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Everything posted by Light of Night
open [Still accepting new characters!]Strifes of Pandora
Light of Night replied to FancyHorse's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Ranger22,@@Randimaxis, As soon as they got running down the hall, not once did Dusk Rose look back. The doors revealing more and more monstrosities on either side of them was only more reason to keep running. She looked to the end of the hall, hoping they could get there in time to shut the door on them, but she heard gunshots behind them and tried to believe that they were dead thanks to Whitetip ('cause from what she had seen, it was hard to imagine their mutual acquaintance as a pure-gunslinger bringing in death at high noon). Even if she were wrong, there was still the door. It'd keep them out, wouldn't it? When they got near, Rose's submachine gun and electric pistol were at the ready. The moment they were out, she immediately turned around to telekinetically slam the door shut. Her guns faltered in the air for a bit, but it didn't take long at for her to reassert her magic over them. That, of course, was when she saw just what was in front of them, to the right, to the left, all around. Hearing Whitetip's exclamation, she couldn't agree more. Part of her began to suspect that the two of them had been lead into a trap and regret not being more assertive in taking a less direct approach, the former especially when she saw him utilize such destructive power. But when she suddenly felt bullets hit her shields, she bolted for the right, turning invisible. In a place that was more or less not getting littered with bullets, she saw the whiptails and the loader bots and immediately came up with a plan, fighting against her racing heart. Letting her submachine gun rest across herself once more, she stuck more to the wall, getting behind the loader bots and the whiptails. She eyed the tail of the whiptail that was closest to one of the loader bots and after several precious seconds of hesitation (caused partially by getting hit with a few stray bullets that her shield blocked), its tail became enveloped in golden magic and was wound around the loader bot, finishing in a very basic double knot. Wasting no more time, she drew out her electric pistol and shot the area where the knot was tied around the loader bot a few times in hopes of electrocuting them both. In hopes of at least deterring the other whiptails and the other loader bot, she shot a few more electric rounds at the loader bot and let loose some bullets from the submachine gun before she made a quick retreat. From her (partial) hiding place, still invisible, and still getting hit by stray bullets, Rose watched the enemies on the right and waited. -
ooc Strifes of Pandora [Light-Hearted, Survival]
Light of Night replied to FancyHorse's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
Yeah, we're still here. It's just my turn to post. -
ooc Strifes of Pandora [Light-Hearted, Survival]
Light of Night replied to FancyHorse's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
I am in favor of the decorated stallion. -
open [Still accepting new characters!]Strifes of Pandora
Light of Night replied to FancyHorse's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Ranger22,@@Randimaxis, Dusk Rose felt her ears stand up and turn towards the unexpected source of voiced gratitude. She wondered if there was something else beneath that "Thank you", but it sounded genuine to her. Taking his warning of the dangers to come, she sighed in partial amusement. She thought to herself that she wouldn't even be a few miles near this damned place, but she gets a nagging suspicion and is all a sudden willing to go through bullet hell just to satisfy her curiosity. Checking her guns one last time, she decided to switch her corrosive pistol with the one with the electric rounds and decided to put the submachine gun to use, though she cursed its weight without noticing the mark it had dug into her shoulder. Her knife, of course, stayed where it was. When the question of the Doctor's prior knowledge of their arrival came up, she threw in her two cents as she looked around the place. Her ears twitched, for she felt no need to hear what she thought was surprise and fear. "You were an important experiment. I don't think he would just deem you out of sight, out of mind." Rose gave Whitetip a look of "Be serious here" when he threw his two cents in, thought not entirely sure if he was serious or if one actually existed. Then she gritted her teeth and fought the urge to drop everything and cover her ears as that irritating voice came on the speakers. Experiment meat... There was no way she was going to let herself die or get captured in a place like this. As soon as she saw the Loader Bots, Rose immediately ducked, hesitating to rise even with the shield protecting them. It didn't take her long at all to figure that the weapons they had were extremely dangerous, so she bolted for the east door. Rose went so fast that her hooves slid a bit on the floor as she stopped at the door, almost slamming into the wall. She looked back at the shield, the bullet hell, and the others. -
Probably not as often as I should. It's long, thick, and straight, but I often braid my hair and it looks more wavy when I unravel it. On the rather rare occasion I get a haircut, it's only enough to get out split ends, trim my bangs, and put in layers.
