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Posts posted by Smitty1038

  1. I think Season 4 is part of the reason Pinkie Pie is my least favorite member of the Mane Six. It feels like she's been stripped of her charm and Flanderized from Season 4 onwards.



    If it hadn't been for The Cutie Re-Mark, Season 5 would've surpassed Season 2 as my favorite season of FiM. As it stands, Season 5 is a close second.



    I miss Season 2. While I started watching FiM all the way back in 2011, Season 2 was the season that really got me into MLP.

    I thought Pinkie Pie was written very well in seasons 4 and 5, despite her behavior in "Filli Vanilli." Up until her character growth in those seasons, I hated her becaise I found her annoying as hell. But now that she's matured, I'm starting to like her more.



    Yeah, Season 6 has been good overall, but it hasn't really "wowed" me yet. Season 6 reminds me of a cheeseburger: it's tasty and filling, but it won't knock your socks off, either.

    Funny enough, this is how I felt about seasons 1-3. The show didn't get really good until season 4.


    I find myself asking that question a lot in relation to Starlight Glimmer. It's a shame, too: if the writers had improved her backstory and handled her redemption better, I think Starlight Glimmer wouldn't be as polarizing of a character as she is.

    For the record, I really love Starlight Glimmer. Regarding her absence this season, it's because the staff can't get her voice actress, Kelly Sheridan, as a regular cast member; they can only get her to record her lines every few episodes. While her backstory was crap and her redemption rushed, I still didn't mind it because I was interested in seeing where the writers were going with this. But I was to be disappointed, as the writers have done nothing with neither Twilight or Starlight's character. But, again, that could be chalked up to Kelly Sheridan not being available to record her lines.
    • Brohoof 1
  2. Honestly, the issue is that the season as a whole feels very Fillerish and phoned in. Its not Season 3 bad, but its really trailing on the end of the seasons IMO-- I'd rank it as the second worst season next to S3 (S4->S2->S1->S5->S6->S3). With a large amount of the crew having left, and the ones we have left seeming to be missing that spark (Haber honestly seems like he doesn't care at all and views it as just a job instead of having a passion for the world) that it used to have with people like larson or Renzetti or Faust.

    So, wait a minute. The impression I'm getting here is that if a season is mainly just slice of life and doesn't have a heavy focus on action/adventure, then most of the episodes can be regarded as filler? If that's the logic you're going on, then I guess seasons 1 and 2 were "fillerish." I consider these two to be the worst seasons of the show (with season two beating out season one by one episode) because the writers played it very safe. They didn't take risks or develop the characters. They were much more interested in world building, which worked fine for the pilot (though, the pilot itself was so heavy in exposition dumping that it made it hard to enjoy it), but not for a whole season. And when they did try developing the characters to maybe let them grow and mature, this ended in failure. (Do I even need to bring up Applejack's letter to Celestia in "The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000?" She may have well not even bothered!) This is why I love seasons four and five, because it felt like the writers were taking risks and actually developing the characters for a change instead of having them meandering around. Seasons one and two were nothing but filler throughout the whole season. Seasons four and five weren't, and season six has had some really great episodes as well, such as "Stranger Than Fanfiction" and "The Saddle Row Review." With seasons one and two, it delt like nothing was getting accomplished and the characters weren't growing or developing. I thought Renzetti was a terrible story editor (Larson was great, though) and Haber wrote a finale that was actually enjoyable and didn't suck for a change, and the same can be said for the season six premiere too. (I just hope he can pull off another great finale this season like he did with season five.) I don't mind filler as long as it's entertaining. Most of the filler in seasons one and two were just boring as hell. (For example, "Look Before You Sleep", "A Bird in the Hoof", "The Show Stoppers", "Baby Cakes", "Family Appreciation Day", among others.) You could skip them and literally wouldn't be missing anything. For the record, I rank the seasons, from best to worst, as follows:

    Season 5

    Season 4

    Season 3

    Season 1

    Season 2

    • Brohoof 1
  3. Still not fully convinced that's not just jim being coy.


    I'm still bracing myself for her to "graduate" in the finale into a full on EOH and mane seventh.

    That was the staff's response to a question of why she doesn't have a throne yet.

    I know, which is why I find this tweet so confusing. If they're just planning on sending her back to the village like someone else said, then I say, "Why bother?" 

