BronyBurningAxe the Youtuber just recently promised me that once he reaches 10k subscribers he will react to Turnabout Storm. He currently has 8.89k subscribers so he still has a ways to go, but I'm hoping people here can bump him up to that level of subscribers so that we can all enjoy his reaction together. If you haven't seen Turnabout Storm before I highly recommend it.
Recently I've been watching a YouTuber called book cover, and book cover has agreed to react to a fan made project very near and dear to me known as Turnabout Storm. He's already reacted to the first part of Turnabout Storm and it's been a very interesting watch. I'm very much looking forward to seeing the rest of his unique reaction to the project and think that anyone who likes in Turnabout Storm might want to watch as well so as to gain a new appreciation for the project. To anyone who reads this blog entry, thank you and have a nice day.