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ooc Ask any Pony on a Date!
Page Turner replied to Page Turner's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
Are you volunteering? I actually have Dawny doing about third of them, but another hand might not be a bad idea. Wow, Fluttershy got popular all of a sudden... The reason I asked is that I've actually been kicking around the Idea of adding Canterlot High as an alt universe option. I wasn't going to say anything until the DVD came out, but since you brought it up... -
ooc Ask any Pony on a Date!
Page Turner replied to Page Turner's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
Well... How do you feel about Equestria Girls? You had Zecora and Berry Punch right? Sure, you can come back in. -
ooc Ask any Pony on a Date!
Page Turner replied to Page Turner's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
It is different though, Pony and Date are capitalized here, and not in the OOC. Wow. this has got to be some of the most unfortunate timing I have ever seen. Sadly, I cannot allow you to compete for her either, since it's fluttershy, She'd get overwhelmed and turn you both down... -
ooc Ask any Pony on a Date!
Page Turner replied to Page Turner's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
You need to start. In your case give some exposition about who and where you are. Also, for the purpose of the RP when the Doctor Appears, your character should not know who he is. -
ooc Ask any Pony on a Date!
Page Turner replied to Page Turner's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
Well, I just changed the Password but... Aww what the hay. I'll trust that you got it legitimately. Welcome Aboard. -
ooc Ask any Pony on a Date!
Page Turner replied to Page Turner's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
Alrighty then. Welcome aboard and all that stuff. I'll add you to the list. Make a note, Pink, The Password is about to change. -
ooc Ask any Pony on a Date!
Page Turner replied to Page Turner's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
No, you Don't make up the password, I do, you need to read the first Post on this thread. That will tell you what the Password is. It is there as insurance that you have read and understood the rules. -
ooc Ask any Pony on a Date!
Page Turner replied to Page Turner's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
If you want to go for the Doctor just say the word and I'll have him approach you. (that's the way it tends to work with him) Just give me a character sheet and the password and we can make this happen! Well, as much as I'm not fond of competition, I do seem to be getting a lot of Mac Requests... maybe I should let you all fight for him... but then Pink up there might decide not to go for the Doctor, and I've been waiting forever for that... -
ooc Ask any Pony on a Date!
Page Turner replied to Page Turner's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
Sorry, Big Mac is unavailable at this time. Also, We have a system here, you need to read through the OOC thread and sign up properly. Hi! Sorry this took so long, I've been away from the internet for the past week. Welcome to the place.Your Password has been accepted and you may begin posting at your convenience. Just changing your target Pony isn't going to fix it, you have to sign up. Instructions are Here. -
And now, the moment you've all been waiting far too long for: Replies! The Stallion looks around cautiously. “I’ve said too much already. Just tell her what I said, oh. and give her this.” He passes you a note containing what appears to be a random jumble of numbers, letters and pictograms. “As for the train, It should be moving again in...” He pulls out a watch. “3... 2... 1... Now.” The train starts moving. “Go back to her quickly. and consider this. If I’m wrong, then so are they.” And just like that, He’s gone. Spike Shrugs. “Twilight does all kinds of weird stuff. You get used to it,” He says. His eyes light up when you mention gems. “Yeah! That sounds great! I help Rarity search for gems all the time, Of course she never lets me eat them...” Vinyl Sighs. “Yeah, I was A little Bi-Curious. For quite a while actually...” Spitfire Flies at you. “Who are you calling soft?” When she hits you, it’s quite hard indeed. “But If you aren’t going to fight back, That will just make it easier for me!”She turns to Vinyl. “Hey there. How’s life?” She nods towards you. “He seems nice.” She lifts you up and tosses you into a nearby wall.She approaches you as you stumble to your feet. she grabs you by the collar “You really think you can stand a chance against a wonderbolt, bro?” She reels back and hits you so hard you fly a good four feet. “Some competition you are.”You look up and see her walking away. She’s done with you, or at least she thinks she is... Octavia raised an eyebrow (Figuratively. You know what I mean.). “If my solo is all it takes to