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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Nas

  1. Any OGs remember these guys? I'm going to the Baltimore Convention Center today and I'm gonna let these guys visit their old home  :squee:



    And here's pics of said home~ https://imgur.com/a/3ufgTau

    1. Jonke


      I saw your post by chance and signed in to say that it feels very nostalgic to see this place again.

    2. Nas


      Ahh, what a lovely surprise seeing this name on my notifs again 💙 it was sure a trip being in the area again~ brought back a lot of memories from such a wonderful part of my life and all the sweet people and colorful horse merchandise that roamed those halls countless times

  2. Wow! Gonna be shouting out from an OG to a TRUE OG! I haven't consistently poked my nose around here in forever but it's great to know this guy's been giving the same amount of love and energy to this community as he has 10+ years ago when I joined, feels like an eternity ago! Many many great memories in the early fandom... Much love like old times, Bats! Thank you for doing your part helping this community thrive like I remember you always have! 🩶💛
  3. As of a few hours ago, it's been 10 years since I first watched the first two episodes, which left an impact on me ever since too big to even describe. To anyone I remember from those days still here, I still love you all. :-P

    1. abronymouse


      /) olden pony :) I was a part of the fandom back then, but only joined this place recently.

  4. Oh dang I forgot, I definitely remember you from way back! Nice to have even a couple of oldies still here after all these years
  5. I already made a ton of gushy words in my blog entry earlier yesterday, but I'll try ta paraphrase it all here. I joined this place on April 24, 2012, after searching for a forum to expand and enhance my 3-week-old passion of colorful horses, admiring how clean and active everything looked, and eventually saw this place thrive big in those first few years, until 2014, a year before I started to fall out of following pone stuff, but I had more memories here than I could fill a little book with. On the list of sites that were most instrumental in carrying my love of paste; horses, EQD, derpibooru, tumblr, the MLP memebase page etc, this one easily stands on the top, especially since it bookended my earliest and final G4 experiences. It led to me making so, so many friends, some that I still talk with today (love y'all and hope y'all are doing well and maybe come back to post on this topic, maybe ), and seeing many at my first convention, BronyCon in 2013, was a feeling I'll never be able to replicate. I loved being on the Poniverse/EQTV staff as well, and hosting/watching EQTV movie nights. I remember having a sig of my favorite bg pones at the time, getting into roleplaying, making a ponysona (which was my first real animal sona thingy in general), discussing pone show and EQG stuffs, having fun with blogs, enjoying the funny unique emotes, having an "Ask Lyra" thread (I particularly loved that), learning about how to make fancy signatures, I even remember that guy who impersonated me with my name and then-profile picture! I'll never figure out who that was... I often talked lots, LOTS with my friends and making more on Skype, seeing them in multiple BronyCons, including M.A. Larson photobombing a group photo of us and just disappearing without a trace, and our resident graphic design mod made it the new banner on the spot, great times... Woof, how the years go by. I didn't use this place a lot between 2014 and 2019 but I did come back a tiny bit for the final season, and was happy I was on the BronyCon-themed banner once again for the final year. Since my early horse days I've delved into Pokémon and the greater furry side of stuff in terms of online groups and fandoms and have been going to more cons and being in more awesome friend groups, but horse stuff was where it all started for me, and this place was the most instrumental in that, I'll never forget what an awesome experience it all was, and I'm still willing to hang out here some time now that Gen 5 is a thing now, and go to a few more horse cons in the future. Speaking of Gen 5, anyone else find it neat that it started just short of this place's 10th birthday? Here's some cool forum-related stuff from over the years, first a screencap of the home page two days after the initial launch, the home page layout a bit after when I joined (~January 2013, the previous ones on Wayback Machine are borked), and a handful of banners (the rest are in my blog) that I've saved over the years, I always loved to see the new ones every week, and for preservation's sake, the home page on the beginning of Gen 5 just a couple weeks ago. (Banners) I'd ping all my old friends (if I can even remember them all), but I'd hate to bother anyone, so I'm just hoping they end up seeing this topic, haha. Happy to 10 awesome years you guys, and thanks to the mods and members for keeping this place afloat and kicking, and here's to 10 more, or however long pony thrives! And heck, would be nice to watch pony stuff with my old friends again like old times, it and this place will always be crazy nostalgic to me. Last little bit, I found something from back then that's funny and extremely, eerily relevant to right now.