  4. I went on vacation during the first week of July. I took my computer with me in hopes that a change of scenery would help cure my writer's block. The hotel that me and my family were staying at had WI-FI, but it was shoddy; sometimes it would work and other times it wouldn't. I took a book with me to read as well when we were on the road. It turns out that it worked; within a couple of days of being away from home, I was soon writing up a storm. When I wasn't busy writing or reading, I was busy proofreading a story for a friend. Other times I would log onto FIMFiction to either talk to friends or post a couple of blogs.


    I returned home on the 8th. Unfortunately, returning home meant no Internet access. I can only gain access to the Internet through my phone. I have to rely on WI-FI for Internet access via my computer whenever I can get it. I went on the Internet via my phone on occasion to talk to friends or to check my email. Sadly, I was unable to pay my phone bill for the month, which meant absolutely no Internet access. I can gain access to the Internet at the place where my younger sister does her cheerleading, but when I tried logging into FIMFiction, I found that I had been banned for "numerous plagiarized stories."


    I was confused by this, as I don't recall posting any stories to my profile since May. I checked my profile to find that somebody had hacked into my account and uploaded some stories from a guy whose work I am familiar with thanks to a friend of mine. I know someone hacked into my account because the hacker admitted it on their profile page on fanfiction.net.




    Needless to say, I am beyond outraged at this, as I don't recall doing anything wrong to this person to warrant this kind of behavior. She just doesn't like me, plain and simple.


    I am pissed that this happened because there were stories on my account that were left unfinished, and I would love to have the opportunity to finish them for my followers. If allowed to go back onto the site, I would be more than happy to take down the stories and issue an apology. I sincerely hope that I will be allowed to go back to the site and finish my stories and we can put all of this ugliness behind us and act as if it never happened. If there's anything anyone can do to help, please don't hesitate to let me know.

  5. And I stand by what I said about "28 Pranks Later." I thought it wasn't very good and the tone was too mean-spirited. As I've been researching some of the earlier episodes this season, I realize that they're not as bad as I originally thought. They're starting to grow on me.

    I have more specific gripes, but that's the gist of how I felt. Both aren't terrible, and have their high points, but both left me dissatisfied.

    Fair point. This is how I felt about seasons 1-3.


    She's Twilight's little pet project, and we'll just need to see how she turns out. Clearly still has a lot to learn.

    But if she's supposed to be Twilight's student, why has she been so absent this season? Are they going to pull another stunt like they did in season 4?

  6. Character stagnation, spotty quality, a seeming reluctance to take any sort of risks outside of very few instances, a tendency bite off more than they can chew when they do take risks.

    Season 4 especially I found took almost no risks whatsoever. I felt like I learned nothing new about the characters, even if there's the occasional new quirk or sideways development. It has its charms and several great morals, but after a while it starts to feel really stale, especially when there's more weak episodes than ever (IMO).

    Season 5, meanwhile, was an ambitious disaster, where entirely satisfying episodes amounted for less than half the season, but where stuff at least changed even if the characters still rarely grew. Didn't make it any less aggravating to be so often left dissatisfied.

    Sorry, but I don't see it in seasons 4 and 5. Now seasons 1-3? I see these problems all over the place!

    Starlight Glimmer won't receive her own throne, because she's not an addition to the Mane Six.



    Hmm, weird,, so why do I keep hearing that Starlight will have to "earn her throne" in Twilight's castle?

  7. ...did we not watch the same seasons 4 and 5? I might be satisfied with the show merely being good most of the time, as opposed to the frequently awful previous two seasons,

    Personally, I think that seasons 4 and 5 were the only seasons of this show that were actually GOOD. Seasons 1-3 were the ones, at least in my opinion, that were awful.

  8. I wouldn't say the show has jumped the shark. I admit, this season hasn't been as good as season's five was, but I haven't encountered an episode I outright hated. (My dislike for "No Second Prances" has gone down some.) But I feel like season 6 is just lije any other season of the show; you're going to have good episodes and you're going to have episodes that are just meh. Not bad or good, mind you, just episodes that don't leave much of an impression on you, which is exactly how I would describe this season. Who knows? Maybe the more I watch these episodes the more they'll grow on me. Or at least I hope so.