pique your interests in actual music, I should find myself wondering about the strength of your mind,” she replies, though it is obvious that she’s flattered, both by your compliment and recognition. (nothing I can do about this. Meta Doesn’t have Doc Powers anymore, so he’s going to have to reply to this as an independent Post.) Gilda puts a talon to her beak. Well, It wouldn’t be very cool to get kicked out... aww what the heck, this party’s lame anyway. What kind of Chaos do you have in mind?” “Hear what?” Thump “Oh. That.” Crash! “I think It’s getting closer...” Suddenly, A giant Scorpion Comes into view, clearing trees out of it’s path with giant Claws. “Well. That Doesn’t look very friendly.” The Scorpion monster stops and seems to survey it’s surroundings. then it suddenly turns and charges straight at you, one of it’s massive claws reaching out to grab you by the neck... ((Being Understanding: +1 Post score: +1 Total Score: 5)) Captain Blue is already there when you find the boat. He helps you to quietly load your supplies onto it. “Where’s Daring?” you whisper to him. “She said she Had to go find a few other things,” He whispers back. Meanwhile, Daring slowly eased the door open and peeked inside tentatively. Captain Pinkbeard was asleep, face down on his mahogany desk, his voluminous beard spread out over his maps and charts. Daring sighs inwardly. She opens the door the rest of the way and sneaks slowly into the captain’s cabin. Her eyes move quickly, scanning for- There! an open trunk filled with various articles of clothing. she made her way slowly over to it, at one point, she stepped on a board that creaked, and froze in terror when the captain grunted in response. she stood there for nearly a minute, waiting to make sure the pirate hadn’t woken up. then she resumed her slow crawl to the trunk. when she finally reached it she was relieved to see her vest sitting on the top of the pile. Being very careful not to make too much noise, Daring stripped off her dress and placed it in the trunk, ‘I won’t be needing that anymore,’ she thought. then she picked up her vest and put it on. ‘there we go, I’m starting to feel like my old self again, now where’s my- Ah.’ Her pith helmet was hanging from a rack a little to her left. ste turned slowly towards it and reached out. grabbing it from the hook and dropping it on her head. ‘now to get out of here without getting caught...’ She turned and began walking back the way she had come. as she passed Pinkbeard passed out over his desk, she noticed something. the map she had found in the grotto. She altered her course. afyter a few more tense moments, she found herself next to Pinkbeard’s desk. she quickly scooped up the map and stowed it under one of her wings. she was about to leave, when she noticed a quill sitting next to a blank sheet of parchment. ‘well, as long as I’m here...’ She slid the parchment in front of her and began to write. “Dear Captain Pinkbeard. Thank you for your hospitality, but I am afraid that this bird must fly away now. Thank you for the map, and I sincerely hope that we shan’t meet again. Yours Truly, Daring Do. : ) P.S. Your beard looks stupid.” When she had finished the letter, she slowly made her way to the door, which she closed silently behind her. ---- “Where have you been?” Captain Blue grumps when Daring finally appears. “Well, we’d have a rough time finding the treasure without the map, wouldn’t we?” Daring replies. “Besides, I go nowhere without my pith helmet. Now come on, let’s get this boat in the water.” Suddenly, a pirate appears on the other side of the deck and spots you. “Hey! What’s going on over there?” “Aww. Horseapples.” Daring Curses. (I did some basic editing to your post. It’s not really what I’m supposed to do, but it now shows how I interpreted it. Also, it makes sense, the sentences aren’t run-ons, and conveys a sense that the person who typed it is in high school. IE, it isn’t making whatever OCD sense I have with these things go nuts) Lyra looked you over and giggled, “You’re a cute one, aren’t you. I’m sure Bon Bon’ll be down any minute, probably to stop me from talking too much and disturbing the customers. I’m Lyra!” She holds out a hoof for him to shake. Luna Does not Respond to you. “Guards!” She calls. A pair of Dark coated royal guards Appeared at Her side. “Please Escort Mr. Grin to his chamber.” She turns back to you. “We shall discuss your first assignment in detail shortly. but it must wait until we are done here. “Um your majesty?” One of the guards speaks up. “Are we supposed to take him to the good chamber or the bad chamber? “The Newly Refurbished Chamber.” Luna replies. “... Wait which one are we talking about?” The second guard asks. “The one that used to be the bad chamber, until the recent refurbishing, that is.” Celestia chimes in. “of course, we’ve been calling it the new chamber, but we really should number them...” Luna Rolls