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ooc Ask any Pony on a Date!
Page Turner replied to Page Turner's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
Okay... so this is awkward... I've been gone a long time. sorry about that, I got super depressed there for awhile and just stopped. by the time i got out of my funk i was embarrassed about how i dropped off the map like i did and didn't know how to come back. but i'm glad to see that the thread has kept on trucking even in my absence. I don't think i'll be coming back full time, in fact, i'm not coming back at all, but I wanted to at least put it out there that i am officially, really and truly, retiring from the thread. Goodbye oh, and happy new year. -
Hey Everypony, Sorry About the wait, I really don't have an excuse why it took this long... April Fools or something... I see that Dawny went ahead and posted the ones i got done, so here's the rest. (sigh) I'm not sure how much longer i can keep this going... (#1. sorry for being late! ive been really busy! #2. nuuu nawt dat nickname! XD #3. are we going with the movie version of the convo or the comic version? cause it depends on if i'm going to need caramel for support. XD) "Punch..." I say, my mind suddenly and utterly blank. "Er, y-yeah, it has been a while... About a year..." Sweat is forming on my brow; I really don't need this to happen to me now. "Look, things haven't been going too good for me at the moment... I just had a little break-up with somepony... But I'm with somepony new now, so..." I nervously swallow, afraid that Punch was going to kick my heart in the plot again somehow. “Oh, you have a girlfriend? should I be jealous? What’s her name?” Punch asks. “I’m not telling you thatVinyl Scratch, She’s super hot and she calls me all the time!” You reply. “Oh...” “what? Do you know her?” “No.” “it sounded like you did...” “I gotta go.” Click. You stare at the phone for a long time, eventually Caramel comes in and takes the phone away from you, dropping it back in it’s cradle. “Hey what’s up, you look like you’ve seen a ghost.” @@Page Turner, "I'll lead the beach head defense!" Steel proclaimed. He flew above the heads of the pirates. "I see doubt in many of your eyes. To you, I am the deserter who turned to save his own hide, who indirectly lead to the sinking of your ship, and the near death of your captain." Steel nodded to Deep Blue. "Then that is why is should be me on that beach!" He landed atop some stacked barrels and drew one of his swords. "My debt to you all will be repaid in blood, mine and theirs!" “Sounds fair to me.” Briny Says. “Daring Do and Scout, You’re with me, The rest of you, Steel is in charge. I figure we have til’ morning before they find that note, and then it’ll take ‘em that long again to turn the ship around and get back here, so let’s all try to get some sleep, Salt, You take the first watch.” “Eye!” Sea salt says. Before too long Blankets are set down, and the Pirates have settled in, Daring has made a place a little ways away from the main group, and the only free blanket is near Jolly Roger, you would have to move it if you wanted to be near Daring.
Last Replies of 2013! ^ First ^4 Yeah, it’s been a while. I wanted to get these out before Christmas but, well, Holidays. Anyway. My new years resolution is to be more punctual. Let’s see how long THAT lasts… DJ follows Fluttershy throughout the petting zoo until he sees a pen filled with crystal puppies. "Oh my goodness. have you ever seen anything so cute?" DJ began to hug a brown puppy and give it several kisses on the forehead, until he sees Fluttershy staring. He then puts the puppy back in it's pin while his cheeks are as red as a cherry. "Sorry you had to see that. I just love puppies so much." Fluttershy Flutters over to you, and lifts the puppy out of it’s pen. “He is the cutest thing ever.” She agrees. Then she looks you in the eye. “Don’t you ever be ashamed to be sensitive! I mean...” she looks away. “if you don’t mind me saying so.” @, Returning his hat to his head, he smiled as he walked up to the farm mare and offered his front hoof to shake while looking her in the eyes with a friendly warmth to his gaze as he introduced himself as " Myopia Oncler. It's a pleasure to meet you Ms Fritter. I've heard good things about your farm so far and I'm interested in seeing it for myself if you'll allow me." Your smile seems to help her relax, and she gives your hoof a firm shake, “Well, as Ah told you, Ah don’t know much about this investin’ business. I’m just here a’helpin’ my cousin. I’m sup’ose to show you around, so if’n you’ll follow me..” @ He Who Turns Pages “Well Bon Bon, I live in a Moutian alone, so I don’t know what happen to my parents since I was a Colt. I work as a Blacksmith making horseshoes, and I’m also training to become a Wounderbolt someday. Since I am learning Sonic Ice Boom, my mother and I want to show that to the Wounderbolt Judges.” Fireblaze saying. She cocks her head, then frowns, “Wait, if you don’t know what happened to your parents, then how do you know your mom wants you to show off your move?” Orion looks into the pony's wondrous eyes and his smile begins to grow. "Well it's nice to meet you Roseluck. I'm quite new around this place. Is there any chance you can show me around here?" “Umm, okay… what kind of things would you like to see?” she asked, self consciously blushing. I flip through a few records, trying to