"Yes Twi?"
"I found this book outside the Everfree Forest... It seems to be Apple Bloom's diary."
"Mah sis kept a Diary? Does it say what happened to her?"
And with that bit of dark foretelling we dive head long into one of the scarcest MLP creepypastas I have ever had the pleaser of finding. The Trees Are Screaming.
So the story starts with apple bloom writing in her diary to see if she can get a diary writing cutie mark. Oh and this takes place pre cmc getting there marks. At first the entrys are fairly normal with apple bloom talking about what they have tried to do to get there marks but soon thinks start to stand out such as there dog acting odd and barking at the forest then it goes missing. Soon after apple bloom swears she sees movement out of the corner of her eyes. She convinces the other cmc members to go with her into the everfree forest to find her dog. That is where things go bad and fast. The next entry goes as followes and this is an exerpt from the story.
Oh, Celestia, help me, I got away, I’m the only one left, the others are dead, I’m hiding in a cave I found.
Sweet Celestia, the trees, the trees are alive, they’re alive!
We were just walking down the path, and I saw something move, so we went off the path to try and find it. It led us further and further away from the trail, and we came to a clearing in the woods, and then there was this screech, and a branch swooped down, and, and, and it impaled itself into Sweetie, and she was bleeding, and we tried to run but there were vines covered in thorns, and they wrapped around our legs, and the thorns dug into us, and the trees, I don’t know how to describe it, they didn’t walk, it was like they were sliding, and the clearing just kept getting smaller and smaller…I managed to pull my legs out from the vines, but the vines were around Scoots’ neck, and they were choking her, and, and I heard her bones being crushed, so I ran away, through a gap in the trees. They tried to get me, but they only managed to get my leg, it’s bleeding really bad, there’s a huge chunk of it missing…
No, no I can hear them, I can hear them coming! They’re coming! Celestia, Luna, anyone, please, please, HELP ME!
The trees are screaming!
So ummm ya this part is terifing to me it involves kids in a life or death situaction you know they don't survive so it's worse its just terafing. So why are the trees screaming why are they killing whats going on. Well I have a theroy but first lets talk to my mare in the field straight jaket.
Warlock I am not going in there. Theres dragons and mantacores sea serpents cockatrices timber wolfs and a freaky zebra who trayed to curse me before so no I am not doing this got that. And if you try I will shove your hat so far up your ass it will come out your eye socket.
Ok so we will not be investigating the ever free forest today.
So how could this story happen well because of dicored what if this is what happened if his evil vine things grew earlyer and waited to attack insead of attacking right off the bat like in the show. It has possibilitys and makes this a bit scaryer that maybe the episode could have gone difrent in other circumstances. But thats just my thoughts on it whats yourse did this storie freek you out or am I a wuss tell me in the coments and this is warlock boo saying be scaring you later.(boo laugh)