    Really, I think the problem here isn't that the show has "jumped the shark", but rather that people put seasons one and two on a pedestal. They act as if Lauren Faust was a master of characterization and storytelling akin to Walt Disney, Edgar Allan Poe, etc, and they judge every subsequent season after Faust's departure as whether or not they're as good as the first two seasons and if they're not, then they automatically suck because they weren't made with Faust's direction, which is really unfair to the new writers of the show. The new writers aren't terrible. They're okay, but not as good as the series' original writers.

    • Brohoof 1
  9. I have mixed feelings about this, while I'm not exactly wanting a huge on-going storyline I was hoping there would be a theme to this season. So far this season seems to be about introducing tons of new characters and forgetting ones they created. I do find the slice of life episodes here better than the first season as the mane six act more mature. Judging from the upcoming episode list, it seems we are only getting three CMC episodes this season. Which is disappointing since they have the storyline of helping others get their cutie marks or learn what they mean.

    Honestly, they haven't introduced that many new characters, nowhere as many as last season. They introduced a TON of new characters in season five, but the only new characters they've introduced this season thus far are Fluttershy's parents, Zephyr Breeze, and Quibble Pants. And forgetting about the old characters? What about Starlight Glimmer? She's been so absent from this season that I often forget that she joined the cast. Why did they add her if they were only going to use her for a couple of episodes?


    And I'm looking forward to the new CMC episodes. I think this season marks the most epizodes they've had in one given season. I know "The Fault in Our Cutie Marks" is one of them, but what are the other two?


    The writing quality won't improve if we care about it. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad, and complaining won't do anything. I'm annoyed by people who keep demanding that the show improves it every time there's a bad/mediocre episode, so I sometimes get frustrated and make dumb comments like the one you originally replied to.

    Why do I get so frustrated? Because I've seen people HARASS the writers on social media because they didn't like an episode. Some people care too much about the writing and I think they should calm down.

    Apologies for my dickish strawman comment, I'll remove it.

    I could be wrong, but this is probably why Rogers left the show. People actually sent her death threats over "Filli Vanilli" solely because of Pinkie's behavior. No joke.


    Every week this season, across the whole community of fans, there's usually somebody who foresees the show's imminent downfall just because they disliked the most recent episode. We all need to calm down. There are still eleven episodes left.

    For me, this season has really sucked. All of the episodes this season have been mediocre. None of them have left a lasting impression on me like the episodes of the first five seasons did. And the fact that the writers act as if Starlight doesn't exist (seriously, she's been so absent from this season that I ofentimes forget that she joined the cast) certainly hasn't helped this season's case. It could just be me, but I think this is a sign that the show needs to end. I'm not looking forward to the seventh season.
  10. Opinion 3:

    "I want consistent, high-quality and profound writing from a children's show that is running out of ideas, keeps bringing in new writers and is mostly focused on light-hearted comedy instead of in-depth characterization or complex, unpredictable plots. This episode doesn't have the things I want, so I don't like it."

    I'm in the opinion 1 category, but I have a problem with this opinion. Seasons four and five proved that the new writers could work well for this show if they put forth actual effort. Furthermore, with all of the stuff that shows like Gravity Falls and Avatar: The Last Airbender got away with, I am beyond disappointed that the staff at DHX didn't go all-out here. (Hell, even Gravity Falls had a zombie episode that was much better than this.) They didn't necessarily have to make this a rehash of "Mare Do Well." Like a lot of episodes this season, they could've easily written Starlight into this episode. Have her trying out some new spells, only to accidentally do a spell that brings back the dead, and they could've done a parody of The Walking Dead. Easily the best part of this episode was getting to see Sweetie Belle stuffing her face with cake. Finally, we know these writers are better than this, so we should expect them to do better than this. And I don't know about anyone else, but the "consistent, high-quality and profound writing" and the "in-depth characterization" and "complex, unpredictable plots" is exactly what drew me into this series in the first place, and I'd love it if the show returned to its former glory. Sadly, it's episodes like this that leave me wishing that the series would just up and die already. Season seven? At this point, I'm dreading it. And as for the movie? I just hope it closes the book on G4.
    • Brohoof 1
  11. rainbow Rocks- Sunset tried to send a letter to Sunbury through the book. It was "addressed" and meant for Sunbury, but Twilight got it, didn't tell or inform Sunbutt, just made the decision to act on her own without her mentor even knowing (again, after Sunbutt had already expressed wanting Sunset back and showing concern for her)

    Iduno, I would think reading and withholding a royal princess's mail would be a federal offense....