her eyes. “Yes, yes, Sister. Ahem. Take him to the refurbished chamber that was once bad!” ((You flew away before Dash could respond, so I’m just going to skip to the score. For the next reply, just say ‘So-and-so tme later,’ and try again. Being a Griffon (she will get over that eventually) -1 Caring about her health +2 Post Score: +1 Total Score: 2)) “We should Probably Leave them alone now.” Twilight says. “Spying on them probably wasn’t my best idea anyway.” She looks at you for a long moment. “Sooo... What now?” You didn’t actually interact with Derpy, so... she’s still wandering away from you. At some point, she stops in front of a window and starts staring at the sky. “Oooh, pretty...” Soarin looks around angrily, “I think he’s cruisin’ for a bruisin’. Nopony walks in and just puts the beat down on ponies, especially the PIE ponies. That’s just... just cruel!” Garble Glares Back at you. “I’m wrecking the place. What are you gonna do about it Pony? Friend Me to death?” “I think this one needs a more Hooves-On Approach” Spitfire says. He didn’t really drop apples. In fact, it seemed as if when he did drop apples, it was on purpose. “Err... Don’t know...” He was beginning to blush. “Y’all needed your rest.” AJ says. “besides, I tried to wake ya, but y’all were really out of it, So I decided just ta’ let it be.” When you buck the tree she looks at the single apple that fell out. “Oh, Ah missed one! Thanks.” She Picks it up and puts it in one of the buckets. “An’ as fer Big Mac. He’s shy around other ponies, but around family he tends ta open up more.” You think about that for a moment, and realize that it means that Big Macintosh is beginning to think of you as family. “Now, How about helpin’ me load these here buckets onto the cart?” “Well, Yeah.” Flitter Says. “Today was supposed to be our day, But then she suddenly wants to hang out with some Colt I’ve never heard of.” She looks you over thoughtfully. “Although now that you’re here I can see why.” You are about to say something. when Cloudchaser appears. “Alright, I’m here.” She says. Oh. I see you two have already met. “ “Yep!” Flitter replies. “Sorry I’m late, My roommate needed to talk to me about moving out. Well, I guess that makes him my ex roommate now...” When you exit the library the next day, the first thing you see is Discord dressed in a fancy suit made entirely out of Hay Bacon Strips. He waves when he sees you. “There you are!” He pulls a strip off his coat and offers it to you. “Want some Hay Bacon?” Cloudchaser Looks up at you as you enter. Oh, Hi, Jordo, What’s up? I have to meet my Sister and some guy I met yesterday at sugarcube corner in five minutes. If I’m not on time Flitter’s going to start flirting with him again...” “It’sa fine,” comes a slight japonyese accent. “You wanta in one hour? Okay, uhwhat is your name?” It would appear to be Lotus who answered, as Aloe was in the back. The door flies open almost instantly, and a pair of pink hooves pull you into the room. “Yay! You’re here! I was just about to come and find you!” as you are pulled inside you notice a single chair situated right in front of the doorway surrounded by empty cupcake wrappers. you wonder just how long she’s been waiting there. “So now that you’re here whaddya wanna do first?” After a while Surprise’s eyes slowly drift open. they find you and she smiles. then suddenly her yeys widen and she releases you from her grip. “Omygosh. I am so sorry, I shouldn’t have told you to keep your hooves to yourself and then not keep my Hooves to myself! Ohmygosh I feel like such a terrible awful Pony!” “Fortunately, I believe that I can convince my sister to allow me a break from my royal duties for one day. If so I shall meet you at this fairground. If I am unable to then I shall send word to your place of residence. I hope that I can see you then.” (okay,before I reply to this, why are you assuming that Trixie is in Ponyville? why would she be in ponyville? She wouldn’t be. So let’s just spin the wheel of random towns and say that you’re in... Baltimare. I’ll substitute Sugarcube corner for something else, let’s say... Rosemary’s bakery. Why not? okay. with that out of the way...) Trixie looks at you with calculated disdain. “What makes you think that you could possibly keep up with the amazing magic of the Great and Powerful Trixie?” She asks haughtily. “You are quite presumptuous. However, because the Great and Powerful Trixie is Feeling Generous, She shall meet you as requested. Now begone. Trixie needs her rest.” (Reply Denied Because you failed to respond to the interest renewal PM last month. Please Re-submit your application if you wish to continue getting replies.)
ooc Ask any Pony on a Date!
Page Turner replied to Page Turner's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
Okie Dokie Smokie Okie. Password accepted. you may now post in the thread. as we discussed in the PM. -
ooc Ask any Pony on a Date!
