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Everything posted by FlutterDash99

  1. Coming back to this account is like a time capsule of what I was like 4 years ago. 

    1. EpicEnergy


      Welcome back! :grin:

  2. Hello there! IGN:Perish_Song I would like to transfer my house @ 3526 71 1084 to 3515 78 1110 Red Wool 1 - 3526 71 1084 Red Wool 2 - 3552 86 1059 Please
  3. I'm not the only one scared of what will happen once it passes. I made this quick video, I know its made in Movie Maker but I didn't have the time, it gets the point across very quickly.
  4. In 2 days its the last day of school, I'm going to be graduating from middle school to high school. I've been at this new school for a year now, and this had to be one of my best years yet, ending off with an emotional and fun year, bringing my grades us. I have A's B's and C's right now, and I truly think I spent this school year well. I am happy that I went to this school, and so far, 2017 has been a great year, 2016 sucked majorly. And I thinks its a Sweet Victory.
  5. Just say your bisexual, if you're attracted to both, we don't need these special names. All we need is Gay, Bi, and Straight those are the only sexuality I think that we need.
  6. To tell you the truth, I think I am Gay, but I'm not 100% sure, there are times where I think I am Bisexual, but I want to make a final decision, am I Gay or am I Bisexual? I know sure as hell that I am not straight.
  7. Yeah, still waiting for mlp season 7, we all are aren't we? Now I have changed so much, I have became a School News Video editor, I got elected at school as the class clown/comedian, and I had made it in first place, I have changed so much that my old self doesn't even exist anymore, my old shy cringey self like all of my previous posts since late July, I went from being quiet/shy and I became my own person I have my own official place in the year book, 2017 (so far) is looking great for me, yeah maybe a few bad days here and there yeah that happens. But mostly good days, I've been getting good grades for once, and its my last year of middle school, and I think its well spent so far, I won heat ribbons in swim meets, pushed things to the limit. I went from being a complete Fluttershy to a Rainbow Dash (Minus the cockiness and show boating, trust me on that) I've been known through out this new school I am at this year, WORTH IT! But before I start celebrating to early I better wait till the end of the year, this is not my final post. I am officially my own person.
  8. Nope! You're not the only one, music is my drug. And guess what? I'm listening to music. But hey, you wanna know how you mess with people? Say this: I'm sorry I have a confession. Other person: To what? You: Drugs Other Person: ? You: *fake sobs* I'm addicted to music. I'm sorry it just had to some out, its a horrible addiction I can't stop picking up my styx everyday.
  9. Music is like a drug, I am addicted to it badly. I have records with music, cassettes, CD's, an mp3 player with music, All of my computers have music on them and I have at least 15 GB of music. Remember fillies and colts, don't do drugs. Vinyl Scratch and Octavia are my dealers, and I take in 2 albums worth of Bastille and Boney M. (and more) a day. Sometimes just single songs and I get addicted. *Whispers* Hey any good songs for me to listen to? I have one for you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aiSdTQ9DW9g
  10. How did all of the countries around the world come up with their own flag? Like, USA, Australia, UK, Denmark how did they all come up with their own flag designs and so many other countries. I'm making my own custom flag with a large cloth its, Blue > Freedom White > Purity/Peace Yellow > Justice And it's setup like the French flag, 3 colors going to the right.
  11. Totally did not sound like Trump, besides, I live in the USA anyways. So make Christmas great again!
  12. Well after a long time, I'm back. And I have a lot to say too, I became the official video editor of the school news, and I became the official film director for concerts at school. And I won being the official Chief/President (if you wanna say that) of the School News. Now it might be put in my records and I might have my own place in this schools history. But! Enough of that, tomorrow, Christmas Day I have a 50/50 shot at this tomorrow, it might be GREAT, or it might be a complete disaster. In this house, it's like a pattern for me: Birthday (this year) - Pretty good, actually Thanksgiving (This year) SUCKED Christmas (This year) I don't know what it will be like.... I don't know what to say tomorrow.... While I'm at it, enjoy this Danish Christmas song: P.S. MERRY CHRISTMAS not Happy Holidays, I don't care if anyone is offended because I said CHRISTmas, you can complain all you want.
  13. I'm in 8th grade at the moment right now, but I'll answer anyways. I would like to attend CHS, would meet a lot of great students there. And and there would always be something interesting that went on at school.