  6. I was hoping there was gonna be a topic or something, but seeing as there's not (at least there wasn't at the time I started writing) I can't help but dust off my old blog that's had MORE than a half-decade's worth of dust built up, and commemorate the big day since this place means a lot to me. How funny is it that, the entire generation of MLP this place was dedicated to transitions to the new one, just a few days before this place turned 10, huh. I became an avid fan of colorful horses the very day I watched the first two episodes, on April 5, 2012, and very rapidly I scavenged the internet for places to get more pony, for art, memes, news, etc, and most of those kept me going through the few years I was big into horses. As memory serves, having liked the idea of forums and using one a lot at the time, I looked up something akin to "mlp forum" on Google to see if there is one. Lo and behold, this one showed up, and was quite hefty in content even at the time. The interface was very clean and inviting, and already I was thinking of posts I wanted to make in different categories. Some days later, on the 24th, I finally joined this place, not very long after it was made relative to now. This was the site layout (the screencap is of January 2013 but it was still really similar; the previous versions of the site around then are broken on the Wayback Machine)... ...and this was the banner at the time. (I'll post the other ones I've collected over the years at the foot of this post.) And gosh, was I ever active here, my "active" time was from April 2012, to late '13, early '14 I guess, the earlier years mostly on my iPad that I was pretty obsessed with at the time haha. I can't see how many topics or replies I made but, I have at least 100 pages of worth on it according to my profile, so that's wacky! I've retained a lot of good early memories here, such as requesting a signature of my 3 favorite bg ponies (Berry, Lyra, Colgate), having a "Ask Lyra" thread, participating in the weekly movie nights on Equestria TV and being a part of the Poniverse crew at the first BronyCon I went to, roleplaying a little, having fun with nicknames, making my first ponysona (and first animal persona thing period), making blogs, enjoying the funny unique emotes, discussing all things horse (about the show, EQG etc. and other stuff), and most importantly making lots of friends, getting to know em a lot better on Skype (and was introducing to messaging stuff in general from the process), and getting to meet a lot of said friends in person at BronyCon in 2013, which was my first convention ever, and to a smaller extent going to see EQG2 in the theater with a particularly cool one, haha. I could fill a small a novel with all the ways pony has made my life so much better, all the things I've done, all the friends I made, and all the things it introduced me to (learning about my sexuality, going to conventions and travelling to see friends, vectoring and lots of things about graphic design, learning about fandom stuff in general, etc.), and all the things I loved from the show itself, but an entire chapter or two would definitely be dedicated to this place, probably the biggest in terms of any websites (among them the likes of EQD, tumblr, the pony Memebase site, etc.). I fell out of following pony stuff around 2015-2019, but I made sure to come back for the last season, and this place was one of many things that helped bookend my first and last experiences as a fan of the series for me, and even beyond a little. I hope all the wonderful peeps I interacted with back then are doing well now, and maybe come back to post some reminiscing stuff as well. And I hope this place continues to thrive as long as pony does! Happy big 10, MLPF!!! ----------------- Now, here's a collection of all the MLPF banners I've saved over the years (cause I always liked 'em), including the BronyCon 2013 one where M.A. Larson photobombed our group without us knowing until the picture was taken! I still remember our graphic designer mod changing the banner to that right on the spot, I'll never forget that moment. There's many more you could find by going to a random iteration of the site on the Wayback Machine as well, the site layout may be broken but the banners are still there. One very last thing I'll leave y'all off with, before I start getting nostalgic and diving back in to my whole post history and wanting to post a bunch more of that in here, is this little thing from 2012 that's scarily, extremely relevant right now.
  7. I mean, I was born in '96, my 10th birthday was in 2006, and I turned 25 this year, that's how that works I think Now that it turned 10, it's currently in its 11th year, and will turn 11 next October 3, etc
  8. Wait, I'm pretty sure it turns 10, since it started in 2011.
  9. Well, happy decade to this awesome place that was super instrumental to my early pony days in 2012. Made lotsa friends here and it only got better from there. :mlp_smile:

  10. So like, this place turns 10 in a couple days, there gonna be any kind of post or event thing? :kirin:

  11. Well, 11 years later, here we are, finally with the first batch of next era of horse content to enjoy and comment on. And so begins a new several years of countless art, music, cons, memories, and most of all, adorable colorful horses. And I did say for months that I was remotely interested in the new generation of pone, since G4 had been such a big part of my life and done and led to so many wonderful things for me, and watching the old episodes I started off with will always bring back warm fuzzy memories, and despite not following the show much between season 4-8 I still and will always love the show and the general stuff that comes from it, like the fanart and cons, the latter I'll still go to one day, and just knowing it'll be touching countless amounts of people and inspiring tons of more new minds for years to come as it did me, and all the friends I had on here. (Also, it was neat seeing some friends and horsefamous peeps move on to bigger or other things, but I do wonder how many of them will come back for this!) In short, I think what turned me off from being interested if anything was the 3D characters...I couldn't get into the idea of the whole era of horse being defined by 3D stuff, it just didn't sit well with me and reminded me of, idunno, generic CG cartoon horse stuff I've seen. But silly me, here I am, 2 years after G4 ended, once more writing up on a Saturday morning how I feel about the latest horse stuff like I used to. And that's cause, well, the charm that won me over back then, was very prevalent here, enough for me to forget about how odd I thought the 3D stuff looked...mostly! Enough for me to say, yep, I'm definitely on board once again. These new pastel equines are filling my idle thoughts much like the previous ones did when I started watching. I don't intend to be AS active as I once did, probably. But definitely tuning into whatever the next ep/movie/whatever will be for the time being. Especially if the show or whatever the main stuff'll be will be in 2D. Anywho, the movie itself... Wow, the budget is obvious, this gen got off to a great start in terms of visuals. One of the things that made the 3D characters more tolerable for me is how well they were animated. Everything was so smooth, I was blown away by how well everything was animated like the show of yesteryear. Like I said, I still hope the show is 2D, but it was still all beautiful here. The pacing felt a bit odd in places, though I doubt that was a result of it introducing the characters and having one big adventure with them in one movie. Like everything else that I didn't find amazing in it, it wasn't bad enough to ruin my enjoyment though. Some of the lines and line deliveries and even some song lyrics kinda missed that punch that was in most of gen 4. I don't know, there were a bit more deliveries and lines that felt awkward and not really funny than I can count on my fingers, but it was mostly alright. The music and lyrics that we good were VERY good though. The best songs far and away were Izzy's song and the first half of Scout's song, they're both super catchy. And some of the lines and gags were legit hilarious. The plot? For the most part it was a nice fun way to start the new gen, and honestly if you don't take it as seriously as FiM, it's great, and I think I was able to quickly adjust, especially- And yeah, I felt it had a lot of high points and was a pretty satisfying ending. I do look forward to how all the stuff at the end will translate or hint at what's to come, whenever we even hear about the show. And finally, of course, the ponies were cute. Sans the 3D template they all had which definitely still looks weird at some angles, are still adorable and charming as heck most of the time thanks to their designs and voices. Izzy won me over even when I wasn't planning to see this movie before, her silliness and sometimes obliviousness are adorable and remind me of my inner self a bit. Sunny and Pipp are a definite second. It'll be interesting having a boy as part of the main cast from now on, I'm totally for that. I don't doubt these characters willl win over tons and tons of people for years to come, I'm already looking forward to all the art, especially at cons. And like I've said, this whole package despite some flaws, has lots of funny stuff, emotional moments, great music, just a well balanced horse movie that's packed with the charm of G4. Here's to another some years of heartwarming life morals that even we can learn from again sometimes. (And hopefully we get an announcement for the show soon!!) My final word, I think the amount of G4 was comforting, and a great way to bookend the old and start the new. How fitting, most of all, that G5 is beginning just a week short of this forums' 10th birthday, too. Oh, and Izzy is best pony.
  12. Well dang, guess it's back to horse business! Been quite a while since I've said something like this, but... *ahem* Izzy is best pony.

  13. Well dang, gen 5 starts today, I suppose? Crazy to think about all that's happened in the last 11 years, and this place turns 10 next week. Hope this new gen spawns countless art, memories, cons, friends, all that stuff for y'all. I'll definitely be semi active and checking out stuff on the show and fandom now and then. :P

  14. Well how 'bout that, that ol' horse show started 10 years ago today. 10 frickin' awesome years later and arguably about a billion or so people have fallen in love with it, me included. I'll never regret it being such a big part of my life, and all the countless memories and friends I've made through it.

  15. Was crying and shaking after it ended. Perfect ending to what started this journey for hundreds and thousands of us. I love it so much.

    1. Monsoon


      I'm going to miss the show.

  16. Today's the day. The memories and impact of the fandom will last forever, but to see the main source material this whole craze was sparked from finally end its run is extremely bittersweet. I'm sad but excited.