Page Turner replied to Page Turner's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
Ohhh. Interesting. Too interesting to say 'no' to. Dating Twins at the same time, well. let's tee how that works out! -
ooc Ask any Pony on a Date!
Page Turner replied to Page Turner's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
I honestly have no Idea what you are talking about. Welcome aboard! Your Password has been accepted, and you are clear to begin posting. -
ooc Ask any Pony on a Date!
Page Turner replied to Page Turner's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
You hinted that you wanted a spy story, so I gave you a spy story. Thanks for that, by the way, I honestly had no Idea what to do with rarity up to that point. -
ooc Ask any Pony on a Date!
Page Turner replied to Page Turner's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
Sorry about that. Please Re-post those relpies and I'll get them in the next round which hopefully won't take as long. -
ooc Ask any Pony on a Date!
Page Turner replied to Page Turner's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
Pretty much anything that Dash responded to with a 'weird look'. at least that's how she perceived it, and that's what really matters. -
Oh My Gosh! Replies! Actual Replies! "Well, I get off work in five minutes, but... Uh..." he shrugs, "What's good with you? I'm sure I could get AJ to let me free early. Most of the fields are bucked anyhoo." There were none, Celestia Accepted the fake morningstar without question, and nodded to her guards. A ring of keys was tossed on the ground, and Celestia and her guards left. as soon as they were gone, you feel the changeling magic leave you. you go to retrieve the keys, and begin unlocking the cages. “Hey. I’m talkin’ ‘a you. What’s the matter?” The guard says gruffly. when you don’t answer the guard groans. “What? you can yell fo’me but ‘cha caint tell me what’s wrong now I’m here?” Vinyl freezes in her tracks. “The Captain of... oh dear.” Suddenly Rainbow Dash is there. “Yeah! Isn’t it great? They filmed in ghastly gorge for the last one, and they saw Ponyville, And decided to use it as the town as a backdrop for this one! It’s so exciting! Last time Spitfire herself wasn’t here, to dangerous in ghastly gorge, So this is gonna be my first time seeing her in costume in person! It’ll be like meeting both of my heroes at once! that’s like, 200% cooler!” “Yeah yeah, That’s nice, Rainbow Dash.” Vinyl tugs on your foreleg. “C’mon, we need to get out of here before she-” “Well, well well, Paradox.” you suddenly find yourself nose to nose with Daring Do herself, Spitfire’s coat and mane have been dyed to match the famous adventurer. “I thought I was going to have to come find you, but now you came right to me!” “-sees us.” Vinyl finishes weakly. “Dox, meet Spitfire, My second Evil Ex.” (Note: The above reply takes place at an earlier time than this one) “Well I don’t like to brag, But I do love being Daring Do. Even if the Cutie Mark Patch does itch.” She glances over at Soarin, who, as was previously stated, 'looked giddier than a fat foal on Halloween.' He had managed to eat the whole thing in one big chomp. “Whoa there, big fella, Slow down. You’re going to get too fat to fly!” She tells him. "She says that every time," Soarin tells Jesse under his breath, "And I'm still able to do all the flips and kicks to make a crowd scream." Even so, he did slow down a bit. Applejack is waiting for you when you arrive. “Well. Yer lookin’ sharp.” Applejack says. She looks pretty amazing herself. Her main and tail have been braided, and she is sporting a lovely brown and green dress. (It’s her gala dress, but your character wouldn’t know that) She turns to Meta. “Alright then, How exactly are we gettin’ on board this airship ‘o yours?” (Try making a poem and an ad for Applejack with the knowledge that you can fail) (Ya know, you’re replies don’t have to be epic-length every time) (You’re complaining? Be glad it’s not a one-liner!) “Quiet you.” Daring said grumpily. Stripping out of the frilly number with distaste. Once it was off she looked down at herself. “ugh, now I just feel naked.” “well, you are naked.” you point out helpfully, Trying very hard not to let your eyes wander. Daring puts the dress back on. “I guess I’ll have to live with it until I get my vest and hat back. in the meantime, what should we do to pass the time until everypony on the ship goes to sleep?” she looks over at you. “No we are not doing THAT, so wipe that grin off your face.” You wipe the grin off your face and try not to look too disappointed. Apparently your disappointment shows through anyway, as daring rolls her eyes. “Oh alright, I suppose you’ve earned a little something, but if I say ‘Stop’ and you don’t stop, you’re dead.” ~One Cuddle Later Daring Smoothes down her tousled