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Fluttery Shy

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Status Replies posted by Fluttery Shy

  1. Got in trouble in school for throwing a bag of milk across the cafeteria, narrowly missing the trash can and splattering all over the floor.

  2. Trick Question: What is your favourite song from the show? :3

    1. Fluttery Shy

      Fluttery Shy

      True True Friend or Let The Rainbow Remind You

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  3. How many ponies fell victim to the drama? :-(

    1. Fluttery Shy

      Fluttery Shy

      I honestly don't even know what to say to that comment.

    2. (See 37 other replies to this status update)

  4. How many ponies fell victim to the drama? :-(

    1. Fluttery Shy

      Fluttery Shy

      Never said I'm representing kindness. My OC has the same color as y soul. :D

    2. (See 37 other replies to this status update)

  5. How many ponies fell victim to the drama? :-(

  6. How many ponies fell victim to the drama? :-(

  7. How many ponies fell victim to the drama? :-(

  8. How many ponies fell victim to the drama? :-(

    1. Fluttery Shy

      Fluttery Shy

      I know what you mean, witnessing something like this feels a little surreal, like you're just watching through a television. Shits going down around you and you can do absolutely nothing about it. And afterwards you can only look at it and move on, because it just happened.

    2. (See 37 other replies to this status update)

  9. How many ponies fell victim to the drama? :-(

    1. Fluttery Shy

      Fluttery Shy

      Pretending any unresolved conflict is over is never the way. One should always talk it out, even the little things. And this definitely wasn't a little thing. It seems a little familiar to me and that's quite an unsettling feeling tbh. It's kind of ridiculously ironic that those things happened in a forum of a show that's about the magic of friendship.

    2. (See 37 other replies to this status update)

  10. How many ponies fell victim to the drama? :-(

    1. Fluttery Shy

      Fluttery Shy

      I just read through all of this and wow. I'm not sure whether I should be upset that I missed good times before that happened on the forums or if I should be glad that I didn't have to witness this. It's pretty upsetting, because I already witnessed a forum that was about something I love fall apart. All I can say is I'm sorry for everyone involved and affected by this.

    2. (See 37 other replies to this status update)

  11. How many ponies fell victim to the drama? :-(

    1. Fluttery Shy

      Fluttery Shy

      I have no idea what happened, I just joined a few days ago and witness a lot of people saying farewell.

    2. (See 37 other replies to this status update)

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