open [Still accepting new characters!]Strifes of Pandora
Light of Night replied to FancyHorse's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Ranger22,@@Randimaxis, When the suffering mare exploded, Dusk Rose instinctively raised a hoof to shield herself from the debris. A few flying metal bits made some small cuts in her sleeves, but there was no damage to herself for her shield to ward off. When she lowered her hoof, she saw what remained of the mare and stared. It wasn't a mutilated stranger she saw. Rose saw instead an aging unicorn mare who was a lighter shade of purple with the same pale yellow eyes. Her last request echoed in her head, but it wasn't in the stranger's strangled voice. She heard her own response to it from a mere two months back. That was the last time she saw her, hopefully not the very last. She let out a sigh, shaking her head. Looking up, she briefly met Whitetip's gaze before quickly looking to the side. She was just about to say "Thanks" before a most grating voice came on the speakers. Her ears twitched in annoyance every few seconds as she listened, though annoyance wasn't all she felt. Looking around, Rose half-expected to be set upon on all directions by more cyborg monstrosities. She looked around for possible escape routes, putting away her guns and going through a mental list of her personal weaponry. It was foolish, coming down here with only a few recorded accounts, the occasional correspondence, and other things as clues. Walking around to get a better look at the place without wandering too far from the group, she flatly answered,"I have to know. And even if I wanted to leave, I have a feeling he wouldn't let me go so easily. If we want to survive, we end this." Turning away from them, she checked the ammo in her pistols while going over ways to counter the enemies they had seen thus far. -
Do bronies cry more often than "non bronies"?
Light of Night replied to leonbrony17's topic in Sugarcube Corner
I don't think it's anything unique to this fandom. MLP isn't the first show to have heartwarming and heartrending moments that provoke tears. It's also not the first to have a fandom who express what they're feeling. As for myself? I'm not exactly the emotive type. I'll get amazed, shocked, depressed, but not submerged in tears. -
general Anyone else dislike the terms 'America(n)'?
Light of Night replied to Kyoshi Frost Wolf's topic in General Discussion
Not terribly proud of America at this moment, but I kind of regard America like I regard an annoying friend of mine; I'm frustrated, but I can't help but love it. So if anyone asks, I'll say that I'm American. Besides, "Virginian" just doesn't sound right to me, even though it's more accurate and specific. -
open [Still accepting new characters!]Strifes of Pandora
Light of Night replied to FancyHorse's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Randimaxis, @@Ranger22, Dusk Rose couldn't help but grin for a bit. She was just about getting ready to aim for the same places again expecting that she had missed, but it looks like the past few weeks had paid off. Not to mention that it looked as though Whitetip had done away with the cyborgs. Aiming for the remaining spider drones, she once again eyed the heads and the legs. Then she realized too late that in fact, not ALL of the cyborgs were dead, and she momentarily froze. To her embarrassment, she was quickly reminded of the protective mist and her own shields, which actually really held up fine for the most part. She slowly rose, trying to push aside what would've happened if she wasn't a) given a powerful shield, b ) given armor, and c) covered in black mist. Focus and caution took back their place in the span of about a few seconds. She took the machine pistol and tried to line up a headshot on one of the cyborgs, then she became witness to their guide's power. With it came the feeling of dread that came to her when they first spotted that cyborg at the beginning. Only multiplying it by a hundred. Watching the flesh rapidly decompose after his move, she suddenly felt a bit vulnerable, not helped with the realization that her invisibility was going to run out in a few seconds. "Please... kill me..." The cyborg's plea rung more clearly in her head than the horrid shriek from seconds before. The tone sounded... so familiar. The moment she saw bullets fly, she dropped to the floor, trying to submerge herself as best she could. She didn't hear her pistols hit the ground as she brought them down with her, though her yellow magic still enveloped them. Rose quickly got up to fire at the cyborg, but then she stopped in time so as to not shoot Whitetip as he came to her protection. Her question of "What are you doing?" got drowned out by the bullet hell around them. As he stepped to the side, she gave him a concerned sideways glance as she waited, crouched in the dark mists, to see if the cyborg's last request was granted. The sense of obligation to help comply was strong, but her need to conserve her ammo was stronger. -
open [Still accepting new characters!]Strifes of Pandora