think of what to tell her. I finally just turn to her and say, "I don't think that's such a good idea... I'm way too old for you, and aren't you, like, not allowed to date outside your species or something? Like, unicorn and pegasus don't really fit well together..." I say, using probably what is the worst excuses ever. I finally just say, "Uh, hey... I think we should... Break up... Or whatever... Its not gonna work out..." I hang my head in embarrassment and shame. Scootaloo stares at you in shock for a long moment. and then another. she doesn’t say anything. she just stares. unsure of what to do, you slowly back out of the store. You arrive home just in time to hear the phone ring. thinking it will be Vinyl, you pick it up quickly. “Hello” “HI Doxxy. It’s been awhile.” It’s not Vinyl. It’s Sucker Punch. back when you knew her, her name was Berry. @, The wise stallion's words sat in Steel's head, but his heart would not be so easily convinced. He fought alongside Daring, protected her honor from a bunch of horny sea dogs, and tried to express his deepest feelings for her with their first kiss in his quarters. He didn't know how else to show her how much she meant to him! The Swordpony joined the rest of the crew around the fire as they drank rum, sang sea shanties, drank rum, swapped stories, threw knives and hatchets, and drank lots of rum. Steel didn't partake in the drinking, he didn't indulge in spirits, but he was feeling parched. So he scrounged through their looted supplies until he found some water and drank it greedily. After wiping his gob with the back of his leg, he scanned over the herd and found no sign of Daring. He was sure she was fine. After A while, Daring Appears and Whispered something to the captain, the two of them talk for a brief moment and the the Captain stands. “Gents! Listen Up!” He shouts. The Pirates all go silent immediately. “Miss Do here has something to say to us.” He nods to daring, Who comes to stand next to Him. “Pinkbeard is going to come back.” She says. There is a moment of shocked silence, and then the Pirates all start talking at once. The captain raises a hoof to silence them. “It’s Alright, We have a plan, well, Miss Do has a plan. Tell them the Plan.” “The Plan is to lure Pinkbeard into a trap.” Daring Explains. “I left a note in Pinkbeard’s cabin that He will see when he wakes up, the First thing he will do will be to order his men to turn the ship around, meanwhile, we will split into two teams, one team will stand in a particular spot on the shore and prepare for battle.” “You’re Insane!” Jolly Roger blurts. “There’s no possible way we can beat them!” “We don’t have to beat them, just hold them long enough for my team to sneak aboard their Ship, Capture it, And then sail it around to the other side of the Island, Once that is done, the rest of you will retreat to the ship, and we’ll sail away with Pinkbeard’s ship, leaving him and his crew marooned here.” “Irony.” Sea Salt notes. “I like it.” “I still think it’s insane.” Jolly says. “there’s too much that could go wrong.” “I like it.” Briny says. Standing up. “We get to hit them where they hit us! and if it don’t work, well, then at least we gave it a shot ‘stead of sitting here waiting to get picked up by the navy.” “If Briny’s up for it then I am too!” Page says. “Same here!” Scout calls. “I only have one condition.” Briny Says. “I want to lead the away team.” Winter also looks at the key sinking down into the depths of the lake then looks at Pinkie, "Oh you mean your Pinkie Sense? Yeah... Anyways..." He sits down nearby the lake dragging Pinkie with him. "What now? The key is in like at least 5 ft below the water and I'm guessing you don't have a spare either because you would just pull it out and unlock the cuffs anyway. So I'm guessing swimming is off the check list too." He pulls out the list of things to do with Pinkie and looks for swimming. "Unless we can get that key." “Actually I was thinking about it from a comedic standpoint, Of course as soon as the Hoofcuffs came out they were bound to get stuck, it’s a cliche” Pinkie looks up at The writer. “Seriously Pagey? I expected better from you!” Sorry Pinkie. “You’re jealous because you had to give me up to become a god, Aren’t you?” I am not! And stop breaking the fourth wall! “No you stop! you’re the one who’s writing all of this!” ...Touche’... Pinkie Rolls her eyes and returns her attention to you. “We used to date.” she says, motioning to what appears to you to be an empty sky. (None taken. ) Night sat in the bath, his cheeks slightly rosy, he was soon deeply in thoughts, about the reason he realyl came here...that in reality he really grew infatuated with the twins, having seen them before in ponyville, as they ran their establishment. He had just been very shy to approach them, not being sure if he would seem awkward to approach two mares at the same time. But today he gathered enough courage to actually be in their spa...so he had to go for it. His eyes lifted a little to see the both twins, as they did their routine, his gaze was timid, but soft and filled with a cartain hint of affection. "I...I came here today...to try out your amazing services yes...but the real reason..." he said and took a deep breath, no letting his nervousness get the better of him now. "The real reason i came here...is to tell you that i admire you both...that you have captivated my senses...A..and i wanted...to ask