faith to easily answer complex why's, the anger one can feel in an argument causing them to discredit any evidence brought forth, uneasiness from the unknown... Emotions can also get in the way of experimentation and gaining knowledge. I think that perhaps without emotions, if people could come up with some other "drive", some kind of philosophy or reason, to base their lives on and live by, then it could work. And living without emotions would be neither "good" or "bad", you wouldn't feel happy or sad about it since you wouldn't feel at all; so just as there would be no enjoyment or compulsiveness in one's work and life, there also would be no displeasure or frustration in one's work. But then again, a life without emotion would probably be different depending on the individual; a person who relies on their emotions a lot would probably have a more difficult time living without them, versus someone who is less emotional and relies more on rational thought.
  10. I'd like to disagree. With Vulcans, for example, they rid themselves of emotion, yet they base their existence around logic and gaining knowledge off which they can base their logic. The reason we have emotions in the first place is because their an adaptation that allowed us as a species to survive and procreate through the natural use of chemicals such as dopamine, oxytocin, norepinephrine, etc.; you feel lonely when your alone because you're more likely to survive (and have sex) in a large group, you feel happy when you succeed because it will make you want to succeed again, you feel attached or 'in love' with someone because it makes you more likely to reproduce and protect your young and mate, etc. But we've also developed logic and the ability to think rationally and not rely entirely on our instincts to survive. I think ridding ourselves of emotions would allow for more rational thinking, greater cooperation, and problems would be solved much faster. One could argue, why would we solve problems if we have no emotional motivation to do so? Well, logically our biological duty as a species is to procreate and prolong our species for as long as possible, and in order to do that we would need to further our knowledge and understanding of the universe, and to solve any major problems that would arise and possibly harm our species or kill us. Having emotions makes people reckless, they can get offended and become irrational and fueled by anger, or they can become euphoric and do something they may regret when they are in a more rational state of mind. Those are the extremes of course, but even on a mild level emotions can become a nuisance and cloud our rational thought. So yes, the arts would probably cease to exist as art often plays on one's emotions. I also think that religion would cease to exist if we were to expel all emotions, as religion also plays on one's emotions and ego. However, science would probably flourish, we would be able to work together, to debate logically and create logical solutions to problems, and who knows what else. Do we really need emotions to live? Well, as an individual living in our current human society, probably. But as a species? Probably not. But is it even possible for an individual human being to accomplish expelling their emotions (if he/she wanted to)? Or is it too deeply ingrained into our brains as a species for one to ever gain true liberation from their emotions? (And I'm not saying emotions are good or bad, I'm simply saying they often lead to irrational thoughts and impede on logic. Some of our emotions feel "good" to us on purpose because our bodies evolved that way, and some feel "bad". I think it's kind of like an easy, automatic way of determining whether something is good or bad for you; does it feel good? Yes, it must be good. Or no, it must be bad. Logic, on the other hand, goes above this, it takes in and assesses more objective information and asks more questions based outside of ourselves than simply this primitive, subjective question of "does it feel good".)
  11. Is it possible for a human to completely rid themselves of emotion? I'm not talking about controlling emotion and its expression, but the actual expulsion of feeling emotions. Vulcans from Star Trek have violent emotions that run even deeper than human emotions, yet through the teachings of Surak they have found ways to conceal or even rid their emotions, replacing them with logic. According to the teachings of Surak their are different levels to this (numbered in degree of difficulty): 1.) A control level of one implies that a person is capable of controlling the facial expressions normally exhibited due to an emotion the majority of the time, but still feels the emotion. 2.) Level two implies a person can control all expressions of emotion the majority of the time, but still feels the emotion. 3.) Level three is where emotion is there, but not expressed, or even felt. It has no influence, the majority of the time. 4.) Mastery level four is complete mastery. In this state, the emotion is completely cast out, and is no longer a part of you. This state is also referred to as "Kolinahr". So do you think it would be possible for a human to achieve Kolinahr or come close to it? And would it even be logical or beneficial for a human to attempt this? Without emotions, one would not be able to laugh, to happily smile, etc., which could make socializing very difficult and could affect their relationships, possibly career, and other aspects of their life. Human society expect us to have emotions to some extant despite how they can sometimes make us reckless and impulsive, much different from Vulcan society where it is expected to have no emotions and being emotionless is considered 'normal'. So what do you think? (And I don't mean through surgically altering the brain, so lobotomy doesn't count.)
  12. I'm so ready to go back home and relax within my own room... I still need to put on my play, then pack my things, and then make it through the plane ride and airports. Why can't we just have teleporters already?