Light of Night replied to FancyHorse's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Ranger22,@@Randimaxis, As she followed, Dusk Rose cursed in her head for using her spell too early. The past few weeks had given her time to improve the spell's duration, but a timer was already ticking down. But more important than that, she had a bad feeling about the spider things' movements. Wherever they were going, they were likely called to it, like they're being given telepathic commands. At least, that's what she initially thought. She watched them do a weird sequence of taps and when they finished, it was at that point that she decided to levitate out the corrosive pistol, bringing it to her front and the machine pistol more to the side. Them being in a hallway, it was very easy for them to turn around see that black mist. Not only that, somepony or something (or a combo of the two) could come up behind them. As long as the spell was up, she knew she was mostly safe, but she wasn't keen on losing her help either. Then out came more abominations. She examined the newcomers intently, trying to pinpoint parts of them to best target if things took a turn for the violent. As she did so, she slowly backed away, hoping the group could get away in time. That hope then shriveled up and died as she felt herself caught by their glare. Fourteen glares, to be exact, follow by a sound that was surely going to inspire some... interesting art later. Tense and tight, the sounds of explosions and gunfire filled her ears. Alongside all of the fear and the composure that formed a restraining bolt, she was slightly amazed. Whitetip really wasn't showing off, carrying all those guns when they first met. Then again, was there ever any doubt, given the planet they're on? Then again, didn't one drunk mare show off to her one evening and then shoot her own hoof off? Regaining some calm from the darkly hilarious memory, she turned her attention to the spiders. She wondered for a second why their guide wasn't doing anything, but she quickly figured that it was because he wasn't much of a multi-tasker. So, she turned the machine pistol on the spiders and fired at their heads. They provided bigger targets and if they're anything like living beings, headshots would slow them significantly, she thought. Then, looking to conserve her corrosive ammo, she aimed the corrosive pistol at the upper parts of the legs on the closest ones and fired a few shots, hoping it would cripple them and make it harder for the others to get closer. Taking a few steps back, she focused intently on the enemies in front of them, feeling her heart race. She had to admit, this felt rather exciting. A dangerous feeling. -
ooc Strifes of Pandora [Light-Hearted, Survival]
Light of Night replied to FancyHorse's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
Posting here to show that I'm still alive. -
open [Still accepting new characters!]Strifes of Pandora
Light of Night replied to FancyHorse's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Dusk Rose had to be honest with herself; she didn't particularly like their plan. But longer routes in a highly armed, highly secured, highly unfamiliar place meant to her a higher chance of death and/or capture, not to mention that blowing the place to high hell was the last thing she wanted. Besides, she also had to admit that after seeing that unholy monstrosity, she just wanted to be done with the place. But if she had to choose between leaving right at this moment and having to see a few more of those... things, in order to learn something, well, the answer was quite obvious. As they made their way down the hall, Rose looked all around. She was amazed. The walls, the floor, the lights, it all looked so old, how long ago was this place constructed? And if there was some sort of maintenance team, they truly sucked at their jobs. Not that she herself was any better back at home. That reminded her; how was- no, no time for that. As she looked all over the area, she also couldn't help but eye the dark mists that aided in their approach. Grateful as she was for the cover it provided them, she couldn't help but feel as though it secretly wanted to kill her. Tracing the mists back to their, ah, source, she began to wonder if he was really the only one with this darkness of his. What had they done after his escape? Did they decide to make more? Being told to keep to the middle thankfully stopped that train of thought from going into some dark places, leaving room to think on why somepony like herself should be in the middle. But that didn't last, as she went invisible and drew out her ordinary pistol as soon as she saw the cylinders come from the ceiling and horrid spider things come from the tubes. Then she reflexively lifted her hooves as the black mists surrounded them, about to back away before the explanation was given. Tentatively, she kept low to the ground, not that the spider things or anypony really could see her anyway. As she snuck by the bio-machinery, she felt more dread weighing on her. Just, what WERE those things?! Why in Celestia's name did they need bloody heads?! But no time for analysis, all there was to do was get on by. -
open [Still accepting new characters!]Strifes of Pandora