you...if it would be alright with you...if we could get to know each other better...?" They blink, and then Aloe sighs, “You are the,” she holds up a hoof, “3rd person to ask this today. I think maybe our water isn’t balanced…” I gently wrap my hoof around her as she gets close. "I really want to make a song for you too. I... Well I hope I'm not being weird when I say this but, I'm hoping one day that song will be about you," I tell her quietly. I keep my hoof around her for a while before moving. "Enough of me embarrassing myself. Why don't we go out for a bit?" “What’s wrong with being weird?” She says playfully, gently rubbing her cheek against yours. “So, where are we going?” Thunder went with the blow, so as it would not knock of the mask, but it was still rather hard. "Well, I'm sorry. An airship takes a while to fix, and they wouldn't let me go until it was fixed." He made an exaggerated sad face. "It was what it was. I'm sorry. Is there any way I can make it up to the fair lady?" She crosses her arms and, after a moment, uncrosses them to point at her sign; ‘Quick Fix; Auto Machanic and General Fixer of Ponyville.’ “Not a letter, not a messanger, and not even an ask for help. You’re gunna have to pull some big stops out of your wholey behind.” But she lets him in, which is a good sign. "Yes you did try." Aura said solemnly looking around the cell they were both in. She thought she could easily break out, but the Diamond dogs would easily over power them like before and render escape impossible. Aura looked at Spike with a confused look on her face. "You....actually tried to rescue me instead of saving yourself........why??" Aura asked him. Most dragons would've left her, but she was surprised to see Spike attempt to rescue her. His single action both intrigued her and confused her as she was always told that it was every dragon for him/herself. “I couldn’t just abandon you! that would go against my Noble Dragon Code.” Spike says. “Plus... last time I wasn’t able to do anything. I couldn’t go through that again...” Pink looked at the stallion dumbfounded. ALOT of enemies? Alright something tells me you're NOT a regular doctor. She looked towards the door he pointed at. Huh. I didn't see that there before. She started walking towards the door, while sneaking glances at the stallion. A man of mystery huh? Well I guess I'm about to find out who he really is soon enough. The Doctor Smiles. “Not a regular doctor in the slightest.” He pushes the door open and steps inside, beyond the door you see a plain apartment with undecorated white walls. the only furniture in the room is a low table. and seated behind that table is a small white filly with a short grayish-purple mane. “Welcome Doctor.” The Filly monotones. “Ah! Yuki!” The doctor says happily. “I can honestly say I didn’t expect to ever run into YOU on this planet!” “I go where the Data Integration Thought Entity says I am needed.” The Pony called Yuki says. “Pink Mist!” The Doctor addresses you as he waves a hoof toward the filly. “Allow me to introduce Nagato Yuki, She’s a very good friend of mine.” Red Talon continued to dance with his marefriend, chuckling at her comments about the song. "Heh," he responded, "It's just an exaggeration. Of course Jupiter and Mars can't have any sort of life on them!" The song concluded, and he finished the dance with a kiss on her lips. AJ clearly wasn’t expecting the kiss, she freezes the moment your lips make contact. but after a long instant, she relaxes and starts kissing back. then you notice that the dance floor has gone silent and Everypony is staring. AJ notices as well, and pulls away giggling nervously. “Heh, what’r y’all starin’ at? Ainch’a never seen two ponies kissin’ before?” "Alright, Stardust! You can do this!" mumbling to himself. He takes a deep breath, steps up to Lily's door, and knocks the door, a little shakier than he wanted to. When Lily looks out, he says "Hi... my name is, um... Stardust. Um, I'm new here, so I don't know anyone around here, and so I just knocked on a random door." and Stardust starts shaking, and weakly smiles to Lily, "Um do you have the time, can you show me around Ponyville, and maybe introduce me to a few ponies? Ill make it up to you, I promise.Um, if you don't have time that's okay, Ill just find somepony else. She looks around, then back at you. Then she points to herself, “Me? Uh… I guess… Do I know you?”
ooc Ask any Pony on a Date!
Page Turner replied to Page Turner's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
Replies are out now. so head over to the main thread. Also the OFFICIAL Timetable is 'No more than a month' I try to do it more often than that, and a lot of the time I'll get 2 done in a month, but the replies aren't 'Late' until 1 month. -
ooc Ask any Pony on a Date!
Page Turner replied to Page Turner's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
Hey, I have a real life you know, I'd love to reply every day if i could, but that's just not possible. -
ooc Ask any Pony on a Date!
Page Turner replied to Page Turner's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
Replies are done on a monthly basis. if it gets to be febuary and i'ts still not done, THEN you can complain. however, you aren't wrong that he'll be waiting a while, that's just not the reason. We aren't accepting new players presently, but I will make a note of you and send you a PM when we re-open. -
ooc Ask any Pony on a Date!