mane. “Well. That happened.” She says. Pulling the Frilly Dress back on. “It should be safe to move now. You head to the mess and get some supplies, And I’ll Go find The captain and meet you at the longboats.” Discord makes a face “bleh. Libraries. I’ve never liked those, everything is always so... tidy.” he shakes his head. “Anyway, I’ll see you then, just...” He leans in close. “Put a few of those books in the wrong section for me while you’re there.” “Yeah, It was super easy because you were asleep!” Pinkie says. “you taste like snozberries, which makes sense because you were snoozing, which sounds alot like ‘snozberry’ without the ‘berry’ a ‘snoozeberry if you will.” “as for what day it is, it is exactly 24 hours since you fell asleep, you lost a day, but that’s the price of the special cupcake! ” “we should totally hang out again! maybe next time you can see what I taste like! although, you said you were allergic to strawberries, but i’m not an ACTUAL strawberry. at least, I don’t think I am, so it should be fine.” You wake up unable to move. After a moment you realize that it is because Surprise seems to have wrapped herself around you in her sleep. So much for her wanting you to keep your hooves to yourself. She lets out a cute little moan, and you find yourself wondering what she’s dreaming about. "Nope," he says, as he continues to walk away. He stops however, and turns, "But you could help me by picking up apples that drop if you'd like." He then resumes walking away, towards SAA. When you arrive at Sugarcube Corner, You see a Pony who looks remarkably similar to Cloudchaser sitting at one of the tables, . She looks up at you and smiles as you approach. “Well, Hello there, Handsome. You must be the guy Cloudy picked up. My name’s Flitter.” "Dance? But... I thought we were gunna learn how to walk first," she says, turning around confusedly. She wandered away from him towards the edge of the dance floor. The Driver looks up at you crossly. “My heart bleeds for ya buddy, really, but your Mare’s problems ain’t gonna make this train change it’s mind about being broken.” he shoos you away. “The best thing you can do is leave me alone and let me work on it.” You sigh and begin making the trip back to your car. before you get there though, you are stopped by a grey stallion in a business suit. “You there, yes, you, I need to talk to you.” You approach the stranger, unsure of what to expect. once you are close enough for him to whisper to you without being overheard, he does so. “It’s about that mare you’re with.” “You mean Rarity?” “Is that what she’s going by these days?” He shakes his head. “Anyway, I think she may be in danger. I represent a secret organization set up by princess Luna 1000 years ago, Our purpose is to monitor and neutralize threats from within equestria.” he smiles. “Ironically,the first big threat we had to face after our formation was Her Royal Highness Luna herself. This mare that you know as Rarity is a member of our organization, on permanent assignment to keep an eye on Celestia’s protégé.” Gilda Doesn’t seem to be listening all that closely, about halfway through your story she cuts you off “Yeah, yeah, yeah, on second thought, I don’t really care about the past. I’m more of a ‘live in the now’ Kind of gal, Ya know? so shut up and dance.” "Yep? Sorreh, I'm just thinkin'," he says, turning his attention back to the room. "She ain't expectin' us er anythin', so you rest on up, okay?" “He just Showed up One Day,” Dash says. “He asked me for a date, and I asked him why. He said he wanted to get to know me. It was the first time a Stallion wanted me for something other than some kind of prize. Like he didn’t want me, He wanted me. Does that make any sense?” ((Complementing her Skills: +1 Expressing interest in her Life: +1 Post Score: +2 Total Score: 4)) (note: this reply refers to events that have not yet played out.) Upon Closer inspection, Rainbow dash looks a little roughed up. “Tomorrow morning?” She repeats, “I don’t know, I just had a fight with a Scorpio and I’m dead tired. If you want we could hang out in the afternoon instead.” ((Going for her competitive spirit: +3 Being a griffon (which reminds her of Gilda): -1 Choosing a bad time to approach: -1 Post Score: 1 Total Score: 1)) Twilight Smiles. “So, you’re ready for the next one? wait there.” Twilight goes upstairs. “Spike!” she calls. “Send it!.” You hear a burst of dragon fire, Followed by a long silence. finally, the sound repeats, and twilight comes back downstairs levitating a slightly scorched scroll in front of her. “Alright She’s ready for you. meet her in the park next to the statue of Smart Cookie.” “Y’know.” A slow, deep voice says. “It might be easier if Ya take the breaks off first.” You Turn to see Big Macintosh climbing out of the apple Cellar. “Breaks?” you repeat. “Eeyup. Keeps