  14. They have a thing called Musky Minute for our school (I live in Wisconsin, so expect a lot of lakes) And, they have 1 to how many kids they choose, for their musky minute video and they just record with their phone and upload it to YouTube and show it to 5-8th grade, raw, unedited footage. And you want to know how they found ME to do it? Well I have been sending videos to my teacher, and well edited videos, and it just turned out that he has been sharing this to other teachers and assistants and now I'm becoming more and more known around the school (in a good way) and its like going from Fluttershy to Rainbow Dash, and I was sent 2 videos to edit just today, and now I can finally show off my talent, and speaking of talent, earlier that morning right before Gym class for 8th grade, they had Musky Minute (or meeting) and while the younger kids from 2nd grade and under were slowly leaving they were playing music in the background, they were playing Bee Gees Stayin' Alive, and then I realized (hurry, now's my chance) and because of that song, and still a decent crowd of assistants, teachers, and younger students, it was my time to be known I started doing dance moves from the 70s and 80s, 70s Disco, 80s Moves, like the Safety Dance, a couple of Micheal Jackson moves, I even tried doing the moonwalk which my shoes were slippery enough, so.. I started to attempt it, and manage to do a lap around the gym while the kids were leaving, and guess who was standing there? The Principal, the Gym teacher and his Wife, they weren't mad, they were doing what I least expected, cheering!! The boys were straight up cheering, the girls, I don't know actually.... this was my song to move to the rythm, you just gotta move to the rythm, nice and easy. You might as well mix, Vinyl Scratch and Rainbow Dash. I am so happy. I'm Stayin' Alive.
  15. Turns out I bought 2 songs in my sleep last night, sleep walking?? I listen to A LOT of music, I had a Windows Store card for 3$ that I had gotten from Microsoft rewards yesterday, turned off my computer at 1 am, yeah... I admit it, after getting that new desktop, I started playing more and more games on it. How did I find out? I went on Groove to check, and my Windows Store card was almost spent, it had 0.60 cents left on it, enough to buy 2 songs with it, I wonder what it would have been like if Vinyl Scratch bought records in her sleep or something. Turns out I got: Bastille - Pompeii Taco - In the mood I do like Taco though, like his song Singin' in the Rain or Puttin on the Ritz.
  16. For me, its so ridiculously fast! Beats my old one, which was my old gaming desktop it was also a Dell. Dell Dimension E520 Intel Pentium D Q965 2.80 GHz 6 GB of rm 1 TB HDD Windows 8.1 64-bit (Obviously) It shown its age, and it still lives on, but this desktop is the new gaming pc.
  17. And I will be speeding along with an Intel Core I7
  18. I just got a new Desktop, just yesterday, I didn't ask for it, I worked for it. Dell XPS 8700 Intel Core I7 3.60 GHz 16 GB of ram (That's huge for me) 1 TB HDD Windows 10 Home edition 64-bit (Obviously) Every game I run on it runs BUTTER SMOOTH, this Desktop doesn't wanna give up! It plows through EVERYTHING!
  19. They didn't check the mouse first, they thought it was the computer.........
  20. Nope, didn't end up in detention, didn't get in trouble at all no one snitched on me. (luckily)
  21. Yesterday at school it was 2:30 school was almost over, I was in the computer lab with another person in the same grade as me, he has his headphones on listening to music. Me? Well I was doing something completely different, I ripped up a piece of a sticky note, used the sticky part of it, and put it under the mouse on the desktop pc's in the room. Yeah I know its been done many times before, but I didn't do it to just a few desktops, NO, I did it to ALL of them in the room and the other person sitting with his chromebook? He didn't NOTICE A THING, he was sitting there just listening to music like nothing happened. HOW did you not notice me moving around in the room and doing all of that?!!!?! HOW?! Then..... I wait, time ticking by waiting for some victims to come in. And guess what? One of my other classmates came in they needed to print a document for Science? Me? just sitting there watching and smiling He goes over goes in front of one of them the usual logging into the computer until??? wHAT? WHY ISN'T THIS WORKING?? (I've been known by the teachers as the class joker/comedian and I haven't even been at this new school for not even a year!) He knows that I do a lot of the joking, I start laughing, he turns to me and said? "What did you do to this?!" I keep laughing.... He looks under the mouse, and said "You suck" (in a joking/playful way) And then 2 little girls come in, possibly 5th grade or so (I'm in 8th) Why aren't they working?? This goes on when more and more kids come in.... you can guess the rest....
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