Page Turner replied to Page Turner's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
Ohgreat, now you made him feel bad. He's the one who's actually doing about a third of the replies, including yours. *Pats Dawnpath on the back* There there, Buddy, I appreciate you at least. -
ooc Ask any Pony on a Date!
Page Turner replied to Page Turner's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
absolutely nothing. The thread will continue as normal. I am actually working on the next set of replies now. they should be out soon. -
ooc Ask any Pony on a Date!
Page Turner replied to Page Turner's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
you managed to get in just in time, so you're safe, but anyone else has to wait until i can re-write the OP. -
ooc Ask any Pony on a Date!
Page Turner replied to Page Turner's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT The OP is Broken, I've submitted a bug report, but until further notice I am not accepting any new applicants. -
ooc Ask any Pony on a Date!
Page Turner replied to Page Turner's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
I get this question a lot... maybe i should make a guide... (10 minutes later) Enjoy -
ooc Ask any Pony on a Date!
Page Turner replied to Page Turner's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
Well, this is different... I usually have to send posts like this to the OOC thread, but you're already here. I must ask you to look over the first post on this page, there are a few steps you missed. Actually that goes for you as well, I'm going to need character sheets from both of you, and then you have to tell me what the password is. -
ooc Ask any Pony on a Date!
Page Turner replied to Page Turner's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
Alternate universes are an option that is only available to the mods. However, If you are feeling up to it, you could step through this mirror here... (rolls a mirror into the room) and try your luck with the Equestria girls universe version of the pony you want to date. (Its basically the same except you have hands and you're in a high school) -
((OOC POST)) I feel like I've seen you here before... We still Have an OOC where you still have to sign up... Also, Rainbow Dash is still Taken. Everything I said to the guy above also applies to you, but beyond that... No. just No. This is a PONY dating Role play, We Role play as PONIES in EQUESTRIA here. at least TRY to stay in-universe. Equestria doesn't have COD; Ghosts, If it has any video games at all then they are GameCube era at the LATEST, and they certainly don't have Mountain Dew. and Roseluck is Taken. Now, If you want to go for the Equestri a girs universe, much of this doesn't apply, but you still need to Sign up in the OOC first.
ooc Ask any Pony on a Date!
Page Turner replied to Page Turner's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
Okay, So replies have been posted, and I named the winners there, but I'll put the same thing in here as well... The Winners of our First (annual?) AAPOD Costume Contest! In Third place, we have @Ragin' Red Talon, with his Hilarious Serial Killer costume! You win a custom Poem by Dawnpath. In Second Place, @Dsanders, as Sherlock Holmes! you win the prize above plus a special Hand Drawn Picture of your OC with his date Drawn by me! And in First, Give it up for @Pink Mist, who not only dressed her OC up as Daring Do (who is quickly becoming one of my favorite ponies), but was also the first to submit! You win Both of the above Prizes, AND a Super Special Secret Prize that I'm not going to name yet. You will know it when you see it. This is because he doesn’t know what it is yet. I’d be willing to bet. Oh ye of little faith. My faith is small but my heart is big. And while we are waiting for those prizes to drop, check out this awesome Panel from Nightmare Nights Dallas, The convention I recently attended! -
Okay, I think I've kept you guys waiting long enough. replies are finally done, but first, I think it's time I announce The Winners of our First (annual?) AAPOD Costume Contest! In Third place, we have @Ragin' Red Talon, with his Hilarious Serial Killer costume! You win a custom Poem by Dawnpath. In Second Place, @Dsanders, as Sherlock Holmes! you win the prize above plus a special Hand Drawn Picture of your OC with his date Drawn by me! And in First, Give it up for @Pink Mist, who not only dressed her OC up as Daring Do (who is quickly becoming one of my favorite ponies), but was also the first to submit! You win Both of the above Prizes, AND a Super Special Secret Prize that I'm not going to name yet. You will know it when you see it. This is because he doesn’t know what it is yet. I’d be willing to bet. Oh ye of little faith. My faith is small but my heart is big. @, "No it doesn't bother me, I was just saying because I think that is really cool you believe in that" Seeing her lower her head he hoped he didn't embarrass her. He thought she was going to say something more, but stopped. They were in the park now so he decided to not to pursue the topic if she didn't want to. "Well here we are" An idea came to mind. He turned to face Lyra,in one fluid and flourish movement he bowed before Lyra "My Lady we have arrived" He said as he looked up to her and smiled. "I think at the very least I should embarrass myself if I made you feel uncomfortable earlier" (Reposted as you said to do.) Lyra giggles and pats you on the head. “You are adorable.” she says playfully. “Like a puppy.” (Reposting as you requested) Red Talon laughed in his head a little at how the mare was