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Ethan Tran

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Everything posted by Ethan Tran

  1. then it's none other then Queen Chrysalis herself. Celestia would never do even near something like that (well we already know that this kind of behavior exposed Chrysalis the first time in Crystal Empire incident, so i think it's definitely her).
  2. Captain America (and Tony Stark's War with himself and everybody else for that matter... i really think that was iron man 3.5 actually); TMNT2 (nice & slow & too many references for too many stuff. didn't understand why Shredder was so shy with Crank.. he was just standing there and do nothing.. wasn't himself at all.. but in original series he was kinda like that, but not that much of a pussycat).
  3. hello mr. Adventurer, sir. Where is Shadow Ponies came form? if they have so much power, why didn't they overtake the whole world? they where imprisoned of course, so i guess that makes them not so powerful.
  4. Last Man on Earth, but only because of Kristen Schaal %-) other than that, show was pretty terrible... to my opinion. before that i watched all 2seasons of oldschool Thunder Cats (& a new remake, that was pretty good actually.. but don't know why they cancel it). now i'm watching Hey, Arnold! (i like the "atmosphere" there. a main character looks like me in a way.. except for the shape of head of course =)) there was many of shows actually, but i don't remember it all... well Avatar The Last Airbender was first show that i watch this year. and Legend of Korra of course. (but i don't like her very much.. i loved that "old" time atmosphere of Aang, but Korra is more steampunk and such.. not that i don't like steampunk, but i don't like drawing there). and of course Gravity Falls.. very interesting. smashing! and how can i forget about Adventure Time.. one of my favorite, alongside with MLP. sorry, got little carried away)
  5. Derpy... even though i really like Rarity a lot! but Derpy is close to me somehow, just can't help it.. i like her naivete, y'know.. this little weird curiosity of hers, and she is really a good person. just trying her best. but it's just how she is. p.s. i don't quite like the idea about muffins actually), i like her more as a postman. and even though in real life i'm more like BigMac (: work on the farm, can't find a right girl, got secret soft side ect... (= so you might say, why not Applejack then? well maybe, but Derpy just got in my heart and never ever left.
  6. I think it's kinda cool (; reminded me of Medievil (PSOne game soundtrack), you should listen to it, maybe even get some inspiration. keep up to good work!
  7. can't you just watch it on computer? with or w/o headphones? or.. get a girl and kiss her in front of your mom (-% why is so many people thinks that this cartoon is something bad anyway? never understand that part actually... why you have to hide what you're watching, when it's definitely a good show with a great story line and very deep characters, not to mention voice actors .. ect. *sorry for little offtop, but i thought every TV's has a jack input for headphones, or some bluetooth/usb or else) or maybe try use same headphones as your tv.
  8. ok, thank you PathfinderCS! i'm a big fond of that particular dragon myself... (; 2nd of classic series is my favorite. because it's so stand alone. 3rd it's just an overthinking version of 1st.

  9. nice glasses (; about wooden target - true, i guess it was all about joke.. but it was a "breaking basic rules" joke.. so it seems more kinda like strange, then funny. totally agree with everything. so deep. everypony is different in their heart, you can't push everyone in one line, some will break, others will stand. and it doesn't make you weak if you break under pressure, you just different that's all. thanks. great observation.
  10. Pretty much like this cover with Luna. this is so about sisterhood. I like it because it's really open up between characters. y'know cause this is Celestia & Luna we talk about.
  11. why? just why? ....

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