Well, I tried it out, man, this game was such a waste of time and it brings barely anything new to the table, all the promises the developers have made throughout the years have bee false, I refuse to give these developers money, developerse who lie to you do not deserve any kind of support, especially if they keep on going even after being exposed, Hello Games still intends on letting the player base believe that the multiplayer is somehow a part of the game.
The hole of this game goes deeper though, it's bare bones there is barely anything in it, those billions (or whatever) of planets have barely anything to offer to you. And when you will find something unusual it will not even touch of what you were sold on when you saw the E3 trailer of this game.
Everything you see here quite literally isn't in the game, the consistant structure of the planet, how many and how big the animals are, you will NEVER EVER find anything like this in the current No Man's Sky.
No Man's Sky isn't just a disappointment, it's a game which is genuinelly just bad and my contendeer for the worst game of 2016. This game has a price of an AAA game, yet even 30 euro--no even 20 euro would be too much for what is on offer here. The survival mechanics are a joke you need very few resources to survive and those resources are very easy to find, your ship is easy to repair too, there isn't any punishment for death, you can just retrieve everything.
Therefore this isn't a survival game..is it a game based around exploration?
Not really, the game does not encourage you to do so, and what is there to explore? The planets are bornig and there is barely any life in them, the game looks awful any sense of wonder is gone.
This is how yours typical planet of No Man's Sky looks like.
Befriending animals seems to be worthless and does not give you anything, improving your ship isn't worth the effort.
Minecraft's survival and exploration is much better, Saubnatica is much better in every way, No Man's Sky has NOTHING to offer, it is an over-priced overhyped mess which is a spit upon other great indie titles (can you consider this an AAA title? Sony gave them a lot of money, greatly hyped and priced like an AAA game)
It is one of the biggest launches on Steam, and it's a disaster, This must be one of the most disappointing games of all time. Of all time.
Before I will end my rant, I will end this with a spoiler.
Center of the galaxy.
This a thing majorit yof you have been waiting for when you heard about this game, your ultimate goal. I will spoil it for you, because it's an ultimate slap in the face.
So yeah, blunder of the century, all centuries.