almost tripping over his hooves. "I think we could omit the stepping part," Red whispered to her, "Just sway along to the music. Like this." He held her close to him, their faces only an inch or so apart. He sang along with the song. It was one of his favorite songs, and he loved how he could sing it with ease, since it was right within his pitch range. Of course, nopony could ever come close to rivaling or surpassing Frank Sineightra himself. Fly me to the moon, let me play among the stars! Let me see what Spring is like on, Jupiter and Mars! Applejack closes her eyes and follows your lead. “There’s no ground on jupiter, and Mars is too cold to grow anything.” Applejack whispers, as if she can convince the song to change it’s mind. What the hay. Another wall? Wait who or what doesn't want us to leave? What's going on? Is there somepony after you or something? Pink was starting to panick. She didn't like being trapped in places like these. She wasn't even sure who this guy was or why they were being trapped like this. She hoped they would find a way out soon. The doctor puts a hoof to his chin. “Ah, Well that’s a difficult question to answer, I do have a lot of enemies... which one could this be? I suppose we will have to go through that door to find out.” he points toward an open door in the side of one of the buildings that you know for a fact wasn’t there before. @, Steel took a few steps back, a frown on his face. "As you wish . . . my lady." He said with a hoof to his chest and a bow. Steel cursed his own heart. Any mare who so much as smiled at him, made him feel special or relevant, was elevated to the level of Princess in his eyes. It was for this very reason though, that displeasing, or being shunned by them (even if they didn't mean it or were just unsure) filled him with pain. "AH-Haaaaaargh!" One of the pirates in the camp roared. "Who wants to try'n beat me in horseshoes?" Steel looked back to the Archeologist. "We'd best not keep our crew waiting, Professor." He said uncharacteristically dispassionate and proceeded onward. “Um, yeah.” Daring says awkwardly. She recovers quickly though, and soon rushes ahead. “I’ll take you on! I’m a horseshoes master!” you watch her go and suddenly find The Captain next to you. “Don’t Let it bother you too much.” he says. “I heard all that and It sounds ta me like she’s warmin’ up, just give her time, she’ll come around.” "Okay," said DJ, "If that's what you want." *DJ looks around the town, looking for something that Fluttershy would like to do* "Hey, Fluttershy," said DJ, "I think I see a petting zoo. I know how much you love animals. Let's go see what kinds of animals they have there." “That sounds nice.” Fluttershy says. She follows you to the petting zoo where you can see all kinds of adorable crystal critters. “Oh, How wonderful!” Fluttershy says, her voice has more life behind it than you’ve ever heard before. She approaches one pen where several tiny crystal chinchillas are running around, she scoops one up and begins petting it.. "Oh, oh well maybe a different time" Luna said when she dropped the pie. "Well this is unusually to find a scarf here with my name on it" Luna said while wearing it. "Maybe it was a little too much for me to make a whole pie for the both of us" Luna said also thinking that maybe the others could of had some to. "Well I'll just not say anything about bringing a pie" Luna said as she still followed the track. Eventually you find Big Macintosh hard at work pulling his cart and bucking apples. He seems to be rather busy, but you figure you could probably talk to him. @, Camou looked at Spitfilre, surprised that he actually managed to get a date with her. "Um okay, Saturday it is." "Wow I can't believe that worked, now I have to prepare for Saturday. Will she talk about sports? Who knows but I don't know how much she'll like an intelligent stallion like me." ~Saturday~ You arrive at the agreed location, but Spitfire isn’t there yet. You find a place to sit down and wait. Just as you are about to decide you got stood up, you notice a speck of light in the distance, growing larger at an alarming rate. before you have time to react,, the speck skids to stop right in front of you, and you are able to identify it as Spitfire. “Sorry I’m late,” She says. “Soarin was having issues...” Winter looks at Pinkie as she finally finishes her song a bit surprised. "Wow... You just thought of all that just as we were walking to the lake..." He giggles a bit and smiles looking at the lake seeing their reflections. "Anyways, I never thought that you would feel like "Number One" when we are hanging around, but never mind that, you wanna swim..?" “Sure!” Pinkie says brightly. the two of you head down to the edge of the water. Pinkie looks down at the hoofcuffs. “Oh, I guess it’s time to take these off, it wouldn’t be safe to try to swim in them.” She reaches into her mane and pulls out the key. just as he’s about to unlock the cuffs, a group of three small fillies runs past, and one of them bumps pinkies hoof, causing the key to fly out of her hand and out over the lake, where it skips twice before sinking into the middle of the water. “Sorry, Pinkie Pie!” the filly calls back. Pinkie stares out at where the key was last visible for a long moment, mouth agape. when she finally speaks, she says “You know, in hindsight, I realize I really should have seen this coming.” Fireblaze starching his head while looking at Bon Bon. "Ok that was strange and gust Twilight muse be at the spaceport for something. But we are here anyway." Then he went to the waiter while he smiles to Bon Bon. Blaze was thinking some more about that where they were. Bon Bon nodded, “Lets hope the night is much less… exciting. So, tell me about yourself.” Upon a small hillside and under a tree within the starry dust sky, an colt pulls out a large blanket. Plus, a big jug of cherry soda from his saddle-bag & placing a basket of vegetables+sandwich's and prepare's to signal a tall pony of a alicorn with dark magic, which is an evil mare. The mare of darkness herself cannot be summoned, however, your signal draws the attention of the Nightmare Spirit, which hovers like a cloud before you and whispers into your brain. ‘Find me a host.’ Orion Skies was spending another one of his simple usual mornings trotting along through Ponyville to get his groceries. The same old routine. Every morning, he walked out from his workshop to nearby Ponyville, getting whatever food and supplies he needed, before heading back to his work place. He worked as an engineer, helping the progress of Equestria's slowly advancing technology. He also was a part-time inventor, making blue prints and prototypes of whatever strange little invention and idea he had in mind. This was his typical everyday life, though not really considered the normal day for most ponies, it was beginning to become less and less interesting to him. So he went about his morning, eventually managing to get everything he needed. As he walked out of the store to head on back home, he saw a mare trotting down the streets, not too far from where he was. And I thought I was an early bird. Orion jokingly thought to himself. He decided to make some conversation, which was a rather unusual decision since he's never really been that much of a social, talker, conversation starter kind of stallion. But there was something about her that seem to really capture his attention, and perhaps interest. "Oh hello there!" Orion called out to her, as he slowly made his way in her direction. "Um, I'm Orion...and what's your name?" Orion smile and asked. She looks at you with a deer-in-headlights look and tenses, then relaxes as she notices your smile. “Uhh… Hi. My name’s Roseluck,” she says cautiously, extending a hoof for you to shake. ((RENAME OF CHARACTERS!!!)) Thunder Knight scowled as he paced the bridge of his newly- repaired ship. Bah, humbug. At least he was able to get everyone off of it before the attack came, but it still grounded him for... quite some time. Whatever ponies use to keep track of time. Years? Hmph. "Something buggin' ya, sir?" Spoke up Yellow from under the console next to him, applying some of the finishing touches to a new modification to the console. Thunder sighed. "Why would you say that?" "I dunno, sir. You've been a-pacin' for well over an hour." "..." "Nervous?" Thunder Knight turned to Yellow. "Why would you say that?" "I mean, it's obvious that you like Quick Fix. A fool could tell ya that. And you haven't seen her for months..." "So that is the term. Hmph." Yellow rolled out from under it on a makeshift skateboard and gave him an odd look. Thunder sighed. "Nevermind. Yes, I guess that you could say nervous. For both of the ladies in my life." Yellow nodded. "And the other one would be...?" "My ship. Are ships not often referred to in the feminine? It seems... fitting." "Indeed, sir. For a moment I thought you were talking about Chrysalis." "That... queen is many things. A lady is not one of them." "Yes, sir." As the airship set down roughly about five miles outside of Ponyville, Thunder Knight stepped out into the daylight. He blinked for a moment in the bright sun, before setting out towards Ponyville, his mind fixed on what Quick's first reaction would be... About thirty minutes later, his cloak flowing over the steps and his mask glinting in the sunlight. He raised his hoof to knock... Dark Lightning stalked the bridge, the merciless sun of the southern reaches scorching the top of the ship. Granted, changeling design ensured that the elegant airship would not overheat, but he would not at all want to be one of the sailors on the deck. But pity was not a word on his ship. Pity and mercy was what got you killed. "Sir!" A changeling charged into the bridge before pausing and bowing. Dark Lightning watched the changeling bob his head clumsily. "Well, what is it? I do not have all day." "Sir, we have confirmed that the Battleship Blackbird finished its repairs in Canterlot and has taken flight once again!" "Alright, messenger. You may go." The changeling rushed out. So he was out and about again... but where would he go? Several locations flashed to his mind. Of course, he wouldn't be able to psychically tell where, but he could look. First place's first- Fillydelphia. Then Manehattan. And then... Ponyville. Yes. His marefriend's there, isn't it? But security is still tight there, especially after I blew him out of the air over that small town. So Fillydelphia first, then... Dark Lightning silently went over his plan, to draw attention away from where he really thought that his nemesis would be located. I will see that pony dead before me... ((HeLLOOO EVERYPONY!)) The door came open as his hoof came down and he fell forward in front of a rather dead-panned mare. “Yer late. By about 3 months. I don’t know whether to smack you or hug you.” She was wearing some work clothes, and had some grease streaked across her muzzle. In other words, it was a typical day for her. Glitch blushed. As much as he hated to admit it, she had a point: she had broken a lot of stuff for the time they had spent together. "C'mon, let's go." He picked her up off the ground