    Master of chaos and dimensions should call her on it, like he did with her jealousy.

    I haven't seen the film in a while, but I'm pretty sure that Sunset addressed the message to Twilight, not Celestia.

    • Brohoof 1
  12. When did Twilight hide Sunset's letters from Celestia? I don't remember that.


    This seems highly likely especially since Twilight's parents left her at Celestia'school and most likely didn't have much contact which led to Celestia becoming more of a parent to Twilight than her real parents.

    Not really. They were there for her entrance exam, Shining's wedding, and her coronation.

  13. Sometimes artists do an exaggeration on things in their art to place emphasis.  You're right though, Flurry Heart does have abnormally large wings and a horn, especially for a baby.

    Which leaves me thinking: how the hell is Cadence still alive after pushing that thing out of her uterus? It's gotta be a train wreck down there. No wonder Cadence looks so exhausted.

    • Brohoof 2
  14. I really liked it. I liked seeing Diamond Tiara and Sweetie Belle talking in the background. I found Snips and Snails funny in this, and I found the fact that Scootaloo's cart is a giant chicken funny. (Or was that a phoenix?) You'll notice that Randolph is Diamond Tiara's partner. The only thing I didn't like was the fact that Sweetie Belle's parents aren't shown. I mean, from a storytelling standpoint, I can understand why they went with Rarity since she and Sweetie Belle are extremely close. But it's like the writers act as if their parents don't exist at this point, much like Scootaloo and Apple Bloom's parents. This would've been a great opportunity to get some more insight into Hondo Flanks and Cookie Crumbles. We've seen them in the background a couple of times, but we haven't heard them speak a line since "Sisterhooves Social." I'm really dying for a Rarity/Sweetie Belle episode with their parents.


    I think that Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon coukd'ce been used more here. Not sure how, but maybe Tiara coukd'ce had a relapse and the CMC have to talk her out of it. Or maybe Tiara and Spoon get into an accident and the CMC help them.


    The other thing I didn't like was the design of the course. That design choice is just an accident waiting to happen. (And it did!) Instead of having the course zig-zag like crazy, why not have the course go around and throughout Ponyville? That would've been a great opportunity to see more of the town and its landmarks.


    I did like how the CMC wanted to do different things, so the writers didn't make it too predictable in that regard. I also liked seeing Rainbow Dash cheering Scoots on at the end, which leads to a funny moment. And Sweetie Belle has gotten quite proficient with her magic lately, though I imagine since levitation is one of the basic spells a unicorn can learn, it's probably not that hard to pull off. However, it does sadden me also, as it makes mw realize that these fillies are growing up, which I don't like.


    Also, another thing, is it just me or did the melody for "Giddyup Derby Racers" sound familiar? I could be mistaken, but it sounded exactly like the music used for a PBS Kids Go promo.

  15. Well, Disney/Pixar definitely make good movies from what I saw, so it makes sense that people give them praise. 


    Now with the MLP movie, of course they can't make everyone happy, and there's no telling if the movie is gonna receive proper negative reviews from critics, sites, etc instead of just haters. But I personally believe that the movie is gonna do well.

    I just can't wait to see it.


    There are enough kids who watch the show that the movie probably won't do poorly. I'm willing to bet that the majority of people who identify as "bronies" when the movie comes out will go and see it. Lastly, you will have the occasional adult who watched the G1 cartoons and bought the original toys, so some of them might see it for nostalgia's sake.


    Will it do as well as the modern Transformers films? I doubt it. But Hasbro has attracted some very successful voice actors/actresses to the film, which shows to me that they really want it to do well. This isn't some cop-out attempt at a movie solely to sell toys. Though the toy sales ultimately do decide the fate of the franchise, Hasbro has learned to entertain rather than simply advertise.


    As long as Hasbro really puts in effort, the brony community will at least respect the movie. This isn't just a spinoff like Equestria Girls. This is the real deal.

    That's true. However, who's involved with the film is all we know right now. We still have no idea what the story is going to be. It's cool that they're getting big-name actors into it, but for me, the big deciding factor in whether or not a film is good is the story and characters.


    According to the status of this fanbase, i will say that Hasbro/THX should be careful with ANY decision, ANY direction they want with the show. Every "mishap" will be cause an uproar in the fandom.

    In other words, the Bronies who like to piss and moan about everything. Those who don't do that are just glad that effort is still being put into the show to make it as great as it is.

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