the cart from rollin’ away while it’s unattended.” Big Mac Reaches a Hoof around one of the wheels and presses a little lever behind it. “There. You’ll find that it’ll be much more cooperative now.” Sure enough, The cart now moves easily. feeling very stupid, you head into the orchard to meet Applejack. as you go, It occurs to you that You’ve never heard Big Mac talk so much at one time. You decide to ask AJ about it. Speaking of AJ... “Well, Good Mornin’ Sugarcube. Glad to See ya.” Your bride-to-be says cheerfully. She doesn’t seem to mind that you missed the first half of the day. (You can complain when you write it all on a DSi) “Skyline? As in, the colt who won the contest? Oh...” she looks you over cautiously, “You do look like a pony Vinyl would send... I’m Octavia.” She takes your hoof, shaking it firmly once, then letting it drop, “Co-host of Vinyl’s on K-COLT, before, during, and after her break down. But of course, you knew that, I’m sure.” Looking around she plasters on a fake smile, “Now lets get out of here before Beauty-” Suddenly, there came a loud noise, and Beauty Brass came trotting through the backstage. Octi was wrapped in a big hug before she could finish her sentence. “WHAT A GREAT PERFORMANCE OCTI! YOU DID SO WELL!” “Thanks Beauty, I-” “WHO’S THIS?” “His name is Skyline. He won-” “HI SKYLINE! DID YOu hear the solo?” Beauty seemed to be noticing the amount of looks she was getting. Welp, there’s now two mares. How will you respond? “Ya, ya, I’m coming,”came a noise from inside. A shorter, tealish pony with a lyre cutie mark who was distinctly not Bon Bon opened the door. “What can I do for you?” Celestia and Luna both stare at you for a long moment before they both burst into fits Laughter. “My little pony, what sort of ruler do you take me for? Beheading? Hanging? such punishments are only for the most serious of crimes! And while piracy is not to be ignored, taking such actions would be barbaric! but the question remains, what shall we do with you?” She turns to Luna. “What do you think, dear sister?” Luna is quiet for a moment as she stares at you intensely. We say he should be banished, and put in a dungeon in the place to which we banish him.” Luna States. Celestia nods. “I agree, now-” “Unless,” Luna cuts her sister off. “Unless what, Dear sister?” Celestia asks, sounding genuinely surprised. “It is just that We have recollected something, We may have use for a pony with skills such as these.” “Surely you do not refer to-” “Indeed I do.” Luna turns to you. “Crimson Grinn, You are known to us. Stories of your exploits have reached our ear, you are strong, brave, and tenacious. your ability to evade capture incredible.” She smiles for the first time. “And we would like you to work for us.”
ooc Ask any Pony on a Date!
Page Turner replied to Page Turner's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
Ask Dawny, he's the one who is going to be replying to those posts. I did think it was good, but it's not really my call. -
ooc Ask any Pony on a Date!
Page Turner replied to Page Turner's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
I'm just saying that Brevity is not your strong suit, And I wouldn't have it any other way. It's just funny to hear you say it. -
ooc Ask any Pony on a Date!
Page Turner replied to Page Turner's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
Brief Paragraphs? I can't believe I'm hearing that from you of all people. You are a dirty, dirty hypocrite. -
ooc Ask any Pony on a Date!
Page Turner replied to Page Turner's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
Yup! That's all there is to it! Go forth and... Do something... I dunno. (How am I supposed to expand on that?) -
ooc Ask any Pony on a Date!
Page Turner replied to Page Turner's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
I never said he should go for Daring, I just said he should go for the Luna of That 'verse instead of the main one. -
ooc Ask any Pony on a Date!
Page Turner replied to Page Turner's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
Alright then, I just figured since I already have a pirate story going you'd fit in there. Anyway, you are free to post. if you get it done by midnight you can get in on the next round. -
ooc Ask any Pony on a Date!
Page Turner replied to Page Turner's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
That's better. ...Aactually, Maybe your Character should exist within the Daring Do vs. Pirates story I'm doing with Steel... -
ooc Ask any Pony on a Date!
Page Turner replied to Page Turner's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
Error: Password Out of Date. please try again. otherwise, your OC is... interesting... well, at least he's not an Alicorn, so I'll allow it. A rule exists that you can date up to twoPonies at once using different characters... just saying...