  17. Besides the premiere for this final season, I don't remember the last time I made a post in an episode thread. Though fitting, since this was the last episode ever before the finale, and the last morning premiere. Other than the episode itself, which I did enjoy a good bit, I can't stop thinking about this. The instant I saw this after the premiere (it was a background event that I missed so I had to first catch it when people were posting about it after), I about damn near cried. Way back in the beginning of my time obsessed with this show in 2012, Lyra- as well as Minuette and Berry Punch- were my favorite BG horses. Even had all 3 of them on a signature early on. 7 years later, after many years of being into pony, then out of pony, then sorta into pony again, this happens. Not only is a secondary proposal going on alongside the first one, one of the fandom's biggest ships from over the years was made canon, not to mention a gay couple is confirmed for the show (makes sense to including in a show like this, and it's perfectly subtle)! Quite a lot to take from this little scene, and for a little background event (that foreshadowed the ending of the episode, at that), it surely is huge. What an awesome thing to pull towards the end of the final regular episode of the show, all of the stuff I just mentioned really show how far the show has gotten over the decade. Background events are usually unimportant, and casual stuff going on amidst crazy stuff like the apple invasion are usually played for laughs, but this was both important and sweetly heartwarming, and really satisfying to see at the end of this show's incredible run. After all this time, one of the ponies that stole my heart when I was first watching the show back in 2012 ends up getting canonically, genuinely married. I never would have believed it if you told me that back then, but I wouldn't have believed a good number of incredible things that has happened in the show and fandom since then. This moment in particular fills my 2012 self with joy and tears, and I'll never stop being giddy that it's real. They're really pulling out all the stops towards the end in this and many other ways. The big journey ends this week, I can't believe it. But I'm going to enjoy every single last bit of it.
  18. Tonight's the final night to sleep early for a morning FiM episode... Feels unreal. This is the first time post BronyCon that it's really starting to hit me hard.

  19. Short guy on the front row loaded with badges and buttons and the green scarf and cap over here. Dang, is this ever a pleasantly unexpected allusion to the impromptu banner this place had during BC 2013; the MLP Forum peeps were taking a photo like this one, and just a few minutes after taking it did we realize M.A. Larson photobombed it, which inspired the sudden banner change! Good damn times. Much like the con itself, this picture, and the fact that it's being used as the banner, is a very satisfying bookend to many of our experiences dabbling in ponies. What a near perfect weekend it was.
  20. Ayyyy! Nice to see myself on the banner like old times. :squee:

  21. Oh, is it too late to still get one, even if we were there? ^^; EDIT: Somehow didn't notice until I literally made this post, whoops!
  22. This image made me tear up for like the 10th time that I have this weekend, very moving. Any chance you remember the name of the artist for that drawing? I'd love a print like that.
  23. Enjoying myself at BronyCon ^^ Gonna try to get an autograph from Lauren Faust.

  24. Nas

    Who is going?

    I'm happy to say that I'm going to be at my first BronyCon since 2015, for multiple reasons. My first BronyCon in 2013, and the show itself, have kickstarted my foray into online communities like nothing else had done before or ever since, acquiring numerous priceless things like friends and memories, delving into things like art and conventions that helped me feel more comfy and established in the communities I thrive in and enjoy now. My first BronyCon was my first convention ever, and my first of many times of seeing my online friends in person. It was last second, rough, and brief, but the feeling of seeing my online friends and interacting with them in the flesh changed my life, and that first time taught me a lot about how to improve my subsequent trips to conventions. I owe way too much of my friends and memorable moments these past seven years to the show, and I'd personally have been upset if I didn't go to the final one of these events, to personally make that final big memory during the show's run, other than the finale itself. This last time I will not be going with as many friends as in the past, but I do plan to make this trip one of reminiscence, to remember all the great times I had in the three Bronycons I'd gone to in the past, and to try to rekindle the indescribable joy I was introduced to with my first BronyCon. I don't know how many of my old friends are going, or people that I've known in this fandom but never saw at a con, but I'd love to see each and every one of them and make the most out of this final big meeting, and I wish everyone that strives to keep going to others around the country/world and keep making memories can do so with ease.
  25. Apologies but, the profile picture you're using is a commission I bought from an artist a couple years ago, could you please switch it to something else? ^^ https://twitter.com/fiddleafox/status/1006339936277159938

    1. CheeryFox


      Yea...sure! Btw- love it! 

    2. Nas


      Thank you, and thank you ^^

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