My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Rainbow Dash How did you find MLP Forums?:
How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: I used to watch it in my old country btw! ok basically for the summer hoildays I stayed over at my brothers house and he didn't have channels on his TVs tthat I would usually watch. Then I saw MLP and I was like yay MLP! I stayed at my brothers house for a month so I watch MLP every single day. I started singing songs of MLP and drawing them and I had no wifi there so I sometimes went to to my aunts house and so I would just watch MLP videos or download images of MLP. From those days I officially obsessed with MLP. XD
I'm nearly 16 (December 10th my bday), I LOVE MLP, I love drawing and art, I'm Irish Ghanian and I'm starting an MLP collection and it's going good so far XD