and led her out of the ball room. He looked around for somewhere quiet, finding a dark room illuminated by a single light. Glitch led her in and sat with her on a crate, putting a hoof over her shoulder. She looked down, swinging her hooves. Her ears flick and she suddenly lunges and throws you off the crate as its braking, causing her to fall in the wreckage, with a few scrapes and a cut on her forehoof. @, "Yes it is," I call out to her. "Okay so here's the thing. I kind of made this song for a couple in town that's getting married. I know it's disappointing but I uh- I still want to sing this to you even if it doesn't exactly apply, you did seem really exited. I just wanted to make sure you don't think I'm a creeper or anything. I want to take this, us, nice and slow. So without further ado..." I ramble before getting my guitar and strumming a few chords. It started with a kiss Next came the bliss Now it's time for her white dress Getting my suit pressed Gotta make this move before it's all too late Can't see it in myself to make you wait And I don't know if I'm crazy But I know I'm in love. Maybe I'm a psycho but I know your the one. And now all I see is your face As you're walkin' down the aisle And all I think of in this place Is your ever-loving smile I want you in my life forevermore You're the one I was waiting for I'm having such a blast with you I'll keep you in my heart it's true Through the thunder and the rain You'll always be on my brain good to know I've got a home And that it shares your name I know I'm pretty crazy I'm certainly in love For you I'm a psycho Because you're the one And now all I see is your face As you're walkin' down the aisle And all I think of in this place Is your ever-loving smile I want you in my life forevermore Your the one I was waiting for Don't ever leave me and I'll never let you down I'll always keep you with me safe and sound Keep me in your heart because you are in mine I'll make sure for you that everything is fine I'll be the stallion you lean on You just be the mare I always see hon Definitely crazy Definitely in love Definitely a psycho You're definitely the one And now all I see is your face As you're walkin' down the aisle And all I think of in this place Is your ever-loving smile I want you in my life forevermore Your the one I was waiting for ((Sorry for not replying at first. Hopefully the song makes up for it.)) Surprise closes her eyes and sways back and forth to the tune. when you finish she has tears in her eyes. “That was beautiful! I’m sure The happy couple will love it!” She comes over and presses her side into yours. “Maybe next time you can write one for me.” "Well, Cloudchaser and I were going to go to Sugarcube Corner, you know, get something to eat." Windy said, secretly wondering when Flitter was going to leave. It wasn't that he didn't like her, but it might be awkward to have a third wheel along for the ride. "Do you want to walk over there now Cloudchaser?" he added. "And this is supposed to be a DATE, Flitter. As in, for two ponies, NOT three..." he added in his head. Sadly, Flitter’s psychic powers don’t seem to be working today, as she fails to pick up on your telepathic message. “Alright then!” Flitter says. “Let’s do it!” The three of you go to sugarcube corner and get some food. after you settle in Flitter turns to Cloudchaser. “So, I heard you dumped Thunderlane yesterday, what was that about?” Cloudchaser glances at you briefly, as if unsure whether she should talk in front of you, before apparently deciding to go ahead. “He cheated on me, I spoke to Cloud Kicker yesterday and she happened to bring him up, apparently she didn’t know we were in a relationship.” “well to be fair you we’re keeping pretty hush-hush about it. Besides, you know Kicker, Everypony’s had a round with her, even us!” “Yes, But I wasn’t in a steady relationship at the time! and I’m not mad at Kicker, I’m mad at Thunderlane.” Cloud glances over at you. “But let’s not talk about that, How are you doing Windy?” ((CRAP!!! I didn't realise that this had replies!!! I've just been busy, sorry!!!)) Defeated at being able to use an awesome item, I hoof the item over to Rainbow. "I guess. Have fun with it." I turn back to the crowd, scanning the sea of ponies for the telltale blue mane. Not able to find her, I sigh and begin walking home, ready to rest after another rigirous battle. Suddenly your Phone rings, You answer, Hoping that it’s Vinyl, but instead you hear Scootaloo’s voice. “Hey! Are you wearing a Dorky Hat and looking really sad right now?” You pause. “It’s not dorky! And how are you psychic?” “Hey!” a voice suddenly calls. You look over to see Scootaloo trotting next to you. You jump in surprise. “I was just on my way to the record store? Wanna come with?” You can’t really refuse, and so a few minutes later you find yourself at the local record store with Scootaloo. “Sooo, I wanted to invite you to dinner. y’know? to meet my parents?” (Yeah... I forgot to do this scene earlier, so we’re doing it now.) "Diamond Dogs?" Aura repeated. She turned her head around to see the Diamond Dogs behind them. "Eewww" Aura gagged upon seeing the three big gruff canines behind them. She had read about them once before, but had forgotten how ugly they looked. Diamond Dogs were pretty territorial so it was no wonder they showed up as soon as they got to this area. The moment she realized thier intention to capture them; Aura then dropped her soft spoken tone and changed it into a more louder and confident one. " The only thing you're catching is a cold." Aura said bravely not wanting