Light of Night replied to FancyHorse's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Dusk Rose's ear flicked in annoyance at his tone, but his words weren't lost on her. She had a feeling that she struck a nerve, but it could also just be irritation. At least, going off of what she was currently feeling about how she didn't get the sort of answers she was looking for. But no time to dwell on that, as there was the question of strategy. Just as she opened her mouth to speak, she tasted something foul on her tongue and that was when the lights came on. Her eyes didn't have enough time to adjust, so the walls of preserved parts was a bit of a shocker. The initial shock eventually gave way to curiosity edged with the ever-present sense of foreboding. Slowly with steady steps, she walked by the shelves, reminded of those horror stories she read a lot of. She had an idea of what fiction is like. She had an idea of what the real thing is like. Yet, she could not begin to describe the two coming together. Walking around the room and taking small breaths to keep from tasting the scent, she said,"Well, I believe we should go after the Center Office. Or rather, we go towards Dr. Skinner, I diverge at some point, I make my way there, and, assuming I survive, you get mission control." Then she paused, then sighed and said,"Otherwise, if the path is going to take too long, I'll be with you two all the way. Either way, I'd like to make sure we don't get any surprises." -
open [Still accepting new characters!]Strifes of Pandora
Light of Night replied to FancyHorse's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Ranger22,@@Randimaxis, Dusk Rose internally sighed in relief as Whitetip decided to just avoid the guard. She had a feeling he was itching for a fight (or maybe it was Mr. Mummy), and that just wouldn't go over well at all. Not against some THING with a missile launcher. Nodding to Whitetip, she chose the corrosive pistol and prepared to draw it out the moment the guard spotted him as he made a run for the mummy's position. She could just about tell the sounds Whitetip's armor was making from the guards' hoof-steps. She waited a few seconds, half-expecting the guard to come galloping through towards him. But when he was across, she turned on her invisibility and swiftly but silently made her way towards where the rest of the team was. When she got there, she dispelled her spell as she walked past the two, not wishing to startle them with the illusion of a disembodied voice or her apparent disappearance. She turned to face them and paused, noticing something black in the darkness past them. Maybe it was just the darkness, but she couldn't see any other numbers on the wall. Was it put there just recently? Did he know about them? Looking over in the stallion's direction, she cocked her head and asked in a low, quiet voice,"How long has it been since you've been here?" -
If you were a food, what would you be?
Light of Night replied to Randimaxis's topic in General Discussion
I'd be a human being. Because humans can be eaten, but most folks wouldn't want to eat a human. Therefore, I would live. -
ooc Strifes of Pandora [Light-Hearted, Survival]
Light of Night replied to FancyHorse's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
@@BloodDrops, I never thought I would be thanking a zombie for ending my headaches. XD -
open [Still accepting new characters!]Strifes of Pandora
Light of Night replied to FancyHorse's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Ranger22,@@Randimaxis, "What." By Celestia, it seems like stories about macabre circuses weren't going to faze her after this. Muttering,"I figured" in response to Whitetip's advice not to use her gun, it was quite clear to her that the only way to get through this quietly was to sneak on by. When the hoof steps came back, she tried to squeeze a little past her partner, biting her tongue to silence her habitual apologies. It wasn't a much better view of the cyborg than her earlier position, but it still gave her a little more to go off of. From what she could tell and the fact that the missile launcher was old, these scientists cobbling together whatever they had very likely meant that their materials weren't high quality. Not to mention that there was a little less machine to the cyborg than she thought. If that were case, maybe that glass wasn't bulletproof after all. But either way, she herself put no confidence in her marksmanship and it became clear to her that any sort of confrontation with the monster was going to mean stealth was out of the overall question on all but her part. "Look," she whispered, drawing back to where she was previously. "The quietest thing I think I can do to that thing is a shot to its brain stem assuming I don't miss and that glass isn't bulletproof. Otherwise, I believe it best that you get moving once it's gone." She then glanced back and forth at the three weapons she was considering for the potential job of saving the walking arsenal: the corrosive pistol, the revolver, and the knife. "Brain or launcher," she asked herself in a very low and soft mutter. -
Which villain is the most relateable for you?
