15 - 28 Pranks Later - 95% Pinkie Pie Episode
16 - The Times Are a Changeling - Confirmed Spike Episode, looking at the synopsis maybe?
17 - Dungeons and Discords - Stars Big Mac, Spike, and Discord, according to synopsis
18 - Buck Ball Season - Some type of sport, I presume? "ball", it could be some type of sport
19 - The Fault in Our Cutie Marks - Maybe CMC episode? Not sure about this one...
20 - Viva Las Pegasus - Cutie Map Episode probably.
21 - Every Little Thing She Does - Rarity?
22 - Pony POV - No idea.
23 - Where the Apple Lies - Something to do with apples. Applejack, most likely
24 - Top Bolt - Rainbow Dash, obviously.