the gross canines to lay a paw on neither her or Spike. The dragoness took in a deep breathe before she exhaled a whitish blue mist which blew towards the Diamond Dogs. The mist slowly froze two out of the three Diamond Dogs that were in front of the two dragons. However the leader was strong enough to resist getting frozen and immediately ran towards the pair of dragons. "Gotch You you little reptile." The leader said grabbing Aura by the tail. Aura didn't have time to react before he did and dangled helplessly in the air as the Diamond Dog held her by her tail. "Ahhh let me go!" Aura said struggling in the air. She could only look as the Diamond Dog leader looked at Spike who was pretty close. "One down, One to go." The Diamond Dog said. "Spike Run!" Aura cried out not wanting him to be caught too. “No.” Spike says. “No! I’m not going to let this happen again!” He charges at the dog leader. “I’m not as weak as I was last time! this time I can take you!” he jumps up and lands on the dog’s chest, causing the surprised canine to stumble backwards, pressing his advantage Spike shoots a small jet of green flame directly into the dogs face, it’s not a lot, but it’s enough to send the dog crashing to the ground. (as well as send a hooful of dog hair to a very surprised Princess Celestia.) You feel the dog’s grip on your tail loosen, and you manage to pull free. “Come on!” Spike says, “Let’s get out of here before-” Suddenly, the ground begins to shake as a ring of Identical dogs in armor rise up out of the ground. “-More of them show up.” Spike finishes. The lead dog stands up, a look of rage on his charred and hairless Face. “GET THEEEM!” ~Later~ You and spike are in an underground cell. “Well. I tried...” A lot had changed in recent years for Myopia Oncler. From being dirt poor to being so rich that he could fill a large pool with his bits and go swimming in it if the desire seized him was a rather major change in his life, but the top hat wearing stallion honestly believed that despite the circumstances he was still as level headed as he had always been. While others would have taken their new found fortunes and blown it in incredibly fun and expensive ways, Myopia had taken to investing it in up and coming business ventures. It was the driving reason he was currently in Appleloosa at the moment. As an up and coming frontier town, there was plenty of up and coming businesses that could be invested in. He was honestly thankful that his commitment to his own company had gotten him used to early starts in the morning as he walked down the path towards the local apple farm in order to meet up with his tour guide for the day, one Apple Fritter. Walking along the dusty track in the early dawn light, Myopia's eyes landed on a mare that was waiting at the gate of the apple farm. As he trotted towards her, Myopia was rather thankful for the sunglasses he had taken to wearing since it allowed him to check out the surprising cute mare without showing that he was. When he stopped near her, he politely removed his sun glasses with his magic before raising his hoof to politely remove his hat. "Ms Apple Fritter?" He asked carefully, just to confirm this was the mare he was meant to be meeting. The yellow and green mare nods, “Tha’s me. Yer the investor, right? Th’ one who wanted to put money into this here farm?” Her question was genuine, as the two of you had never met. She had a shiny, well taken care-of cart nearby.
ooc Ask any Pony on a Date!
Page Turner replied to Page Turner's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
Dawny... do you need a break? I'm sure there is somepony who could take over for you for a while if you want some vacation time from the thread. -
ooc Ask any Pony on a Date!
Page Turner replied to Page Turner's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
At least you get things done in a decent amount of time, You are constantly being held back by how slow I am at getting things done. -
ooc Ask any Pony on a Date!
Page Turner replied to Page Turner's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
Okay, Firstly, sorry it's been so quiet lately I had to take the week off to prepare for my first convention. sorry for the wait. I haven't had time to change the password yet because, again, I was at a convention (and I don't have a smartphone) But that aside, I see no problem with your signup. Consider yourself in. Alright, keep in mind i have zero experience with the Lunaverse (I assume that's what she's from at least, again, 0 xp) but if i want, I can start you off with a bottle of nightmare energy,(Zelda Item get music here) and you can approach the regular Celestia and corrupt her yourself, does that sound fair? -
ooc Ask any Pony on a Date!
Page Turner replied to Page Turner's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
I've gotten two (maybe three) entries, and I should be ready to announce the winner next week. also as much as I've hyped the prize, I should probably mention that there's no real guarantee that it will actually pan out, so I may have to come up with a plan B. -
ooc Ask any Pony on a Date!
Page Turner replied to Page Turner's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
I suppose by solar flare you mean evil Celestia? I could maybe do that, Nightmare moon is taken though. -
ooc Ask any Pony on a Date!
Page Turner replied to Page Turner's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
Sure, that seems reasonable. Also, because I've only gotten two entries in the costume contest, I'm pushing the deadline back a night. please take advantage of that.