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Libarty Justice

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About Libarty Justice

  • Birthday 1991-03-19

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  1. Personally I feel like this episode could have been made a lot better by having the CMC kidnapped and replaced as well. You wouldn't have even had to have drawn much attention to it. It would have made sense cnsideirng how well loved the CMC have become as shown in The Fault In Our Cutie Marks and would create subtle continuity with the comics as a preventative measure. so really their being kidnapped makes sense whether or not you've read the comics. It would also bring an excuse to include Gabby in the team or even Diamond Tiara whom we havn't seen mane nor flank of since Crusaders of the Lost Mark
  2. I mostly used it to chill wi th my small group of friends so it was cool. moving in to high school though I was lucky to get the same lunch period iwht my friends.
  3. I guess it kind of moves the question up to how long an Equestrian moon is compared to one of our mo nths. I'd still like to see some explanations for "French" among other things.
  4. that's understandable. having them cl3erified owuld defiantley help
  5. What I mean is that I don't see anythign about episodes after Spice Up Your Life. Usually unaired episodes are at least listed.
  6. Ever since they first game up in the series as a wa y of measuring time I've seen reviewers always give strikes for any mention of "moons" as a measurement of time. Usually this invokes a strike or some at least semi-hostile reaction and I don't really get it.
  7. I really hope the series doesn't end iwht the mo v ie. I'm already nercv ous because I can't seem to find anything on new episodes.
  8. Having said that. if somepony is an alicorn you hav eto consider what that means for them as a pony. how being born or made an alicorn has impacted and shaped them in ways that wouldn't have happened if they weren't as well as the essential understanding of why they are Alicorns. An essential thing to take in to consideration is precedent and recorded history. For example, when considering whether your character was born an alicorn or made in to one consider the current historical understanding tha tthe first known pony to be born an alicorn was Flurry Heart. Consider what this means for a born alicorn. This doesn't mean that born alicorns are strictly off limits. it just means there are several considerations. if they're in a time period before Celestia na dLuna than maybe histoerical oversight, if they 're during the time of Celestia na dLU na consider whby the y aren't known of, if they ere born sometime after the time of Celestia nad Luna youa hve a lot to work from. there's also the "alternat unoiverse" excuse but honeslty personally I think that's just being lazy.
  9. Honeslty I'm uncomfortable making one because of the Stigma. I have a few ideas for how I would try to make it work though. the first is to write a solid chractar as an Earth Pony, Pegasus, or Unicorn and than maybe later find a reasonable narrative justificaiton to make them an Alicorn. 2. make the Alicorn status a form of Blessed With Suck examine the social and cultural implications and expectations of living as an alicorn, what it means to be an alicorn, etc. Very s imilar to how one would examine the nature of pwoer and authority with somethign like the Sword of Damoclese. THough honeslty I don't think I'm good enough to pull this off. Ponies are defined by their actions, not the way they were born.
  10. Heh, mos tof my conflicts iwht writing my chractar are related to settling on certaind etails such as earth Pony, Unicorn, or Pegasus. so far my main details are that his name is Liberty Justice, he is a lawyer, he's at least partially blind, and he carries a radio with him that he mainly uses to listen to News, Wonderbolt commentary, and Shadow Spade radio dramas. Heh, mos tof my conflicts iwht writing my chractar are related to settling on certaind etails such as earth Pony, Unicorn, or Pegasus. so far my main details are that his name is Liberty Justice, he is a lawyer, he's at least partially blind, and he carries a radio with him that he mainly uses to listen to News, Wonderbolt commentary, and Shadow Spade radio dramas.
  11. don't worry about it, it's abit of a complicated history basically the new movie and a other new content after Disney got the rights such as Rebels, A New Dawn, Aftermath, etc have severly rewritytena nd outright discarded most of the canon/continuity over the past 36 years
  12. What do you mean if you don't mind me asking?
  13. Thank you all for being so nice and welcoming! I've on ly been here for a short while but I'm already having a lot of fun!
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