Light of Night replied to leonbrony17's topic in Sugarcube Corner
open [Still accepting new characters!]Strifes of Pandora
Light of Night replied to FancyHorse's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Randimaxis, Dusk Rose was seized by the old temptation to immediately cast her invisibility spell, then she remembered that she was still in a tight spot behind the largest of their trio, so using it right then and there would've been a waste. She followed after Whitetip, her horn glowing dimly in the darkness as she prepared to quickly draw out her revolver and knife. Which she gritted her teeth to prevent from flaring up when she heard approaching hoof steps. She almost wanted to kick Whitetip in the head and knock him out, his armor was making so much noise! But thankfully for her, the sound of heavy hoof-steps drowned it out. Out of the three, she had the worst view of the source of that noise. Her eyes merely widened for a few seconds at what little she was able to see. She craned her neck some, but it did no good, seeing as they were still in a tight space AND she didn't want to give their position away. To her, it was more agonizing than seeing it in its entirety. But she would know shortly. For the time being, she just tried to remember what she saw and go from there. Difficult enough to do since she didn't see much and she couldn't get out and see for herself under the cover of her spell without either the other two getting of the tunnel or spontaneously teleporting. The latter of course being ridiculous to even consider as she possessed no such ability. @@Ranger22, Somehow, she had a feeling Whitetip was in the same department as herself when he turned to her for "a trick up her sleeve". She whispered,"I could give you a more well-informed answer if I could get a closer look while I'm invisible. But if we can't just make a break for the door or wherever is relatively hidden, I would suggest shooting the head off if that's bulletproof glass. I don't think sneaking up and slitting his throat will do the trick." Then she remembered something her partner had given her much earlier and levitated out the pistol with the corrosive rounds. "At the very least, I COULD do something about that thing coming out of his mouth. What even is that?" -
open [Still accepting new characters!]Strifes of Pandora
Light of Night replied to FancyHorse's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Ranger22,@@Randimaxis, Envy. That's what she felt when Whitetip's arsenal disappeared. He had some sort of hyperspace? He's not even a unicorn! Or maybe it was some sort of technology she hadn't seen yet. Either way, she had to get her hooves on that spell or device or whatever it is he had. Just another of a million reasons to get out of this alive. She started for the passage way, but she didn't even go one step before she felt his talons on her shoulder and briefly tensed up. Before she could say that she was going ahead and that he probably wouldn't want to risk getting her horn into his backside by mistake (or intentionally if he was taking long enough), he was already ahead. Stepping into the darkness, she let her eyes adjust to it. She took the time to sit down and lean against the wall until she felt there was a fair amount of distance between herself and Whitetip. Then, she began the hike herself. For the first part of it, she just walked, slowly and flat-hooved with her head lowered. It was no issue for her due to her stature. But her neck started to hurt from keeping it low for a relatively long while. As she neared towards where the other two were, she felt herself starting to shiver and she could just barely see her breath form in front of her. Part of her, began to wonder if her shivering and increased breathing was exhaustion (doubtful), the cold (maybe), or nervousness (very likely). When she got there, she stopped dead in her tracks at the sight of black mist and tendrils coming out of the walking mummy on the door. She was glad that it was dark, so that they couldn't easily see the subtle-but-definitely-there anxiety and she daresay fear on her face. But having got there just as he was giving them his strategy, she took a small but deep breath and felt sane again. She really had to ask him at some point about how he reads others. He almost spoke her mind there. "Adding to that, I'm not sure how long it's been since you've been here, but things could've changed since then. I've got the spell for it, so I can scout ahead." Then she remembered her current position. "Or maybe after we all get out of this tunnel. But still, we best tie up and hide anypony we... ah, take out." -
open [Still accepting new characters!]Strifes of Pandora