    1. Emiko Gale

      Emiko Gale

      Yeah...I want the ability to teleport.

  13. How do you make yourself feel satisfied enough with your day to be able to readily go to sleep without an unexplainable feeling of regret?

  14. I need to start writing this essay soon; procrastination is going to get me nowhere... Let's do this!

    1. Scrubbed user
    2. Poly Lingua

      Poly Lingua

      Hahaha... That's what I think of every time I have to write an essay XD

  15. Do you think it could ever be possible to genetically engineer intelligent, talking ponies, pegasi, unicorns, and alicorns as we see in the show? And let's say it happens, how would you feel about it? How would it change the world? Would we see the formation of an actual Equestria take place? And would the unicorns have something comparable to magic, maybe telepathy of some sort?
  16. Someone should go into space, find a desert-like planet that's capable of sustaining human life, and set up a colony that speaks exclusively Vulcan and follows the teachings of Surak.

  17. I'm starting to rediscover Sonic the Hedgehog; let the childhood memories flow... I'm also at over 500 words for that new language! :D

  18. I'm so unmotivated for anything right now... like a huge blob of fatigue mixed with anxiety... bleh.

    1. Emiko Gale

      Emiko Gale

      Happened to me yesterday...What's worse was my boyfriend had an even worse day than me to the point that we couldn't go down town like we usually do...And I was so bored...I wanted to buy Pokken.

    2. Poly Lingua

      Poly Lingua

      Pokken! I've watched videos of it and I'd love to play it but I don't have a Wii U and neither does my family XP But seriously, Tekken + Pokemon? I love both of those franchises; this game is bound to be epic! I hope your boyfriend feels better, and if you get the game let me know how it is! :)

    3. Emiko Gale

      Emiko Gale

      I am not a big fan of fighting games...Except Super Smash Bros...But I randomly tried outt Pokken at Gamestop and loved it. I just wish there was more fighters.

  19. Three and a half weeks till I return home! :D

    1. Emiko Gale

      Emiko Gale

      If I were you I wouldn't return to the US. :S

  20. You gave me a great idea! I'll try to add a second poll to this, but instead of asking efficiency it will ask about desirability. And true about not wanting to live under something like that... but if you grew up in it and had no idea about life outside of such a world to compare to, then maybe it wouldn't be so bad? Or if you're mind was controlled to an extant, or certain emotions/thoughts were suppressed through some kind of machine, then maybe you wouldn't even care or think about it or notice?
  21. What did you choose in the poll? What's your reasoning?
  22. Last night I had a dream where I was in a desert of white sand at twilight, and a faceless girl materialized out of the sand. I asked who she was and she told me "I can be whoever you want me to be", so I thought about it and replied "I want you to be someone whom I can love". She then froze, dried up, and disintegrated into the wind, and I stood there staring at the lavender sky and rising, crescent moon alone...

    1. Poly Lingua

      Poly Lingua

      Other random stuff happened too, but that was the most vivid part.

    2. Emiko Gale
    3. Poly Lingua

      Poly Lingua

      Haha... I think it's just my brain's subconscious way of rationalizing my isolation and emotional detachment from other people. You know, I might have to turn this dream into a poem. XD

  23. Lyrics I wrote a while back for Shostakovich's "Second Waltz" in my Pilmacian language; please excuse my incompetent singing skills:

  24. Waking up one morning to the realization that the past 5 years have been a dream and I'm still in high school... *shudders* Waking up one morning to the realization that my whole life has been a dream and I'm actually 90 years old and lying on my death bed in a hospital... *shudders again* Doing something on impulse that I had imagined in my head as an alternate (horrific) scenario of reality... Being the center of attention... And... needles.
  25. If you were having children, what would you name them? Why? I like these names for males: Endymion - It sounds nice and it can shorten to "Ender" as in "Ender's Game" Sherlock - My last name is Holmes and Sherlock Holmes is amazing Lestat - It sounds cool and Lestat's a pretty cool vampire I like these names for females: Maudlyn - I really like it and it can shorten to "Maud" (which is ironic cause "maudlin") Octavia - I like music and Octavia's a cool pony Marinette - It's a nice name and I like Miraculous Ladybug
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