Light of Night replied to FancyHorse's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Randimaxis, Dusk Rose watched with curiosity and some surprise as he opened the passage and hopped in. Seeing right away that it was hoof-dug, she became more convinced of his intentions. It must be quite an intense hatred, digging this, gathering those weapons, and the like. How long had he planned this? It must've taken up a year or more, more likely the latter. Or, more logically, it was one of those lesser-known passages that wasn't common knowledge. Then again, why take them this way if there was a big possibility that whoever was in charge of security had thought to line the walls with guns or detectors or something? The mention of being at the front-door didn't really bode well for her. Sure, they were going to go past some checkpoints without having to attack some folks, but still, it really WAS going to be a "storm the castle" situation after all. But she saw no choice but to go along with the plan if she didn't want to risk getting lost and shot for her troubles. @@Ranger22, Kneeling down with her stomach almost touching the ground, she felt almost sucked in by the darkness their guide in a mummy costume disappeared into. Remembering that the largest of them was carrying an armory on his back, she turned to Whitetip and asked him, after nodding in response to his suggestion,"You want me to carry at least one of those big guns? You might be able to go faster that way." Quickly factoring in their lack of familiarity, she added,"I'll give it back when there's more room. Or we get attacked, whichever happens first." -
open [Still accepting new characters!]Strifes of Pandora
Light of Night replied to FancyHorse's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Ranger22,@@Randimaxis, Dusk Rose just looked bewildered. Did Mr. Mummy do that dramatic stare just to intimidate her? Being honest with herself, she actually found it amusing. She dare think cute (she could hear her father's sarcastic "Ah-DOR-able!" just thinking that). She made plans to draw that image later, as another of a million reasons to get out alive. But she got what he was trying to look serious about. She knew that choosing to keep her relative silence was going to encourage speculation about what's going through her head and therefore do no good in inspiring trust (much less in these two hardened folks). She was hesitant to even try and assure him that as far as she knew, there wasn't anypony breathing down her neck nor was she there for nefarious reasons. On the bright side though, assuming he's telling the truth, it meant that she could happily discard her initial kleptomania plan and keep a sharp eye out for the records room. It'd certainly make it easier on the other two and her overall combat strategy of being a dangerous ghost. She thought of calling herself a murderous one, but considering what she had done since she arrived and what she was about to do, it tasted sour in her mouth. When they came to where the stash was hidden, she had to admit that it was quite impressive. She often had to refer to a guide to tell similar firearms apart from one another, but she could tell that it was all high quality equipment. Looking over the guns and the leftover shield, she wondered if Mr. Mummy specifically had her and Whitetip in mind when getting the equipment. Or, at the very least, somepony addicted to firepower and somepony who preferred to keep their weaponry mostly hidden. Regardless, she took the two smaller guns and the shield, dropping the old pistol she had on herself. The knife wasn't about to go anywhere as long as she lived. Part of her considered it sad that the other weapons were going to go unused. It seemed like such a waste. She wondered if Whitetip's guns were kept just for sentimental value or if they were more reliable, but she wasn't about to go back on her choice. And it seemed like she now had two folks to thank later. Not wanting to lose her hat, she took it off and put it in the same bag as her codex, giving her bangs a brief hoof-brush out of habit. Whitetip already having asked where to go and herself not wanting to take anymore risks regarding the reveal of her motives, she just sat down upright with her hooves crossed with her submachine gun slightly off her shoulder, silently inspecting the two and their gear and their surrounding environment. -
How do you think would rarity react to your dress style?
Light of Night replied to leonbrony17's topic in Sugarcube Corner
I'd appreciate her advice on dresses and skirts for casual wear, but I'm afraid we would have a fight over plain style vs. glamoured style. I'm the sort of person who prefers black, white, and dark shades of cool colors with some, if any, decoration at all (at least, that would be my ideal style, my current style is mostly shirts and jeans). She'd probably try to force me into something I'd rather save for a party rather than wear on a regular basis. And let's face it, I don't have that fantastic of a social life. -
If you could change your name to a NATURE name....
Light of Night replied to Bit Boss's topic in General Discussion
Maybe Night Fox or something night or fox-related. -
He killed me. Now he'll drown.